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A War Within (Epic WWI Love Story)

Page 27

by Katherine Hastings

  She felt the bed slip underneath her as Auguste laid her down, his lips still ravishing hers. Deft fingers worked down her dress, her pulse quickening with each button coming undone.

  With her dress undone and her body on display beneath him, he pressed a hand beside her head and hovered above her.

  “I love you, Isabelle,” he whispered, those ocean eyes churning with desire.

  “I love you too, Auguste.”

  When the words slipped out of her mouth, she could see the elation in his gaze. A slow smile deepened his dimples, and she reached up, grazing her fingers across his cheek before sliding her hand behind his head and pulling him down to reclaim his lips.

  The power in his kiss unraveled her from the inside. It felt like invisible threads wove through them, locking their hearts and bodies into one. When their kiss softened and drifted apart, she looked up at him with eyes begging for what she needed most... all of him. Sliding her hands around his waist, she pushed herself forward, guiding him onto his back. He looked up at her in amazement as she straddled his body, her black hair flowing over his body like a soft blanket.

  Isabelle hovered above him, his eyes roving over her breasts before returning to hers. Holding his gaze, she lowered herself onto him, the wonder in his eyes exciting her even more as he filled her completely. His eyes closed as he groaned, and her head flew back in ecstasy. Slow, deliberate movements pushed her up and down his massive shaft, and it pressed her deep inside and stretched her body open, a feeling of fullness she savored. Auguste groaned beneath her as she rocked her hips forward. Her movements quickened as he grasped her around her waist, guiding her quicker and quicker. Isabelle panted and moaned as she writhed on top of him, their eyes now locked together as the passion mounted.

  Auguste’s head flew back as the sounds of pleasure escaped his lips. Desperate for her own release, she pushed him deeper inside as she ground her hips down into his. Her body surged as the sweet waves of ecstasy washed over her, her body quaking in pleasure. She opened her eyes to see the rapture in his, and she leaned down, her lips brushing his as his hands slid down her back sending a tingle up her spine. He pulled her down to him and covered her mouth in hungry kisses.

  Collapsing from exhaustion, she slid down into his waiting arms, his lips now pressing a tender kiss into her forehead.

  “I love you, Isabelle,” he whispered, his breath moving the soft strands of hair that surrounded her face. “I love you more than you will ever know. I will always protect you and keep you safe. I promise to love you with unrivaled passion until we are old and gray. I promise to love you in this life and the next. Marry me, Isabelle. Marry me.”

  It wasn’t so much a question but a statement... a statement that caused her heart to explode with a happiness she’d never thought she could feel again. Lifting her eyes, she took in every line and feature of his face before settling on his mesmerizing blue eyes.

  “I do know how much you love me, Auguste, as I love you just as much. Nothing would make me happier than to be your wife, to laugh with you and love you with all of my heart in this world and the next. Yes, Auguste Pettit... I will marry you.”

  The light in his eyes could have illuminated the darkest night. He captured her face in his hands and pulled her in for a kiss, deepening it with each swirl of his tongue. She didn’t know much about the man wrapping her in his arms, but what she did know is she loved him. And he loved her. Finally she would have a love like her parents’ and this man, she knew without question, was the only one for her.

  Auguste exhaled a deep, happy sigh and pulled her close to his chest. “You have made me the happiest man in the world. I don’t deserve you.”

  She wrapped her arms around him and felt the bloodied cuts that were healing on his back. When she traced her finger down them and she kept going and traced the lines of all the scars that dotted his body like an abstract painting.

  “In this marriage of ours, Auguste, I do expect you will never lie to me again?” she said, smiling coyly up at him. He nodded quickly. “And I expect you will start from the beginning and I will hear the story of how Auguste Pettit came to be?” He nodded again. “And I suppose in this marriage of ours you will find the time to tell me how you got each and every one of these scars?”

  “Isabelle, I will tell you everything. I will hide nothing from you again. I promise.”

  Snuggling deeper into his arms, she settled in and he began to tell her the story of his life, from the beginning this time. She hung on his every word while he told her everything, right up until he had found her hiding in the bedroom last night. Isabelle listened with wonder as the amazement of his life unfolded. He was safe with her now and she would never let him suffer like that again.


  ISABELLE AND AUGUSTE rode Le Vent up past the weeping willow tree by the pond near her house. “Are you sure your father and Raulf will forgive me when we tell them who I am?”

  “Who you were,” she corrected. “Yes. Of course. They’ll forgive you.”

  He let out a sigh. Telling them of his lies and his past would be difficult, but he looked forward to a life free of lies with the people he loved most. When they reached the top of the hill nearing her house, he pulled her hand into his lap, squeezing it tight.

  “Prepare yourself, love. The fire was extensive and I’m not sure what we are going to find.”

  They rode over the hill and he stopped. When she saw the state of her home, she squeezed his hand back.

  “Are you all right? Do you need a moment?”

  “No, Auguste. Thank you. Let’s just go find my father and Raulf.”

  Auguste clucked as Le Vent picked his way through the burned grass around the barn and pulled up to the still standing house. Isabelle slid to the ground and Auguste hopped off next to her. He slid his hand down the stallion’s muscular neck, finishing with a light pat. “Thank you, friend,” he said as he slipped the halter off the stallion, sending him free into the yard for a well-deserved nibble.

  Isabelle stood in shock staring at what remained of her beloved garden. He saw the tears welling up in those emerald eyes.

  “Come here, sweetheart.” He pulled her into his arms as the tears poured down her face. “It’s going to be all right, you’ll see. I’ll work day and night until I’ve put every last piece of this farm back to the way it was.”

  Isabelle nodded, and he planted a kiss on her head. “Let’s go find your father. He must be running out of wine down there by now and we don’t want that to happen.”

  Isabelle giggled as she wiped the tears from her eyes. He took her hand and led her into the house and she balked at the sight of it. The furniture was thrown about and it looked as if a tornado had gone through.

  “It looks worse than it is. Come on.” Auguste walked into the library and pulled the candlestick on the wall and the library door slid open.

  “Henri? Don’t shoot this time, okay? It’s Auguste and Isabelle,” he called out into the dark. There was no response. Trying not to worry, he called down again. “Raulf? Henri? Are you down here?” They listened, but there was no response.

  Isabelle grabbed Auguste’s hand with both of hers. He glanced back and shared the worry in her eyes. Tugging her forward, they made their way carefully down the stairs into the dark, musty room.

  “Henri? Raulf? Are you in here?” Auguste called again. Beau munched on hay in the corner, but it was the only sound echoing through the room. He saw the flickering of a mostly burned out candle ahead and his eyes made out the shape of Henri slumped over in a chair. Auguste froze. They must have found him. Somehow they had found him. Isabelle squeezed his hand as her head pressed into his back, the cry escaping her mouth.

  “Isabelle,” his voice trailed off. His heart was breaking for her. “Go upstairs.”

  Without warning the body jumped in place with a snort. Henri’s eyes shot open and his hands fumbled as he reached for his rifle. His broken heart burst with joy to see Henri alive
and well.

  “Henri, no! It’s us! Don’t shoot!” Auguste shouted, Isabelle now pulling her head from his back and peering around him.

  “What the...? You scared me half to death! Why are you sneaking up on an old man like that? You nearly stopped my heart and got yourselves shot!” he scolded as he put the gun down and struggled to stand.

  “Papa!” Isabelle shrieked as she raced into his arms and fell on her knees at his feet, sobbing as she clung to his legs for dear life. “We thought you were dead! We called and called and you weren’t moving! You scared me, Papa!”

  “I’m sorry, Isabelle darling. I didn’t mean to scare you. You know I’m a sound sleeper, child.”

  “Where’s Raulf?” Auguste asked, noticing his absence.

  “Up in the pantry digging up some food... and whiskey.” Henri grinned. “I’m just so happy you’re all right, Isabelle. I’ve been worried sick about you! Auguste, thank you. You have my eternal gratitude. You have a place here in my family for as long as you want, son. You have my word on that.” Henri smiled, his rosy cheeks glowing as he stroked his daughter’s hair.

  Auguste’s face broke into a playful grin as he glanced down at Isabelle. “Funny you should say that, Henri.” He laughed as Isabelle looked back at him, her eyes widening. “Now, just remember, Henri. You said I’m welcome here for as long as I want, and I’ll always have a place in your family. Remember that, Henri.”

  Henri looked confused as Auguste and Isabelle laughed. She rose to her feet and walked over by Auguste and slipped her hand into his, facing her father side by side.

  “You may want to step away from the gun, Henri,” Auguste joked as Henri stared perplexed at the two of them holding hands. Suddenly his eyes widened, and his mouth dropped open.

  “Now, Henri. You promised, remember.” Auguste rolled with laughter as Henri’s eyes continued darting between them.

  “I love him, Papa, and we are getting married.” She smiled, looking up into Auguste’s eyes.

  “Well,” Henri stumbled over his next words. “I guess since I did just promise you were as good as family, I won’t shoot you for not getting my permission, Auguste. Will you promise to treat her right and love her always?” His usually jovial face turned stern and commanding.

  “I will love her always, with all of my heart, Henri. You have my word. I will keep her safe and protected and never extinguish the fire that burns so brightly within her.” Auguste slipped his finger down her cheek and lifted her chin, staring deep into her eyes.

  “Well, in that case... let’s get some wine and celebrate!” He tossed up his hands as he walked over and threw his arms around them both before proceeding up the stairs directly into the winery. Auguste and Isabelle laughed as they walked up the stairs, through the house, and stepped outside onto the porch into the warm, shining sun.

  Auguste took Isabelle by her hands and stared down into her eyes. “I can’t believe I get to look at this face every morning for the rest of my life.”

  “You say that now, but someday it will be old and wrinkled and you’ll be saying, ‘I can’t believe I have to look at this face every day for the rest of my life.’”

  Auguste threw his head back in laughter and he pulled her up into his arms. Her lips fell upon his and he spun her in a little circle, relishing the taste of her lips.

  “So, this must be the girlfriend, huh? It seems you’ve convinced her not to hate you after all!”

  Auguste and Isabelle spun around as Auguste slid her down to the ground. Jean-Luc stood in the old burned garden, Chantal in hand. A smile crossed Auguste’s face as he clasped his hand to his mouth. Tears of joy welled up in his eyes.

  “No, Jean-Luc. This is not the girlfriend,” he said, shaking his head.

  Jean-Luc tipped his head and furrowed his eyebrows.

  “This is not the girlfriend, this is the fiancée.” Auguste slipped his arm around her waist as Jean-Luc burst into laughter.

  “I was gonna say, if that’s not the girl, then the girl is gonna be even more pissed at you than you said she already was!”

  They all laughed as Isabelle raced down the stairs and flung her arms around Chantal’s neck.

  “You brought her back! Thank you so much! You must be Jean-Luc.”

  “In the flesh. And you must be Isabelle. I have to admit, I would say I’ve heard lots about you but seeing as we had no time to talk, I have to say I know nothing about you!” He laughed as he stuck his hand out for her to shake. “But I look forward to getting to know the woman who was able to steal Auguste’s ice-cold heart. That must have been quite the feat.”

  She smiled and threw her arms around his neck, hugging him tight. “Thank you, Jean-Luc. Thank you for bringing her back.”

  Auguste smiled as he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her backward into his arms.

  “Word is the war is almost over, Auguste. I got word to the French in time and it confirmed what some German prisoners told them. They weren’t sure if it was a rouse, but with your confirmation they will be able to stop the siege on Reims. When that battle is lost, it’s all over for them. And since your information will help turn the tide of this war, they are offering you a full pardon. No more hiding, Auguste.”

  No more hiding. Those words lifted the final weight from his shoulders and for the first time in his life he felt free. Free to be himself. Free to live his life. He was free.

  “Thank you, Jean-Luc. I can’t tell you how happy it makes me that I don’t have to hide for the rest of my life. It’s incredible.”

  “You deserve it, Auguste. You helped end this war. And with the war ending, it looks like I’m out of a job soon. Did you say you had work for me here?” Jean-Luc raised his eyebrows as he glanced around at the wreckage left behind.

  Auguste slung his other arm around him and pulled him in close.

  “Do we ever have work for you Jean-Luc! First, we have to rebuild the farm and the fences. Then, once that is done we need to go find all the horses that were stolen. Every single one. Then we have to train them. And breed them. And take care of them. And watch this one gallop around all day on her little black mare while we are hard at work.”

  Auguste looked down at Isabelle as her eyes lit up at the mention of riding her mare. Auguste kissed her forehead and pulled her in tight.

  “I can’t believe it. I never thought I would see the day I had a family. Now I have a brother. And soon I’ll have a wife. I love you, Isabelle.”

  “I love you, too, Auguste.” She slipped her arms around his neck and he brushed a kiss across her lips.

  “I’ve got wine! Most of the damn bottles got broken by those sons of...” Henri stumbled out of the house onto porch with Raulf limping behind him. “Oh, you. Jean-Luc was it? Didn’t know you were here. Hold on, I’ll get another glass.” With that he disappeared back into the house and Raulf settled into the chair and acknowledged him with a grateful nod.

  “Don’t forget you have a father now, too,” Isabelle teased as she stood on her tiptoes and touched her nose to his. He smiled and pulled her up into his arms, gently touching his lips to hers. He held her in a silent embrace, his heart swelled so full he was sure it would burst. His love for this woman filled the void he’d never thought would ever heal. The war within him was over, and finally he knew where he belonged.


  Action. Adventure. Romance.

  Read the historical romance series filled with assassins, pirates, and strong heroines. Start off with In the Assassin’s Arms, book one of the Daggers of Desire Series.


  Daggers of Desire Book One

  Passions flare as swords collide.

  When two opposing assassin’s join forces to solve a mystery threatening them both, sparks fly from more than just their swords.

  John Douglas may be a well-trained political assassin, but he has met his match in the woman he once called a friend. When his childhood playmate reenters his life, she's
not looking to rekindle their friendship...she's out for blood.

  With a vendetta to settle, Charlotte Cornewalle isn't stopping until she finds the man who killed her father. All signs point to Robert Douglas, the leader of the opposing faction of assassins...and John's father. To get her revenge, no one will stand in her way...not even the boy she once adored.

  Fate forces them together as they fight to prove their innocence and right the wrongs they have suffered. Sparks fly from more than just their swords, but will they be able to put the past behind them? Will they be able to find the truth before it destroys them both?

  Don’t want to miss it? Click here to purchase and start the adventure!


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