Blood Rising

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Blood Rising Page 6

by A M Proctor

  “Please don’t do this, Gregory. I’m sorry. I mourn Emilio, too. Please don’t hurt me.”

  He promised to teach me a lesson. Promised true punishment. He delivered on those promises, repeatedly. He pushed my body to its limits. Gregory was a master in his craft.

  My back was meticulously flayed open. Warm blood ran down my back, over my ass, into my crack and down my thighs. Then Gregory healed my wounds with gentle licks. He’d caress me lovingly, even spoke soothingly to me as he healed me. Then he’d step back and reopen my back with that long whip once more.

  Over and over he beat me, healed me and then started again. I wasn’t offered any blood to regain my strength. I’d lost the privilege of feeding from my harem. The warm blood dripping down my body felt like insects crawling on my flesh. The cracks of the whip followed by agonizing screams sounded like a symphony to me. The searing pain of the whip became my friend, not so gently reminding me I was still alive.

  Eventually one gives up to the dark places that live inside them. You believe the words lovingly whispered as your tormentor heals you. You beg for forgiveness, willing to do anything to prove your fealty as you’re punished for sins you believe you committed. Reality distorts. Lunacy moves in. Survival instincts will take over.

  Overly grateful for any sign of affection. I thanked him profusely as he unshackled me and roughly tossed me face down on the bed. My legs were too weak to walk there. I was grateful for his help.

  He he jerked me to the side of the bed and positioned his cock between my legs to rape me. I thanked him for caring enough to use my body for his pleasure. It was about his pleasure, not mine. I wasn’t even wet, but then I didn’t deserve to be wet anymore.

  I didn’t deserve to stand anymore. I knelt obediently in the corner as I waited for Master to bring in the rest of my males. I was here for their pleasure. He would remove my fangs if I even nicked the skin. But I was starving now. Master wants me hungry. Wants me to deny my pain.

  Lucas fucks like a freight train. He’s happy with my changes. Even spanks my raw ass with his hand till I’m flinching and crying out.

  Brendon isn’t. He weeps blood tears as I suckle his cock. My brows furrow in concern as I do my best to please him. Please cum, sweet Brendon. If you don’t cum, Master will be angry. I can’t stand it when he’s angry with me. He fakes it as his cock loses its erection. He holds me down on him and groans loudly, pretending ecstasy.

  “Fuck yeah, bitch. That was good!” The only thing I’m swallowing is a soft cock and my own saliva.

  I throw myself to his feet. “I’m sorry. Sorry. Please, Master.”

  Hands lift me, arms enclose me and lips press to my head. Brendon’s voice whispers, “It’s all right, my love. You did good.”

  My gaze frantically searches the room for Gregory and Lucas. Neither male are here. I let my tears fall as he cradles me. He whispers against my ear. “Stay strong, Nevaeh. The worst is over. Do you hear me? Stay strong. Don’t let him break you.”

  Break me? I’m fucking shattered.

  He offers me his wrist. “Quickly now, they’ll be back momentarily.”

  I push it away. “I can’t. I’m not allowed to drink from you anymore.”

  The wrist pushes against my mouth. “Drink now!” My fangs descend on their own accord. Oh gods, Brendon. Life-giving, sweet, wonderful Brendon. I’d lost so much blood. Weakened to the point of insanity with continuous torture. How long had he been repeating that vicious cycle?

  “That’s my girl. That’s it. Okay. Let go. I know it’s hard. Let go now.”

  I sob with loss as the life giving wrist was pulled away. It wasn’t enough. He kisses my cheek and then pushed my head back into his lap. His flaccid cock is there.

  I kiss it repeatedly. “Thank you, Brendon. Thank you.”

  Gregory’s voice fills the room proudly. “Now that’s a wonderful sight. Don’t you agree, Brendon?”

  Brendon laughs and as he pets my hair. “Absolutely. She just choked on my seed and now I can’t keep her off my cock.”

  Lucas sounded impressed. “It only took you all night and half the day. What exactly did you do to her?”

  Gregory snorted. “She’s young and weak. Aren’t you slut?”

  I couldn’t answer, I was frozen with fear and hunger. I nodded against Brendon’s cock. Brendon had given me just enough nourishment to clear my brain just a hair. Gregory had starved and tortured me for the entire night and half the day. It was daylight outside.

  What was that delightful smell?

  I lift my head and turn my nose towards the door. Gregory had Jah by the arm. Lucas held Rah next to him. Gregory laughed as I fixed on Jah with a predatory, hungry stare. “Are you ready to prove your fealty slut?”

  I nodded, never taking my gaze off Jah’s rapid pulse on her neck. He pushed her forward, pinning her arms behind her back and snarled. “Then drink her… dry.”

  I move forward but Brendon catches my arm. My gaze swivels around, but he’s looking at Gregory. “If she kills the nymphs, who will care for the twins?”

  He pushes Jah towards me. “Let her go Brendon.”

  The moment Brendon’s hand left my arm, I was on Jah in a nanosecond. My fangs felt longer than before as I sank them into her screaming neck.

  Lucas whistled, “Damn she’s tapped the jugular. Bye, bye nymph.”

  The blood ring in my vision narrowed as Jah’s sweet blood filled my mouth faster than I could swallow. I could tell Jah was screaming. Rah was screaming, and the males were arguing, but I didn’t care. My focus was on the pulse of blood pumping in time with Jah’s slowing heartbeat. I could see nothing but red.

  This is wrong. She’s my friend. Stop killing her. Stop drinking. Heal the puncture wounds. Remember what Alexei said about tapping the jugular. Leave the fangs in the vein. Funnel your saliva down the groove of your fangs and into the vein or she’ll bleed out. Funnel retract, funnel retract. Heal as you disengage.

  Jah’s face was deathly white. The shimmering dogwood and jasmine flowers that decorated her face in iridescent pale colors faded translucent. Even her blue hair had paled considerably. Her heart still beat though. I over came my starved blood lust.

  Gregory let her fall to the floor and I turned to Rah. She struggled violently against Lucas as I growled, “More.”

  Gregory laughed as Lucas thrust Rah at me. I had her in my arms and underneath me in the bed in a flash. My fangs tapped a lesser vein in her neck as I made a great show of feasting on her. Someone touched my leg, and I whirled on them with a growl.

  Gregory jerked his hand back, “Easy girl. We’ll leave you to your kill. Get some rest after. I’ll be back later tonight. I expect you to greet me with gratitude.”

  I showed him my new, longer fangs as I snarled at him. His gaze took them in, and he smiled, showing his own enormous fangs. “Looks like my baby girl has grown a bit from her experience.”

  He slipped out the door and I pushed off Rah with a finger to my lips. Footsteps retreated after they locked the door from the outside. I met Rah’s wide gaze, “It’s all right now. Just stay calm a moment longer.”

  I picked up Jah’s limp body. “She needs fluids and food.” Thank the gods that Alexei kept some human medical supplies in the closet in the bathroom. I laid Jah down next to Rah and retrieved an I.V. with several bags of saline. I couldn’t give Jah human blood so this was all I could do for now.

  I moved to the intercom and pressed the call button. Jule’s worried voice responded. “Jules, can you please send Miley up with some food? I’m starving and need as much nutrition as I can get.”

  “Ugh… I’ll check with Gregory and if he says it’s permissible, we’ll bring you some food.”

  I sighed. “Jule’s I’ve been starved for a day and a half as I was repeatedly bled out. I need food. Real human food. These two nymphs he left me with are not enough. Please help me.”

  I heard Jonas say from the same room as Jules. “I’ll talk to Gregory. He’ll list
en to me. We’ll get you food, Nevaeh.”

  “Thank you.”

  I turned and faced Rah as she huddled in the corner. “I know I lost control with Jah. It won’t happen again. You need to calm down, Rah. When Miley brings the food, you must lie on the bed and pretend to be as comatose as Jah is right now.”

  Rah is trembling violently as she regards me warily. “What happened to you?”

  “You heard what I said to Jonas and Jules.”

  I didn’t want to think of it right now. I didn’t want to revisit the horrifying predator Gregory turned me into so fucking easily. The fact was, my mind wasn’t right. Brendon’s blood helped, but it wasn’t enough. Almost killing Jah helped, but I was still starving and tracking every move Rah made.

  The monster inside me was still there, lurking. “Listen Rah, I need you to stop behaving like prey right now. I’m still fucked up in the head.”

  Rah closed her eyes as crystal clear tears fell from the corners of them. She took several cleansing breaths but her heart rate was still distracting me as she crawled towards the bed. I turned my back to her and tried to focus on anything else. Another night with Gregory and I’d be lost to the monster inside me.

  “Why didn’t you two leave when you had the chance?”

  Rah sighed, “We couldn’t leave you and the twins here alone.”

  I snapped, my gaze cutting to her laying on the bed. Her vibrant green hair fanned the pillow, and she smelled irresistible.

  “Now, I’m struggling with myself to keep from eating you both.”



  The plan I’d concocted fell apart when a sleepy-looking Lucas opened the door for Miley and Jonas to bring food into the bedroom. There’d be no charming the humans into helping me with him present. He yawned and said, “This is all for the day. We’ll be back tonight. Get some rest.”

  His gaze fell over the nymph’s prone bodies in the bed. I’d cleaned up the I.V. bags and pulled the sheets up to their chins. Rah remained perfectly still, timing her breaths with Jah’s.

  I asked, “What time is it?”

  He glanced at his watch and then smirked at me. “It’s almost five p.m. Brendon said he’d take first watch tonight. You’ve got a few hours, though.”

  I didn’t reply to his snide warning. I simply turned to the food as the door closed, lock turning. I waited until I was sure Lucas left before bringing a tray of finger food to the bed.

  “Jah, I need you to wake up and eat.”

  Rah sat up slowly. She took over rousing Jah as I poured some orange juice from the pitcher. I gave Rah the glass and moved away, allowing her to take over caring for Jah. My face would only cause Jah panic. Panic will only make the monster in me spring forth.

  I took a long hot shower and did my hair, giving the nymphs plenty of time to eat and talk. I studied my face in the mirror. Even after draining Jah, my eyes looked haunted, tired and pale. I really needed to rest. My hazy mind drifted.

  What would Alexei say about all this? Would he approve of the punishment Gregory gave me? My heart said no, but then again, Alexei had fooled me before. I couldn’t trust myself when it came to Alexei. Yes, he’d betrayed me, left me without even saying goodbye, but he was my mate.

  We’d merged our bodies, our blood and our hearts. My love for him won’t change. It’s eternal and while we’d be separated for the next fifty years, it was just a blink of the eye considering our lifespans.

  I yawned and turned towards the bedroom door. Young vampires needed more sleep and blood than older ones. I needed to feed again because sleep wasn’t in the cards for me today. Would Rah trust me enough to allow me access to her vein? I opened the door and froze.

  Brendon was lying on the bed between Rah and a fully awake Jah. His long legs crossed as he eyed me suspiciously. “You know Gregory will lose his shit when he discovers you didn’t end these two. Not only didn’t you drink them dry, you’re feeding and caring for them.”

  I stepped forward, resisting the urge to drop to my knees and crawl like the unworthy slut I was. “Brendon, please… I can explain…”

  Brendon waved a hand dismissively. “I’m supposed to secure you, drain you, tease you with drops of blood as I force orgasms from you with this.” He held up a Hitachi Vibrator.

  My gaze widened on the heavy duty, plug in vibrator. He smirked as he lowered it. “While this puppy here would be fun to play with, I’d rather feed you and then get your ass out of here.”

  My knees almost buckled with relief. “Brendon…”

  I stumbled forward. “Do you mean that?”

  He smacked the vibrator in his palm and laughed. “Of course, my love. Come here.” He opened his arms out wide, invitingly.

  I hesitated. Could I trust him? He cocked his golden head. “My love. I’m your male. My loyalty is to you and Alexei alone. You’re my queen. Come feed from me.”

  It might be another trick. Another betrayal, but I was so hungry. I wanted to trust him. I needed an ally. I crawled onto the bed and he pulled me against his chest as I stiffened. His wrist pressed to my lips, and he murmured against my head, “Drink.”

  Yeah, fuck it. I’d just about do cartwheels for a bit of ancient male vampire blood. Brendon’s blood was pure morning sunshine.

  Bless him, he let me gorge myself too. He pressed his lips to my head repeatedly. “That’s my queen. Take as much as you need.”

  I released his wrist and crawled onto his lap, straddling him. I pressed a kiss to his lips and murmured, “I fucking love you, Brendon.” My hands worked his pants and the moment his cock was free, I sank down on it.

  I held tightly to him as I rode him frantically. Rah offered Brendon her wrist, and he took her vein to replenish his own blood loss. After a few sips, he released her, wrapping his arms around me. He moaned in my hair and leaned forward, flipping me to my back and took over the thrusts. Hard, greedy, lusty thrusts that had me cumming all over him.

  Then he jerked his cock from me and moved his mouth to my pussy. I watched Rah slip under his hips and take his wet cock in her mouth. He slowly humped her face as he parted my pussy with his tongue. Sliding slowly through my folds, teasing my clit.

  “Oh, fuck Brendon.” His hips moved quicker as he moaned on my pussy. We came together. Him in Rah’s mouth and me on his mouth.

  I was still shuttering in bliss when he got up and said, “You nymphs, go to the nursery and pack a bag for the girls. Nevaeh, get dressed and gather anything you might need. We leave in ten minutes.”

  My beautiful, loving Brendon true to his word, did not betray me. I leapt up and dressed in slacks and a top. I packed my sun clothing just in case we needed to keep moving after the sun rose. My cloak, wide-brimmed hat and several pairs of sunglasses helped me tolerate the sun. Even fully covered full sun felt like August in South Florida.

  I had my bag ready and met Brendon in the living space of the third floor. Jah and Rah had my girls tucked in their arms and bags on their shoulders. They looked at the floor, the wall and Brendon, but still wouldn’t meet my gaze. I didn’t blame them.

  My ears caught frantic whispering downstairs. My gaze met Brendon’s as his face turned to stone. “Jules ratted us out. Fuck, they block our escape.”

  He glanced at the door to the rooftop deck. “Go, I’ll stall Gregory. You will need to jump Nevaeh. Jump and get to the yacht. The captain knows where we’re going. I’ll catch up when I can.”

  I didn’t even pause to kiss him. I just ran to the door and opened it for Jah and Rah to go through with my girls first. I was kind of hoping to find the statue gone. The hope that some tiny bit of good still existed in my world. That hope was dashed as I glanced at the unchained statue.

  No time to say goodbye to my stone friend, I rushed passed him and looked down. Because they built the mansion on the side of the mountain, the pool was four stories below. I could make the jump. Rah and Jah could make the jump, but not my human babies. We couldn’t climb down either, not w
ith babies in our arms.

  “Fuck! Try the mountainside.” We rushed across the roof towards the back as the door was blown off its hinges.

  Brendon’s limp body skidded across the deck like he’d been drop kicked through the door. I froze as I watched him slide off the side of the roof. “Brendon!” The sound of the thud of his body hitting the ground below shattered me.

  My gaze narrowed on Gregory. He was raging again, but so was I. I growled a warning. He snarled a challenge. I backed up until I felt stone against my back.

  I growled to Jah and Rah, “Go!”

  I crouched low and bristled at Gregory. I was a momma bear, protecting my offspring. He hesitated as he took in my fierce face. That shut the little voice that was freaking out inside me right up. Yep, voice, I may not know how to fight. Especially, a super strong vampire who just reduced me to a fuck toy a half a day ago. But… say hello to momma, mother fucking bear.

  Gregory’s gaze lifted from mine. What the fuck is he looking at? Don’t fall for the trick V. You know better than to look. This is elementary school shit. Still, I lift my gaze too. I’m such a dumbass. If I live through this, I swear I’m taking some self-defense courses.

  “Holy fucking shit!” I don’t know where to run to? Gregory or my kids. Red eyes are looking down into mine. Glowing red eyes.

  I side step towards Jah and Rah, slowly. Very, slowly. “Hey there. I’m just going to… go.”

  My gargoyle is alive. My little voice pipes up, ‘So V. What were you saying about shutting up? What was it that Lucas told you about gargoyles? Yeah, they eat female vampires.’ Not helping voice.

  Gregory whispers, “Nevaeh, no sudden movements.” Red eyes move back to Gregory. No blinking. Mason is just watching, waiting.

  I snarl quietly. “Oh, so now you care about me? Where was that gentle voice yesterday when you were whipping me bloody?”

  I back towards Rah and Jah just as the twins start to howl and cry. Red eyes move to take in my daughters. My breath hitches as the gargoyle growls. It sounds like two large stones being moved against one another. The hair on the back of my neck stands on end. My girls aren’t even an appetizer for this creature. His jaws could snap me in half or swallow me whole. Whatever he desires.


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