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Diamond (The Heirs Series Book 2)

Page 10

by D. Camille

  Jade shrugged. “That’s why I just kick his ass…all that arguing is unnecessary.”

  “Good work tonight, Jade.” Xavier told her and she smiled.

  “Thanks Xavier, be safe tomorrow.”

  He nodded. “I will. You too…”

  She disappeared into her bedroom and Xavier turned to his sister.

  “Hello, Lilac.”

  “What’s wrong?” she asked.

  Xavier shook his head. “Nothing, I just wanted to see my sister.”

  “Don’t worry about me, Xavier. I know what I’m doing.”

  “I have no doubts, and I don’t want you worrying about me either.” He told her.

  Showing her dimples, she smiled. “I’m glad you’re doing this…people need our help.”

  He paused then began, “I don’t like the things that I have to say as the X-Ception. I don’t condone anybody calling my sister a bitch or any other woman, but for now, I have to keep up the cover.”

  Lilac touched his arm. “Xavier, I know that’s not you and I know under any other circumstance, he’d be knocked out, by you, Six and Justice. Everybody has to play their role…”

  “Be on guard around these people, at all times…” Xavier warned.

  “I’m dangerous,” she reminded him.

  Xavier chuckled. “I know, Goddess.”

  She hugged her brother. “Do what you have to do, and we’re all right here to cover your back.”

  “Have you talked to Momma and Daddy?” Xavier asked, pulling back.

  Lilac sighed. “They’ve left me messages, along with Grandma Carolyn, Grandma Lavender, Uncle Kent and Aunt Lotus. It’s the first day!”

  “We have to show them that we’re on top of our game.” Xavier said, shaking his head.

  “Yes, so let’s do this.” Lilac agreed. “I’m ready to see some real action.”


  In the other suite, Skye looked at her two cousins and decided to excuse herself.

  “I’m going to ask you two to keep it down, because a Princess needs her beauty rest.” She told Diamond and Justice. “Good night.”

  “Good night, Skye,” they both replied, then turned to one another.

  Justice frowned at his sister. “Why are you always trying to do something unnecessary?”

  Diamond lifted an arched brow. “Unnecessary?”

  “You could’ve just had us pick the dude up, but no…you want to go on a damn date with him. That’s unnecessary!”

  “Go away, Justice.” Diamond told him. “I’m here on a mission, just like you.”

  “Yes, a mission,” he stressed. “Didn’t you tell me we aren’t here to hook up?”

  She frowned. “I’m not trying to hook up with Jason Stewart.” Diamond folded her arms. “And it’s none of your damn business who I want to hook up with!”

  “That’s not keeping it down!” Skye shouted through her door.

  “Sorry, Skye,” Diamond shouted back and glared at her brother. “Good night, Justice.”

  “I’m not about to watch some dude trying to smash my sister! You’re out of your damn mind!” Justice rebutted.

  Diamond paused. “I’m a grown ass woman, Justice Black…and I can smash who the hell I want!”

  His eyes narrowed. “Just because you got Xavier to agree with you, like you always do…don’t think I’m going to be cool with this!”

  “Xavier agrees with me because I’m right, and he knows I’m a grown woman…” Diamond told him.

  Justice nodded. “I was supposed to leave tomorrow, but I think I’ll stay on the tour a few more days.”

  “Don’t you have a business to run?”

  “Daddy’s there, he can handle things at Diamond Holdings. This is more important.”

  Diamond’s eyes narrowed. “Don’t be a pain in my ass, Justice!”

  “You’ve always been one in mine, Diamond.” He said with a smile, then hugged her. “I need to watch over my Little Pretty Girl.”

  Diamond freed herself from his embrace and looked at him. “Good night Justice.”


  The next morning, Xavier exited his bedroom in a pair of boxer briefs and stopped when he saw Diamond sitting on his sofa.

  “You do have nice thighs,” she commented, admiring his strong legs and…other parts.

  He rubbed his head. “Hello, Diamond. I’m not going to ask how you keep getting in here, without me hearing you.”

  She smiled. “I’m well trained.”

  “I see.” He walked over to where she sat. “Do I get a proper welcome?”

  Slowly, she stood to her feet and stepped into his warm arms.

  “Good morning, Goddess.”

  “Good morning, Xavier,” she whispered, with her cheek against his firm chest.

  He kissed the top of her head and asked, “Why are you here so early?”

  Diamond took her seat back on the sofa and he joined her.

  “I wanted to thank you for last night, but I don’t want you arguing with Justice. He’s an ass and he’s going to be an ass.” Diamond told him.

  Xavier smiled. “Listen, I’ve known Justice all my life…and next to Alex, I’m closer to him than anyone.” He touched her face. “But, when it comes to you, he’s going to calm that down…”

  Diamond smiled. “He means well…”

  “I don’t yell at Lilac,” Xavier pointed out. “Neither does Alex…”

  “We’re Blacks, though…”

  He chuckled. “Yes, I know.”

  She took his hand. “I appreciate you coming to my defense, but I can handle Justice.”

  Xavier nodded. “I know you don’t need a hero, and I apologize for interfering with your work last night.”

  Diamond blinked. “You apologize?”

  “Yes, I let my emotions take over. When I heard him talking about wetting the sheets, all I wanted to do was get you away from him,” Xavier explained. “But I respect your skills, and I trust that if I’m the man you want…it doesn’t matter what other man is in your presence.”

  Xavier squeezed her hand. “It won’t happen again,” he promised.

  “You really want me to chase you, don’t you?” she whispered.

  “I think you want to,”

  Diamond smiled and asked, “Do you want breakfast before rehearsal this morning?”

  “Yes, let me get dressed.”

  He looked her over. “Where is your necklace?” Xavier asked.

  “In my room. Jade is monitoring this morning, and I don’t need everyone knowing our business.” Diamond explained. “I’ll drop by and get it on our way out.”

  Xavier stood to his feet and looked down at her. “When you break in, you’re always welcome in the bedroom.”

  She held his gaze. “I’ll remember that…”

  Diamond studied him as he walked away, noting the defined muscles in his back, firm ass and strong legs. His smooth brown skin glowed with vitality and strength, while he strode in confidence.

  Xavier showered and dressed in another of Skye’s creations, then returned to the living room, where Diamond had breakfast set up. She looked up and gave him a slow perusal. This morning, he looked every bit the rapper and Diamond smiled.

  “Good morning to the X-Ception.” Diamond announced from her chair. “You look very enticing.”

  Xavier took the chair across from her. “I think that’s what Skye was shooting for…”

  Diamond continued to study him. “You are very handsome, Xavier. You always have been.”

  “Thank you.”

  “How do you switch between the personalities?” Diamond asked.

  He paused. “You shut one down and allow the other to take over completely.”

  She nodded. “I was surprised at how well you did that last night.” Diamond reached for a glass of juice.

  “What? Lose all my manners, grammar and morals in the blink of an eye?” Xavier picked up a utensil.

  “I didn’t say that.”

shrugged and began moving food around his plate. “It’s how it feels…”

  Diamond paused and studied him. “Talk to me…” she invited.

  He paused, then looked at her. “I know that I’ve lived an extremely privileged life. I’ve never had to want for anything and I thank my parents for that. I understand that some of these dudes didn’t have a father in their homes, if they even had homes.”

  Xavier took a deep breath. “I’m not upset with them, because for some, this is the only life they know. I’m upset with the system that created this. A system that can make a young black man not care about anyone or anything but that dollar, because systematically it’s purposely been withheld from him for generations.”

  Diamond listened quietly as he voiced his inner thoughts.

  “A system that turns black men against our black women…preys on us and turns us into the monsters they’d always portrayed us as,” he said quietly. “I’m glad that I’m not that man, but I feel for those who have been made into that.”

  He shook his head. “I never want to get to the point where I feel free to call our Goddesses out of their name and use their bodies. I never want to be in a position where I have to use my own body or sell out someone else, to line my pockets or become famous.”

  When he stopped, Diamond reached across the table and placed her hand over his.

  “Our fathers did this world a service, with their dedication to saving women and building communities. We have nothing to be ashamed of by growing up with the means that we had. The Black Diamonds risked their lives and this was their reward.” Diamond told him. “We could’ve easily gone off to live cushy lives based on their success, but we’re here. We’re dedicated to helping those who can’t help themselves, in the best way that we can.”

  “You’re right, these systems are tragic. Even now, what started out as possible organ trafficking could be sexual abuse, drug dealing, and whatever the hell else these people are doing. We’re here to save the ones who are caught in this trap game, get redemption for those who have lost their lives…and maybe we can prevent a few others from this nightmare.” Diamond finished.

  Xavier glanced at her hand over his, then looked up to hold her gaze. “I love the way you understand me. You’ve never looked at me like I was strange or weird. You never even thought it…”

  “Because you weren’t strange…you were special.” Diamond admitted. “I didn’t realize how special I thought you were, until you kissed me that night.”

  He grinned. “I thought you were going to punch me in the face, but I was prepared to take the pain.”

  “You shocked me, literally.”

  Xavier took her hand. “You really never knew how I felt about you?”

  Diamond shook her head. “I think I didn’t want to know.”

  “And once you did?” he asked.

  “Then Xavier Jackson became someone that I couldn’t stop thinking about,” she confessed. “Even when I didn’t want to…”

  He smiled and she felt her heart jump.

  “You’ve seen me at my best and my worst, but you still want me?” Diamond asked.

  “Goddess, at your are the best,” he said softly. “And at your best, you are perfection…”

  Xavier stared into her brown eyes.

  “You should eat your breakfast,” Diamond told him. “Before you become my snack…”

  “Are you hungry?”

  She smiled and looked at the diamonds in his ears. “My appetite is definitely increasing…”

  Laughing softly, they both went back to their breakfast, before preparing to begin the day. Xavier went to retrieve his necklace, and Diamond stopped him with a hand on his muscled arm. He paused and looked down into her beautiful face.

  “Yes, Diamond…”

  Slowly, she reached up and touched his jaw. “I’m proud of what you’re doing and I’ve got your back.”

  “When we’re done, and we get back to our lives in LA,” Xavier said, watching her. “I’m going to show you why we are made for each other.”

  She lifted her face to his. “Show me now…”

  He slipped an arm around her waist and pulled her closer, then lowered his head to hers. When his lips touched hers, Xavier felt the electrical currents jumpstart his heart. He loved Diamond Black with an intensity that was not rivaled by anything else in his life.

  Waiting for her to return home, and now waiting for her to feel the way he felt, was more than any man should have to endure. But he wasn’t just any man…he was Xavier Jackson, the only man who could take on Diamond Black and love her the way she deserved to be loved.

  He kissed her passionately until there was a knock on the door. Xavier lifted his head and waited until her brown eyes appeared. Giving her a sexy smile, he touched her swollen mouth.

  “You might want to stop in the ladies’ room to touch up your makeup,”

  Diamond slid her tongue across her lips. “I’ll do that.”

  He waited until she disappeared, then went to answer the door, and Justice entered with a smile.

  “What’s up X-Ception?”

  “Hello Justice,” Xavier said, closing the door.

  Justice rubbed his hands together. “First rehearsal today…”

  “You seem like you’re looking forward to it.”

  “I came here to see some action,” Justice told him. “I’ll be with you for a few cities, to keep an eye on things.”

  Xavier frowned. “You changed your schedule?”

  Justice nodded. “Yeah, I’m not leaving my sister with that dude sniffing around.”

  “She’s trained better than you, Justice.” Xavier pointed out.


  Diamond emerged from the bathroom, with a fresh face, and Justice frowned. “What are you doing here?” he questioned.

  She ignored him and looked at Xavier. “Are you ready to head over to the rehearsal? The car should be here soon.”

  He nodded. “Yes, I’ll walk with you to your room, before going downstairs.”

  She then turned to her brother. “Good morning, Justice…since you don’t have any manners today.” Diamond chastised.

  He smiled. “Good morning.”

  “I want you to stop acting like an idiot,” Diamond told him. “I know it’s hard…”

  Justice laughed and hugged her. “I love you too.”

  Xavier looked at the siblings. “Justice, I’m going with Diamond to get Skye, then we’ll meet you and Six down at the car.”

  The three exited the suite, then parted ways, before Xavier led Diamond to her room with a hand on her back.

  “You know I’m going to have to deal with Justice at some point?” Xavier told her.

  Diamond looked at him. “I don’t understand when he developed this overprotective little brother identity.”

  “He’s always had it…he’s just never had to show it.” He explained.

  “The Gods! I hope this isn’t going to be another Uncle Ray and Daddy situation.”

  Xavier smiled. “My father says their fights were legendary and frequent. I guess that’s why we have the rules.”

  Diamond stopped outside her door. “How is our family going to react?”

  He shrugged. “They may be surprised at first, but there’s nothing they can do about it.”

  “Do your parents know?” Diamond asked.

  “No, just Alex and Grandma Lavender,” he answered.

  “Grandma Lavender?”

  Xavier smiled. “She’s always known, and been my confidante.”

  Diamond sighed. “This might be harder than this damn mission…”

  “Dealing with Diamonds? Yes, it probably will be…”

  She placed a hand on his chest. “We’ll handle them together?”

  “Like Uncle Jordan, I don’t care how your brother feels about it.” Xavier said firmly. “And if I have to kick his ass, I will…”

  Diamond smiled. “I’ve been doing that all his life.”

  The door opened and Skye looked at the couple standing in the hall. She glanced from one to the other as Diamond removed her hand from Xavier’s chest.

  Her brown eyes twinkled. “Am I interrupting?”

  Diamond turned to her. “No, I came to get my necklace.”

  “And we came to walk you down to the car,” Xavier added.

  Skye looked him over with a smile. “Finally, you’re wearing one of my outfits!”

  Xavier glanced down at the ensemble. “Yes, this one worked for me.”

  “Doesn’t matter what you wear,” Skye told him. “You always look good.”

  She slid a glance to Diamond. “Don’t you agree, Diamond?” she asked slyly.

  Diamond walked inside the suite. “Yes, Skye…I agree.”

  Skye turned back to Xavier. “Where is your necklace?”

  Touching his chest, Xavier shook his head. “I’ll need to get it from my room.”

  “Is there a reason why you and Diamond aren’t wearing your chains this morning?” Skye asked.

  “We weren’t undercover…” he answered.

  Xavier smiled as Diamond returned with the necklace in her hand. He reached for it, and Skye watched as Diamond turned to allow him to fasten it around her neck.

  Diamond looked down at the chain, then turned to looked up at him with a smile. “Let’s go.”

  Chapter 9

  Jordan, Sean and Ray sat in Jordan’s office in the Black Diamond Building. The former Black Diamonds were gathered together to discuss their children.

  “Have you talked to Six?” Jordan asked Ray.

  Ray shook his head. “No, not yet.”

  Sean looked at them both. “Didn’t they just leave yesterday?”

  Jordan looked at Sean. “You didn’t call Lilac?”

  “I sent her a text.” Sean replied.

  Ray gave him a look. “I thought you were so prepared for them to go.”

  Sean shrugged. “That’s my little Goddess…I’ll always check on her.”

  “They act like they don’t want to hear from us,” Ray complained.

  “They don’t,” Sean agreed. “This is their mission and they’ve made that perfectly clear.”

  Ray frowned. “Six told me he was the Sun God.”

  Jordan laughed. “He is…your blessing days have been over for a while.”

  “He’s so damn serious,” Ray commented. “I can’t believe that’s my son sometimes.”


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