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Diamond (The Heirs Series Book 2)

Page 3

by D. Camille

  “Tara’s husband, Stephen, is going to have Watson Entertainment put his newest act on the tour with the other entertainers, since we believe that someone either working on or affiliated with these tours have some knowledge of what the hell is going on,” Six relayed.

  “His newest act?” Diamond questioned.

  Six turned to Xavier. “Diamond, meet The X-Ception.”


  Xavier nodded. “Me and Benjamin Rucker.”

  “What are you going to do?” she asked.

  Six smiled. “The X-Ception is a rapper, slash, singer, slash, entertainer.”

  Diamond blinked. “You’re going to go undercover…as a rapper?”

  “Slash, singer, slash, entertainer…” Xavier answered.

  She turned to Six. “Did Uncle Ray approve this plan?”

  “Yes, now listen up…” Six told her. “We’re all working this mission.”

  Six looked at Diamond. “Diamond, you’re going in as The X-Ception’s Personal Assistant. That way no one will question you being at his side at all times.”

  Diamond looked at Xavier. “The X-Ception? Really?”

  “I break all the rules,” he told her smoothly and she turned her attention back to Six.

  “Lilac and I are serving as security, since she’s so dangerous, and I can keep an eye on her,” Six told them.

  Lilac smiled. “I am dangerous…”

  “Alex is running controls from the outside, since we don’t want him on the scene. No one needs to know that the X-Ception has a twin.” Six continued.

  “Justice is the X-Ception’s music rep, Skye is his stylist, since she has her own fashion line and Jade is his social media assistant, and will use her tech skills.” He finished.

  Diamond shook her head. “This is crazy. No one is going to believe that Xavier is a rapper.”

  Jade corrected her. “I don’t know about that Diamond. We launched the X-Ception’s social media with a clip of a performance and the women have gone wild!”

  Diamond frowned as Jade checked her phone. “Some of the responses are like…He can be my X-Ception…OMG-Where can I find him? I would lick his-“

  “Okay!” Diamond told her sister. “I get the point.”

  Jade shrugged. “I’m just saying, his followers are increasing by the minute.”

  Justice laughed. “I can’t wait to see this.”

  “I’ve picked you out a few outfits to choose from for your performances, Xavier.” Skye told him.

  “Thanks, Skye. The photoshoot ensemble seemed to go over well.”

  Diamond looked between the two. “What photoshoot?”

  “Xavier had a photoshoot to promote the tour, last week.” Skye explained.

  “The pictures are in the packet,” Six told her and Diamond immediately searched inside.

  Flipping the pages until she came across the first pictures, she screamed, “The Gods!”

  “I know right,” Jade agreed. “Now you see why these women are losing their damn minds.”

  Diamond stared down at the photograph of the sexy, half naked man staring back at her. Xavier was shirtless, showing a muscular chest, brown and glistening. A diamond encrusted X hung on a diamond chain around his neck and rested in between his defined pecs. Dark jeans hung low on his hips giving a glimpse of the band of his black underwear.

  His dark brown eyes held a sexy look as he posed for the camera. From his dark silky low-cut hair, to the trimmed soft beard on his face and the two diamond studs in his ears, he did look like he broke all the rules. She noticed his arm then looked over at the real man.

  “You have tattoos?”

  Xavier smiled. “Those are Henna. Skye suggested them for the shoot.”

  “Don’t they look sexy?” Skye asked Diamond.

  He waited for her answer and watched as she murmured a simple, “Umm…hmmm…”

  Diamond flipped through the remaining pictures and had to force herself to breathe normally. Xavier had grown into a sexy ass, grown ass man and she was having trouble coming to grips with that. Looking up, she met his serious eyes, then turned to Six, who was still giving instructions.

  “Stephen is providing a tour bus, and all of us will ride on it, except Alex and Justice. In the cities, we’ll have suites. One for the X-Ception, two for the goddesses, and one for me. We’ll stay close and tight. Xavier is going to try to find out as much as possible as he mingles with the other acts and people working the tour.”

  “Our jobs are to keep our ears and eyes open, and to protect Xavier. If his cover is blown, then we don’t know what these people will do to keep their secrets from being exposed,” Six explained, then turned to Diamond.

  “People will believe that Xavier is a real rap star, Diamond. Fans and groupies are going to try to get at him and I need you to be right there by his side, shielding him as much as you can from loonies and paparazzi, while he’s trying to get information.”

  Diamond looked at Xavier. “Nothing’s going to happen to Xavier,” she vowed.

  Six nodded. “Lilac, you and I need to meet about security detail after this.”

  “I’m ready…I need to make sure my brother is safe,” she replied.

  Xavier smiled at his sister.

  “Justice and Alex, you two, along with Xavier and I, will meet with Stephen at Watson Entertainment tomorrow to finalize the tour,” Six told the men.

  Justice nodded. “Got it, and we got you Xavier…”

  “Thanks Justice,” Xavier said quietly.

  Alex looked at his brother. “Stay in tune…at all times.”

  Xavier nodded. “I will.”

  “Jade, make sure we promote the hell out of this tour.” Six instructed. “We need the X-Ception to be on every woman’s lips. The more popular he appears, the more people will be scrambling to be on his team, and the more information, he’ll be able to get.”

  “I’m on it…” Jade replied. “The pictures and the clip have started things with a bang already.”

  “Any questions?” Six asked.

  When there were none, Six stood. “Then let’s handle it.”

  “It’s handled,” they all said in unison.

  Six and Lilac left the room to start their own meeting, while Skye moved over to Xavier. “Why don’t you come by my studio later to look over your wardrobe?”

  He nodded. “Sounds good. Thank you Skye.”

  “You should get that tattoo for real,” she told him. “It looks good on you.”

  “I’ll think about it.”

  Gathering, her packet, she stood. “See you later.”

  Next, Jade sat in the seat by Xavier. “I’ve uploaded all the photos from the shoot. I want to do some more candid shots like selfies, with you just doing regular things,” she told Xavier.

  “You want me to take some selfies?” Xavier questioned.

  “You do take them, right?”

  He shook his head. “No, I don’t take selfies, Jade. I’m a CIA agent.”

  “Well, have Diamond help you. She’s your Personal Assistant.” She looked over at Diamond. “Help a brother out, Diamond, and send me the pics.”

  Jade took her file and said her goodbyes, before Justice stood to join her. “Hey, I might want you to work on my social media.”

  Jade looked at him. “For what Justice?”

  He smiled. “Somebody might want to lick my-“

  “Shut the hell up!” Diamond yelled at her brother.

  Both Jade and Justice laughed as they walked out the door, while Alex shook his head and got to his feet.

  “I’ll talk to you later,” he told his twin.

  Xavier nodded. “Sure.”

  “Bye, Diamond.” Alex said quietly.

  “Bye, Alex.”

  When the room was empty, except for Diamond and Xavier, she looked over at him.

  “Are you really going to do this?”

  He nodded. “Yes, why wouldn’t I? People are missing and dying…”

  She opene
d the file and turned to the picture. “I can’t believe this is you. What is Aunt Lily going to say?”

  “It’s a picture with my shirt off, Diamond.”

  She lifted brown eyes to his. “It’s a very sexy picture.”

  Xavier smiled. “Do you think so?”

  Diamond frowned. “Do you even rap or sing?”

  “Benjamin Rucker can do anything.”

  “What if your cover is blown, Xavier?”

  “I thought, that was the reason you’re there…”

  Taking one last glance at the picture, she closed the file.

  “I don’t even know you…” she whispered.

  “Not yet,”

  She shook her head. “I don’t like this plan.”

  “Your father used to complain like that.”

  Diamond glared at him. “Don’t be funny.”

  “I’m not.” Xavier sat up. “What is the problem?”

  She opened the file again and placed the photo on the table between them. With a finger holding it in place, she snapped, “This!”

  “Again, what is the problem?”

  “Earrings, tattoos, naked chests…who is this man?”

  “He’s the X-Ception.”

  Diamond folded her arms. “Where is the Xavier in khakis and polos?”

  “I’m turning twenty-four…I don’t really dress like a teenager anymore.” He pointed out. “I’m a grown man…”

  She closed her eyes to his gaze. “I know that.”

  “Do you Diamond?”

  Opening her eyes, Diamond took a deep breath. “Let’s focus on the mission.”

  Xavier agreed. “I’m glad that you’re my PA. I trust you more than anyone, except Alex.”

  “What about Justice?”

  “Justice might see a woman and let me get killed.”

  Diamond laughed. “She might want to lick his…”

  He shook his head. “See, that’s why I’m glad Six chose you.”

  “You know that I won’t let anything happen to you, Xavier?” Diamond asked softly.

  “You know the same, Diamond.”

  She looked away. “About yesterday…”

  He waited and watched her.

  “If…and I don’t recall…but, if I asked you to kiss me, then I shouldn’t have done that. I don’t want to send you mixed signals,” she said, quietly.

  “They aren’t mixed at all,” Xavier relayed.

  “Are you going to be able to focus on what we’re going to do?” Diamond questioned.

  Xavier stared at her. “Are you?”

  “Why wouldn’t I?” she demanded.

  He pointed at the photo, underneath her hand.

  She smirked. “I’ve seen many handsome, sexy men before…”

  “Have you kissed them?” he inquired.

  “Yes, I have…for your information.” Diamond rebutted.

  Xavier nodded. “Good.”

  Diamond frowned. “Good?”

  He got to his feet. “Now, you can tell the difference.”

  She watched him confused. “The difference?”

  Placing both hands flat on the table, Xavier leaned across to her face. “The difference between kissing a man who wants you for the moment, and the man who wants you forever.”

  Diamond remained silent watching him.


  They both turned at the woman’s voice.

  “Yes, Lace?”

  She looked at the pair. “Uh…Six wants you to stop by his office, before you leave.”

  He nodded. “I’ll do that.”

  “And uh, can I get an autographed photo of the X-Ception…asking for a friend?”

  Diamond frowned as Xavier answered, “Of course…”

  “Thanks,” Lace smiled and exited the room.

  Xavier turned back to Diamond and saw her expression.

  “Is this what you want?” she questioned. “Women fawning over you?”

  “If that woman is Diamond Black.”

  Diamond stood and gathered her folder. “Well, I don’t want your damn autograph!”

  She walked to the door. “I guess that makes me…the exception!” she snarled, then walked out.

  Xavier looked down at the photo on the table, then smiled.

  “You always have been, Diamond Black.”

  Chapter 3

  The next day, Xavier, Six, Alex and Justice headed over to Watson Entertainment to meet with the CEO, Stephen Worthy. He greeted the men with handshakes before they all were seated in his office.

  “Steph, good to see you,” Six told him. “Thanks for working with us on this,”

  Steph sat back. “You know, it’s taken awhile for Tara’s family to grow on me. I’m amazed at what you all do, and I’m happy to assist in any way that I can. This business has many dark sides, but I’ve run Watson Entertainment beyond reproach, for the past several years. If anyone in this business, or connected with Watson Entertainment is involved in this, in any way…then I want their asses held accountable.”

  Xavier agreed. “So do we.”

  Steph turned his attention to Xavier. “So you’re my new talent? I hear that your social media is blowing up…”

  He nodded. “Jade is doing a great job.”

  “I watched your video,” Steph told him. “You could be missing your calling.”

  Xavier shook his head. “No, that’s all for show.”

  Steph smiled. “That’s amazing then, because many would give their left arm to be able to do that so well.”

  The other men in the room looked at Xavier, before he replied, “It’s a gift from my father.”

  Steph looked to the paperwork on his desk. “My staff have you all set up on the tour. You’ll be one of the opening acts. It’s a three week, ten-city tour. I’ve also had my team, get you all the info we have on the acts that have been with the tour for the last few years, and all the staff that we know have worked that tour.”

  Six nodded. “That’s a good look, Steph. It gives us a head start on who to possibly focus on initially.”

  “I’m here to do whatever needs to be done.” Steph told them firmly. “This company is my wife and my children’s legacy. I won’t have it tarnished in any way.”

  “I’m going to represent our interests,” Justice told Steph. “Since Watson Entertainment is a part of Black Diamond Holdings’ portfolio, we don’t want any bad press for any of us. I’ll be checking in periodically with the team on the tour. I’ll hit the first and last stops for sure.”

  Six looked at his cousin. “Make sure you’re coming for business.”

  Justice smiled. “I can do both.”

  Xavier shook his head…that’s why he was glad Diamond was his coverage. He and Alex shared a look, while Steph continued.

  “We’re all set, on our end,” Six informed him. “We’ll fly out next week. Xavier needs to meet the other acts and get some practice in before we hit the road.”

  “Contact me if you need anything,” Steph told them. “Since you’re serving as A & R, Justice, let me know if you need me to send one of my reps to help you out.”

  “If she’s female, make sure she’s fine.” Justice told him.

  Steph frowned. “I’m married to your cousin. I don’t worry about how other women look.”

  Justice shrugged. “But you can still see…”

  “I don’t see anybody but my wife,” Steph told him in his New York accent.

  “And that’s why I’m not getting married until I’m like fifty.” Justice announced.

  Six frowned at him. “Justice, we’re not here to discuss your love life, or lack thereof…I’m going to need you to stay focused.”

  Steph watched the group and thanked the heavens that his wife was not involved in these family activities.

  “I’m always focused.” Justice told him.

  Six turned back to Steph. “We’ll be in touch if we need anything and I’ll keep you updated, if we find out anything that leads back to Watson Entertainm

  “I appreciate that, Six.” Steph replied. “Be safe, out there…”

  Xavier looked at the group. “That’s the plan.”


  Diamond exited the private car and walked to the front door of the large estate. Smiling, she watched as the door opened and a little boy stood next to a happy woman, holding a baby girl.

  “There’s my fave!” Diamond yelled, hurrying to greet them all.

  Tara hugged her cousin and quickly ushered her inside, then set her son up with his favorite movie. Diamond smiled as the boy settled in, before heading into the next room with Tara. The two women took seats on the sofa, where Tara could see her little one.

  “He’s so damn cute,” Diamond told her with a smile.

  Tara grinned. “He looks just like Stephen, and you’re still cursing.”

  “It’s in my DNA.”

  Shaking her head, Tara stared down at the wiggling little bundle in her arms. “It’s her feeding time,” she told Diamond, before setting her daughter up to nurse.

  Diamond watched Tara in amazement. “You’re such a Momma now…it’s so adorable.”

  “I love my babies,” Tara told her.

  “Do you want more?” Diamond asked.

  Tara chuckled. “Although, we just had this one…I do want more.”

  Diamond sat back. “How are things with you and Stephen?”

  “Wonderful,” Tara smiled. “My husband is everything I’ve ever wanted.”

  “I’m happy for you,”

  Tara stroked the baby’s face. “So did you enjoy traveling the world?”

  Diamond nodded. “I did. I’d thought that my fave was going to come with me, but she fell in love with some handsome CEO, wrote a bestselling book, and started having a bunch of pretty babies.”

  Tara laughed. “I sure did, and I wouldn’t change one thing.”

  Diamond heard little Steph laughing at his movie and smiled. “If I were you, I probably wouldn’t either.”

  “So is there a man who has Diamond Black thinking about falling in love and having a bunch of pretty babies?” Tara inquired.

  Diamond frowned and looked away, causing Tara’s interest to be piqued.

  “What’s going on Diamond?” she questioned.

  Sighing, Diamond threw an arm across her pretty face.


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