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Blood Rising

Page 14

by A M Proctor

  I moved back in with a smile as I noted his heavy-lidded gaze. I repositioned my body to straddle his lap as I kissed him slowly. His arms and wings wrapped around me, cocooning me against his chest as I nibbled his bottom lip. He was so large I had to rise up on my knees to reach his mouth. His wings trembled as my body slid up his chest.

  I moaned against his mouth and he parted his lips for me once more. I deepened our kiss, tilting my head and stroking his face. He sighed and relaxed against me. His lips moved, mimicking my movements as he learned to kiss me back. His hands slipped under my shirt and he stroked my back tenderly.

  I pulled back slightly. “Are you happy?”

  He leaned back to look me in the eye. “I wasn’t created to feel happy.”

  I asked, “Do you feel pleasure?”

  He smiled at me. “If I say no, will you try to pleasure me?”

  I smirked. “Do you want me to pleasure you?”

  He cocked his head just slightly. “I want… to… pleasure you. I just don’t know how to give pleasure.”

  I smiled at him. “Do you ejaculate?”

  His brows furrowed. “Ejaculate?”

  I sat back on his thighs and looked down at the hard on he was now sporting. “Does this, finish? Do you have an orgasm when it does?”

  He answered as he looked down at his cock. “Yes. The mess feels good when pressed into something wet and warm.” I really didn’t want to think about what he had pressed into before.

  His gaze rose to meet mine, “At least it did in my true form.”

  I touched his face. “What about this form? Have you self soothed in this form?”

  He shook his head slowly. “We only use this form when reporting to the gods. We can articulate words better in this form.”

  Holy shit. He was a virgin in this form. I glanced down at his impressive hard on. “Can you articulate to me how this feels?” I ran the back of my hand up his shaft and over the flare of his head.

  He made a whining sound and his wings opened high and wide. His voice was a touch deeper as he said tightly. “Like lightening just shot through me at your touch.”

  His reaction sent a thrill through me. So honest and vulnerable. I whispered hoarsely. “That pleases me.”

  He cocked his head curiously. “Touching my genitals gives you pleasure?”

  I nodded as I ran my hand back down his shaft and over his massive balls. “Mason. Let me touch you. Kiss you… here.”

  He shivered as I ran a finger over his cock again. “Let me make you happy.” As much as I wanted to test my limits on this cock, I wanted him to experience bliss for the first time.

  He nodded quickly, and I said, “If it feels nice and you want to shout, or roar, or whatever… it’s all right. I want you to articulate your feelings, show how good it feels.”

  He said, “I don’t want to mess on you.”

  I asked. “Is that because you associate the mess with violence?”

  He bit his bottom lip and nodded slowly. Fuck, I love him. “It’s all right. You can tell me when you’re about to ejaculate and I’ll move but, I’d like to change your mind about the mess. I want to show you it can be a beautiful thing too.” Honestly, his sperm might be toxic to me. I have no idea.

  I asked, “Do you trust me?”

  He nodded again. “Lean back for me.”

  He leaned back on his elbows and I smiled, “That’s perfect.”

  My gaze took in his meaty chest, and I leaned forward and kissed his nipple. It tightened immediately for me. I licked it, glancing up at him as I sucked it into my mouth. I let it go with a pop and asked, “How does that feel?”


  I moved to his other nipple and teased it as my hands slid over his shoulders. He whispered, “I feel it in my genitals.”

  I moved my kisses lower. “Good.”

  As I slid my body down his I said, “Open your legs a bit.”

  His cock was sticking up as I lay my head down on his hip to gaze up at it. I slid my hand up his shaft and over the tip again and he stiffened, his wings jerking open again.

  I asked, “That feels good, doesn’t it?”

  His voice was tight as he admitted. “Yes.”

  I wrapped my hand around his shaft and whispered. “We call this a penis, cock or dick, now days.”

  Cupping his balls with my other hand, I said, “This is your scrotum or balls. It’s where your seed comes from. Ah, the mess.”

  I glanced up at him and asked, “Do you know if the mess burned your… enemies?” I just couldn’t say the word victim.

  He shook his head. “No, they didn’t say.”

  “All right, so uncharted waters here, but I’m willing to play if you are.”

  He stiffened again. “I don’t want to harm you.”

  I stroked his cock up and down and whispered, “I’m difficult to harm, Mason. You know this.”

  He nodded slowly and let out the most delicious moan I’d ever heard. Scooting closer to his cock, I placed a kiss on the shaft. He gasped. I smiled up at him as I moved to my knees and lowered down to kiss the tip. His cock jerked, and he whispered, “Oh gods!”

  “It’s all right. Relax and feel, Mason. Let yourself feel blissful. This is close to happiness.”

  I kissed his tip again as I worked his shaft with both hands. His legs bent around me as his wings shuttered. He moaned again, but it cut short as I slid my mouth around his sensitive head.

  I moaned on him, and he gasped. “Nevaeh!”

  I slid him deep and then slowly slid him back out. He’d gone completely still. He wasn’t even breathing. “You all right?”

  I glanced up and his face was frozen as he gazed at me. “Mason?”

  He took a breath. “You said, kiss. Not consume.”

  My face crumpled. “Oh baby. I’d never bite you.”

  He leaned forward, his face a mask of worry now. “No, I don’t mean. It just startled me. If you needed my blood, I’d offer it. I just wasn’t expecting… that.”

  I smiled with relief. “I don’t need your blood. I just wanted to give your cock something warm and wet to enjoy. You enjoyed that, didn’t you?”

  He touched my lips with his thumb. “It was… blissful.”

  I opened my mouth and sucked his thumb in. His gaze widened as I ran my tongue over the rough pad of his thumb. “Oh.”

  When I let him go, I asked. “Can I do that again with your cock?”

  He nodded, eyes still wide. He was so fucking cute. I couldn't imagine him raping and killing in this moment. If violent sex was all he knew, no wonder he was going nuts with just a blowie. And he was going nuts above me. His wings trembled violently. He was making the oddest noises as he thrashed his head. Finally he threw himself backwards on the ground and thrust his hips up, undulating in time with my strokes.

  I savored him slowly as I cupped his balls. Occasionally I tugged at them, coaxing them to relax as I deep throated him. I had to really focus on relaxing my throat to get him down. He wasn’t bigger than Alexei, but he was a bit thicker. He was speaking in growls. Sometimes I’d catch a recognizable word like, yes, or gods. When he said my name and the word heavenly bliss, I smiled and moaned against him.

  When his balls refused to relax back into his scrotum, I pulled off him and began to work him with my hands. He lifted his head to watch with half closed golden glowing eyes. The noises he was making in his chest ranged from purring to whining, and sometimes he growled.

  I worked him faster now, squeezing his head as I passed it. His legs stiffened and shook beside me. I smiled up at him, and he groaned. Faster now as he panted. His stomach muscles tightening like stone and then releasing. He was so close.

  A bead of cum formed at the mouth of his cock and I slowed my hands and leaned forward. He gasped as I ran my tongue over the bead. It didn’t taste like chocolate cake, but it didn’t eat half my tongue off like acid either. More formed, and I lapped it up too. Still no adverse reaction. I met his gaze as I
closed my mouth around the head of his cock.

  His eyes widened, and his entire body stiffened. He lifted me up as he thrust his hips up. His roar started deep within him, rumbling like rocks being crushed together.

  His cock pulsed and then kicked in my mouth and under my hands. I sucked harder, faster, and as his seed erupted from his cock, his roar erupted from his body.

  He didn’t have the copious amounts of seed as I’d expected from such massive balls. I had time to let it settled in my mouth before swallowing. The moment I knew he was safe to swallow, I slid him deep and allowed him to finish. Short repetitive spurts came from his throbbing cock. Each spurt he shot he gave another roar of pleasure. I counted six orgasms before he collapsed, panting and groaning.

  I stayed with his cock until it relaxed. Self assessment. I felt amazing. My entire body was lit the fuck up. My blood thrummed in my ears and I felt stronger than I ever have. I listened to his heart rate slow, his breathing go from exhausted pants to slow inhales.

  Then I turned my gaze to the meadow we were in. Was the sun coming up? I moved next to him and gazed at the new moon. It hurt my eyes to focus on it. My skin tingled all over, like a good pot buzz. That’s it. I felt high. “Mason?”

  His voice was pure ecstasy. “Yes?”

  I turned my head to face him. “Are my pupils blown out?”

  He turned his grinning face towards me and then frowned. “They’re black.”

  I smiled. “It’s all right. Sometimes they get like this.”

  Then I started laughing. He smiled slightly, brows turned down on that beautiful face of his. I managed to say. “I’m happy to report, your seed isn’t toxic to me. It’s a fucking blissful drug.”

  He asked, “Drug?”

  I laughed harder. “Like ale or wine, but better.”

  He smiled then. “I’m glad I didn’t harm you.”

  I rolled into his arms and kissed his chest. “You’re pure joy, Mason.”

  He sighed as he caressed my back. “I feel like I’ve flown over a continent.”

  I snorted, “When I get my wings, will you teach me how to fly?”

  He rose on his elbows. “Can you teach me how to make you feel the way you made me feel just now?”

  I smirked. “Only if you promise to teach me how to fly.”

  He laughed. “Of course.”

  As quickly as he started laughing his gaze snapped to the forest, laughter died, and he growled. “We have to go.”

  He stood up and glowed. I covered my eyes and turned away. The growl he emitted turned deep and gravelly. He’d shifted back to beast mode and was growling at the forest.

  Something moved at the edge of the woods. I moved closer to him. His arm came around my thighs, just like before, and I sat down as he picked me up. Whatever was moving at the edge of the woods was huge, fast, and there were more than one. They were spreading out fast, moving to encircle us and staying just out of sight. I wrapped my arms around his mane and said, “Go.”

  He leaped up, flapping his strong wings hard. Something leaped from the woods and Mason roared as he was jerked downward. Growling and snarling came from below.

  Mason kicked at something attached to his back leg as we gained height with each flap of his strong wings. He tucked me closer to his body as he bent down and grabbed whatever was attached to him with his free claws.

  He lifted a huge wolf by the scruff and bit its head off as I screamed in horror. He spit the head out and threw the body at the rest of the pack below. Then he wrapped me in both arms and flew us away.

  The moment we landed in the front yard of the manor house, I struggled out of his grasp and immediately went to inspect his injuries. He limped back from me with a snarl.

  “Mason. Let me help you.”

  His bloody maw lowered to my face, canines bared as he growled a warning at me to stay away. Fuck that. I threw my arms around his thick neck and pressed a kiss in his mane.

  “Mason. I want to help you. Please. You’re bleeding. Don’t reject me.”

  He backed up and shook his mane. “Mason, please.”

  He finally dislodged me, and I saw why he was rejecting me. That enormous cock of his was rock hard. Like fucking marble.


  He backed up, snarling at me. He was in a rage. He would not let me anywhere near him like this.

  “Mason…” My voice cracked as he backed up again.

  The manor door opened and his raging gaze fixed on Jah in the doorway. “Stay inside!” The door slammed shut.

  I worked the buttons of my shirt. That gaze fixed back on me. “Easy now. I just want to cover your wound.”

  I didn’t get a chance. He lifted to the air with a roar. The wind from his enormous wings blew me down. I scrambled back as I watched him disappear. I could only hope that he didn’t bleed out, and that he chose to self sooth instead of raping some poor unsuspecting animal.



  Mason remained missing for the rest of the week. It worried me sick. I didn’t feel like I could tell Atalanta about what happened. She didn’t seem to like Mason, anyway. She never asked about his missing statue either, but my gaze lingered on the space he used to fill as we enter the manor after a long session of hand to hand combat.

  She slapped my back and boasted, “Good job today!”

  I winced and sucked in a painful breath. “Yeah, I think you injured me during that last flip.”

  She laughed heartily. “Injured you? Hell girl, you almost dislocated my arm.”

  Where was Ryzier? I’d expected him yesterday. I felt weak and my back ached something fierce. I yawned. And my energy is waning. I haven’t felt this drained since my transition. I stumbled into the manor, “Rah…”

  The delightful scent of fae had me growling as I came around on the wood floor of the living space. My back hurt, my stomach growled. I moaned, “I’m sick, Rah. I need to feed.”

  She immediately thrust her wrist against my mouth. I moaned as her blood slid over my tongue. I maintained consciousness long enough to seal the wound. I’d taken a lot from Rah. Poor girl. I tried to apologize, but darkness closed in.

  Noise broke the darkness that surrounded me. Voices. Conversation. “How long?”

  Jah’s voice. “Two days.”


  Ryzier, thank gods. I struggled to find my way up and out of the darkness, but I felt heavy and achy. Pinned to the bottom of the pit I was in by an invisible weight.

  His voice sounded urgent. “Nevaeh, come on. Wake up.”

  Someone moaned, and I worried that I’d injured one of my nymphs. I tried my best to lift my body up. My back felt broken. Ryzier spoke again, “Drink, girl. Come on. Swallow, damn it.”

  I can swallow. Really, I can. I did. See? Not completely broken.

  “Again. Swallow again. Good girl. That’s it. Oh, thank the gods.”

  My eyes parted and immediately closed again. Ryzier’s strong blood continued to slide over my tongue, and I continued to swallow. Again my eyes parted, but the light had me turning my face from the window with a hiss.

  “Close the blinds.”

  I felt his breath fan my cheek and then his lips pressed against my temple. “Keep drinking, little love.”

  I pushed his wrist away with a groan. “My back is broken.”

  The wrist came back. “Drink Nevaeh.”

  I pushed him away. “Ryzier. I’m paralyzed.”

  He kissed my head again. “Impossible.”

  His arms slid around me, and he pulled me to sit up. “Open your eyes, Nevaeh.”

  I squinted at him and then opened my eyes. I was sitting up without help, but my shoulders and back were screaming in pain.

  I groaned, “It hurts.”

  He pulled the shirt I had on over my head and inspected my back. His hand smoothed up and down my spine and when he touched my shoulder blades I screamed.

  He jerked back, but then touched me again. “Ryzier!” />
  He moved back, and I glared into silvery gray eyes. “You’re all right, Nevaeh.”

  I went to lay back down, and he gripped my shoulders. “You need a hot bath.”

  He turned to Jah and said, “Hot bath. If it’s too hot for you, it’ll be perfect for her. Do you have any Epsom salts or similar minerals available?”

  I didn’t hear Jah’s response only Ryzier’s curse. “Fuck.”

  I was lowered gently back to bed and turned on my side. “I’ll be right back, Nevaeh.”

  I was swallowed up by darkness. Mere moments later I heard Ryzier barking orders like a royal commander. By the sounds of the scurrying about, my nymphs were following orders well.

  Arms slid under my body. I groaned and Ryzier crooned, “I know. It’ll feel better soon.”

  Hot water surrounded my body as Ryzier lowered with me into the tub. He encouraged me to lean back against his chest as he wrapped his long legs around me. “That’s it. Just relax.”

  I turned slightly to relieve the pressure on my back and nuzzled my cheek against his bare chest. His hand passed up and down my spine, carefully avoiding the sore spots.

  I heard a soft feminine gasp and Ryzier said, “The bruising is normal. She will be fine.”

  He pressed a kiss to the top of my head. “You’ll be fine, little dove.”

  I allowed the darkness to consume me again.

  I squirmed against the sheets, trying to itch my back and only making it itch worse. I rolled over and reached for the itchy spot but couldn’t quite scratch the itch. Back to my back, sliding my shoulder blades back and forth on the sheets with a groan.

  I let out a frustrated, “FUUUCK!”

  The warm body beside me jerked awake. “What is it?”

  I said a breathy, “Scratch my back.”

  Ryzier chuckled and rubbed my itchy spots with his palm. I snarled, “Scratch it, Demon.”

  He used his nails lightly, and I pushed back against his hands with a groan. He laughed lightly. “Easy little dove.”

  “Fuck that. Scratch it till it bleeds.”

  He said, “It’s already bleeding.”

  I stiffened. “What?”

  He pulled me back against his chest and kissed my ear. “You need to feed again.”


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