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Life Changer (Chicago First Responders Book 2)

Page 6

by BJ Harvey

  His lips twitch. “Probably should’ve while I had the chance.”

  I snicker. “You’re as likely to do that as I am. We saved ourselves for our wedding night, for god’s sake. We missed our whoring around days.”

  “Man, why didn’t we listen to everyone when they said to try before you buy?”

  “Because we both wanted the lifelong guarantee?”

  “Probably,” he says with a smile. “So, wait, does this mean you haven’t explained our somewhat peculiar living arrangements with him?”

  I avert my gaze, earning a tut-tut from Flynn. “I didn’t think it was exactly a first-meeting-worthy conversation starter.”

  “Probably a good plan there,” he replies, repeating my words back to me. “And now?”

  I can’t stop the smile that tugs at my lips. “We’ve got a double date with his best friend and girlfriend on Sunday.”

  “Nice. No pressure. An easy casual get together without the risk of awkward lulls in conversation, which means you won’t psychoanalyze everything that happens and everything that’s said and start worrying about how it’s going.”

  “So fucking annoying how you do that,” I mutter, taking a sip of my wine.

  The smartass smirks. “It’s true though.”

  I roll my eyes. “Maybe. Doesn’t mean you have to point it out.”

  He laughs to himself. “I figure if you know that I know, maybe you’ll be more aware of it. Or better still, not do it, and therefore you can relax and be your gorgeous, charming self and have him eating out of your hand by the time the night’s out.”

  “It’s not my hand I’d want him eating.”

  “Damn,” he says with a dry laugh. “I may be fine with you dating and all, but let’s not share bedtime stories just yet, deal?”

  I giggle and hold out my arm, shaking his hand in mine. “Deal. And he won’t stay over or anything . . . I mean, if it gets to that point.”

  Flynn nods. “Never thought you would. Well, not without us sitting down and talking about it first. Not sure we’re ready for sleepovers and passing each other in the hallway. And what about Harvey?”

  “So, um . . . about that . . .”

  His amused eyes turn curious.

  “He, ah . . . right. Okay. So, Ezra asked if he could introduce me to Rhodes—that’s the guy—and Harvey overheard, so when we went to the BBQ on Saturday, he picked out who he thought Rhodes was and stated in no uncertain terms that he loves his mama and what he’d do if I got hurt.”

  Flynn’s brows shoot up. “That’s my boy. So, what did he say he’d do?” There’s no mistaking the pride and amusement in his tone.

  “Essentially, that he’d kick him in the nuts. Although I wonder if that suggestion came from Axel.”

  “Damn. I really like our kid.”

  I grin. “Me too.”

  “Well, then, whatever happens with Rhodes, tell him Harvey’s warning goes for me too.”

  I laugh at that but also sigh. “Yeah, sure. That’ll have him coming back for more.”

  Flynn shrugs. “He’ll want to regardless, Dee. Trust me. You could wear a burlap sack and talk his ear off, and he’d still want to date you.”

  “You haven’t even met the guy.”

  “Don’t need to. I will, but I don’t need to. I already know you wouldn’t waste your time on a man who isn’t worthy. You’ve got good taste in men. I mean, look at me.” His shit-eating smirk so big I’m surprised he can breathe.

  “You’re such a dork.”

  “A good quality dork though. A doctor dork.”

  I down my wine and hold out my glass for him. “Okay, then, doctor dork, you can prove how good you are by topping up my wine.”

  “What the lady wants, the lady gets,” he says, moving to his feet and taking a bow as he divulges me of my glass.

  “I’ve trained you well.”

  “Now that is something I should warn this Rhodes about,” he mutters as he walks out of the room.

  I gasp. “Heard that!”

  “Meant you to!”

  I laugh, glad that Flynn and I made sure we worked toward the respectful, loving, and successful co-parenting friendship we have now. Life would be a hell of a lot harder without it.

  And for all I know, my date with Rhodes on Sunday could be the start of the next significant relationship in my life. Bring it on.

  Chapter 7


  “I’m leaving,” I call out as I grab my wallet and keys from the counter.

  “Wait.” Jake appears in the doorway. “Hang on. I just have to make sure you’re respectable.”

  I roll my eyes, but to pass inspection, I hold out my arms and do a 360 turn before meeting his gaze and raising an eyebrow. “What’s the verdict?”

  He twists his mouth and sways his head from side to side. “You’ll do. I mean, I probably would’ve worn loafers instead of sneakers with those jeans since you’re going to a bar.”

  “An ax-throwing bar, and it’s a Sunday afternoon, not a Friday night. I’m going for smart casual.”

  “Emphasis on casual,” he retorts.

  “Yep. Stop trying to make me nervous. I’m hitting my stride in the confidence stakes with Dee. Don’t need you derailing my progress,” I say jokingly.

  “Okay, yeah. I get that.” He crosses the room until he’s in front of me, his expression turning serious. “Is it weird? For you, I mean?”

  I think on that for a moment. “Is it bad if it feels natural? I was nervous, but something about Dee makes me feel at ease. It’s like I already know her, which doesn’t make sense at all. It just feels right.”

  “Good,” he says with a firm nod. “Be yourself. She’ll either like you or run for miles. And hey, if this works out, you might end up on one of her videos.”

  I reach out and cup his shoulder. “I can tell you right now that it will never happen, whatever the outcome. But it certainly helps that you’re being so okay with all of this.”

  Jake rolls his eyes. “Dad. Mom passed away, and that sucks—it’ll always suck—but she didn’t want us to put our lives on hold and not be happy. Of all people, you know that.”

  That I do. “Love ya, kid.”

  “Love you too. Now go. You never leave a lady waiting. Don’t you know that?”

  “Your grandmothers have taught you well.”

  Jake’s lips curl into a smirk. “That one came from Pop actually. He said he wooed Nana Nora from the first day he met her.”

  I laugh and shake my head. “Yep. That’s definitely my dad. You staying home?”

  “Well, since I’m not sitting my license for a few more weeks, I figure I’ll hang out here and catch up on homework.”

  “Be good then. I left money on the counter for you to order in.”

  “Nice. Now hurry before you really are late.”

  I hold my hands up in surrender. “Okay, okay. I’m going.”

  “Remember to woo, Dad. And open doors for her. Chicks love that,” he calls out as I walk along the hall.

  I snort. “Says the single kid.”

  “I choose to be single. I’m waiting for a showstopper, like Uncle Marco.”

  “Bye, Jake.”

  “Woo, Dad. And don’t scare her off.”

  Good to know my kid has confidence in me. But as far as supporting me in this new stage in my life—dating—he’s a cheerleader, life coach, and wingman all wrapped in one. I thought he fluked it with giving advice to Marco when he first met Renee, but now he’s moved his good intentions on to me. He’ll probably make sure all of us guys are hooked up and settled down before he starts college. Heaven help us all!

  Thirty minutes later, I pull my SUV into a parking space outside a renovated two-story home. It’s not so different from my own house. Mine is still a work in progress though. It’s the same house Lily and I bought when she was pregnant with Jake. Jake and I made a deal after we lost Lils that we’d finish it by the time he left for college.

  Not that I’d ever se
ll it. There’s too much history and far too many memories. I often think about how good it would be for Jake to raise his own family in the house one day.

  Now it’s time to potentially make new memories. With that in the forefront of my mind, I lock the car and walk up the path to the porch. I’m about to knock when the door swings open and a man looking strikingly similar to Harvey appears.

  “Hey, you must be Rhodes. I’m Flynn,” he says, holding out his hand.

  I shake it and smile, relieved he’s not making this weirder than it has to be. It makes sense he’d be here since Dee said he had a standing date with Harvey on Sundays. “Yep. That’s me.”

  Silence stretches between us. We both stand there, looking at each other.

  “Oh, shit, sorry. Do you wanna come in? Dee’s in the bedroom finishing getting ready.”

  I laugh and rub the back of my neck, stepping inside behind my date’s ex-husband. “It’s okay. We both know this is kind of awkward, right?”

  Flynn snorts. “Honestly, yeah, it’s the first time I’ve had to deal with meeting the guy dating Dee, but that’s to be expected when we share a house, right?”

  I open my mouth to reply but freeze at his revelation. Thank fuck I cover quickly. “Right. I guess that makes sense with Harvey and all.”

  Flynn’s gaze narrows slightly before widening. “Oh fuck. You didn’t know, did you?” He scrubs his mouth. “Damn. I dumped her in it. Look, sorry, but it is just a living arrangement. It works for us, it works for Harvey, and I’ve got a girlfriend that I’m kinda crazy about. So please don’t feel threatened or go all alpha dog on me,” he says, his lips twitching.

  How can I hate this guy now? “Thanks for explaining it. I’m surprised, but I’m sure Dee meant to tell me.”

  “To be fair, Harvs and I should’ve left by now. You’ve kinda been blindsided, but it was completely unintentional.”

  “You know, you’re making it hard for me not to like you?” I say, making him laugh.

  “Good. Because you’re the first guy Dee has gone out on a date with in two years, so I’m glad you’re not a dick either.”

  Footsteps grab my attention, and when I look up I meet Dee’s slow-growing smile as she walks down the staircase toward us, her eyes going from soft and warm to wide and worried when her gaze shifts to a grinning Flynn leaning against the wall. “Oh fuck.”

  “That’s what I said,’ Flynn said.

  “Um . . . I mean . . .” Dee’s gaze switches between me and her ex, before fixing on me as she reaches the entryway, all color drained from her face. “Okay. Flynn, this is Rhodes. Rhodes, this is Flynn.”

  My lips twitch. “We’ve met.”

  “Oh, yeah, right. Shit. Okay. Um . . . it’s kind of a big deal to say ‘by the way, I live with my ex-husband and we co-parent our son together.’ It’s not exactly pre-first-date conversation.”

  She’s not wrong.

  “True.” I drag my eyes over her face then down her body and back up again, my lips curving into a hopefully reassuring smile, because right now Dee looks like she wants to run back into her room and lock the door. Reaching out, I lace my fingers with hers and give her a gentle squeeze. “It helps that Flynn doesn’t think I’m a dick either.”

  Dee’s narrowed gaze jerks Flynn’s way. “What did you say? Flynn Michael Duncan, I swear—”

  I chuckle and shake my head. “As far as meeting ex-husbands on a first date goes, this is a first for me, but he was gentle, I swear.”

  She scrunches her nose and meets my gaze. “You’re . . . okay with this?”

  “Well, he’s not a dick either, so once I got past the shock, it was all good.”


  “You look gorgeous, by the way.”

  Dee steps back, not letting go of my hand as she looks me up and down slowly in the same way I did to her. She shrugs. “You’ll do.” A smile tugging at her perfect, pink-painted lips. There’s this pull to Dee that I didn’t expect, and in person, it’s so much more powerful than when I was mesmerized by her eyes and her infectious smile in her videos.

  Flynn clears his throat, and as if in slow motion, both Dee and I slowly swing our heads his way as Harvey comes running down the hallway toward us. “Hey, Rhodes. Hey, Mom. Hey . . . Dad?” the boy says, his eyes switching between the three of us. “Is Jake here too?”

  A snort escapes me, and I huff out a relieved breath. Never have I appreciated the cluelessness of a ten-year-old more than I do right now. “Hey, bud. Jake’s at home. It’s just your mom and me going out today with Marco and Renee.”


  “Harvey,” Flynn and Dee warn in unison. The boy bites his lip and shrugs his shoulders in an ‘I’m cute. Love me’ kind of gesture, and I have to swallow down a laugh.

  Then, as if this weird scenario rolls right off his back, Harvey looks to his father. “I’m ready to go, Dad.”

  “Right. Okay. Then grab your gear bag and let’s hit the road.”

  Harvey tackles Dee’s legs, hugging her goodbye then waves at me before disappearing down the hall.

  Flynn pushes off the doorway and holds out his arm. “Nice to meet you, Rhodes.” He shakes my hand again, his lips quirking. “And sorry for the awkward yet probably memorable introduction.”

  “Good to meet you too. Thanks for not being a dick,” I reply. We both chuckle, looking to Dee, who is watching our exchange with wide eyes and a gaping mouth.

  “See ya, Dee. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” Then Flynn gives us a chin lift and walks in the direction his son went.

  Dee’s cautious gaze locking with mine. “Um . . . wow. That was . . .”

  I purse my lips to stop myself from laughing at her. Fuck I wanna kiss her. Before our date. Before we leave the house. It may be backward, but it’s all I can think about now.

  My attention goes to her mouth, her tongue darting out and tempting me more. When I look up, I’m met by her hooded emerald eyes, and I lock my knees to stop the urge to wrap my arms around her shoulders, pull her close, and kiss her till she’s dazed and her mind is clear of anything else but me. It’s a surge of possessiveness I wasn’t expecting—one I haven’t felt in a hell of a long time.

  I dip my chin and watch the emotions flit across her face. It’s like turning pages of a book to sneak a peek inside, and I love how she’s not holding anything back. Her lashes flutter closed, and I fight against the almost overwhelming urge to brush my lips against hers. But I want to take my time, build it up until that moment comes when we’re both consumed with the need to taste more than we need to breathe.

  Poised with my mouth less than an inch away from hers, I wait as her eyes slowly open.

  “Rhodes?” she whispers, making my lips curve up.

  As I straighten, she scrunches her nose and frowns, looking adorably confused. I grab hold of her hand. “We’d better get going. We wouldn’t wanna be late, would we?”

  Her eyes widen before narrowing on mine. “You’re a tease, Rhodes Anderson.”

  I can’t help but laugh under my breath as I open the front door and usher her outside. “I promise I’ll make it worth your while, Dee Duncan.”

  “You’d better.”

  Chapter 8


  I’m still trying to recover from the events of the last ten minutes when Rhodes leads me to his SUV and closes the door behind me before rounding the hood and hopping into the driver’s seat beside me.

  I click my seat belt on in autopilot, my mind going a million miles a minute, trying to work out if there’s a worse way this date of ours could’ve started.

  “So . . .” Rhodes says, leaving my street and driving toward the freeway. “Flynn seems nice.”

  I do a double take to make sure I heard that right. “That’s your reaction?” I spin in my seat and bug out at him.

  His lips twitch. “Am I supposed to be mad? Maybe cancel the date and call it quits now when I’ve been looking forward to today all week and the highlight of my day was
watching you walk down the stairs wearing a smile that could light up a room and knowing it was just for me?”

  “Well, when you put it that way, I guess I—”

  “Those jeans help though.”

  My mouth drops open, but it’s half-assed indignation because he likes my butt, and I like that. A lot.

  When I don’t say anything, Rhodes frowns and reaches over the center console and rests his hand on mine. “Did you expect me to run for the hills? Was I surprised to meet Flynn? Yes and no. You said he was going out with Harvey today, I just figured they might’ve left already. Was it a little awkward at first? Sure. But we said we weren’t going to censor ourselves, right?” He squeezes my hand before putting it back on the wheel and driving onto the freeway onramp heading downtown.

  “We did.”

  “And we also agreed not to agonize over it. I meant what I said. Flynn isn’t a dick, and I like that. It would make it a lot harder if he was. Let me tell you though, your son has impeccable timing.”

  I giggle at that. “He’s adorably clueless, and I’ll be a little sad when he realizes that how we live isn’t the norm.”

  Rhodes shrugs. “So, tell me how you live then?”

  Now this I can do. Leaning my arm against the door, I look over to the driver’s seat. “Long story short, and probably not a fun first-date talking point, but I live my life with no regrets and I’ve already said I’m nothing but honest.”

  “And believe me, I appreciate that.”

  “Right. Okay. So, the Cliff Notes version is that Flynn and I had a come-to-Jesus moment when we were overseas and we decided that after being married for twelve years, having a mortgage and an amazing son together, we were better friends than lovers and better parents than husband and wife.” I study Rhodes’s expression, curious—but no longer worried—about how he’ll react.


  My head jerks back. “Really?” I ask, earning a quirked brow.

  “Yeah. That’s really responsible and self-aware.” He glances my way. “If I wasn’t already impressed with the two of you and how you interact, I am now.”

  “Who are you, Rhodes Anderson?” I ask, my voice filled with awe.


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