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Diamond (The Heirs Series Book 2)

Page 17

by D. Camille

  “What does Ciara think you did with it, Justice?” Alex questioned.

  Justice answered, “I told her it was to treat an associate.”

  Six nodded. “What’d you get from her tonight?”

  “I think she knows more than she’s letting on. She tries to act like she’s this little dancer, but I’m not that damn slow…” Justice told them. “I’m just going to keep playing the unsuspecting rich boy and let her play her hand.”

  Diamond frowned. “You mean you aren’t the unsuspecting rich boy…”

  “I swear I’ll call Daddy right now,” Justice threatened, looking at Xavier still holding her hand. “Set it off…”

  “Back to the business at hand,” Six interrupted them. “Like I was saying…good job so far. Let’s stay focused on what we’re here for.”

  Justice snapped his fingers. “Oh yeah, I forgot. I asked Ciara why she was trying to get at the X-Ception and she said, he looked fit and healthy.”

  Diamond frowned. “The hell?”

  “Definite red flag,” Justice agreed. “I’ve never had a woman tell me she was looking for a fit and healthy dude.”

  Skye looked thoughtful. “I like fit and healthy men.”

  Six looked at his sister. “You studied anatomy, of course you do.”

  “I’m very well versed on the human body. It’s a beautiful thing…” Skye said with a smile. “That’s why I love to dress them.”

  “Well, I don’t know Ciara’s motives,” Justice replied. “but I’m sticking around until I find out. Can you handle things in LA, Alex?”

  “Yes, Justice. I’ve got it.”

  “At Black Diamond Holdings, too?” Justice asked.

  “You don’t do anything here, Justice.” Alex told him.

  Justice frowned. “Then why do I have an office?”

  “Because your Daddy owns the building,”

  “Whatever,” Justice replied. “I’m going to hang around here and see what’s going on. Six needs some additional manpower with this target on Xavier’s back.”

  “I agree.” Alex said on the screen. “I’d rather have my brother protected, than you sitting here staring out the window.”

  Xavier laughed and Justice looked at him.

  “Thanks for holding things down there, Alex.” Six said, taking over the conversation again. “We can use Justice, at least for a few more stops, until we get a better hold on who all is involved in this.”

  “Make sure all of you stay safe.” Alex told them, with a smile. “The Black Diamonds are losing their minds over their Baby Diamonds.”

  “We’re the Heirs,” Six corrected him. “Not no damn Baby Diamonds…”

  They all agreed and finished out their meeting, before disbursing to their separate areas to retire for the night. The luxury bus contained a back room set up for the women with four bunks and a private bath. The next section was the bunks for the guys. Following was a deluxe kitchen that led to the front lounge.

  After everyone had disappeared to the back rooms, Diamond and Xavier sat in the front lounge on one of the sofas with the lights dimmed. Smiling, he leaned over, bringing his face close to hers.

  “Kiss me before I go take a shower,” Xavier whispered.

  Diamond inhaled. “You do need a shower.”

  “I performed on a hot ass stage for thirty minutes, then had to chase a little dude down through a park,” he explained.

  “See, that’s why I shoot.”

  “You just got tired,”

  She looked at him. “I did not. I run with my Daddy in the mornings.”

  “Uncle Jordan is like sixty…”

  Diamond gasped. “He is not! And I’m going to tell him you said that…”

  “Kiss me goddess. It’s late and I’m tired.”

  “Hypnotizing people and making them see wild animals attacking, is tiring, huh?” Diamond asked, softly.

  Xavier smiled softly. “Most people are walking around right now, not even understanding that their minds have been infiltrated, causing them to see things in this world that aren’t there and not see things that are right in front of them.”

  Diamond touched his face. “I’m glad that I see you so clearly now.”

  “Do you like what you see?”

  She nodded and held his gaze. “I love…what I see.”

  “I love you, Diamond.” He whispered.

  Diamond kissed him, covering his mouth with hers and tangling her tongue with his, while Xavier pulled her into his arms, and held her tightly.

  “Oh hell no!” Justice said walking into the lounge. “See what y’all not about to do…”

  Chapter 14

  The Heirs arrived in New York, early the next morning and checked into the hotel. Six, Diamond, Jade and Xavier gathered in Xavier’s suite while the others prepared for their roles.

  “I’ve managed to go through John Brown’s computer and infiltrate the private message board to obtain the encrypted messages.” Jade told them

  “What did you find out?” Six questioned.

  Jade looked at the three across from her. “Not good…”

  “What do you mean, Jade?” Diamond asked.

  “Some of our people are on the list.”

  Xavier looked confused. “Our people?”

  Jade nodded. “Steph is signed up…” She turned to Six. “And Tasha and Rameses Whitlock….”

  “What?” Six frowned. “Uncle Marc’s sister and husband?”

  “Yes, but that’s probably because they’re associated with the industry as owners of Whitlock Studios. It seems that everyone who is connected to either music and movies are on this board. Not all of them however, know how to access the encrypted messages, and probably don’t even know they are there.” Jade explained. “Steph, nor the Whitlocks, have accessed the encrypted information.”

  Six looked relieved, then said, “I’ll still talk to them when we get back…”

  “What do they talk about on this message board, Jade?” Xavier questioned.

  She shrugged. “Mostly industry talk…proposed changes and information on upcoming projects,” Jade explained. “But in the encrypted messages, it’s a whole ‘nother ballgame.”

  “I used John’s code and password to enter, then used John’s position in the group to refer Justice. I set up his account, so it won’t look suspicious retrieving the messages from a dead man’s account.” Jade explained.

  “Is it safe for Justice to be on there?” Diamond wanted to know.

  Jade nodded. “Yes, with John as his referral, people will think that John has verified him and he’s no threat.”

  “Were you able to find out who is initiating these messages?” Six asked.

  “The origination point is buried very deep. It’s going to take me a little more time, to narrow that down.” Jade answered. “Don’t worry though, Uncle Trent trained me well…”

  “Is there anyone else getting the encrypted messages that you identified?”

  Jade nodded and looked at her sister. “Jason Stewart.”

  Diamond froze. “He knows what’s going on with these requests for body parts?”

  “He’s been accessing the messages.” Jade informed her. “I don’t know if he’s been referring anyone, but he’s seen what they’re looking for…”

  Xavier nodded. “That’s all I needed to know.”

  Six shook his head. “Damn…”

  “What about the list of names he gave Diamond?” Xavier asked.

  Jade typed on her tablet. “They all checked out as members of the group, who are also accessing the encrypted information.”

  Diamond smirked. “So he warned me about everybody except him?”

  “Basically,” Jade agreed.

  Xavier shook his head. “I’m so ready for his ass…”

  Six looked at Xavier. “Looks like he’s going to be all yours.” He turned to Diamond. “What’s on the X-Ception’s agenda today?”

  Diamond checked her own tablet. “It’s a rest da
y for the talent. Xavier is going to meet up with some of the other rappers later this evening to network.”

  “I’ve also scheduled a private rehearsal,” Xavier relayed and everyone looked up.

  “A private one?” Six asked.

  Xavier nodded. “Yes, I reserved a studio room to practice.”

  Six shrugged. “Okay, you need security there with you?”

  “No, I’m good.” Xavier told him. “I’ll check in with you before I go meet with the other crews.”

  Diamond studied Xavier. “What time is this private rehearsal?”

  Xavier checked his watch. “In about an hour…I need you to come along for logistics.”

  She nodded. “Okay, and Tara’s coming in later today with Steph.”

  “We’re going to meet with him, too.” Xavier informed her.

  “Jade, keep working on that message board. Get Lilac and Skye to help, if you need them.” Six instructed. “Justice and I will check out some of our other suspects.”

  Xavier agreed. “Sounds good. We’ll meet up later.”

  “Wear your weapon,” Six told him.

  “I’m the CIA Agent, Six…” Xavier said, looking at him.

  Six looked at Diamond. “Have your weapon, too.”

  “Boy, okay…damn.” Diamond responded.

  Standing to his feet, Six looked down at them. “And wear your necklaces, so Jade can track you…”

  Diamond and Xavier frowned at him, and Jade smiled as she stood. “Come on Six, before you make the Cheetah and the Lioness attack you.”

  Xavier agreed. “You should listen to her.”

  Unperturbed, Six headed to the door with Jade following. “See you tonight,” he called over his shoulder, before allowing Jade to exit, then leaving behind her.

  Diamond looked at Xavier. “That boy is so serious, all the damn time.”

  “He’s the leader of a village, and he takes that seriously…along with everything else,” Xavier commented.

  “So what’s with the private rehearsal, and why didn’t I have it on my schedule,” Diamond asked him.

  “I scheduled it last night before I went to sleep.”

  “You need more practice?” Diamond asked. “You were great last night.”

  Xavier smiled. “Thank you. I think the X-Ception is growing on you.”

  She looked him over slowly. “I’m starting to like certain aspects of him.”

  “Let’s go shopping until it’s rehearsal time,” Xavier suggested.

  “Shopping? I thought we were here on a mission?”

  “We are…I need to go buy some ridiculously expensive piece of jewelry because Jade wants some casual pictures of me, doing rapper things, for the social media,” he explained. “What better place to shop than the Big Apple?”

  Diamond sighed. “I don’t like this part of the X-Ception.”

  “Most women would love to go jewelry shopping,” he commented and she gave him a look.

  He stood to his feet and held out a hand. “Come on, I’ll try to find you some apricots.”

  Diamond smiled. “You do know what I like.”

  She put her hand in his and stood to her feet, before Xavier placed a hand on her waist.

  “I’ll try to make it bearable.” He promised. “Please don’t pull your gun on the fans.”

  Diamond walked toward the door. “I’ll be the good little Personal Assistant today.”

  Xavier watched her walk, and when she turned back to see him watching her ass, she smiled.

  “You like what you see?” she asked, sexily.

  He nodded. “I always have.”

  Their eyes met before she turned around. “Then keep looking…”

  She walked out the door and he followed, saying, “I want to do more than look, goddess…”

  Smiling, she continued to strut in her jeans, short blazer and heels. “You only offered me apricots.”

  Xavier increased his pace and caught her from behind before she reached the elevator. Leaning down, he whispered in her ear. “I’m offering you the world, goddess.”

  Diamond inhaled, feeling his hard body behind her. “What does that include?”

  “My heart, my mind, my life…and my strength to do everything to make you happy.” Xavier said softly.

  With her heartbeat increasing, she asked, “Do you expect the world in return?”

  “Nothing less…”

  The elevator doors opened and Justice stood inside, looking at the couple. “What the hell are y’all doing?” he asked frowning at them.

  Xavier released Diamond, and she walked inside the elevator car to her brother. “We’re going shopping, Justice,” she told him.

  Xavier joined her and Justice stepped out, but held the door open.

  “Look, I agreed to let y’all do this little thing,” Justice told them. “But I don’t want to see it all the damn time.”

  Diamond looked at him. “You didn’t let us do anything, Justice. Nobody asked your permission,” she said firmly.

  He turned to Xavier. “Of all the women in the world…”

  “Did you do what I asked?” Xavier questioned Justice.

  “Yeah, it’s done.”

  Xavier nodded. “Thank you.” He pressed the button to close the doors, before Justice moved his hand and stared at them as the doors shut.

  Diamond turned to Xavier. “That’s my little brother.”

  “I know him well.” Xavier commented. “Let’s get this done, because we have another long day ahead of us.”

  “You and Six are doing a great job,” Diamond complimented him. “You both are such men now…”

  He smiled. “Did you think we would stay boys forever?”

  “Justice is…”

  Xavier laughed. “No, he’s not. He’s just a Black.”

  She laughed too. “He’s spoiled as hell.”

  “Yes, he’s a Black,” Xavier repeated.

  Diamond looked at him. “I’m not spoiled.”

  “Diamond, your Daddy was going to get you a real lion for your birthday.” Xavier replied.

  The doors opened and she walked out. “Don’t hate because my Daddy loves me…”

  Chuckling, Xavier followed her out to the waiting car. They drove to a popular shopping area and Xavier exited before helping Diamond out of the vehicle. Together, they entered the exclusive jewelry store and began to look around.

  “What exactly are you buying?” Diamond asked.

  “A watch, I think.” Xavier answered. “This chain is more than enough around my neck. I can’t wait until I don’t have to wear this anymore.”

  Diamond touched the X on his chest. “It looks good on you, though.”

  He touched the one that rested on her breasts. “It looks good on you, too.”

  “Hey, X-Ception!”

  Xavier turned at the sound of the voice. Recognizing who’d called him, he switched his persona.

  “Lil D, what’s up?”

  “You got it, my nigga.” Lil D replied, and the two fist bumped. “You in here getting iced too?”

  Xavier nodded. “Pickin’ up a ‘lil sumpin for the wrist.”

  “I feel you, I feel you. Gotta keep this shit rich!” Lil D said, then looked at Diamond. “I see you got yo' fine ass worker wit’ you, too. Make sure you ice her up real nice.”

  “I takes care of mine,” Xavier told him, and Diamond fought to keep from frowning.

  Lil D gave Diamond one more look before turning back to Xavier. “We doin’ a thang on the bus tonight. You should hit us up, you know what I’m sayin’? We gone have it lit as fuck…blunts, bitches and booze ev’rywhere.”

  “I’m wit’ it,” Xavier agreed. “I’ll fall through later…”

  “Aye, my nigga…”

  Xavier and Diamond moved over to the watches as Lil D and his crew began looking at rings and chains. Standing over the glass, they both peered in the case.

  “Blunts, bitches and booze tonight, huh?” Diamond said quietly.

  “It’s what I’m here to do,” Xavier responded, not taking his eyes off the watches.

  Diamond pointed at one piece of jewelry in the case. “I like that one.”

  An attendant came over and Xavier asked to see the watch that Diamond had selected. He placed it on his wrist and looked at her.

  “You like this one?”

  She nodded and he turned to the waiting salesperson. “I’ll take it.”

  Smiling, the attendant moved away to make the purchase and Diamond touched the diamond watch on his arm.

  “Remember exactly what you are here to do, Xavier,” she cautioned softly.

  “I hear you.”

  Diamond pulled out her phone and began snapping some shots of the X-Ception in the jewelry store as they looked at other jewelry and waited.

  Xavier paid for the extravagant purchase and turned to Diamond. “Do you want something from here?”

  “Boy, get me the hell out of this damn store,” she told him.

  He smiled. “I was trying to ice you up real nice, my little fine ass worker.”

  “Don’t get hurt,” Diamond warned as they walked out of the store.

  Back outside, they climbed into the car and Xavier checked his new watch.

  “We still have a little time before the rehearsal. Do you want to take some more pictures?” he asked.

  “Let’s go to Central Park,” Diamond suggested.

  He agreed and they instructed the driver. When they arrived, the couple sought a place to snap a few shots.

  “Go over there by that tree,” Diamond told him.

  Xavier obliged her and went to stand, automatically striking a pose.

  Diamond held up her phone and laughed. “You were always a great model.”

  “I just did what you told me.”

  She snapped a few pictures of him. “And that’s why you can drop six figures on a watch without blinking…”

  Xavier frowned. “When this is over, I’ll probably sell it to Justice. This is more his style.”

  “Don’t frown…”

  He looked at her and smiled, making her heart melt. When she was done, Diamond walked over to him then began to show him the pictures.

  “You’re so photogenic,” she told him, flicking through the shots.

  “Take some of us together,” Xavier told her.


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