Blood Rising

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Blood Rising Page 7

by A M Proctor

  “Mason, please.” Best remind him I’m his friend. My voice barely a shaky whisper. I lift my hands in surrender. Red eyes lift to the sky and I hear a piercing call from above. Mason returns the call and opens his wings wide.

  Shit happens quickly. Gregory moves toward me and the girls. Mason leaps down from his stone perch to engage Gregory. I look up… I know… yet again. Wings blast me back towards my girls, pushing all of us off the rooftop. The griffin opens a portal as we fall through it.

  Night turns to day and we land in soft grass. I watch Mason land almost on top of us and the griffin leave through another portal as soon as the one we fell through closes.

  Mason is standing over the top of me, panting. Bloody drool dripping from his snarling mouth. I lift my hands and squint in the light. On one hand, I’m in his shadow so I’m not frying to death.

  On the other hand, he’s staring down at me with those red glowing eyes and drooling Gregory’s blood on my face.

  My girls are screaming. I risk a glance. Jah and Rah are on their backs, like me, very unhappy babies safely tucked against their chest. I owe those nymphs my life. Or… whatever is left of it.

  Back to the gargoyle standing over me. I meet his gaze and hold it. Probably not the smartest thing I’ve done in the past couple of days. Gods, he’s beautiful in a frightening way. Body still like sculptured marble except that he’s living stone.

  Okay, so part of me wants to touch him. It’s got to be remnants of my stupid human time because I know better and yet. ‘Hold my beer cause I’m on a roll.’ I stroke his leg beside my head. Surprisingly soft. His skin twitches where my finger trails over his wrist. A claw the size of my hand taps the grass.

  Wing’s open as Mason jerks his gaze from me with a snarl. What now?


  God Realm

  “What in holy hell is that nerve grating racket?”

  My gaze follows Mason’s except my view is upside down because I ain’t about to move. Mason’s chest is rumbling a warning and yet I’m shocked once again.

  “Is that a fucking demon? Don’t tell me we’re in the Dark Realm.” The creature was definitely a demon. The fucker was huge, with long horns, bat wings, a barbed tail, dark gray hair, light gray skin, angular face and dark gunmetal gray eyes. He’d look washed out if the different shades of gray weren’t so damn vibrant.

  He stopped to look over the scene before him with a snort. “The Dark Realm would suit you better, vampiress.”

  I rolled over and stood up on shaky legs. Mason was so big that I could stand underneath him fully. I was acutely aware of his enormous cock just over my shoulder, though. At least the demon was wearing pants. Tight leather pants that hugged his sculptured thighs left little to the imagination. His equally sculptured bare chest was wide and well, damn. Who knew demons could be so purty.

  “When you’ve finished eye fucking me darlin, I’d suggest we get you out of the sun. You look exhausted and while the sun in this realm might be slightly kinder to you than the realm you come from. A weakened state isn’t the time to test your tolerance.”

  I asked, “What realm are we in?”

  He cocked his head, long hair falling to the side. Were those antelope horns? “You came here and you have no idea where you’re at?”

  Okay, my patience was wearing thin. “Can you please just answer the fucking question?”

  He smirked. “Can someone shut those babies up?”

  Mason snarled from above me. I glanced up just to make sure he wasn’t snarling at me or my babies. Nope, he was fixated on the demon. The demon held up his hands in surrender. “Okay, okay. You’re in the God Realm. Happy now?”

  A female voice said from behind the demon. “Ryzier? What in the worlds have you done now?” Her smooth voice was light, as if the devilish demon amused her.

  He turned his head towards the voice and a lithe, dark haired female came up behind him. She gasped as she saw my motley, ragged crew. “Oh, my! You’ve surely done it now, darling. A vampiress, two nymphs with crying babies and a magnificent gargoyle. I haven’t seen a living gargoyle in centuries.”

  Ryzier laughed, “You think I brought this rag tag lot here, Lilith?”

  She shot him a grin, and he admitted. “Yeah, it seems like something I’d do, but alas… I found them here.”

  I stepped forward and glanced up as Mason moved with me, still rumbling a warning at the pair. The goddess gasped. “Would you look at that? He’s protecting her!”

  The demon called Ryzier barked a laugh. “Unfucking heard of.”

  His gunmetal gaze leveled on me as he cocked his head again curiously. “Who are you, dear vampiress?”

  I drew myself up, even as I swayed with exhaustion. “My name is Nevaeh Lykaios, blood mate of Alexei Lykaios.”

  Lilith finished. “King of Vampires.”

  She glanced up at Ryzier, gaze narrowed suspiciously. “She can’t be here.”

  He jerks his head back and lifts his clawed hands up. “Again… not my fault. I didn’t invite her.”

  “Well, she can’t stay.”

  He barked a laugh, “Neither can we.”

  She jerked her gaze to his. “If I wanted to stay here…”

  They started arguing, so I motioned for my girls as I sank down into the soft grass. Mason crouched over me as I unbuttoned my shirt, leaning against his huge leg. Rah passed me Inara first while Jah passed me Leila. Huge bat wings came forward and shielded us, providing privacy from the arguing demon and goddess. I glanced up and found Mason had lifted his gaze as well.

  His concern for my modesty was touching even though his huge dong was hanging out next to my face. My nymphs were gawking at it and I might have been too if I wasn’t so fucking tired. Exhausted, hungry and feeling so very alone right now.

  Jah reached out towards the enormous sleeping beast of a cock. “Don’t touch it!”

  Jeeze was she nuts? If that thing got aroused it would knock us in the heads. How would sexually aroused Mason behave? I leaned my head back against Mason’s leg and closed my eyes with a sigh.

  I inhaled the scent of Mason as I listened to the blood pulse through his leg. What would Mason taste like? My stomach grumbled when I smelled the scent of jasmine. I opened my eyes and found Jah sitting beside me, her wrist held in offering.

  My fangs descended, and I smiled gratefully at her before I pierced her flesh. I took several long swallows before sealing the wound and releasing her. Rah offered me her wrist then. I would not deny the offer of nutrition. Again, I only took enough to satiate my hunger.

  Not alone. Even if I was rejected from the God Realm, I wasn’t alone. I had my girls and Mason. Together we can overcome whatever any realm threw at us.

  By the time the twins finished eating and fell asleep, several more voices had entered the argument. Time to face the crowd. I struggled to my feet and patted Mason’s leg. The wings lifted, and I regarded the small crowd that had gathered during my baby induced time out.

  Voices lowered, and eyes regarded me warily. I cleared my throat and drew myself up. “Yes, I am the Vampire Queen but Alexei is at court for the next fifty years and I’m no longer safe in the Human Realm. The Fae Realm won’t have me. I can’t raise my daughters in the Dark Realm as they’re human. I have nowhere else to go. Please help me. Allow me sanctuary here and I promise I won’t cause anyone problems.”

  A male voice in the back of the crowd hissed, “It’s not safe. What if she loses control over her bloodlust and goes on a bender?”

  A brown-haired woman with ivory skin and soft curves scoffed. “Oh for goddess sakes, why is it you males fear us ladies so damn much? You can plainly see that this vampiress has plenty of control. Her handmaidens are nymphs. She has a gargoyle as a pet.”

  I interrupted, “Friend.”

  Another voice added, “If you let one in, more will surely follow.”

  Ryzier stepped out of the crowd and waved dramatically, “There goes the neighborhood.”

  The woman levels her gaze on Ryzier. Hands going to her hips. “You! Take her back from where you got her from.”

  He laughs as Lilith steps out of the crowd to come to his side. “For once, Ryzier had nothing to do with this.”

  The pale woman shook her head and said, “Either way, you both can take her with you when you go.”

  I stepped forward, careful to stay in the shade of my gargoyle friend. “Please. I promise I won’t bother anyone. I’ll go home when Alexei is released from the Blood Court. I’m just asking for sanctuary. A cabin in the woods, or cave even. I won’t hurt anyone and no other vampires will come here. Please, for my babies.”

  Everyone started talking at once. Ryzier found a nearby tree to lean against as he watched the crowd of gods argue. He looked amused. Lilith came to glare up at him, arms crossed over her petite torso. His smirk grew as she spoke quietly to him.

  Then they both turned and faced the crowd of arguing gods and goddesses. Lilith cocked her dark head while Ryzier merely looked bored. Slowly the arguing subsided. They shot a few glares toward Lilith and Ryzier as both gods and goddesses shifted uncomfortably.

  Several people of the crowd paired off and left. I watched one god adjust his cock as it grew. While several females pressed their thighs together, more people left abruptly. What the heck was going on here?

  Movement caught my eye to the right. A red-headed huntress with a bow and arrow slung over her shoulder motioned to me from the tree line. She smiled and made a come hither motion with her hand.

  I glanced at Rah and she raised her eyebrows before shrugging slightly with a tilt of the head. What have I got to lose? I tapped Mason’s huge arm and pointed towards the huntress. He chuffed his agreement, or what I hoped was his agreement.

  I opened my mouth to greet the goddess when we reached her, but she put her finger to her lips and began walking through the woods. Was this the famous Artemis?

  She surely dressed the part, but I always pictured her as a blonde, like me. She moved like she was part of the woods. Like my nymphs moved through the forest. Maybe she was a nymph of some sort.

  She pushed through the brush and stepped out into a clearing that held a large pond, a small herd of horses and the walls of a village. There was a small palace in the center of town but instead of entering through the gates, the huntress took us around the outside of the wall towards the back.

  She glanced back and said, “You and the gargoyle won’t be permitted inside the village. Your nymphs are welcome though.”

  She pointed towards the huge forest. “There’s an abandoned manor house just half a mile in. The forest will protect you from the sun’s rays. I must check in with my husband, but I’ll be along before nightfall to make sure you’re settled. Don’t stray far from the manor, especially at night. This forest is enchanted, most won’t dare to enter at night but the house is safe.”

  I smiled at her and offered my hand. “I’m Nevaeh. I really appreciate your help.”

  She grabbed my forearm and said, “Atalanta. Don’t thank me yet. I’m only offering a temporary respite. Those lot will probably petition the old gods to determine your fate here. If they get involved, there’s no telling how things will turn out for you.”

  “Thank you anyway.”

  She smiled tightly and said, “Go.”



  The enchanted forest was indeed dark enough that I no longer needed the protection of Mason’s shadow to travel. Mason took the lead as he cautiously moved in the direction Atalanta pointed.

  The manor house was a neglected two-story stone structure that the forest was reclaiming. Vines grew up the sides of the home. A few shutters had already fallen off their hinges.

  This place used to be adorable with its low stone fence, picket gate and gardens of flowers and shrubs. Mason found a clearing by the front door, and turned his red gaze on me. He folded his wings against his back and then became stone. I wrapped my arms around his forearm and kissed the stone. “Thank you, Mason.”

  The front door gave way with a groan after a bit of pushing and shoving. White sheets covering the furniture gave me pause as my mind immediately saw ghosts.

  “With a bit of cleanup, this place will do nicely.”

  “A bit?” The doubt in Rah’s voice had me glancing at her.

  She was clutching Leila to her as if she was shielding the baby from the horrors of dust. I couldn’t help my chuckle. This was better than I’d hoped for earlier.

  “At least it’s not the Dark Realm.”

  It took the better part of an hour to clean the first floor. The manor house still had good bones, it just needed a few minor repairs and some elbow grease. I’d just finished feeding the twins when the door opened. Atalanta came in followed by ten servants, all carrying bundles of supplies.

  “You’ve been busy. This place hasn’t been occupied in years.”

  I left the couch I was sitting on with my twins in their milk induced coma. The servants split up, some heading upstairs, some to the kitchen while others went outside. “I can’t thank you enough for the use of this home while I’m here.”

  She cut a hand through the air. “No one else needed it.”

  She moved into the receiving room and sat down. “I lived here when I first came to the God Realm.”

  She leaned back and crossed her powerful legs. “So Nevaeh, tell me why you’re here.”

  I told her my life story as the servants lit a fire in the fireplace and began cooking something that smelled wonderful in the kitchen. Atalanta leaned forward, keen interest on her face. “So, you’re a natural born female vampire whose mother is a fae goddess, nymph?”

  I nodded and her bright hazel green gaze made a swift assessment of my face. “Did you keep any fae traits?”

  I glanced away, “I don’t think so. Unfortunately, I didn’t have much fae traits before my transition.”

  She leaned back again. “Well, you’ve only been a vampire for about a year. That’s a big change for your body to adjust to. It makes sense that you’d focus on those traits to start with. The fact that you haven’t killed your nymphs speaks volumes.”

  I nodded my agreement, and her eyes trailed to the entrance. “Then there’s that gargoyle perched by the front door. He must see something beside vampiress when he looks at you, otherwise, he’d have eaten you and your babes.”

  “I guess. I must admit, I know little about gargoyles.”

  After a pause I added, “Or the God Realm.”

  Atalanta’s strong features softened slightly. “Each realm mimics the topography of the Human Realm. It’s all Earth, Gaia, Terra or whatever you prefer to call the planet. This realm is closely related to the Fae Realm in terms of flora and fauna, but we have magic where they do not.”

  She uncrossed her legs and leaned forward. “The thing you need to remember is that the God Realm will actively reject your vampire traits. Vampires belong in the Human Realm or Dark Realm. So, if you plan to stay here, I’d suggest working on developing your goddess traits.”

  She shifted her gaze to my girls. “You also must keep an eye on your daughters. Humans do not belong in the God Realm either. There are creatures here that hunt humans. I’m afraid that sanctuary you were searching for might not be found here.”

  I sighed heavily. “I’m beginning to understand why our arrival caused such a huge argument now.”

  She chuckled and admitted. “You are the talk of the town. Most of us are bored to tears here, so any change in routine is exciting. It’s also a way those self absorbed and power hungry pricks to do some power playing. If those incubi wouldn’t have played games with the crowd, they’d still be arguing in the meadow.”


  She snorted, “You really know little, don’t you?”

  “Actually, I thought I was pretty well read. At first I thought you were Artemis, but I recognized your name when you introduced yourself. You’re like one of the very first feminists, tho
ugh that whole killing your suiters because you beat them in a foot race seems a bit extreme.”

  She laughed. “If you’d have met my suiters, you might think differently.”

  I smirked. “Yeah but… being distracted by golden apples? Really?”

  She shrugged. “The scribes made it sound as if I was frivolously chasing shiny objects. Why? Because they were males who wrote the text. Males who fear a strong, independent female.”

  Her gaze turned mischievous. “I let Hippomenes win because we’d fallen in love prior to the race. He proved to me that my strength didn’t threaten him. He wasn’t afraid of anything, even the high gods. We spent some time in the skins of lions for degrading a temple of Zeus. He got pissed because we fucked in one of his temples. I mean, Zeus. He couldn’t keep his dick in his pants if someone bet him his throne. But high gods like Zeus and Hera are fickle and self absorbed. They can make rules they themselves don’t have to follow.”

  I asked, “Does Zeus also live here?”

  She smirked, “Of course. All gods live here. The oldest, like Zeus, Poseidon, Hestia, Demeter, Apollo, Artemis, Athena and even Aphrodite, like to separate themselves from the rest of us. Just like the gods of the underworld prefer to live in the Dark Realm, separate from the creatures that lurk there. The Norse gods live in the equivalent region that their worshipers did. Same with all the gods. Egyptian gods are in fae Egypt. Indian gods are in fae India. Mayan gods, Native American gods live in fae North America. However, we enjoy traveling to other countries and realms.”

  I leaned forward, “That explains Lilith and Ryzier.”

  She rolled her eyes and smirked. “The incubi. You should let them take you to the Dark Realm. The gods of night will embrace you there. Of course you’d have to leave your nymphs behind, but the gargoyle should be able to protect you and your babes.”


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