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On the Rocks

Page 12

by Peter Rhodan

  Two of the other four men wore the ring armour but had no helmets while the other two had helmets but no armour. All four carried round shields and spears. The whole bunch looked look to be tough, experienced fighters, if dressed in a variety of gear and Arturo was not very sure about the chances if his small band if they had to face off against these obvious killers straight up. Clearly the most likely way of getting a favourable outcome would be to beat the head man and persuade the henchmen to stay out of it. Swords against spears and shields did not look like a winning proposition to Arturo.

  Dagobert reined in and his men spread out either side of the horse. He looked at those opposing him carefully then smiled in a very unfriendly manner. “I thought I’d made it plain what would happen to you Oween if you got in my way.”

  Oween went to respond but Arturo held up his hand to hold him. “He works for me lard arse.” He stated taking a step forward. “Your men killed my friend’s father which I take exception to!”

  “Do you. And just who might you be?”

  “I am Arturo Sanders.”

  “And that is supposed to scare me?” He laughed. His men made derisive noises and gripped their weapons firmly.

  Arturo thought a moment. The nerves he felt earlier had disappeared and he was calm and in control the way he had always been once combat was joined. Of course being calm and controlled inside a well defended space ship was a little different to being a few metres from imminent dissection. He had to resolve this without the others getting embroiled in a general melee and the best was to goad Dagobert some more he decided.

  “Well it should do. I will undertake to beat you with just this rod.” He said holding up his metal rod. "Because I hear you lack any real skill and rely solely on your men to do your fighting for you."

  “Ha!” Yelled Dagobert derisively and with no warning launched he his horse forward and lowered his spear, the wickedly large head glinting in the pale sunlight. Caught by surprise Arturo only just managed to dodge both the horse and the spear, rolling to his left. He scrambled to his feet just in time to throw himself to the right to avoid the once more threatening spear point as Dagobert’s horse turned and he came back at Arturo. He converted the dodge into a roll and took a couple of quick steps which gave him a second’s time to collect himself before Dagobert got his horse wheeled around and headed in his direction once more.

  With a bit more time to react an idea occurred to him and he faked dodging to the right once more then stepped to the left, catching Dagobert out on his less manoeuvrable steed and as he flashed past Arturo dropped his rod, grabbed Dagobert’s foot and heaved. Dagobert suddenly found himself parting company with his horse and landed with what sounded to Arturo as a satisfying crash.

  Arturo picked his rod up and advanced hoping for an easy win as the now free horse moved out of the way but he found Dagobert already on his feet and drawing his sword. Arturo stopped his advance and let himself flow into the proper kendo form. He was still very rusty but the sparring sessions with Oween had helped bring his training back, even though most of the sparring had been with him trying to fight with a sword in the local manner. At the same time he knew from his sparring with Oween that his own skill was lacking against a deft opponent and therefore he had to finish this off quickly.

  He concentrated on defence at first while he got a feel for his man. Dagobert was quick and strong although Oween was that bit quicker he decided. Dagobert tended to hold his left arm up a bit which puzzled Arturo till he realised the fellow was used to fighting with a shield, just like the one that was still strapped to the horse. Okay, he thought, let us see what I can do to take advantage of that piece of information.

  Although fighting defensively and spending the first few moments of the fight backpedalling in the face of Dagobert’s continual aggression, he could already feel fatigue starting to affect him, which surprised him as he thought he had hardened up his spacer’s body in the training sessions with Oween. Apparently he was simply not capable of the sustained effort this sort of fighting required as yet, despite his work with Oween. But then he noticed the sweat and the laboured breathing of his opponent and decided it was the nature of the combat as Dagobert seemed to be affected just as much. Admittedly Arturo wasn't carrying around a metal ring jacket and helmet like Dagobert and they must weigh quite a bit.

  He changed gears and began to attack and take advantage of the longer reach of the steel rod he was using. His sudden aggression caught Dagobert by surprise and before he could respond properly, Arturo caught him a nasty blow on his left arm, eliciting a grunt of pain from his opponent. Dagobert's response to this with a wild attack, flicking his sword forward with rapid, almost blindingly fast strokes.

  Arturo, now in the smooth flow of trained movement gave ground, then seeing a chance stepped outside a lightning thrust, brought his rod down on Dagobert’s back then stepped back as Dagobert swung himself around with sword outstretched in a wild swing which he let go by then with a loud “Hai” stepped in driving the blunt end of his pole forward sharply, angled slightly upward. The end connected with Dagobert’s nose, smashing it and driving bone fragments back to the soft brain tissue behind.

  For a brief moment of time they both stood there in a tableau then Arturo stepped back, withdrawing the rod and Dagobert fell forward onto the ground, his legs twitched a few times and then he was still. Arturo looked at the man’s followers but they appeared momentarily stunned by the unexpected turn of events. Arturo suddenly felt exhausted and wanted to be sick with the abrupt and gory end to the fight but instead leant down and grabbed the fallen Dagobert’s wrist. There was no pulse so he released it and leant on his rod in what he hoped looked to be a nonchalant manner, rather than because he needed the pole to hold him up before he keeled over.

  Arturo guessed the other big man was now in charge and he made to move forward which caused Arturo to straighten up getting his pole ready although he was by no means keen on the idea of having to continue. Oween took a couple of steps forward and said firmly "Hold up Radovas." And drew his own sword. One of the fellows with a round shield said something to Radovas that Arturo couldn't hear, although he now recognised him as the Gwillam who had escaped, and whatever was said caused Radovas to stop advancing and look at Oween in a calculating manner and in particular eyeing the sword Oween was holding in an appraising way.

  Arturo waved his pole at the men, saying "I have no conflict with you men. Your leader has paid the price of his own stupidity and arrogance. I really have no wish to see any more death here when it is unnecessary." He paused for a moment to scan the hard bitten faces of Dagobert's men. His years in the Federation navy had not really prepared him for this sort of situation. But then he looked more closely at Radovas and realised he probably wasn't that different from some of the tough experienced crew chiefs he'd know over the years.

  "You there." He commanded pointing at Radovas. "You're a cennard or something right?" Cennard was the local language equivalent of the Rufanig name for the commander of about a hundred men, or at least it had started out that many he presumed. Oween indicated that these days it was rarely more than eighty men the rank commanded, not from attrition but the way the Kenturio was organised. Which in turn meant that in the field the unit was often well under the eighty man figure.

  The man declaimed. "Just a rhingyll sir!" Which was a much lesser rank, roughly equivalent to a sergeant from the somewhat vague explanation of Rufanig military structure. At the same time the fellow stood up straighter and unconsciously tried to look more military. The sudden military reference coupled with Arturo’s voice of authority had brought old habits to the fore and like any good soldier he refused to be more than he felt he a right to be.

  "Well I'm looking for men, experienced soldiers which I've been told you are, to serve in a new combat unit, the same as you are used to but different, using methods from the military that I have served in added to how you normally fight." He paused to look at each in turn. "I'm not loo
king for brigands or adventurers, but men looking for a new career, regular pay in real coins, plenty of opportunity for advancement and men who can follow orders."

  The ruffians muttered amongst themselves for a moment and one of the fellows equipped with a round shield stuck his chin out in Arturo's direction. "And if we’re not interested in this offer o’yours?"

  "Then when we head back to your camp you can collect your things, your share of any money or treasure that Dagobert has collected and you can go your way. As long as it out of this area."

  The man who had fought in the smithy and who had escaped sniggered. "You're pretty free with Dagobert's property. What's to stop us from just killing you and taking anything we want?"

  "You can try Gwillam but I wouldn't count on you succeeding, nor you Matholwch." Said Oween stepping forward and pointing his sword at them. Matholwch hefted his spear in a belligerent manner and brought his shield round ready for action.

  Arturo stretched his rod out horizontally in front of Oween. "Now, now lads. There is no need for any more violence. You, Gwillam , I'm half tempted to let Oween carve you up, given what happened earlier to this man's father." he pointed his rod at Ceri. "But your attitude and action were a result of falling under the sway of Dagobert I believe. At least that is the excuse I am willing to provide as a reason for not letting Oween slaughter the lot of you."

  "He can try." The man named Matholwch spat still trying to look belligerent, but his eyes kept flicking to the sword in Oween's hand. Clearly Gwillam had recounted some wild claims about the sword his new-found friend was holding.

  Arturo recognised him as the type who always had to make out he was tougher than everyone else, to the point of stupidity. Locking eye contact with the fellow Arturo walked straight up to him and said very calmly and quietly. "Oh I wouldn't have to try very hard in your case."

  The man backed up a step then quick as a flash thrust his spear forward aiming to run Arturo through, which was exactly what Arturo was expecting. Easily deflecting the expected spear thrust he kicked the man's knee throwing him off balance, brought the rod around and used the reverse end to give the fellow an almighty buffet on his helmet. Being already off balance from the agony in his knee the man went down in a heap. Arturo was exceptionally pleased with himself and the fact that his ploy had worked so well. He looked around at the faces of the other men but only one seemed upset with the action that had just occurred.

  "Right, cennard, which of these men are worth hiring?" With which words he deliberately turned away, leaving his back open and walked calmly to where Oween was still watching them all closely.

  "Told you Sir I’m a rhingyll." Radovas offered behind him.

  "Well if you accept my employ then I will make you a cennard. Mind you, the rank won't quite be same as what you're used to." Arturo had vague recollections of how the Imperial Roman army had been organised and was thinking of a compromise organisation halfway between that and a modern combat unit, of which the Marine organisation was the only one he closely familiar with. The trouble with the Marine organisation was that in practice it was a paper organisation, very rarely did the Marines deploy anything bigger than an ad hoc battalion or two, because if a planet really needed invading then the Federation Army would be deployed with the Marines mostly being used to just secure the initial landing points. The Marine’s main use was in space, boarding ships or space stations and occasionally assaulting a moon or asteroid base. Still their organisation gave him a starting point to mix with what he could remember of Roman organisation and such like which had to be similar to what these men knew. Close enough, anyways.

  "How many men do you have already?"

  "You will be the first, apart from Oween here. I will pay standard wages for the appropriate rank in coins where possible, in gold when coins are unavailable."

  “Really?” But he was looking at Oween.

  “Oh aye. He seems to have some gold put aside, not here mind, but I’ve seen at least years wage for a cennard in his possession.” Oween offered.

  The man scratched his chin, apparently giving the offer some thought or deciding if he really wanted to get involved with this strange person in front of him. The other men sort of gathered around, clearly waiting for him to make a decision. He said something to one of the men than Arturo did not catch then turned to face Arturo again. "Pretty big talking for someone not from around here and who has Oween for a companion. You said regular pay in coin, and you may well have some gold, but you don't appear to be prosperous or have large estates."

  "Appearances can sometimes be deceptive. I can promise I have access to enough gold to pay you men properly for your service, Oween here has vouched that already, eh?" And he turned to his companion.

  "Oh for fucks sake. Arturo really will have no trouble paying you Radovas, or the rest of you for that matter. Show him that bit of gold in your pocket boss." While Arturo drew the larger piece of gold out of his pouch Oween turned his head slightly and whispered. "I hope you know what you're doing." Arturo smiled at this but turned his attention to his prospective recruits and waved the piece of gold in front of them before returning it to his pouch.

  "Right. I am not going to make any outrageous claims or promise you the world. I want good solid fighting men, willing to learn new things and serve in a new force whose mission first off will be to protect this area from the Scotti and brigands. To begin with you will be paid on the same scale as you would have been in the Rufanig army, but in coin or gold not with goods. If you show a willingness to adapt to new ideas the pay rate will improve. We will base ourselves initially at Dervent, in the old Rufanig fort there." Oween groaned at this obviously anticipating Meries' probable reaction to such a course of action. "You will be expected to perform and behave as proper military men, whose first aim is to protect the local civilians. Thuggery, rape and brigandage will not be tolerated and you will almost certainly find my ideas on discipline and the proper conduct of soldiers to be somewhat different to what you are used to." He paused to look them over. Most were nodding although Gwillam was still looking at him with a scowl. "Right then. Are you willing to sign up cennard?"

  The man did not look like he appreciated being put on the spot quite so abruptly but after a moment's hesitation he nodded and moved to stand with Arturo. "Very good cennard Radovas. You have command of any of these others which decide to join us. You are all welcome except him." He said pointing to the form of Matholwych, still sprawled on the ground although he seemed to be regaining his senses.

  All bar Gwillam agreed to take service with Arturo and discovering that their gear and belongings were at the villa Dagobert had taken over, the entire group headed there. Oween slipped into the woods to tell Briffet to go home before catching up with them as they headed up the path. Radovas noted his detour and raised an eyebrow in query as Oween caught them up.

  “You saw who was there?” Radovas nodded. “Insurance.” Oween said as if that explained everything. Radovas nodded again saying nothing but his face took on a considering looked as he glanced between Arturo and Oween. Arturo decided that they had explained things sufficiently clearly and followed Arturo and the big man towards wherever they were headed.

  Chapter 8

  First things first

  Dagobert had been living in a large farm complex which Radovas termed a villa. It was two stories high with a sloping tile roof and a columned portico at the front. It seemed to be made of brick on a stone base although a lot of features were timber and Arturo suspected that the framing was as well. The main house ran at right angles across one end of a sort of courtyard with a small shrubbery beyond it. A low building that appeared to be used for animals and farm stuff formed one side of the courtyard, a stone fence the other and the far end was open to both the farmlands and the track way that ran past. It was easily the largest house Arturo had seen and he gathered from comments Oween made that it was a very Rufanig style affair.

  The lady of the house was named Bryarna and s
eeing the party arrive she appeared to be dismayed at first, standing in the main doorway, until she realised that Dagobert was not among them. She was of medium height, at least among the locals who tended to look short to Arturo, attired in a dark burgundy coloured one piece dress with little ornamentation. Her dark hair was tied in knot on the top of her head. The apparent absence of Dagobert gave her the courage to come out of the house and confront the force as it approached.

  "So, Radovas, where is your master?" She asked the big soldier. Even as she did so she realised there was a form draped over the saddle of the riderless horse being led by one of the men, Arturo had declined riding where his men had to walk, besides, it would have been inconvenient to carry the body on some sort of stretcher. On top of which he doubted he would present a very good figure mounted when he had never ridden a horse before, let alone let alone ridden one using a saddle that lacked stirrups. He felt it was probably important not to advertise his lack of equestrian skills just yet, at least until his new recruits were a little more used to being in his service. "Oh. Has there been an accident?" She asked looking at the recumbent form.

  Radovas looked at Arturo who nodded for him to speak first. "Lady, I am afraid Dagobert is dead."

  "Oh." She responded, repeating herself with slightly more inflection while managing to show neither anger nor joy. Arturo was intrigued by her unwillingness to commit to any but the blandest of responses to what had to be surprising news. The lady moved towards the horse but then stopped and looked at Radovas, obviously seeking further enlightenment.

  "This is Arturo Sandus." He said by way of introduction. The ers at the end of his name became an us from the Rufanigized Radovas, something he had noticed Oween tended to do as well. "He is the man Dagobert intended to teach a lesson to. Only it didn't quite work out that way." He stopped and smiled at Arturo. "He has offered us employment as soldiers and we have come back here to collect our things."


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