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Diamond (The Heirs Series Book 2)

Page 29

by D. Camille

  “Daddy! Stop!” Justice told him, holding on to his arm. “She’s happy.”

  Breathing hard, Jordan turned to Justice and grabbed him by the shirt. “Why didn’t your ass tell me?”

  Justice looked at the face so much like his own. “I had to respect Diamond’s wishes.” He paused and Jordan slowly released him. “Because I love her, and her happiness is all that matters to me…and I know that at the end of the day, that’s all that matters to you, too, Daddy.”

  Jordan looked away and Sage moved to put her arms around her husband. “Jordan, this is Diamond. If this is what she wants, you know you’re not going to stop her.”

  He held onto his wife and watched as Xavier loaded Diamond into the car that arrived. When they drove off, he whispered…“That’s my Little Pretty Girl…”

  Sage touched his jaw. “And she always will be…”


  With the family waiting for the celebration, the Heirs and their parents, minus Diamond and Xavier arrived at the Parker Estate. Isabelle had wanted to celebrate Six’s first full mission on his own as the leader, and to show the Heirs how proud they were of the work they’d accomplished so far.

  Silver and Carolyn met them at the door and greeted everyone, sending them to the back, before noticing the missing pair.

  They stopped Sage and Silver asked, “Where are Diamond and Xavier?”

  Sage looked at her mother. “It’s a long story.”

  “I’ve got nothing but time,” Silver told her.

  “Me, too…” Carolyn added. “Where are our grandkids?”

  Sage sighed. “Let’s go out back and we can tell everyone at once.”

  “Tell everyone what?” Silver demanded. “What happened?”

  Carolyn also became concerned. “Where are they?”

  “We don’t know.” Sage answered. “They left in a separate car and Xavier released their detail, so we can’t track them.”

  Silver frowned. “Why don’t they want to be tracked, Sage?”

  “They’re in love and they plan to be together.” Sage told them.

  Carolyn blinked. “Did you say…in love?”

  Sage nodded. “Yes, they’re in love. Diamond says that he was sent from the Gods…”

  “He is very special,” Carolyn beamed.

  Silver gave Carolyn a look. “So what happened?” Silver asked.

  “When Jordan found out it was Xavier, he…”

  Silver cut her off. “Acted like Jordan…”

  “Basically,” Sage replied. “Then Diamond ran off and Xavier followed. He carried her away and a car picked them up. We haven’t seen or heard from them since.”

  “That Jordan…” Silver shook her head.

  Carolyn frowned. “Why is he upset? Any woman would be lucky to have Xavier…”

  Silver turned to Carolyn. “Calm down, Carolyn, before you go losing yourself again. It’s not Xavier, it’s Jordan letting go of the little girl who owns his heart.”

  “Well it’s about time he does,” Carolyn began heading toward the back. “Because my grandson is a prize!”

  Sage looked at Silver. “Let the party begin…”

  They followed Carolyn out to where the family was gathered and heard Justin talking to Jordan.

  “So you just let him take her?” Justin demanded.

  “Not now Daddy,” Jordan warned him.

  Trent looked between his father and his brothers. “So my nephew is in love with my niece?” he asked.

  “Don’t start Trent,” Sean told him, and Lily rubbed his shoulder.

  Tara touched her father’s arm. “But they’re not related, Daddy…” she told Trent.

  Trent’s wife, Callie, agreed. “That’s true.”

  Jordan shook his head. “Why would they do this? All the people in the damn world?”

  “That’s what I asked you, when you wanted my sister,” Ray reminded him.

  “Are you still talking?” Jordan asked him.

  Isabelle took Ray’s hand. “Ray, let them handle it, please…”

  Six and Skye agreed with their mother and sat back watching, while Jade and Justice waited for their father to come to his senses, before things really got out of control.

  Lilac turned to Alex and whispered, “Is Xavier okay? Do you know where they went?”

  “He’s tuned out,” Alex told her. “But I’m sure he’s fine.”

  “I knew this would happen,” Lilac told him.

  Alex looked around at the younger kids playing in another section of the backyard. “Daddy won’t let it get out of hand…neither will I.”

  At the large table, Chloe looked at her brother, Jordan. “So you just spoiled the whole damn party, because you’re acting like an ass, like Daddy?”

  Justin looked at his daughter. “Watch it…”

  Chloe’s husband, Kyle, smiled and put an arm around his wife.

  Sage turned to Jordan. “You have the power to make this right.” She touched his face. “I know you love both of them.”

  Jordan sighed and turned to Sean. “You know that I love Xavier like he’s my own…”

  Sean nodded. “And we’ve always loved Diamond.”

  “It’s going to take a minute, because that’s my baby…” Jordan told him.

  “I know Jordan.” Sean replied.

  Sage took Lily’s hand. “We’re going to share grandchildren,” she said happily.

  Lily smiled. “I’m going to love that.”

  “I can’t wait…” Sage beamed at Jordan, who didn’t quite yet share her enthusiasm, as he thought about how those grandchildren would be created.


  Xavier held Diamond in his arms as they sat outside on his patio. After dismissing the detail, Xavier had scrambled the signals that would allow the Diamonds to track them, then returned to his home with Diamond.

  “They’re going to figure out that you turned off the tracking,” Diamond told him.

  “They might, but Alex will only scramble the signals again.”

  Diamond smiled. “You two are quite the pair.”

  “We do everything for one another.”

  “He’s kept your secret all this time,” Diamond commented. “Justice would have told the next day.”

  Xavier laughed. “Which is why I never told him…”

  She fell silent thinking about their families and Xavier stroked her arm.

  “It’s going to be okay, Diamond. He’ll come around,” Xavier said, supportively.

  Diamond sighed. “I don’t know why I expected my father to react differently.”

  “Yes, I don’t either…he’s Jordan Black.”

  She looked into his handsome face. “I love you, Xavier.”

  He kissed her softly until his alarm sounded, alerting them to a visitor, and Diamond looked at him in question.

  “It’s probably our family,” Diamond said quietly. “We couldn’t hide for too long.”

  Xavier shrugged. “Then I’ll handle them. Stay right here,”

  She nodded as he got up and went to check. Xavier walked inside and headed to the monitor on his wall. Seeing the visitor, he smiled and pressed the button.

  “Come on up, Grandma Lavender.”

  Xavier went to the front door and waited for the taxi. He helped his grandmother out of the car, and she hugged him tightly.

  “I’m not even going to ask, how you knew I was here,” Xavier said, kissing her face. “But what are you doing here?”

  “I understand there’s a celebration going on for the Heirs, but my grandson’s energy was calling for me.” She took his hand and he kissed her cheek again.

  “My beautiful, wise Goddess. Thank you for coming…”

  “Tell me what’s going on with you,” Lavender requested.

  Xavier smiled. “Diamond is inside…”

  Lavender lifted a brow. “I can’t wait to hear this.”

  Xavier showed her inside then led her back to where Diamond was waiting. They found her in the kit
chen and she greeted Lavender.

  “Grandma Lavender,” Diamond hugged the woman.

  “I’m so glad that you two are back,” Lavender told her. “Now tell me what’s going on.”

  Xavier seated both Lavender and Diamond before taking a seat of his own.

  “We told our parents about us,” Xavier relayed. “And Uncle Jordan flipped…”

  Lavender nodded. “Was that unexpected?”

  Diamond shook her head. “Not really, but watching it…was not pretty, and it hurt.”

  “Aww…sweetheart,” Lavender took Diamond’s hand. “Your father’s heart is as big as his mouth.”

  Xavier and Diamond both laughed.

  “You have been the light in his eyes your whole life. This is an adjustment for him and because he’s such a passionate and emotional person, he’s not going to hold back.” Lavender explained.

  “No, Daddy doesn’t hold back,” Diamond agreed.

  “He loves hard and he loves deep,” Lavender looked at Xavier. “And he loves both of you…”

  Xavier sighed. “Uncle Jordan is like my second father…”

  She looked at the pair. “Are you two okay?”

  “I was upset,” Diamond confessed. “I’ve never seen Uncle Sean have to step to my Daddy, and I didn’t want to be the cause of that.”

  “The Black Diamonds have had their share of confrontations, so don’t worry about that.” Lavender consoled her. “They always work it out.”

  “I tried to tell her that,” Xavier added, and Diamond looked at him.

  He stood and walked over to Diamond, wrapping his arms around her from behind. “Grandma Lavender, you know how long I’ve loved this woman. Please tell her that I’m never going to let her go…no matter what.”

  Lavender gazed at the young couple. “He has been focused on his list,” she agreed.

  Diamond smiled. “I’m glad that I have verification that this list is real.”

  Xavier kissed her cheek. “I don’t lie to my beautiful Goddess.”

  Reaching back, Diamond touched his face. “You are so sweet…and cute.”

  “Yes, I know you’ve always thought that.” Xavier told her, laughing.

  Lavender got to her feet and Xavier went to assist her. “Let’s go, you two have a celebration.”

  Xavier looked at Diamond. “Grandma Lavender, I brought Diamond here so that we could let everyone adjust…” he began.

  Lavender winked at Diamond. “Time’s up...”

  They both stared at Diamond and waited for her answer.

  “Yes, let’s go…we can’t avoid everyone forever,” Diamond agreed.

  Lavender smiled and walked over to Diamond. Looking into her bright brown eyes, Lavender said softly, “I’m so happy that you’ve filled his heart.”

  Diamond grinned at Xavier. “He’s filled mine too, Grandma Lavender.”


  At the Parker Estate, the family went on with their celebration with hopes that the couple would show up eventually.

  Ray sat with his son. “How’d it go?”

  “No problems,” Six answered. “We still have a few loose ends and after we deal with this family drama, we can get back to work.”

  “You knew about this?” Ray asked.

  “Found out on the mission, but it wasn’t my business.” Six answered. “I stayed focused on why we were there.”

  Ray nodded. “Good job, son.”

  Six smiled. “Thanks Dad. We also met with the new U.S. Ambassador to the village. He was visiting his home in Detroit, while we were there…so we met up.”

  “Kyros Lewis,” Ray commented.

  “Yes, he seems well prepared and open to listening to Skye’s concerns.” Six explained and Ray listened quietly.

  “Kyros is the son of one of the Negus from Detroit. His Uncle Rion and I went to college together, so I know that he’s going to do one hell of a job. He comes from good stock and knows how to handle business, too.” Ray relayed.

  “Skye is eagerly looking forward to working with him,” Six told his father. “So I’m keeping an eye on that situation…”

  Ray smiled. “Good idea.”

  They both looked up as Diamond and Xavier arrived with Lavender.

  “Oh hell, I hope Jordan has calmed his ass down,” Ray said, watching the couple approach.

  Six agreed. “Yes, I broke up one fight already. Not looking forward to another…”

  Ray turned to him. “What fight?”

  “So how’s Parker Security?” Six asked, changing the subject.

  Ray lifted a brow. “Boy, I swear…you are your mother.”

  Six smiled. “I’m also very much my father.”

  Laughing, Ray said, “Yeah, you are.”

  Diamond and Xavier walked over to their parents and all four stood to their feet. Sage went to Xavier, while Lily moved to Diamond.

  Sage touched Xavier’s jaw. “You’ve always been my son and I don’t think there’s a better man for our daughter.”

  Xavier smiled. “Thank you Aunt Sage.”

  Lily hugged Diamond tightly, then pulled back to look up into her eyes. “I understood completely why my warrior has loved you for so long. You are everything that his heart desires and I couldn’t ask for a stronger, more beautiful woman for him to spend his life with.”

  Diamond blinked. “Thank you Aunt Lily. You’ve always been so sweet.”

  Sean stepped next to his wife and smiled at Diamond. “I remember the day you were born…you were the most precious little girl and you’ve grown into an even more incredible woman. My son doesn’t even have to be a genius to see that. I’ve always loved you as my daughter.”

  This time a tear fell when Diamond blinked, before she hugged Sean.

  “I love you, too, Uncle Sean.”

  Everyone smiled at the displays, then waited while Jordan stood watching Xavier.

  “Uncle Jordan…” Xavier began, before Jordan raised a hand to stop him.

  “This is leading to a damn wedding, right?” Jordan questioned.

  Xavier smiled. “As soon as we can make it happen, we still have to complete the mission,” he answered, causing Lily and Sage to beam.

  Jordan nodded, then Xavier added, “And we’re waiting awhile to start a family, to give us all time to adjust.”

  Lily and Sage’s smiles turned to frowns. “Wait…What? No!”

  Chapter 24

  Diamond watched as her father and Xavier entered the house to have what Jordan termed, a private discussion. Sage went to comfort her daughter, as she watched the anxiety on her pretty face. Taking her into her arms, she kissed her head.

  “My Diamond,”


  Sage looked into matching eyes and the face she adored. “I’m so happy for you.”

  Diamond smiled. “I didn’t know it would be so amazing.”

  “Xavier is a special man.” Sage agreed. “And he clearly loves you…”

  “I didn’t want to admit my feelings,” Diamond confessed. “I’d always thought of us as family.”

  “But he was able to change your mind?”

  She nodded. “Yes, he was very determined that I would chase him.”

  Sage laughed. “And did you?”

  “I won’t ever admit it to him, but I did. I chased him down…” Diamond told her. “Watching him in action on the mission, showed me the man he’d become…and it was a man that I wanted.”

  “So what’s this about no babies?” Sage said frowning.

  Diamond chuckled. “Xavier wants us to spend time together as a couple before we start a family, and I agree. I’ve been gone for years and now I want to just be…with him.”

  Sage looked at her. “I guess I can understand that, but I want at least three when you get started.”

  “You’re putting in your bid?” Diamond asked.

  “At least three…”

  “Yes, Momma…” she agreed. “But I think I need to discuss this with Xavier, too…”
r />   “He shouldn’t have a problem making them,” Sage pointed out, then looked at her daughter. “And I think that he’s already demonstrated that.”

  Diamond flushed. “Momma!”

  “You’re a woman, Diamond…and you’re in love. Making love is a beautiful thing with someone you love.” Sage took her hand. “Was it beautiful?”

  “Yes, it was absolutely beautiful,” Diamond whispered. “I’ll never forget it.”

  Sage smiled. “I’ve never forgotten my first time with your father.”

  “Did he penetrate your mind?” Sage inquired.

  “Xavier penetrated my mind a long time ago…and then matched it with his physical love,” Diamond whispered. “I’m glad that I waited for him.”

  Squeezing her daughter’s hand, Sage, said, “That’s exactly how it should be.”

  Diamond looked at her mother. “How long do you think Daddy is going to take to adjust?”

  “This would be a good time to dwell in positive thoughts…” Sage told her.


  Xavier sat across from Jordan in Ray’s study. He looked at the man whom he considered a second father in his life, as his father’s best friend and brother.

  “Xavier, I want you to know that this isn’t personal.” Jordan began. “Diamond has always held a special place in my heart as my first child.”

  Jordan looked away, then continued, “There was a time in my life that I never thought that I’d have a wife, let alone, children. Diamond changed my whole world when she was born. I became a different man.”

  Xavier waited and watched the man go through the process of turning his daughter over to another man.

  “There is nothing that I wouldn’t do for Diamond. There is no one that I wouldn’t kill for her.” Jordan said, turning back to him. “And at the end of the day, her happiness comes before everything else…”

  “I feel the exact same way,” Xavier told him.

  Jordan smiled. “A man would have to, for me to even consider trusting my daughter with him.”

  Xavier nodded. “I understand that.”

  “Why didn’t you ever tell me?” Jordan asked.

  Xavier looked him in the eye. “I had to wait until Diamond opened her mind to us. I didn’t say anything because I didn’t want anyone pressuring her one way or the other. I wanted her to make up her own mind.”


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