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Blood Rising

Page 5

by A M Proctor


  Freedom to the Fae

  I’ve always been a heavy sleeper. I used to love my dreams as a human, even the nightmares. It’s because I learned early how to lucid dream. My adopted mom was all about receiving visions in dreams. Felt that between the hours of three and five were when we were the most receptive to our spirit guides. I used to wake from my visions and write everything I remembered in a dream journal.

  As a vampire, I’m still a heavy sleeper. I just no longer dream. Since transitioning, I’ve only had one dream. That was when I fell asleep by an open window during the day on the yacht. The boat moved, and the sunlight bathed my sleeping body. The dream I had was about boiling alive in the desert. I guess my mind could only come up with, ‘What’s hotter than the desert?’ I woke with severe burns on my legs, face and arms. I had a great tan where my clothing covered my body though.

  It would be fifty years before I saw the light of day after I do what I intend to do. Gregory and Emilio would lock me in that cage until Alexei returned. No windows. No fresh air and no sunlight. At least I’d be safe.

  Both nymphs were shaking me awake. From the desperation in their voices, they’ve been trying to rouse me for a while now. “I’m up.”

  Rah sighed dramatically. “Good, we have little time. The others have finally gone to rest, and it’s four in the afternoon.”

  Shit, that didn’t leave us any time. I stretched and yawned. “All right. Let me hit the shower and I’ll be out in a second.”

  The fact was, I could be out in a few second with my supernatural speed. Instead, I did things the slow human way. I was having doubts about my plans. Escaping to the God Realm was off the table now. None of the male vampires will understand my reasonings behind releasing my fae gifts. Hell, I’m not sure even I understand it anymore. Last night it seemed right, fair and just. This morning it just seems like I’m tossing the trust between my harem and me out the window.

  They might chalk it up to me being young. I could say I was having a human moment, left over from my past moral beliefs. I might be able to work that angle if I hadn’t already killed my fair share of the fae. Still, that was bloodlust. One simply cannot be blamed for one's actions when amid bloodlust.

  Bloodlust isn’t merely binge eating. Most newly transitioned vampires struggle for years with bloodlust. Since fae are rare in the Human Realm, they usually direct the lust toward humans. I’ve never lost my shit with a human, though. Just fae.

  Now when the red ring fills my vision, I have enough willpower to pull away. It only took me waking up covered in fae blood and body parts a few times to focus on controlling the lust. Many fae died violently before I finally gain control of myself.

  My males applauded my strength. It’s unheard of in the vampire community to control one's bloodlust where high fae are concerned. Even ancient vampires enjoyed loosening their hold on their basic instincts with the fae. They celebrated the kill, the violence. Fae, humans and other creatures are considered a lesser species. We’re violent hunters by nature.

  So why did I feel so much guilt about the deaths I caused? My tears and grief bewildered my males. Alexei chalked it up to being young. He assured me I’d grow out of it.

  But what if I didn’t want to grow out of it? What if I’m different from the rest because I have fae and goddess attributes from my mother? Would the others regard me as a lesser vampire then? Do I regard myself as lesser? I just don’t know.

  The humans were distracted and easy to slip past as we entered through the old iron door quietly. Something was wrong. My gaze immediately found Wren, and the three high fae females huddled in a corner of their cell. The griffin lurked restlessly in the cell next to them, and the faun was curled up in her bed.

  I blew out a sigh of relief. What was it then? My gaze slid across the room to the wolf enclosure. Empty. I lurched forward, gaze on Wren. “Where are they?”

  His gaze slowly went to the dark corridor. A long tunnel barely lit with dying torches. The thick iron gates left cracked open.


  My feet flew towards the tunnel that led deep into the mountain. There was only one reason they would unlock these security gates during the day. Please don’t let me be too late. Please.

  The scene had me frozen. Blood covered the walls and fine furniture. A naked woman’s body hung by one leg on the fireplace mantle. Her dark hair sizzling in the roaring heat of the fire. Her body broken, entrails hanging from the hole where her womb used to be. Dried blood trailed down her body. I’d only seen her in this form once. She was the female wolf shifter.

  Her mate was in a trance on the floor, an equally naked Narella riding his cock as he stared vacantly at his dead mate. Narella was covered in his mate's blood as she peaked on his cock. Blood stained the polar bear fur rug they were on with red smudges where her knees dug in.

  “Oh fuck, Wolfy. You got a great cock.”

  The light tone in her voice snapped me back. “You fucking bitch!”

  She ignored me. “Hey wolf boy, wake up and take a good long look at your beloved mate.”

  He blinked and shook his head. I grabbed the bars of the cell they were in. The moment he saw his wife, a long low wail wrenched from him. Heartbroken grief shot through me.

  I screamed at Narella. “You had no right!”

  She sighed heavily and sat still on his dick for a moment. Her fiery red hair fell forward as she leaned close to the wailing male under her. “Now, now. Don’t go losing your hard on, shifter. I need that dick to stand tall and proud. Oh, there you go. Now cry all you want, but for the love of the gods, seal those lips.”

  His mouth shut immediately and Narella leaned back and let him stare at the corpse hanging next to them in horror.

  “Good boy. Now where was I?”

  She started riding his dick again and glanced over at me, still holding the bars. Grief, rage, horror and damn it, lust filled me all at the same time. Narella said lightly, “Oh hello Nevaeh. Come to watch the fun?”

  I snarled. “I will kill you!”

  She laughed lightly. “The greedy bitch said no more fae treats. She didn’t say, no shifter treats. Did she Wolfy? She might have included you if she knew how much fun destroying a bonded couple could be.”

  She reached down and wiped a tear from the male’s eye. He jerked his face away. Narella put the tear to her tongue. “Mmm. Tastes like grieving sorrow and betrayal. He hates his cock right now, Nevaeh. His little bitch watched him lick my pussy as she hung bleeding. Then she watched him offer me that thick cock to taste. Did you know that wolf shifters mate for life? They are faithful even when death separates them. Unless… of course… a vampire is involved.”

  I snarled. “You fucking bitch!”

  She glanced at me, green eyes full of amusement. “Maybe I’ll bring him back. Turn him. Wouldn’t that be fun? My wolf crow will mourn his little wife for eternity all while pleasuring me sexually. Did you know that crows can’t cum? He’ll never orgasm again but that rod will be hard anytime I will it so.”

  There wasn’t anything I could do. Gregory or Emilio had the keys to this cell. I slumped, letting go of the bars. My presence and anger were only fueling her cruelty. Making it worse for the poor shifter. Narella would do what she would do.

  “Where are you going?” Her voice was finally harsh and annoyed.

  I glance back at her and forced a pleasant smile. “You bore me, Narella. I mean… really. Did you think I’d cry blood tears over a pair of shifters?”

  “I’m not finished with you!”

  I laughed. “You’d think after almost a thousand years as a vampire, you’d be more creative with your killings. I’d have at least left the bitch alive, maybe even forced her to participate. You have no imagination, Narella.”

  She screamed as I walked away. “BOORING!” I sang out at her.

  Maybe she will be angry enough to end the shifter swiftly. God, I dread the next fifty years. My cell was right next to hers. I’d
surely be in it tonight. No friends left to comfort me. Just my males and whatever treats they brought us to feast on. At least they won’t be my fae friends.

  I’d wasted enough time. Jah and Rah were waiting nervously with the keys to the cells. I opened the doors to the high fae and faun’s cells. I stood outside the griffin’s cell. He crouched, ready to spring out the door. The longer I waited, the more agitated he became. He chirped and whistled at me urgently.

  “You need to take them home. You need to go immediately. No time for vengeance, griffin.”

  The moment the key turned, he charged the door. I was slung across the large cavern by the force of the door slinging open. The griffin didn’t open a portal or vanish. He roared and slung his body around violently, knocking over ancient statues that cost a fortune.

  The mountain trembled, and for a moment I thought there was an earthquake. Well, if my males weren’t up before, they were surely up now.

  I screamed, “Go!”

  Wren screamed, “The wards!”

  Shit. That’s right. The wards were glowing as the griffin tried in vain to use his magic. I scrambled up. The rune covered crystals were at the top of the cavern. Wings would come in handy right now. But no, I don’t get my wings like normal vampires do. My hands dug into the carved earth as I climbed up.

  I’m a Florida girl. I don’t do mountain climbing because there are no mountains in Florida. I glance over my shoulder. The griffin was still in rage mode, no reasoning with him. Wren however was climbing the cavern on the other side of me. A hell of a lot quicker than me, I might add. Come on, Nevaeh. You’re a mighty vampire. Just go.

  By the time I reached the ledge where the giant crystal sat glowing, Wren called out. “I can’t touch it! It’s warded against the fae.”

  “Stay there and give me a moment.” These runes weren’t familiar. I needed to decode them, whisper the spell to shut them down and then destroy the crystal.

  Jah yelled uncharacteristically. “We don’t have a moment! The vampires are here!”

  The griffin whirled towards the entrance with a roar. I shouted, “I need at least a moment.”

  The runes would spell the words it was warding against. Fae Magick. I started with trying to decipher fae because magick can be spelled many ways. Once I had f, a and e, I could puzzle out most of the inscription. Another rumble shook the mountain, and I had to pause to hold on. I wasn’t falling from this height. I might be a vampire, but I still felt pain.

  Okay, I think I’ve got it. Wait, what if that’s not an M? I run the chant through my head. It has to be an M. My mouth whispers the words to the crystal as I read the runes. Please work. I repeat the inscription with a slight variation. “Come on!”

  A hand touches my back and I almost fall off the ledge I’m sitting on in fright. My gaze jerks around and I see Brendon hovering next to me. “What are you doing, Nevaeh?”

  My gaze takes in the chaos below. My fae are in a full battle with Gregory, Emilio and Lucas. I meet Brendon’s gaze, “Help me. Help me turn the wards off so the griffin can take my fae home.“

  His gaze shifts. “I don’t think Alexei will be happy about this.”

  I shout. “Fuck Alexei! They are my gifts and I’d rather free them than watch Narella work her evil way through them one by one.”

  Seconds slowed to minutes as Brendon struggled with his need to serve me and his sense of duty. I grab his face and lean close. “I’m your queen, Brendon. Prove your love for me. Read the runes and turn off the wards. I’ll handle Alexei. Prove your love and devotion and secure your place in my harem.”

  Even vampires have an innate need to belong somewhere, to feel loved, for security and purpose. His gaze shifted to the crystal. He leaned in close and whispered the runes. The crystal sputtered and then went dark. I used all my strength to push it from the ledge. The mountain shook violently as it shattered on the stone floor. I lost my grip and dropped a foot before Brendon’s arms wrapped me securely against him.

  Before my feet touched the floor I screamed, “Go!”

  The griffin whistled loudly and waved a wing in a pattern. A dark hole opened up and not one of my fae friends paused to say goodbye, or even toss out a thank you. It didn’t matter to me though.

  My smile turned into a scream as Emilio attacked the griffin, a long blade in his hand. “NO!”

  The griffin threw out his talon and caught the blade in his leg. His wings beat wildly as he flew backwards towards the portal. Huge talons closed around Emilio’s waist. I screamed as I saw blood spurt from Emilio’s stomach. Then they were gone. The dark hole vanished as if it had never been there.

  I fell to my knees in a wail. “No!”



  Gregory’s voice was thick with pain. “What did you do?”

  My arms wrapped around my stomach as my forehead touched the earthen floor. “Noooo. Emilio… No.” My sweet Emilio. Why did he attack the griffin? He was leaving.

  A hand gripped my hair, and I was jerked to my feet. “Ouch, what the fuck?”

  I looked up into Gregory’s rage for just a split second before I was flung towards the entrance of the cavern. My body hit broken statues, remnants of fine antique furniture and then the ground, knocking the wind from me. Gregory was fisting my hair again as I reeled from the violence of his rage. “Wait! Gregory!”

  He snarled. “Of all the things I’d expected from you, Nevaeh.” He was dragging me up the shallow stairs towards the house now. When we made it through the iron door, I was slung across the black stone floor and hit the window that covered the front of the mansion. It shuttered as my head hit the glass but didn’t shatter. It wouldn’t. They were impact resistant, U.V. protected and fucking bullet proof.

  I rubbed my head as I sat up slowly. Jah and Rah were held firmly on either side of Lucas, as he shoved them through the door. No! They were supposed to go with the fae. They promised me they’d go home to the Fae Realm.

  Brendon shoved by them, stopping Gregory from storming over to me and snatching me up again. Gregory snarled as Brendon grabbed his bicep. “Stay out of this Brendon!”

  Brendon shouted, “Calm down! You’ll hurt her.”

  Brendon flew and hit the wall so hard it cracked and buckled. Gregory’s eyes were so dilated they were black as he snarled. “She needs to be punished like the ungrateful insolent brat she is.”

  When Lucas merely glanced away from my pleading gaze, I roused myself from the floor. I got to my feet and realized my ankle was sprained, or maybe even broken. I’d felt a sharp pain when I hit the floor of the cavern, but then I was being tossed again like an empty beer can. Still, I limped towards the stairs. Towards my room and what I’d hoped was safety.

  Foot steps followed my slow retreat. No hands gripped me, shoved me or tossed me though. “Emilio would have fallen on his blade for you. He loved you, Nevaeh. But you don’t value your harem, do you?”

  I gasped from the pain of his words. “No, that’s not true.”

  One step at a time. Good foot, bad foot and still I was pursued by my harem. “You chose your pets over your brethren. A disgrace. You betrayed us, betrayed your king, your mate.”

  “Gregory, please. I… no.” He wouldn’t kill me. He can’t murder me, even though he really wants to right now. Almost there, just one more flight of steps.

  “Spoiled. I told Alexei not to spoil you. I told him what you’d become, but no, he didn’t believe me. Said you deserved to be worshiped and loved.”

  A sob wrenched from me. “I didn’t mean for anyone to get hurt. I just wanted them gone.”

  My gaze lifted to Miley and Jules coming out of the nursery. The look on their faces was horrified fear. Probably mirroring my own expression right now. I whispered desperately. “The babies. Gregory, I need to feed them.”

  He snarled. “They’ll be taking nourishment from a bottle from now on. You’ve lost the right to care for your girls for a while.”

  I whirled on hi
m. “No! You can’t…”

  The sound of the slap rang in my ears. The sting was immediate. The force of the blow knocked me off my feet. I lay crumpled as voices argued over me. Lucas was now stepping up for me. “You need to get control of your rage, brother. She’s a mere infant to us. You’ll damage her more than she deserves.”

  Gregory didn’t answer Lucas, he merely fisted my hair again. My scalp was already sore as I tried to scramble to my feet. “You served us up on a fae griffin platter.”

  He shoved me through the door to the master bedroom and I flew across the bed and against the wall. The door locked behind us. Lucas pounded on the door outside, his voice muffled. I needed to get a grip on my wits before Gregory did something to me he couldn’t take back.

  “Stop!” I held out my hands, and he paused.

  “Just stop for a moment. I didn’t release the fae to attack you. I just wanted them gone. Did you see what that bitch did to my wolves?!”

  He smirked. “Wolves. I watched her play with them for hours. Forcing them to shift into their human form and taunt them. They mean nothing to me. They should mean nothing to you!”

  I lifted my hands again. “They were my wedding gifts. MY wedding gifts, not hers. How could you take them from me?”

  He approached me slowly, gaze narrowed. “Because you would have kept them alive. Do you know how much time it takes Jonas to clean their cage every day? You were supposed to consume your wedding gifts before the twins came. They were presented to you for nourishment, not pets.”

  “Ever heard of savoring your dinner?”

  He sneered. “I’ve heard of savoring punishment.”

  He moved too quickly for even me to track. My clothing was ripped from my body and I was secured to the Saint Andrew’s cross before I could utter a single cry.

  My body trembled in fear as I faced the wall, listening to him pace around the room. I’d seen him whip Emilio bloody. Gregory was a master sadist. He’d even taught me the art of flaying skin with a whip. Emilio was a masochist who loved the abuse. Not me. I don’t do pain well.


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