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Page 28

by Tiya Rayne

  “What do you mean, Priest?” Walker asks.

  Priest runs a hand over his head. “My girl went through hell to get you two together, the least I can do is make sure it’s not for nothing. I told you they won’t let you keep her, Hawk. That’s how the Church works. And even if we took you back to them, they’d still come after her. This is all I can give you, kid. At least one of us gets a happily ever after.”

  Walker turns to Seth and Many. “You guys okay with this? You know that means if it ever gets out, the Church will come for you guys as well.”

  Many shrugs. “We think our brother Hawk deserves new Porsha. We agree that this is for the best,” he says in that deep guttural voice.

  Walker reaches out and hugs Many, patting him on the back. He’s still a psycho, but he’s a good one, I guess.

  “And what about you, Seth and Lucien?”

  “I told you already. If you decided to keep her, we were ready to help. None of that changes, brother. You find a place and Lucien will keep you cloaked.”

  “I don’t even know where to go?”

  “I do,” I say, bringing everyone’s attention to me. “The last address in the book always stood out to me because it didn’t have a state, city, or zip code. When I read Albany’s letter, she said something that made that address makes sense. She said she wished she could have followed the yellow brick road to our happiness. Guess what Albany’s favorite movie was?”

  All four men answer at the same time. “Wizard of Oz.” They each look shockingly at each other. I guess she did give them at least a little bit of her.

  “Yep, and I bet if I check that last address, placing it in Kansas, I’d get a match.”

  There’s another moment of silence as we all remember the extraordinary life we lost. My sister truly was amazing. Gabriella was wrong, the world will never be the same without her.

  Walker gives his hugs as he says goodbye to his brothers. I wait patiently for him to talk to them.

  “For what it’s worth, I like you for him.” I have to turn to face the man that’s speaking to me. Could this be the real Priest? “Don’t look shocked. I didn’t say I liked you, I said I liked you for him, Little Painter.”

  I roll my eyes. “Whatever, Priest. For what it’s worth,” I say and grimace. “I would’ve liked you for my sister too.”

  He turns to me and nods his head, then glances down at the necklace around my neck. “I bought those for her,” he says, lifting up the charm. “I took her to the store on her eighteenth birthday and told her to buy whatever she wanted and that’s what she picked.” He lets the necklace go and steps back when Walker approaches. “She only loved two things in this world, little painter, and you were definitely one of them.”

  I don’t tell him, because I suspect he knows it, but I’m pretty sure he was the other. We watch them drive off in the van, Long still tied up in the back. I grab Walker’s hand as we head to the SUV Seth left for us.

  “What do we do first, Mr. Walker?”

  “We hit the road. The faster I get my wife to Kansas and to safety, the faster I can spend the rest of my life between her legs.”

  I blush as I climb into the driver’s side of the SUV. My pussy is already tingling at the excitement of getting Walker back between my thighs. I wonder how many speed limits I can break to make this trip in as short as time as possible.

  “Whatever my husband wants, he gets.” I rev the engine and drive away from the estate.




  Six months later…

  “Oh fuck, Walker,” she screams as I slide into her.

  “Do you see what you make me do,” I taunt.

  We’re in the garage of our little farmhouse. Albany really did set us up well. Twelve acres of perfect farmland.

  We don’t want for anything. Not long after we got on the road, leaving that estate, all of the money Albany left Brooklyn in that bank account was moved to untraceable offshore accounts.

  Brook and I have yet to plant anything or get any animals. We’ve been too busy exploring each other’s bodies. I can’t seem to get enough of her, and she has the same problem with me.

  Today, we finally left the house long enough to restock on groceries and as she popped the trunk to start unloading them, my cock found its way into her tight sheath. Her head and shoulders are pushed down and her ass is in the air for me. Her pussy grips me has my balls tightening upon entrance.

  Never have I wished for my sight more than I do when I’m inside her. What I wouldn’t give to see her sweet center take me the way I know it is.

  She moans and I smack her ass just to feel the vibration. Her soft moan turns into a yelp and then a purr as I rub her warm flesh. I may not be a contracted killer anymore, but I’m damn sure a killer of this pussy.

  I grab her hair, wrapping the curly strands around my fist and arch her, keeping that dip that I like in her back. I bring her lips to mine for a kiss that steals her breath and silences her yells. I suck her tongue into my mouth like she does my cock as my hips smack against her ass with a loud sound.

  “Baby, you’re so deep,” she purrs as she pushes against my thigh with her hand.

  She tries that all the time, pushing me back, trying to gauge how deep I go. I let go of her hair to grab her wrists, then hold them in one hand. I pull them behind her back. Lifting one foot up on the bumper of the car to give me leverage, I slide into her in a downward motion. She screams and comes all over me.

  I pull out, my dick dripping with her essence. Placing a hand on her shoulder, I push her back down into the trunk. Lowering myself to my knees behind her, I latch my lips around her pulsing clit and suck, sending her back into another orgasm that has her bucking against my face and screaming my name.

  I slip two digits inside her tight sex, loving the way it spasms around them, squeezing them so tight. When she insists she can’t take anymore, I stand back up to my feet, pull my fingers out of her and turn her around to face me. I kiss her, allowing her to taste how much she creamed for me.

  I grip the back of her thighs and lift her up. She wraps her legs around my hips, digging her fingers into the hairs at the back of my head. I carry her around to the front of the car and place her down on the hood.

  She yelps when her bare ass hits the cold car.

  “Walker, that’s cold,” she whines.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll warm you up in a minute.” I grab her legs under her knees and push them up. She falls back onto the hood with her legs in a wide V. I slide into her heat again.

  “Oooooh,” she moans.

  I rock into her, rolling my hips with each inward thrust. Brook claws at the metal beneath her, anything to ground her. I let her ankles go and grab her thighs, lifting her hips off the car to better angle her body.

  “Who do you belong to, Brooklyn?”

  “You, fuck, Walker.” Her reply ends on a scream as she once again comes, soaking my cock.

  With her third one out of the way, I increase my strokes, pinning her legs back, my balls clap into her ass like an upbeat pop song. My orgasm starts at the soles of my feet and works its way up until I roar my release, bathing her walls in my hot seed. I continue to stroke through it, stretching out my pleasure until my dick finally gives up.

  I finally back out of Brooklyn and place myself back inside my boxers and jeans.

  Once I’m settled, I help her to her feet and place a kiss on her lips. When I let her go she sways a little. I know I gave her a bit of a workout this go-round, but I couldn’t help it.

  “My ass print is all on this hood. People are going to know what we did here.”

  “I bet it’s a gorgeous print.” I laugh.

  “Don’t you dare laugh. You’re such an animal.” She tries to pretend to be mad, but I can hear the teasing in her tone.

  “Where did you toss my pants and underwear?”

  “They’re in the trunk, but I think I tore the underwear.”

e’s no thinking, I did tear them. They were slowing me down.

  “Ugh! Psycho,” she mumbles under her breath even though she knows I can hear her. She walks to the back of the car and I follow. “If you react like this because I bought a pregnancy test what will you do if I’m actually pregnant.”

  “You are pregnant. I already told you that.”

  Brooklyn has always gotten wet for me, but the way she’s been running for me lately nearly drowns me, plus her pussy taste different. I noticed it the moment it changed. It’s always been a delicacy of mine, but it’s a sweeter taste now. I can’t get enough of the flavor. I know she’s pregnant which is why I’m glad she picked up the test.

  “We will see,” she tries to say it nonchalantly, but I know she’s excited. She wants a baby as bad as I do.

  “We also need to discuss your behavior at the store,” I say, grabbing a few bags out of the trunk. “Flirting with other men right in my face.” I dodge the blow I feel coming to my shoulder.

  “He was four, Walker. He was no threat to you.”

  “When it comes to my wife, I don’t care how old he is. I don’t share.”

  “You’re so full of shit.” At this, we both laugh.

  She walks ahead of me, opening up the door that leads to the kitchen. She coos at Samson as I’m sure he’s happily purring around her feet, but I’ve blocked them out. A scent hits my senses. One I know well.

  I place the bags down, pull my gun from my holster at my back and place a finger to my lips to quiet Brook. She stops talking immediately.

  I turn left out of the kitchen with her right on my heels. I round the corner and stop. Brooklyn gasps behind me.

  “What are you doing here, Seth?” Silence greets me. I don’t need sight to know that my brother is sitting on my couch.

  “And why the hell do you look like you haven’t slept in five days?” Brook asks from behind me.

  The springs in the couch squeal and the floorboards croak as Seth climbs to his feet.

  “I’m sorry, brother.” His voice cracks giving way to the pain he must be feeling. “I have to take you in. They will…” He pauses as if even the thought of it would cause him physical pain. “They’re going to kill her if I don’t.”

  “Kill who?” Brooklyn asks.

  I too had planned to ask that question, but my mind is still stuck on that smell. I inhale deeply and it’s undeniable. Rose Vetiver and clary sage. However, I’m snapped back to the conversation by Seth’s reply.

  “My lifeline.”

  Blue’s Queens’, Divas’, and Readers’ Retreat 2020

  Want to Meet Tiya Rayne and the Authors of Perceptive Illusions, Inc. in Person?

  Come join us in South Carolina for

  Blue’s Queens’, Divas’, and Readers’ Retreat 2020

  July 16th -July 20th

  Join Tiya, Blue, and the ladies for an amazing weekend at the luxury Wild Dunes Resort.

  Tentative Itinerary for Event

  Thursday, July 16th

  4:00-5:30pm Check-in and Registration

  6:00 pm-11:00 pm: Blue’s Birthday 80’s party

  Dancing and more

  Friday, July 17th

  10am-11am: Breakfast Buffet All Invited

  2:00pm-3:00pm: Lunch Buffet All Invited

  5:00pm-6:00pm: Gift Bag Event

  6:00pm-7:30pm: Break for Dinner on Your Own

  7:30pm-11:00pm: Book Chat and Book Signing with Blue

  Saturday, July 18th

  10:00am-11:00am: Breakfast Buffet All Invited

  1:00pm-2:00pm: VIP Private Authors Lunch Big Hats Event

  4:00pm-5:30pm: Belly Dancing Lessons with Blue and KT Adler

  6:00pm-7:30 pm: Dinner on Your Own

  7:30pm- 11:00pm: Book Signing with KT Adler, Ivy Harper and Tiya Rayne and Games

  Sunday, July 19th

  10:00am-11:00am: Breakfast Buffet All Invited

  2:00pm-4:00pm: Paint and Sip

  4:30pm-6:00pm: Hang out with Blue on the Beach for our own Private Event

  6:00pm-7:00pm : Dinner on Your Own

  8:40 pm-Until

  Final Party with live DJ 20s Gangster Party


  As always, I want to first thank my readers. Without you guys my job wouldn’t be possible. To the new readers that took a chance on me, thank you. I only hope you’ll come back for more.

  To the incredible ladies of Perceptive Illusions Publishing, you rock. For always lending a listening ear and encouraging words, I truly appreciate you.

  To my husband, thanks for always being the muse for my heroes. And last, but never least, to my three babies. All I do, I do for you.

  About the Author

  Tiya Rayne is an avid reader and writer. She has an unhealthy relationship with coffee and is known to hide numerous bags of jelly beans around the house.

  When she is not reading or writing—which is rare—she’s trying to master this thing called parenting. She is married to her high school sweetheart and they live in Arkansas with their three—subjectively wonderful—children. Tiya also writes Young Adult Paranormal under the pen name KC Connor.

  Thank You

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  There is more to come from Tiya Rayne in 2020.

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