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On the Rocks

Page 29

by Peter Rhodan

  Arturo sighed. “I understand Gilbyn. I am sorry you have been dragged up here for no purpose.” Gilbyn nodded but shuffled in a nervous manner as if appearing to want to say more. Arturo waved a hand in a manner indicating he should proceed while saying. “Speak freely Gilbyn. I will not get upset with a man for stating his thoughts.”

  The mousey man continued to hesitate for a few seconds before finally saying. “I could try and learn how to do these things Lord. I have some knowledge of making clay moulds although I have not much experience.” He paused before he suddenly continued in a rush. “The man I learnt how to make glass objects from made many things with moulds, many of which he blew the glass into. He also knew many other ways of doing things with glass but he died while I was still only a young apprentice and there was no one else in these parts so my training was never completed. Since then I have been to0 busy trying to make a living in other ways to do much glass work.”

  “I understand Gilbyn. What I want to know is are you prepared to experiment and try to learn how to make the things I want, if you are, we can come to some arrangement.” He looked over at Dileen then back at the man. “Would it be best if you moved up here to Wern so we could converse easier?

  Gilbyn shook his head. “No lord. The sand near where I live is much better for making glass than up here. The sand around here has too much mud and clay in it. I could of course have the right sand carted up here if need be I suppose.” He frowned at this idea however.

  “No. If the sand is more suitable where you live now that is fine. I want three things to be worked on and hopefully you will be able to manage all three. First I want you to develop a way of making small round flattish pieces of glass, much like a coin only of glass. And these small round pieces of glass will be fairly thin, also like a coin only not flat. There will be two types, one which bulges outward in the middle on both sides and the other which is thinner in the middle on both sides or bulges inward if you follow what I mean?" The man nodded seemingly able to follow Arturo's description without trouble.

  "Now I am not talking a big difference here, maybe one part in five but what I need you to do is twofold. Firstly you need to develop a way of making these easily from moulds or whatever works best to make them in quantity yet all be the same. Like our new coins are exactly the same.” He paused to look at Gilbyn to see if he was still following the explanation. The man nodded as if he understood so Arturo continued. "The second thing will be to make a series of both types in slightly different sizes and with slightly different amounts of centre bulge or centre thinness, all duly noted as to the specifics so you can replicate a particular one exactly. Do you think you can do that?”

  The man hesitated then lifted his chin. “I can try sir. I am not entirely sure of what you would use such discs for, but I am willing to try and develop both the designs and a way to make them in quantity.”

  “Good.” Arturo said. “The next thing I will need will be bottles.” He paused at the man’s blank look. “Glass containers that hold liquids or dry items that can be sealed at the top. You have never heard or seen anything like that?”

  The man considered this idea. “Perhaps. You mean an ampulla?“ The man asked questioningly.

  Arturo looked Oween then Dileen for explanation. “They are small containers rich women use to put perfume in.” Dileen said realising Arturo did not know the word.

  “Ah. That sounds the sort of thing I do mean. Only I want larger more robust ones. Do you think you could make something like a larger ampulla, Gilbyn?”

  “I can try sir. I have some idea of how it is done. I will need to experiment though which may mean it will take me some time to manage it, if I can that is.” He looked worried by this last admission.

  Arturo realised that the man was more worried about what would happen to him if he failed in these tasks, than actually undertaking them, He wondered what Dileen had said to him, although he supposed the man could just be naturally a coward. No matter. “I will understand if you cannot work these things out to my satisfaction Gilbyn. I realise what I am asking is beyond your experience. Just have a go and if you cannot make things work out as I want, that is fine. I will be grateful for your efforts regardless of whether you succeed or not.”

  “Yes lord. I will try to do these things you have asked of me.” He smiled tentatively at Arturo.

  “Excellent.” Arturo held out his arm and they clasped forearms in understanding. “I will pay you a solidus for the time you will have spend having a go at these things plus make up an account of all that you have to buy by way of making moulds and so forth and I will reimburse for all those costs. Can you write?”

  “A little sir. Enough to record moneys spent and such.”

  Arturo smiled at him. “Good. We have an accord. Let me know when the first glass discs are ready, say four of each of thickness, five different thicknesses and the same quantity of each of the two types of disc. Yes?”

  The man looked a little nonplussed at the quantities Arturo specified. “Yes sir. I will send word as soon as I have done as you ask.” He did not actually sound all that confident it would be any time soon.

  “Good. Here is the money.” Arturo said waving his hand slightly in the direction of Oween who took the hint gave the fellow a gold solidus from the store of coins he carried for Arturo and after a few general words with Dileen the man departed looking much happier holding his windfall. Arturo wondered if the fellow had expected to be told to make the things or else?

  That evening as they sat down to a meal with Dileen and his family Arturo grimaced at Oween when his aide mentioned that everything seemed to be going well.

  “I wish you hadn’t said that my friend. “Arturo commented at Oween's puzzled look. “I was thinking the same thing earlier but decided not to tempt fate by opening my mouth and saying anything of the sort. Of course then you had to do exactly that!”

  Dileen laughed at this and Oween looked sheepish. “Ah sorry. Yes. You’re right. I should have shut up.”

  The next day Theodorus arrived about mid morning and Arturo showed him where he wanted to build the enclosed dock. Together they went over the site and after some discussion of various aspects of Arturo's ideas and how they would have to be modified in practice, Theodorus pronounced the area usable and they returned to the fort for lunch. Dileen pointed out various problems with the structure of the place, a result of both old age and lack of maintenance and Theodorus assured him that things could be put rights fairly easily.

  As they were leaving the fort to head for the site of the bridge over the river the sound of a galloping horse could be heard, coming down the Roman road from Dervent. The surface of the last section of the road was still fairly intact and had been somewhat maintained by Dileen. Seeing someone was coming the group gathered outside the fort as the rider and his horse came belting down the road, the horse covered in sweat. The rider was seen to be one of the small force of cavalry Valerius had managed to put together. He pulled up in front of them and jumped from his horse, clapping his arm across his chest in salute as he drew himself up in front of Arturo.

  “Primarius. Valerius sends word that Maximus is marching south. He has approximately two hundred cavalry and perhaps six hundred infantry.”

  Arturo looked at Oween the Dileen. “So it starts.” He said then turned back to the cavalryman. “Is he marching fast or only coming south slowly?”

  The soldier looked unhappy. “I do not know Primarius. This was the word brought by one of Ensign Julianus’ scouts sir. The report stated simply that Maximus had left Lugowalion and was headed south west towards Maglona.’

  “Very good soldier. Take your horse into the fort and rub him down. You can return to Dervent later.”

  The soldier clapped his arm across his chest again but didn’t leave. “I can accompany you north Primarius. My horse just needs some water and he will be fine. It is not that far to Dervent after all.”

  Arturo looked at him and then at the horse and t
hen back to Dileen. “How long to get your militia assembled?”

  “Probably about three hours Arturo. By the time I get word out and then they all assemble.”

  Arturo stroked his chin with his thumb and forefinger. “Very well. Still see to your horse soldier and you can ride with me north later." He smiled at the man then turned back to Dileen. "I will stay here while you get your men assembled Dileen. Having me hanging around should help get the less enthusiastic ones to roll up. Oween, you will ride to Dervent and call out the militia there as well. Once Dileen and I get his men assembled I will ride north and join you. I want anyone who has a bow and enough arrows to be useful to march north.”

  Oween headed north while Arturo acted as the rallying point for Dileen’s militia. While they assembled he had Dileen’s wife organise a food collection from those families with no one in the militia to give the men marching north something extra to eat.

  It was the middle of the afternoon before the militia had fully gathered. The men looked like a very motley bunch in their mixture of outfits. A couple sported old faded Roman army tunics with their purple died patches looking brown and tawdry after many years of neglect. Many were actually the tunics their fathers had worn before the Army had largely left these parts. Others sported leather vests and at least three had chain armour they had stored away somewhere.

  Most had a sword or long dagger. They all had a bow although in many cases they had borrowed the weapon from someone else, either a fellow militia man who had more than one or from the large number of men not marching north. When he found out that many were using borrowed bows Arturo raised an eyebrow at Dileen. “How good are they going to be with a borrowed bow?”

  Dileen smiled. “Probably not that good although most will have had some practice over the years. But you have got to admire their enthusiasm. I was surprised so many were willing to serve. And it was good how so many of those not marching north were willing to help those that are by lending them bows and arrows.” He shook his head. “Your intervening to beat off the Scotti had a profound effect on the local view of your worth I think.”

  “As long as we can beat off Maximus with as much ease I will be happy.” Arturo said trying to sound confident, but it didn't sound all that convincing to his own ears..

  Dileen clapped him on the shoulder. “My grandfather once said this in a similar situation. When the day comes, so shall the man.” He smiled at Arturo in encouragement squeezing his shoulder at the same time.

  Arturo looked at Dileen in puzzlement as the saying sounded familiar. At the same time he was rather pleased by the grizzled veteran’s confidence in him. Now all he had to do was translate lots of military theory in practical battlefield victory. Although he did have an idea. Agincourt. Stakes and bowmen. Which meant his main task was to find the right location, get Maximus to attack rashly and then persuade the infantry boys to give up once the cavalry was dealt with. Easy! Ha.

  When the men were assembled and ready to march Arturo received another surprise. Two boys appeared wearing drums copied from the ones he had introduced for his own army. Dileen nodded. "I thought they were a good idea so had a couple made. Give the lads more confidence!"

  Arturo nodded and smiled at the two lads then mounted his horse and positioned himself in front of the local militia.

  “Men of Wern. You all know me so I am not going to waste your time or my breath with a lot big words and convoluted rhetoric.” He eyed his audience and saw a few smiles. Good. “I don't even want to fight our fellow Romans from Lugowalion. But I have received no communication, no offer of negotiation, no nothing. So it looks like we have no choice. You all know what I have striven to achieve. The industry, the money I have spent and intend to continue spending. It is my intention to build up the local economy into something we can all share in. Not tax you all into the ground!”

  He looked around at the faces. “Most of my works have been up at Devent so far but soon they will extend to Wern. Already planning is underway to build a shipyard and a new dock to encourage trade. Largwil there has the second biggest ironworks in the province.” And he waved his arm at the big ironmaster who was standing in the crowd to his right. “And against all we have done comes Maximus to enforce his rule over everyone. Now I have never met the fellow but everyone assures me he is a very Bad Man!”

  The crowd smiled and there were a few guffaws at this. “So we can't have him and his bully boys riding roughshod over everything we are trying do. You all saw my men fight. This time I have many more of them and with your help and that of your arrows I am confident we can see off Maximus and his villains and keep our homes and families safe. Are you ready to march?” He bellowed.

  “Aye.” Came the response, not quite as enthusiastic as he would have liked, but good enough.

  He stood in his stirrups, drawing his katana and waving the direction of Dervent. “Forward march!” He bellowed and the whole force moved off up the road, the two drummer boys beating a tattoo enthusiastically if not all that harmoniously. It was more a mob than a military formation but for the moment that was good enough as far as Arturo was concerned. As long as they were willing to fight that was all he asked.

  He waited till the small column had passed by heading up the road and then headed north himself, accompanied by the soldier who had served as messenger. They marched at a good pace but even so they did not arrive at Dervent till well after dark. Oween had made preparations however and the worn out militia men were met with hot food and tents already erected to sleep in.

  Once the men had been seen to, Valerius, Radovas, Meries, Oween and Dileen all gathered with Arturo on the porch area in front of the refurbished commanders building in the centre of the fort.

  “What’s the word?” Arturo enquired of Valerius.

  “Julianus says that Maximus is marching south fairly slowly. He should have reached Maglona tonight and will probably reach here late tomorrow at that pace.”

  Arturo nodded. “Right, Well we can’t have that. I want the whole force, our men, the Dervent militia and the Wern militia on the road first thing in the morning. Valerius you and your cavalry will ride north with Oween and me to scout out a suitable location at first light. I already have an idea of where but it will need to be checked.”

  He paused. “Very well gentlemen you have all told me that I would have no choice but to fight Maximus and now we will. I do have another surprise up my sleeve, but I will keep that to myself till tomorrow.” He smiled at the obviously intrigued men although couple looked more like they were trying work what the saying meant. “It is nothing too grand but it relies on us finding the right site for a battle, and then it depends on Maximus giving battle at that spot. Too many ifs and maybes, so I will keep it to myself till then, All right?” The others nodded reluctantly as it was clear Arturo would not enlighten them further. As he was feeling pretty wrung out and tired, probably from nervous anticipation more than anything, he headed to bed early leaving them to their speculation.

  The next morning dawned fine if a little overcast, surprise, surprise, for this area Arturo thought to himself. The number of totally clear days he had experienced here could counted on the fingers of one hand, maybe two he admitted, but not more! Arturo had the miniature army assemble in front of the fort on the Roman road that led to Maglona from whence it headed north to Lugowalion. The soldiers looked pretty impressive with their large shields spears and slung crossbows. At their head was the colour party with the two large flags and the small drum corps. They had added two boys with flute like instruments and a man with a large brass horn, not really like any of the brass instruments Arturo was familiar with but which barked out a metallic sound not unlike a tuba.

  Behind them were formed up the Dervent militia, fifty strong and including, he discovered, Briffet and the girl he had rescued on his way to Alauna. Oween spotted Briffet as well and looked like he wanted to have words with her but had to hold his place as the small force formally assembled.

The men of Wern formed up behind the Dervent militia and all up Arturo’s army was a little over three hundred strong including his cavalry. Arturo moved his horse to the front of the force and stood in his stirrups. “I am not going to make a fancy speech and wear you all out before we even start. You all know enough of Maximus to know that his coming here would be a bad thing! So we are going to stop him. Follow the orders of your officers. Support your companions and fellow soldiers. And know that our cause is to make the future better for our children!”

  He stopped and gauged the reaction. Some of the men were nodding and others simply looked forward blankly. “I have no desire to kill fellow Romans and if I can negotiate with Maximus I will but those amongst my officers who know him say that I have as much chance of getting him to be reasonable as I do of flying to the moon.” That brought a few smiles. “So assuming we do have to fight, remember that your opponents are fellow Romans. Those who are wounded will be tended to, those who wish to surrender will be welcomed with friendly smiles. It is not their fault they are commanded by Maximus so let’s go easy on them once we have achieved victory.”

  He paused and looked out over the army trying to gauge their state. They seemed more enthusiastic now than at the start at least. He waved his arm. “You have all seen the changes that have been wrought around here. And this is only the start. Prosperity is what I bring. Prosperity for all, not just for those at the top. That is what restoring the Republic is about. Now let us go show Maximus that his ways are over and not part of our future!” He drew his sword and waved it in the air.

  Someone in the crowd started changing “Ar-tu-ro” and soon they were all doing it. Probably one of his key men had been the instigator but still it sounded good. He waved his sword a bit then re-sheathed it over his shoulder. He raised his hands in a sign for silence and eventually the crowd quietened down. “Men of the first Legion, of Dervent and of Wern. Let us march.” And he pointed up the road. Radovas signalled his small band and with the two big flags streaming at the head they started marching up the road. The two centuries of the trained combat troops turned sharply left under the orders of their optios and marched off behind the flags and band.


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