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Siren Hunter- Resurrection

Page 4

by J G Barber

  The feelings intensify in Leucosia’s heart and gut until she cannot stand the discomfort. Monica-Lorelei strokes her face. “Paul belongs with us. We both know it is true. Can you not accept what you are feeling?”

  “Only humans make choices from feelings.” Leucosia strolls across the room to dissipates her feelings. “I will allow you to continue. You have led us on the path to our destiny without fail.”

  Monica-Leucosia takes Leucosia into her arms. “Then we agree. We shall bring Paul into our gossip. He will stand by our sides as you claim your rightful place as Queen of New Sirenia.”

  “I cannot take my place until we find our lost sister,” Leucosia insists.

  Her words evoke sadness in Monica-Lorelei. Their prophecy requires the seventh sister, the first Sirenian spirit born into physical form since before the Great Flood, to take her rightful place before Leucosia can become their Queen. Until she arrives, Leucosia must serve as the seventh sister.

  “Great Mother will bring her to us soon enough. Let us join our sisters. We must call to her again,” Lorelei says. She takes Leucosia’s hand and leads her down the spiral staircase.

  They join five of the most beautiful women that have ever graced the earth in a large, state-of-the-art kitchen. The seven naked sirens exchange tender kisses and caresses as they prepare a breakfast of fresh sailfish and mangoes. They are seven, moving and feeling as one.

  This is the first time in centuries the seven sisters have gathered together in the flesh. They united to realize the prophecy, the resurrection the Sirenian race. The five have survived millennia of human persecution by taking human hosts, as Lorelei has. Unlike Lorelei, who was born as a human and discovered her identity as a Sirenian spirit after taking her own life, these Sirenian spirits have existed in human hosts since the times after the Great Flood. They started their journeys in a gossip of fatally ill Sirenians who learned the ancient ways of soul transference. Over the millennia, they witnessed the rise and fall of human empires, and left a trail of cultural myths and legends behind them.

  Leucosia extends her hands to call them into a circle. “Before we eat, let us renew the call for our long-lost sister, Jalpari.” She connects with her sisters one at a time, taking each siren’s hands and looking into her eyes and soul.

  She takes Jaio’s hand to begin the ritual. “We call Jalpari to us,” Leucosia says.

  Jiao shares the body of an enchanting Chinese woman from a wealthy entrepreneurial family. She amassed a small fortune as an investor by merging the cunning of a jungle cat, business skills on a par with Lorelei’s, and advanced knowledge of data science and artificial intelligence. Her movie star looks enabled her to operate among the Hollywood elite as she and Lorelei collaborated on business deals to build the resurrection fund.

  “We call Jalpari to us,” Jiao says. She takes Mami’s hand.

  Mami’s host is a tall, fierce Nigerian beauty. A wealthy warlord took her as a child bride. She trained as a renegade warrior and escaped her fate by allowing the Sirenian soul transfer from an older woman revered by the local tribes for her mysterious powers and sexual prowess. Mami lured her husband’s enemies into a war. They all killed each other, and she took their wealth. Mami amassed her fortune by repeating this trick across Africa.

  “We call Jalpari to us,” Mami says. She takes Maraja’s hand.

  Maraja’s ancestors passed her Sirenian spirit down a family line. She lives in a lovely Mexican national who grew up in the highland region of Guerrero state where the sirens’ seek their archaeological prize. Her beauty and mysterious powers made her a sought-after prize by up-and-coming cartel leaders. She also became a world-class techno DJ. The results? Insider knowledge of how the cartel operates, big deposits to her offshore bank accounts, and many local men drown in booze before drowning themselves in the ocean.

  “We call Jalpari to us,” Maraja says. She takes Sirena’s hand.

  Sirena lives in the athletic body of a smoking hot model who grew up on the reservation in central Montana. Stories and incidents of kidnapping, violation, and murder of young native women defined her childhood. She survived by using her feminine charms and athletic prowess to garner protection, favors and cash from the men who ran the casino. More than anything, she wanted to turn her love of sex and desire for revenge into power over men. The Sirenian soul transference fulfilled her desire.

  “We call Jalpari to us,” Sirena says. She takes Suvanna’s hand.

  Suvanna inhabits a voluptuous young Thai woman lured by human traffickers to leave her abusive family to pursue a better life in Bangkok. On arrival, they forced her into sex slavery. After the soul transfer from a rich courtesan, Suvanna lured her captors to self-destruction and escaped with a client to a life in wealthy circles. She accumulated her wealth by luring rich men into marriages, calling them to self-destruction and inheriting their fortunes.

  “We call Jalpari to us,” Suvanna says. She takes Monica-Lorelei’s hand.

  “We call Jalpari to us,” Lorelei says. She takes Leucosia’s hands to complete the circle. The seven sisters unify their voices in a powerful siren song that resonates through the facility and out into the world, as they call Jalpari and any other women who possess the Sirenian gene to come to them.

  “Let us partake in Great Mother’s blessings.” Leucosia leads them to raise their hands above their heads before they all let go. They resume their breakfast preparations.

  Jiao piles fresh fish onto her plate. “Look at this fresh bounty. Our new minions are quite useful.”

  Sirena select a thick slab of sailfish and half a mango. “And this place is a most inspired choice. Great Mother has blessed us all.”

  Mami emulates Sirena’s choices. “Thank you to sister Maraja, who helped us make the local connections to purchase this island and enlist the Cartel Nuevo Ciglo as our private security force.”

  Maraja smiles with pride. “It is the perfect bargain.” She loads her plate.

  Suvanna agrees as she inspects the food. “Yes, it is brilliant! The cartel supplies us and provides protection and drugs. We provide the men with a purpose, a secret place to a party, and willing women.” She selects a few chunks of fish and fruit.

  “This is no time for self-congratulation!” Leucosia sits at their round dining table and scarfs a slab of sailfish. The others take their seats around the table.

  “We must stay focused on the plan,” Leucosia continues as the others eat. “As the search for the pyramid continues, the gathering of potentials begins. We will train the potentials in our ways. Test them for loyalty. Strength of will. Genetic compatibility. Those who answered the call of their Sirenian genes will become the mothers of our resurrection. Jalpari will reveal herself among them. Those who answered our call for other reasons will fulfill our bargain with El Aniquilador.”

  “Every time you recite the plan, Leucosia, I feel chills up and down my spine,” Monica says.

  Leucosia connects with each of them again, one at a time. After she completes the circle, she declares what they all feel. “We are united in our common purpose. We are fearless.”

  “We are united in our common purpose. We are fearless,” the sisters reply in unison. They disperse to the kitchen to grab their final bites and load the leftovers into containers for refrigeration.

  Through one of his many mysterious connections, Alexei secures an Allison XB-21 ProSport SUB—a sports utility boat—for their journey to the islands off the coast of Barra de Potosí. Paul steers the boat with caution as he learns how to operate it. Laura sits next to him in the front row. Alexei and Ellen, who are becoming best buddies, relax in back as they enjoy the boat ride south.

  Paul throttles down as they approach the islands. With the flick of her wrist learned from Erik, Laura opens the old spyglass and checks out the islands.

  Intending to outdo her sister, Ellen tries her new rifle scope with built-in 4K video recording and night vision. Alexei helped her mount onto one of his crossbows. “Paul, check this

  “Damn.” One look and Paul knows he’s found his next Amazon purchase. “Which island did the sirens buy?”

  Alexei points to the largest island. “We will find them on the ocean-facing side.”

  Ellen takes the crossbow back from Paul and continues to enjoy the view through her digital rifle scope. Paul looks back at Alexei to inquire how he knows that.

  “I checked the marina logs,” Alexei explains. “Fifty five boats have delivered building materials and equipment in the last two months. There’s also a daily delivery of food, groceries and household goods.”

  Paul steers west to circle around the island. The boat passes a rock point to view a small, inset cove with rocky points on either side. Rocky shores form a rough 300-degree circle around the bay. A large boat dock, capable of receiving half a dozen boats, floats in the cove, connected to the beach by a long walkway. Two gated steel stairways, wrapped in bars and razor wire, ascend from either end of the beach up the natural rock wall to a plateau where the large patio of a very large building peeks out over the edge. A dozen guards patrol the docks and the beach, each armed with a Century Arms WASR-10 AK-47 rifle and Draco AK-47 pistol with 30-round magazines. Ellen snaps off a series of photos of the entire cove.

  A guard spots the siren hunters’ boat. He whistles. The other guards head his way, rifles raised. Paul races to the far tip of the cove and circles out into the ocean to a safe distance. The sound of shots fired echoes out from the cove, and bullets splash in the water behind them.

  “That was close.” Paul looks back to the island. “We need a drone.” He throttles the engine and steers back toward Zihuatanejo Bay.

  Monica-Lorelei stands on the patio hanging over the edge of the cliff, watching the siren hunters’ boat depart. She takes Leucosia’s hand. “As I foretold,” Lorelei says. “Paul cannot resist the call of his Sirenian genes.”

  Leucosia looks out on the ocean, her face steeped in sadness. “He carries a portent from our ancient past.”

  “What troubles you, sister?” Monica asks.

  “Dreams. Memories of my mother. We were prisoners of the Atlantean scientists.” Leucosia swallows her emotions. “When I awaken, I see Paul’s face. I do not yet understand the connection.”

  Monica-Lorelei embraces her. “Great Mother speaks to you as she does to me. Paul belongs with us,” Lorelei whispers. She cradles Leucosia’s face in her hands. “Our gossip rebuilds in a place that echoes with the songs of our ancestors. Your dreams are part of the change. They are of no importance.”

  Leucosia separates from her, shielding her thoughts to keep them private. The dreams are important. She stands alone, looking out to the ocean for answers. I need to know why.

  Chapter Seven

  Ellen marches around the house, reading from her Kindle version of the Mallus Maleficarum. Her reference manual for all things evil and the original treatise on witchcraft that inspired two centuries of inquisitions in Europe and newborn America. “Malefactresses! That’s what Heinrich Kramer called them. It’s time to bring the hammer down!”

  Laura intercepts her with a hug to calm her down.

  The commotion grabs Alexei’s attention on the patio. He snuffs out his cigarette and joins the conversation. “My sources described private investors who purchased large plots of land in this area and inland between here and Mexico City. A pregnant American woman and her Chinese and Mexican partners. The women asked many questions about the local mermaid myths and rumors of unearthed archaeological sites.”

  Ellen wrests herself from her sister’s arms. “I don’t get it. What’s the connection between private investors buying up Mexican land and an island full of sirens?”

  Paul gets up from the couch to join in. “The sirens are collectors. I saw their collection in Seattle. Every shape and size of siren painting, icon, statue, jewelry and coinage you could imagine. They had Erik’s collection of gold and jewels from the 16th century, for god’s sake.”

  Laura stands behind Alexei. “I saw it too. That collection must be worth a fortune.”

  Lorelei’s taunt echoes in Paul’s memory. Only after she rocked Laura’s world like you never have. She came repeatedly, begging for more! And she went down on sister like a true lesbian. His emotions fire up. He’s ready to start a new round of their unresolved marital argument about who’s the real slut.

  Alexei redirects the conversation. “Amassing wealth is not the purpose of their collection. They collect what has meaning to them. They collect what gives them power.”

  “Then they are witches! Bring the hammer down!” Ellen holds the Kindle like a sledgehammer swings her arms down to crush an imaginary siren skull.

  With a quick flurry of interactions on his iPad, Paul places an order for a drone kit and his personal HD rifle scope. “Drone’s on its way. We need more information, Alexei. Can you learn more from your local contacts?”

  Again, Alexei does not reveal his plans with the other group of siren hunters. They agreed to wait until Paul remembers what brought them together in this place and time. “My local contacts know what the sirens are doing, not why they are doing it.”

  This is important, Paul says to himself. I need to know why.

  Leucosia sleeps alone tonight, intending to find the why she seeks in the dream state. She prepares herself with an ancient Sirenian ritual to connect the mind with the deep ocean waters, where they believe dreams emerge from. On her back, eyes closed, she breathes to relax her body. Her mind enters the ocean, swimming deeper into the dark blue as her mind drifts off to sleep.

  Diana cradles Aztlan in the wet sand, illuminated by starlight, bodies and souls connected. “I carry your child.”

  He strokes her cheek, looking deep into her emerald green eyes. “How do you know? How is it possible?”

  She smiles. “Our species share common genetics. We are more alike than your kind realizes. And a Sirenian mother knows these things.” She places his hand on her belly. “Our child will be a female.”

  Aztlan ponders this amazing turn of events. His wonder turns to fear as he reflects on the dark force emerging within Atlantis and what they might do with this knowledge.

  Paul tosses and turns in bed. His only intention when he retired for the night was to enjoy an uninterrupted night of sleep. Instead, his ancestor’s life in Atlantis haunts his dream.

  “I feel afraid,” Aztlan admits to Diana. “I am not equipped for fatherhood. And I fear what my people might do, were they to learn about our union.”

  “It is our secret,” she whispers. “We shall not tell any Atlantean or Sirenian about our child.”

  He sits up in the sand. “Will she be born with your gifts?”

  She stands. “A Sirenian female inherits her mother’s gifts.”

  He takes her hands. “Then our child shall be a beacon of light and love. An innovator. The mother of a new race that reaches beyond the greatness either of our races could achieve alone.”

  “That is a lovely vision.” Diana kisses Aztlan.

  Aztlan kneels and lays his hands over her belly. “What shall we name her?”

  Diana smiles. “Leucosia.”

  Paul awakens. He sees Leucosia’s face in his mind’s eye.

  “Leucosia,” Aztlan confirms. “A most lovely name for our daughter, Diana. Tonight we celebrate our love.” Their connected souls move them into another round of passionate lovemaking in the sand.

  Leucosia awakens. She sees Paul’s face in her mind’s eye.

  We’re having the same dream, they both realize at the same moment. They sit up in their beds. “Now what do I do?” they both say as they recognize their minds are connected. A wave of fear and incomprehension overtakes them both. They head to their respective kitchens to seek something to eat.

  Chapter Eight

  The siren hunters study the TV, as Ellen displays the island video she captured with her rifle scope. She zooms in on a photo of the facility on the plateau above the cove. Struts bolted into the r
ock cliff support the long wooden deck. Four evenly spaced doors separate five massive bay windows along the far side of the deck. Eight framed windows on the floor above suggest private rooms with unrestricted ocean views.

  Laura points out the rock uprising behind the facility. “Look at how far back that is. That building is huge. It could house hundreds.”

  Alexei covers the dining room table with two huge satellite photos. One shows the finished construction of the island facility, the cove and a path from a small northern beach up to the plateau. The other shows a line of armed guards and women boarding a tour boat in Zihuatanejo Bay marina. “They are gathering the potential mothers.”

  Ellen joins Alexei to study the photos. “I don’t like how that sounds.”

  Laura traces her finger around the border of the facility. “When does our drone arrive?”

  He does not respond, his mind obsessed with the previous night’s dream and his moment of psychic connection with Leucosia. Her face continues to pop into his mind, her emerald green eyes penetrating his soul. It’s a different connection than what he experienced with Lorelei in Seattle. There’s nothing erotic about the feelings. It’s more like a brother and sister who share a traumatic past.

  Laura claps her hands. “Paul, when does our drone arrive?”

  “A few more days,” he says.

  Laura directs Ellen with her eyes to figure out what’s going on with Paul, then grabs Alexei’s arm and leads him onto the patio. She stops his hand from reaching for his cigarette pack. “You knew their plan back in Seattle. What are you not telling us? How do we stop them?”

  Alexei reaches for a cigarette. She slaps his hand. “In times past, humans and Sirenians interbred,” he explains. “Their gene survives around the world, diluted by human interbreeding. They cannot regenerate their original species, but they can produce a hybrid race with siren capabilities.”


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