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Logical Magic (Academy of Modern Magic Book 3)

Page 12

by Maggie Alabaster

  Dyson caught my look and bit his lip. "Do you mind?" he asked.

  I knew if I said I did, they would pull apart and never touch each other again.

  "I want to see you two…together," I said in a hoarse whisper. Gods, did I ever.

  Leo grinned wolfishly and tugged down the front of Dyson's pants. He bent to wrap his mouth around Dyson's erection.

  "Holy gods," Kane breathed. His face was pink, eyes alight with arousal.

  Dyson grunted and his hips started to move slowly, pulling his cock in and out between Leo's lips.

  Holy gods was right.

  "Peyton," Matt panted. "I'm going to come. I want to bond you. I want you…forever."

  I turned my eyes back to him. "Come inside me," I said softly. "I want to bond you, too."

  He thrust harder and faster then, his cock hitting deeper and deeper inside me.

  "Oh, yeah…" He balanced himself with a hand on either side and groaned once, twice. He let out a cry as he came, filling me with hot cum. I came again a heartbeat later, longer and deeper than the first time.

  The bond formed immediately, almost faster than with Leo or Dyson. Maybe I was getting good at it or something.

  "Whoa." Matt wiped his brow and looked stunned. "I can feel you."

  I smiled. "I would think so." Since his cock was inside me.

  He grinned. "Yeah, that too." He wiggled his hips and slid free.

  "Dude, I'd like to feel the bond, too," Kane said lightly.

  Matt rolled aside. "Sorry, mate."

  "All good, dude." Kane rolled me onto my side, pulled my leg over him and pressed himself hard into me.

  I let out a gasp at the slight sensation of pain, but it was soon replaced by the slow build of another orgasm.

  "On one hand, I want this to last. On the other hand, bond," Kane muttered.

  "We have all the time in the world," I reminded him.

  "Good point." He rolled his hips, pushing himself further into me, then began to thrust with deliberate speed. "Under the circumstances, I'm not sure I could hold it for long anyway."

  He nodded toward where Leo was massaging Dyson's balls and sucking him hard. Dyson sat with his head back, ecstasy written all over his face. Through the bond, I felt both of their arousals and every drop of pleasure they were milking from each other. They were as much a part of this as the other guys.

  I sought out Nash, who sat away from demons, hungry eyes on me. I knew he also wanted to bond, but he would wait for the other guys. While he seemed to enjoy watching, he had yet to take part in our group adventures.

  "Peyton." Kane's voice drew my eyes back to him. "I'm close."

  "Let it loose, dude," I said teasingly. I was close again myself.

  Kane thrust with frantic speed, then threw his head back. His cry echoed through the night air while his seed rushed into me. This time, I came in perfect unison with him.

  The bond took longer to form this time, but when it did, it was as solid as the rest. Maybe the magic was wearing off a little.

  "Well, this is cool." Kane cocked his head, as though conducting a scientific examination or something. "I can sense your thoughts and everything."

  "Hopefully not everything." I grimaced.

  He grinned. "Okay, not everything. Close enough though. Interesting."

  I snorted. "You're such a geek."

  "Thanks, love you too." He kissed me before he rolled off me.

  I turned my attention to Nash and Blake.

  "It seems to be getting harder with each bond," I said. "It might wear off before—"

  I hadn't finished my sentence before Nash rose. He rolled me onto my stomach and slammed his cock into me.

  I let out a cry of surprise. "Oh gods…sir."

  He leaned down to chuckle in my ear and give it a nip. "You make the best noises."

  "Of course I do." I cried out again when he drew out, then slammed back in harder than before. Caught between pleasure and pain, my eyes watered, but my arousal rose yet again. With no mercy, not even a little bit, he pounded into me, each thrust firmer and more forceful than before.

  He pinned my wrists to the sand and rammed me over and over until I was ready to scream for him to either stop, or hurt me even more.

  His fingers dug into my skin when he came with a ferocious growl and a thrust so hard I thought he might spilt me in two.

  Rather than scream in pain, I cried out in pleasure, caught in another orgasm, doubled in pleasure by feeling Dyson come in Leo's willing mouth.

  The world disappeared, replaced by pure sensation. No words, only feeling. Only pleasure. Pain. Love. Bond. Relief. Understanding.


  I sagged onto the sand and Nash collapsed on top of me, panting and trying to catch his breath.

  "That was worth the wait," Nash whispered. "We're one. All of us."

  My eyes went to Blake, who sat looking dejected.

  "I trust you," I told him.

  He blinked and frowned. "What if there's some plan?" he asked, obviously caught between hope and fear.

  "We'll overcome it, like we always do."

  Nash slid off me and I reached my hand out to Blake.

  His gaze went to Nash. "Do you think this is a good idea?"

  "You may never get another chance to bond," Nash replied. "But if you endanger her, I will kill you."

  "Get in line," Matt growled.

  "Behind me," Kane added.

  Blake licked his lips. "I want you," he said finally.

  "Then take me," I whispered in reply.

  He hesitated a moment longer, then pushed his shorts off his hips and drew me up until I was on all fours in front of him. He pressed his heated cock against my entrance.

  "Are you sure?" he asked.

  "Positive," I replied. I should be exhausted after fucking three guys, but I wanted more, especially seeing Leo and Dyson had swapped places and Dyson was now sucking hard on Leo's cock.

  "I brought lube," Leo said softly. He reached for his jeans and pulled out a tube. "It always pays to be ready.”

  I swallowed as Dyson let Leo ready him. My mouth went as dry as the nearest desert when Leo lay over Dyson and pushed himself into the dog shifter's puckered hole.

  Dyson's eyes widened, but he soon relaxed and Leo started to thrust into him.

  The position Blake put me in let me watch everything while the bond let me feel it. When Blake slid his cock inside me, I was almost washed away again with arousal.

  "I've wanted to do this since the moment I met you," Blake said.

  "For me it was when I found out you weren't a baddie," I said over my shoulder.

  He chuckled and started to move inside me. Unlike Nash, he was slow and gentle, as if he was scared of hurting me. He didn't seem to be in a rush, even though the magic might wear off. I suspected Sawyer wouldn't let me near the bonding stone again, so if this didn't work…

  I glanced over to the demon, to find him locked in the embrace of a woman I hadn't seen arrive. Whatever, as long as he wasn't bothering us.

  Blake slid his arms up my stomach and massaged my nipples in time with his thrusts.

  "You feel so amazing," he said softly. "Better than I could have imagined."

  "You feel pretty good yourself," I told him.

  As if that was a cue, he stilled and then came. He gave a few frantic pumps, drawing out his orgasm before he sagged, breathing heavily.

  I came once more, rocking my body against him to increase my pleasure.

  It wasn't until I came down I realised the bond hadn't formed between us.


  With a slow build, like a dam wearing down its banks, the bond slowly inched into existence. It crawled as if it was reluctant to exist. As if the magic was all but sucked dry.

  It finally became fully formed as Leo let out a cry that let us all know he, too, was coming. I felt his heat flood Dyson's ass. A moment later I sensed Leo's disappointment. No bond formed between them. I hadn't expected it woul
d unless they exchanged places, but I felt bad for breaking the last piece of faith Leo had in the idea of fated mates.

  I sagged on the sand, taking Blake with me. I curled us into a ball of arms and legs and contentment.

  Still, at the back of my mind I wondered if bonding Blake might be a bad idea.


  If I thought bonding one or two guys was intense, it was nothing to bonding six. I know, it's my own fault for taking them all on at once, but I couldn't really bring myself to regret it. Sure, it was overwhelming having so many thoughts and feelings in the back of my mind. On the other hand, that was where they stayed. It took no time at all to push them to the back and tuck them away in a little box. It was like shutting out certain sounds. If I let myself become aware, I could tune into one guy over the others, or all of them at once. I hadn't expected to have that kind of control, but I thanked the gods for it.

  The guys, however, seemed determined to stay switched on to me and my emotions and needs. I only had to think about tea before someone would bring me a cup. That was cute until three of them had the same idea.

  Fortunately when I was in class, they had to focus on their own studies or work.

  The CAME campus was totally opposite to the UA or even original AMM campus. Classrooms nestled amongst native trees and bushes. The ground underfoot was as much sand as it was grass and dirt. Most students wore shorts and t-shirts or singlets. Some even wore shoes.

  Personally, I was happy in shorts and flat sandals. No tie, no repressed schoolgirl skirts and certainly no jackets. The streak of green in my hair was plain in comparison to many other students. Rainbow or dreadlocks were more common, sometimes both. Yes, rainbow dreads look just as awesome as they sound.

  For the most part, the other students gave us a warm welcome. Sawyer and I gave each other the side eye whenever we saw each other, and I avoided his friends and Cordelia. Everyone else was chill though, and free with their offers to share dope.

  "No thanks," I said for about the fifth time that day. Even if I was interested in smoking it, I didn't want to put Nash in the position of having to tell me off for it. I had other positions I much preferred to put him in.

  "Okay, if you're sure." I didn't know the guy's name, but he gave me a shrug and a smile and went back to sit under a tree with some other students.

  I sighed softly.

  "You too, huh?" Kane slipped his hand into mine a moment after I became aware of his presence.

  "You shouldn't be able to sneak up on me like that," I scolded lightly.

  He grinned. "I've been working on my stealth skills. And keeping my thoughts to myself."

  I frowned at that. "Should I be worried about you keeping things from me?"

  "Only on your birthday." He leaned in to kiss my mouth. "And any time you're with my brother." He grimaced. "Somethings are better not shared, even amongst twins." After all our group intimacy, he was still twitchy about Dyson having any kind of sex life. It was adorably endearing.

  "I don't know, you don't seem to mind sharing most other things," I pointed out. "All of you guys are becoming like brothers, in a way."

  He swung our hands between us. "Just one big happy family."

  "Exactly." It was certainly warmer than the home life I grew up with. And with a lot more sex and tea. What more could a girl want?

  "Luckily you guys don't fight like brothers. Not too much, anyway." Once in a while they'd growl over someone having eaten their yoghurt, or drank the last beer, or wanting to watch a particular movie. Mostly it was in fun, with no hurt feelings.

  "Not that you can see," he replied, giving me a half smile.

  "Ah, but you forget, I would feel it if you argued," I returned his smile.

  "That's true, you would. Fine, we'll behave. Although, if we don't, will you spank us?"

  My smile widened. "I'm happy to spank you, argument or not. You only have to ask." I squeezed his firm ass cheek, then smacked my hand lightly across it.

  "Remind me to order a paddle next time I'm online." I wasn't sure if he was joking or not.

  "Don't forget the blindfolds," I added.

  "Of course, we can't forget those. And one of those feather ticklers."

  I wrinkled my nose. "If you love me, you won't tickle me."

  "I love you very much, but do you know how hard it is not to tickle you immediately after you say that?" He wiggled his fingers in front of my belly.

  I squirmed. "Don't even joke. I hate being tickled. I would literally let my tiger loose on you if you do it."

  Kane lowered his hand, but his eyes shone. "Noted. No tickling. We'll stick to spanking then."

  "Agreed." I chuckled and walked with him, approximately in the direction of the beach. The campus was nestled amongst the trees, but the walk to the sand was short. With windows open, the sound of pounding surf contributed to the serenity of the place.

  The dope probably helped.

  "I've never been anywhere so chill," Kane remarked. "I mean it's warm, but it's…" He flushed.

  "I know what chill means, " I said gently, "but were you reading my mind?" I smiled teasingly.

  "Just your mood." He ran his thumb over the back of my hand, back and forth and then in slow circles. "You seem so relaxed here."

  I hesitated for a moment. "I am. I think this might be the kind of place I'd like to teach. Everyone is just so laid back, even for Aussies. It's as though no one has a care in the world, even when getting assignments done, or sitting exams. Take the one yesterday for example, no one freaked out. We just went in, did the test and left. Even me. Not one word of complaint, no groaning about being sure they failed." Not that I could see anyway. Even the teachers seemed to enjoy being here.

  "I think it's the sea," he said at the same time as I said, "I think it's the marijuana."

  I fell against him, laughing.

  "It could be both," he conceded. "Or just good teaching. That should help. You knew your stuff, though."

  "I felt as though I did. I suppose I should by now, it is third year." Grass changed to sand under my feet. I leaned on Kane while I slipped off my sandals and let the grains fill the gaps between my toes.

  I stared out at the wide expanse of ocean spread out in front of us. The sea air ruffled my hair and filled my senses with salt and freedom.

  "This is—"

  I turned toward Kane as a jolt of pain entered our bond.

  "What—" I grabbed at him as he crumbled to the sand. "Kane! Kane!"

  I felt a surge of concern from the other guys and sent back thoughts of extreme worry and fear.

  "He'll be fine."

  I recognised the voice behind me, but for a long time, I couldn't bring myself to look behind me. I didn't want to confirm what I had suspected for so long.

  "What did you do to him?" I fell to my knees in the sand beside Kane. He lay still, eyes half open, but glazed. I put a finger to his neck. His pulse still beat, but slower than normal.

  "He's just out cold. What happens to him next depends on you."

  I sucked in a breath and looked up slowly.

  "What are you doing here, Mother?"


  I hoped she might at least try to tell me she was there to make sure I was okay. That someone else hurt Kane, but she'd help him. Deep down I hoped she'd pull me into her arms, rub my back, and soothe me like a mother should.

  Instead, she looked at me with cold eyes, like she barely recognised me. Like I was some kind of laboratory experiment and she was curious about the result. There was no hint of warmth, nothing. She was never loving, but I never saw this clinical side of her before.

  "What do you want from me?" I felt vulnerable looking up at her, but I was far from that. I could shift and rip her apart in a heartbeat. She knew that, I saw it in the twitch at the side of her mouth. She also knew I wouldn't. In spite of never having been close, she was still my mother.

  "I want you to come with me. We have much to learn about the bond." She nodded to someone behind me.

  I turned my head just enough to see Corinne. She wasn't what took my breath away. That honour went to Blake, who walked beside her.

  "I'm sorry," he mouthed.

  What the fuck?

  I probed the bond to gauge his mood, but somehow he blocked me out. All I could feel was that he was alive. That wouldn't last long if he really betrayed me.

  "This works best if you don't fight us." Lucinda—I couldn't think of her as my mother right now—was all business.

  "Did it cross your mind we might have come willingly, without you harming Kane?" I asked coolly. "We'd also like to learn about the bond."

  Surprise was the first hint of emotion to cross her features. Of course it didn't occur to her. Ruthless people assumed ruthless tactics were needed for everything. Gods forbid they'd resort to not being assholes once in a while.

  The look was gone before I could blink and her mask of ice was back.

  "Then we won't have any trouble. Bring the shifter." She turned away and started toward the carpark.

  For a moment I thought about setting my tiger or gargoyle loose from my tattoos and letting them rip her to pieces. I curled my hands into fists, but uncurled them. I wasn’t lying when I said I wanted to understand the bond better. If I had to play along for a while, then so be it.

  Between them, Corinne and Blake supported Kane and carried him toward a white SUV. White, as if somehow my mother was totally innocent.

  I trotted to catch up with her.

  "Are you really working with Zeta?"

  She pulled a key out of her pocket and pressed the button to unlock the SUV.

  "Zeta aren't the enemy," she said as she pulled the back door open and gestured for me to climb inside.

  "Like hells they aren't," I growled. "Have you got any idea what they've done to me?" My eyes narrowed. "Of course you do, you know all about the attack on the AMM campus in Sydney. I told you. But you knew before that, didn't you?"

  She hesitated. "That was an unfortunate misunderstanding—"

  "Misunderstanding? Fucking hells, people died!" I gaped at her. Who was this woman? Had someone stolen my mother's face? "Paranormals died. I almost died! I had to kill to save myself and people I loved!" I was almost shouting now. Tears streamed down my face at the memory of the attack. I wasn't proud of anything I had done, but I had no choice.


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