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The HUSH Series: (HUSH, HUSHED and JANE.)

Page 12

by Sandra Raine

  "Yes?" My voice didn't shake, my hands didn't tremble, yet my insides continued to churn.

  We're waiting.

  "Yes, Daddy."

  Dominic hung up, and I left.

  This particular time Dominic wasn't waiting for me in his Hummer, he was in his father's Bentley. And for the life of me I found I had come to despise that car. It possessed. . .stuff I wasn't too proud of.

  I quickly opened the door and slid onto the front seat. As always, I kept my view glued to the neighborhood. Tonight it was partially lit up with Halloween decorations. Earlier during dinner I remembered Bree babbling to our parents about Spongebob had I then remembered that it was indeed Halloween. Either my memory retention was for crap, or I just wasn't giving a damn about the things that were once important to me.

  The Bentley sat idle. And from the corner of my eye Dominic is looking at me. And the heat penetrating off his gaze caused me to shift uncontrollably within my skin 'cause I was dreading him; dreading what was ahead for the night, and I just wanted this night to be over and done with. I longed for my bed, to hide beneath the covers, to curl in that fetal position which always gave me comfort from the horrors of those who loomed above me, beneath me, behind me. . .

  Dominic's cell rang, and I flinched.

  "Yeah?" he answered after the second ring. A silence. He then glanced down at his watch. "It's eighteen after nine." Another silence only frenzied. Dominic then leaned back in his seat, sighing out loud and frustrated. "I ain't got time for this shit, Josh!" He bitched. "Tell Cuz either it's tonight, as in now, or we forget the whole fucking thing!?" Another silence. Another frustrated sigh. "Well tell Cuz, and since he couldn't fucking call me himself, that this is the last favor. Understand?" Dominic stiffened a nod into the receiver. "Good!" He hit the "end" button and tossed his cell onto the dash. I shifted uncomfortably in my skin again. Dominic was angry, probably 'cause he couldn't make any money off my ass tonight and I was hoping to God he wouldn't take his frustrations out on me.

  "Give me a blowjob and you can go home." Dominic snapped mechanically like ordering a fucking pizza.

  I so desperately wanted to roll my eyes and tell him to go blow himself but I couldn't. I mean, I dared not defy him, let alone, reject him. And like the professional whore I have become, I mechanically leaned over Dominic's lap, unzipped his jeans, grasped his already hardened cock and slammed my mouth down his slick shaft, and went to "work" while thanking God for answering this one prayer.

  Chapter 21


  I was in a motel room.

  In a motel room naked on a bed while other half-naked men stood around taking their turn on me. There must've been at least twelve or thirteen men smoking, drinking, laughing it up. A porno movie was playing off the TV just above my view and over the many shoulders of men getting their rocks off on me. The movie was cheesy, homemade. A couple of girls, maybe my age, maybe younger were being forced to perform all kinds of sexual acts on some older men, maybe as old as my father's father. The girls didn't look like they were having a good time. You could see it in their eyes. You could see it in their faces, in the innocence of their expressions. It was painfully obvious - even to those of a lesser intelligence - that they were being forced to do what I was being forced to do like now. And just like them, upon reading their expressions for the last hour or so, they, too, wanted so bad to break away just like me. But really, and realistically, how does one begin to break away? Where does one go? Who does one run to? Who does one turn to? Who does one confess these "things" to? Or what does one say? Or what would one say if someone in the end, and once they've spilled their guts out to, should ask: This has been going on how long and you're barely speaking up now? Maybe that was it? Maybe that was what we, us girls dreaded to hear the most? Not for fear of our captors and pimps, and maybe that's why we chose not to speak, to dwell in silence instead, to cower within ourselves for comfort 'cause maybe we felt the blame was on no one else but ourselves? Or maybe we're all just living with the little hope that this, too, shall pass someday as it has already passed with me tonight.

  At a quarter past midnight the party was over. Once again I was in excruciating pain as I staggered to the bathroom naked, drenched in sweat, semen and beer. One of the men thought it amusing to stick the neck of a beer bottle up my vagina and fuck me with it while a couple of other men recorded the act on their camera phones. Another man thought it obligatory to have him and another man fuck me in my vagina at the same time.

  When I first realized what these two men were attempting to do with me prior to having me that way, I had put up a struggle. But between being pinned backward above one man while the other man hovered above me, I found I couldn't fight them, or their intentions off. And so I gave up and endured the torture. And that, too, was recorded on their camera phones.

  I wanted to tell Dominic what those men had done to me but I decided not to since this was his idea of going to a "Halloween party" - a party he said we were going to, a party that was going to be held at a school friend's house since the beginning of the week.

  So Tanya and I went shopping for costumes that were, and what Dominic ordered them to be, on the "sexy" side rather than the "fun" side. And again that should have been another red flag. But since Dominic had been a little lenient with me with "work" these past few days I was looking forward to a little fun.

  Tanya had settled on a sexy Vamp costume while I settled on a sexy Genie one. When I asked my parents if I could spend Halloween with Tanya 'cause of a party we were invited to, I thought for sure my parents were going to object. But again they surprised me by letting me go.

  I met Tanya at around eight o'clock at her house where we dressed in our costumes. But once we headed downstairs the plan on attending the party changed. Dominic, Justin and Josh were in a heated discussion about "them" and "them this" and "them that," and the three seemed pretty peeved about it.

  Dominic eventually broke from the discussion, and it wasn't to respond to mine and Tanya's costumes but to rather usher Tanya into the parlor nestled off just to the right of the foyer.

  "Mind your fucking business, Jane." Justin spat 'cause my eyes had openly trailed Dominic and Tanya into the other room.

  "Aw, cuz!" Josh objected teasingly as he coolly left his stance and stepped around from behind me forcing me to shy down. "Don't badger our little Genie here," he then said playfully sliding his arms around my waist and pulling me somewhat close to him. "'Cause she'll make you disappear. Isn't that right, Genie?" Josh continued to taunt, pressing his body hard against mine.

  "Is that right," Justin said the least bit amused. He took a sluggish swig of his beer while his gaze sized me up.

  "Cut it out! The both of you." Dominic suddenly grumbled from out of nowhere, pulling me from Josh and yanking me toward the front door. "Let's get this shit over with!"

  "What's with you, man?" Josh affronted.

  "Nothin', man!" Dominic mimicked.

  "You're an asshole, you know that!?" Josh griped.

  "Fuck you!" Dominic spat now yanking me out the front door.

  Instead of heading toward Dominic's Hummer we instead headed toward the Bentley. A sudden wave of panic flushed over me as I feared another porn video 'cause Dominic shoved me onto the backseat. He then mumbled something to Justin and Josh before slamming the door behind me. The three then jumped into the Bentley with Josh sitting beside me and not Justin and I was glad. And even I knew the thought was pretty fucked up but still. . .We headed back to Phoenix.

  About five minutes into the drive Josh forced me down onto the seat. He then stripped off the bottom of my costume and spread my legs apart. From the headlights beaming into the Bentley from the oncoming traffic I glimpsed Josh unbuttoning his jeans and pulling his cock out. But just as he was getting on top of me his gaze fell between my legs. Sensing a second thought about what he wanted to do to me, Josh instead got off of me and shoved his head in between my legs. My body immediately tensed up as I
bit back the uneasiness of Josh's mouth burrowing into my vagina. I slapped a hand over my mouth to keep from crying out in agony once I felt his tongue probing deeper into me. I shut my eyes tight and gripped at the expensive leather upholstery with my other hand. I tried hard to concentrate on pleasant things as opposed to this wretched thing happening to me, but this unfortunately overruled any possible point of pleasantness.

  My eyes then quickly shot opened when I felt Josh's tongue no longer probing me as he was now crawling on top of me. He then groaned the second he entered me, and I had to keep myself from screaming out in agony. And Josh must've sensed my pain 'cause he took mercy on me and lessened his rough thrusts into soft ones coercing my body to relax.

  Within a few minutes Josh stopped thrusting and pulled himself out and ejaculated over my stomach. And while I was glad that that part was over, reality then settled in when we pulled into another motel causing me to fret.

  The motel wasn't as sleazy as the last one I was in. And the men were men and not a bunch of drunk and eagerly-to-prove-themselves guys who weren't stumbling over themselves to land into somebody. No. These men were classier, thirty-ish something with the majority of them sporting wedding bands obviously backed by family and kids, or at least I thought they were classy until one of them fucked me with a beer bottle while another initiated a double-dip.

  I was just getting ready to step into the shower when Dominic opened the bathroom door, saying, "Get dressed. We're leaving."

  From one minute to the next I was dressed and sitting in the Bentley. Dominic was back in the driver's seat with Josh in the front seat and Justin in the backseat, and neither of them looked at me.

  I cowered up against the door with my head partially leaned up against the window and my arms wrapped around my body for comfort from the silent tears slowly escaping my eyes. My hair was flat. My make-up was ruined. And my costume was in shambles. I was no longer that pretty little Genie who emerged from Tanya's bedroom - I was now the dirty Genie whore.

  I was glad when Dominic pulled up to his house and nowhere else. Right off the back I noticed that Tanya's Beamer was gone. And while I should have felt a great amount of fear of being alone in the company of Dominic and the cousins didn't phase me one bit as I had come to the harrowing conclusion that no one could protect me from their horrors, not even Tanya.

  "Go upstairs and shower." Dominic then said to me as soon as we walked into his house while Justin and Josh slipped past us and headed toward the back end of the house with me heading upstairs to Dominic's room.

  In the shower I scrubbed and cried, and cried and scrubbed trying to wash away the remnants of my tainted life from my body. And no matter how much soap and shampoo I put to my body it still wasn't enough to cleanse away the filth, the pain and the shame.

  I didn't hear the bathroom door open. I guess I was in some kind of trance when Justin suddenly emerged into my view through the bathroom's mirror as I was brushing my hair. At first my heart skipped a beat. But then it completely stopped when Justin spoke.

  "Dom said you had something to tell me?" I swallowed my dignity and stiffened a nod.

  "Um. . .yes," was all I could manage as Justin stepped up behind me and eased the brush from my hand and brushed my hair in long, sensual strokes. After a minute, and with our eyes playing touch and go with one another through the mirror, Justin stopped brushing my hair to give me his undivided attention.

  I slowly turned around and faced Justin and not as a "John" but as a person of importance. And for the first time I actually managed to stare straight into his eyes instead of away. I hadn't realized how blue they were nor how mesmerizing - like looking at something easily seduced, yet unbreakable. And it was in that moment when I began to understand why Justin was so goddamn ruthless. . .I could easily grasp that he had no concept of being otherwise 'cause his hardened character screamed "abused" all the way around. And for the first time, and instead of hating Justin I actually pitied him only 'cause there was a story there yet to be disclosed.

  "I'm very, very sorry for what I said to you, Justin. Please," I then pleaded, and quite convincingly as Dominic warned me to do. "Let me make it up to you." Justin pursed his lips as his inquisitive eyes gazed into mine as if he were searching for a genuine sincerity in which he would most definitely find since I was turning into a pretty damn good liar. I smiled and gently took Justin by the hand and led him toward Dominic's bed. I stripped off my towel and leaned over the bed face first 'cause I knew Justin enjoyed having me that way.

  Chapter 22

  December 23rd -

  It was another "work" night and it was being spent in Dominic's house, in the game room and not in some sleazy, or occasional upscale motel room, or in some stranger's house as it had been for the last couple of months.

  Tanya was present for a change. She was shooting pool with Josh who was priding himself on kicking her ass one game after another. There was music. There was drinking. There was smoking. And then there was me. . .sitting alone on a bar stool in a pretty blue dress. I was uncomfortable. I was bored, and I just wanted to go home and wrap some gifts I had bought for Bree and Doug. I sighed out bored and glanced at the wall clock: it was past 11:30.

  Dominic had spent the last hour on his cell chatting it up with a senior by the name of Kathy. A redheaded snob with big boobs and big hair and was rumored to have 'A snatch wide enough to sail a ship through!' As for Justin, he was lounging on the davenport texting away.

  I glanced at the clock again: 11:32. Tanya and Josh break from their game with Tanya strutting my way.

  "Dom's trying to score some nose candy," she volunteered, leaning over the bar and scooping up a handful of beer nuts from the bowl and shoving them into her mouth. "In case you were wondering. I mean, 'cause of the way you've been staring at him practically all night." she then had the nerve to add after she chewed and swallowed.

  I ignored Tanya and took her sarcasm for a drunk since she was a little tipsy from the wine coolers she'd been downing for the last hour. I took a huge gulp from the cooler I had been sipping on for the last hour to rid Tanya's stupor. The cooler was starting to taste bitter from the warmth and not as sweet from the cold; I was starting to feel nauseated. I asked Tanya if I could use the bathroom, she nodded. I headed out of the game room and into the bathroom that was located out in the hall. The game room's bathroom was being renovated for the third time 'cause Helena Ray hadn't been satisfied by its previous renovations, so I was told.

  I closed the door but I don't lock it, I wasn't allowed to. I picked up the toilet seat and vomited for the second time today; the first time was in the morning, and then now. I flushed the toilet and stepped to the sink. I washed my hands and rinsed out my mouth with some cool water. I surveyed myself in the mirror and I couldn't help but to notice how tired I looked, or how those dark rings around my eyes were starting to surface more and more from the lack of eating, resting and sleeping, all compliments of "work" which made my eyes look sunken and dazed while my skin looked twice as pale. And just this morning I'd come to discover that I weighed six pounds less. But what was troubling me the most was the nausea, and I couldn't understand the reason for the vomiting either especially if I hardly ate or drank? In the end I fended stress.

  There is tension in the game room when I returned from the bathroom particularly between Dominic and Justin. Tanya kept to the bar looking unnerved while Josh chalked his cue stick looking extremely bored. All eyes then turned to me for a split second before retreating beneath the opposition that continued to hover over the game room. Dominic then stared down at the brownish-gold carpet complimenting the game room's décor, and pursed his lips tightly while Justin glared at me accusingly. Right then and there my stomach took a drastic turn and those constant nervous knots of mine dissipated into fear. . .Dominic was pissed.

  "Tanya, take Jane to the other room." Dominic said with Tanya wasting no time jumping off the bar stool. She then crossed to me in hastened steps and grabbed my hand,
and together we hurried out of the game room. Half-way down the hall Tanya's cell rang.

  "Go wait in the living room," she ordered. I stood there and rolled my eyes as she rushed past me into the kitchen. And instead of listening to Tanya, I instead turned back around and quieted my steps back toward the game room. And if I hadn't known what was going to be said between Dominic and Justin prior to my decision to eavesdrop, I would have never eavesdropped. I mean, I can honestly admit that I single-handedly brought a new meaning to the term: Curiosity killed the cat, and satisfaction brought it back!

  Chapter 23

  I held my breath as soon as I heard Justin's voice.

  "You're taking this thing way to personal, cuz." he said neither content nor amusing but dead serious.

  "You think so?" Dominic challenged.

  "Fuck yeah!"

  "I don't think you understand the severity if something would have happened, Justin - "

  "Like what?" Justin scoffed questionably but then stopped short to recant. "And nothing did happen."

  "But what if something would have happened?" Dominic rationalized. "What would you have done then, huh, cuz? What would WE have done?"

  "There's always the landscaper's daughter."

  "Fuck that little spic bitch!"

  "No, cuz, fuck you!" Justin fumed. "Fuck you and your fucking sensitivity for her! And who gives a shit if a few men decide to have a little fun with her. I mean, that's what they pay us for, isn't it?"

  "Stickin' beer bottles up her fucking snatch is not what they're paying us for, Justin. She's a fucking commodity worth a grand a pop! And I'll be goddamned if one of those fucks fuck it up for us!"

  "But they didn't fuck it up, Dom. And that's the point!"

  "And I understand your fucking point, dude! But the other point I'm tryin' to fuckin' make here is that if they fuck it up for us in the future who in hell is goin' to pay a thousand dollars to fuck damaged pussy? I mean, do you get my fucking point now?"


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