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Guarding Jenna: Brotherhood Protectors World

Page 8

by Holt, Desiree

  ”Unless he has a legitimate reason for being in the area.” Jenna leaned forward. “Becca, thank you for sending me the emails.”

  “I didn’t know what else to do. I figured maybe you could come out here, shake some trees, get involved the way you’ve done with other stories, and make something happen.”

  Jenna gave a short little laugh. “I think you give me greater power than I have.”

  “Please.” Becca clasped one of Jenna’s hands in both of hers. “Ruthie and a few of the others got with me, and we talked about what we could do. I told them about you, so we drew straws to see who would send you the email, and I got lucky. Please, Jenna. Please, please, put your investigative hat on and dig into this. We’ll help you all we can. Give you names we know of victims.”

  “And maybe think of anyone who lives here in the county who is a good candidate for this.”

  “Ruth thinks Bartell knows who it is and is protecting him because he’s the one who keeps the sheriff in office.”

  Jenna turned her head and exchanged a look with Scot. He’d been quiet all this time, drinking his coffee, resting his arm casually around Jenna to give her his support.

  “We wondered the same thing,” he said.

  Becca looked over at the other diners then back to Jenna.

  “We, um, came up with some names that we think might be him. We didn’t have a lot to go on since no one has seen him or heard his real voice. This is just based on physical build and who has enough power that they can get away with this. It’s a very short list.” She fished a slip of paper from her purse and slid it across the table.

  Jenna unfolded it and read it, holding it close to her. Five names. The same ones she had come up with. The bank president. The president of the cattleman’s association. The representative from their district to the state legislature. The owner of the ranch second in size to Roger Holland’s. The president of the State Bar Association. These were all men who were born into wealth and/or power, and their positions had just continued to grow. She had to swallow back the sudden nausea to keep from throwing up on the table.

  Which one of them? Who was so evil he would do this, and keep doing it for years?

  “We actually brought up a lot more names,” Becca went on, “but from everything we remembered, these are the most likely candidates.”

  “You’ll have to be extra careful with this, Jenna,” Scot interjected. “Just be aware of that. I know I’m repeating what we’ve already said but I can’t say it enough times. Whoever this guy turns out to be, he’s very powerful and determined to keep his identity a secret at all costs.”

  Becca’s face turned pale. “Oh, Jenna, we don’t want you to put yourself in harm’s way. We just thought you were better at digging up facts than we’d be.” Tears clouded her eyes again. “We just need to do something.”

  “But quietly,” Scot said in a low voice. “Not in a way that will call attention to what we’re doing.”

  Jenna looked at him. “We?”

  “Damn straight. Aren’t I your boy friend?” He gave her a tiny squeeze and added in a very low voice, “and maybe a little more.”

  “Would you be willing to meet with the others?” Becca asked. “Two of the women were raped ten years ago and the others, like Ruth, have daughters who were raped. Two of them, their girls were murdered.”

  Jenna looked at Scot for guidance.

  “I’d say that’s a good idea. That way we can get information firsthand. But let me suggest we do this far away from town. Like maybe even one county over. And we should do it soon.”

  Becca nodded. “I’ll call everyone as soon as I get back in my car. I don’t want to make the calls from here, even though we’re pretty much out of the mainstream. We’ll pick a place. If I can get everyone together for tomorrow night does that work for you?”

  “The sooner the better,” Jenna agreed.

  “Why don’t we all exchange cell numbers,” Scot suggested. “That way we can keep in contact with each other, and Becca, you can confirm the meeting with us.”

  They took care of it in the booth. Then Scot signaled for the check.

  “Thank you again for this,” Becca said. “We are all really desperate.”

  “We’ll get it taken care of,” Scot assured her.

  Becca left first then Jenna and Scot headed out to his pickup.

  “Let’s go back to the cabin,” Jenna said. “I’m going to do some deep research on the residents of this county. See what I come up with. I especially want to dig into Sheriff Bartell’s background, see if there are any articles about who his supporters and/or friends are.”

  “Good idea. I brought my own laptop with me, so I can help you.”

  She glanced over at him, startled. “You did? You will?”

  His lips curved in an unfamiliar grin. “Sure. I’m not just a pretty face.”

  Jenna laughed, the first real laugh she’d enjoyed since she received the emails. “You are a surprising person.”

  “That’s right. I’m full of surprises.” He reached over and squeezed her hand. “Just remember that.”

  As soon as they were back in the cabin, Jenna set up her laptop at the little dining table. Scot retrieved his from the bedroom and set up across from her.

  “Before we get started, how about some lunch?” he asked. “Those sweet rolls were every bit as good as advertised, but neither of us ate much.”

  “Oh.” She looked across at him, startled. Food was the last thing she’d been thinking about. “Sure. I’ll look and see what we’ve got.”

  But Scot pushed back from the table and stood up.

  “Easier for me. I know what we’ve got. You need to get to work. That’s a better use of your time.”

  “Wow! A bodyguard, a boyfriend, and a cook all wrapped up in one. How lucky can a girl get?”

  The same heat she’d seen before flashed in his eyes.

  “I don’t know. Maybe you should find out.”

  He winked—winked!—then moved into the kitchen area.

  Jenna stared, doing her best to ignore the unfamiliar flutterings in various parts of her body. The last thing she needed was for Scot Nolan to think she wanted a roll in the hay with him. How could she tell him she had all these hang-ups because she’d never really gotten past the trauma of the rape? Although if anyone could help her, she had a feeling it could be him.

  I need to get my act together here and focus on the reason for this trip.

  But lord! Scot was making her feel things she’d never expected.

  Determined to forget about everything but her project, she opened a web browser and began her research. She had bookmarked the news items about the murders, so she brought them up and made a list of the victims. She thought it strange that there were very few details about the condition of the bodies or how they were found. The only fact listed was that they were all strangled by a man with large hands whose fingers left huge bruise marks on their necks.

  Anger, she thought. And rage. How dare these nothings attempt to destroy his life?

  Then she began a meticulous search for everything on the names on Becca’s list. And for good measure, she threw in Sheriff Owen Bartell.

  Chapter 7

  The man sat in a copse of trees on a rise that looked down on the cabin where she was staying. He knew they’d gone to meet that damn Becca Reiter way out at Eagle’s Nest. Having access to countywide information kept him well informed. Then he’d taken a drive out this way and was satisfied they were holed up in the cabin for at least the afternoon. He’d have to figure out what to do after that.

  Of all the damn rotten luck. Why did she have to come sticking her nose into this? With her writer’s nose for information, who knew what she could dig up?

  He and the others in their exclusive little club had met to discuss the situation this afternoon. The others had insisted he had to be the one to dispose of her. Not so easy with that SEAL glued to her side. He had to figure out a way, though, or they wer
e all dead.

  The whole thing had seemed like good fun when they’d thought it up years ago. They all had skewed sexual appetites, and young girls aroused them the most. The first time he’d forced one of them, he’d hardly been able to believe how excited he got, how hard his cock was and the thrill when he shoved himself into virgin sex.


  He’d gotten so excited that when he went home that night he had to get himself off again or risk doing damage to himself.

  The others, it seemed, were the same. They met once a month, in their private place, to relive the excitement and share details. And those delicious little girls were too scared to report it. Until one did, and he was sure all holy hell would break loose. Well, they were all threatened with death if they did, so he had to take care of that first one, and he did it himself. And he made sure the investigation went nowhere, despite the anguish of her parents.

  But then, almost a year later, another one reported it. The others decided he should take care of her because he’d done such a good job before. And truth to tell, he got off on the killing as much as he did fucking them. Now there were nine total, and he sure as hell hoped there wouldn’t be any others. They all agreed they’d remind their new pieces of ass how many bodies there already were.

  But now he’d have to get rid of Jenna Donovan. He knew she’d just keep digging until it all came out, and they couldn’t have that. He’d have to get rid of that fucking SEAL first, and that was easier said than done. But he was smart. He’d figure out a way. He wasn’t about to have his cushy life disrupted by some fucking female.

  He knew his chance would come if he was just smart about it. Meanwhile, he sat and watched.

  * * *

  Jenna was exhausted, mentally and emotionally. They’d spent the afternoon doing research, and the amount of information she found on each name was astonishing. These were men who all, including Sheriff Owen Bartell, held positions of power in the area and had for some time. And Bartell lived on a small ranch that, despite its size, had to have cost a pretty penny. He didn’t pay for it on a sheriff’s salary.

  So who couldn’t stop the craving for this heinous crime? Who had to be paying Bartell to sweep it under the rug?

  She shared her information with the women at dinner. They were shocked that she thought it could be more than one, but agreed if that was the case these were real possibilities. The stories they shared with her about the rapes over the years curdled her blood and brought all those memories she’d suppressed screaming to the front.

  Tomorrow, she’d start putting everything into some kind of order. Then she’d write the first of what would be a series of articles about rapes in the Crazy Mountains that had gone on for more than two decades. And she knew just where to submit them. That ought to get some action.

  Scot checked everything outside before they walked into the cabin. Once inside, she dropped onto the couch and began massaging her neck. A tension headache was threatening

  “I can help you with that.” Scot sat down beside her. “I mean, if you’re okay with me touching you.”

  Strangely enough, she was. Throughout the entire day and evening, as she battled with her past and dealt with the danger of the present, she realized how in such a short time his presence had become both reassuring and tempting.


  To a woman who’d thought of sex as just something to be suffered through, if she could get up her courage.


  She realized she’d zoned out.

  “Yes. I mean, okay. I—I’d appreciate anything you can do. My nerves are strung tighter than a tennis racquet.””

  He shifted her so she was sitting sideways on the couch, between his thighs.

  “Close your eyes,” he told her in that deep voice that now covered her like a warm blanket and made all her secret places throb and tremble. Places she was sure were frozen yet in less than twenty-four hours this man had begun to thaw them out.

  She did as he asked and with his strong fingers he began to work the knots out of her shoulders and neck. Little by little, the tension eased from her body, and the headache that had threatened began to subside. She kept her eyes closed and let herself fall into the feeling.

  What if she kissed him again? Would he even want to after she’d pushed him away? He knew what a hot mess she was with the baggage she carried. Why would he even waste his time? But lord! This was the first time in all these years she’d felt actual desire for a man. What if they tried it? But what if she froze?

  “Stop thinking.” His deep voice smoothed over her. “You’re getting all knotted up again.”

  She drew in a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Sorry. Can’t seem to shut off my brain.”

  “I’m going to ask you a question that is none of my business and very inappropriate, considering our situation.”

  Her giggle was tinged with hysteria. “Ask away. You know my history. I have no secrets from you.”

  “Oh, I don’t think that’s true. I think you have a few hidden away.”

  “What did you want to ask?”

  He put his mouth next to her ear. “Did you enjoy that kiss last night as much as I did? I don’t want to overstep here, Jenna. I wasn’t all that hot to take this assignment, but I think we have an unexpected connection. If you tell me no, this whole thing is forgotten.”

  Which she knew was what she should do. But then she thought, what the hell? She wouldn’t be any worse off than she already was, the hot mess of the world. And he was the first man she’d wanted in, well, forever.

  “Jenna?” He squeezed her shoulders. “Should I take back the question?”

  “No. I mean, yes. I mean,…oh, hell. No, don’t take it back and yes, I enjoyed it”

  “Then how about we try it again?”

  When she nodded, he turned her so she was sitting on his thighs, cupped her chin, and drew her face close to him. His pressed his mouth to hers with a light touch, as if waiting to see whether or not she’d bolt. When she didn’t, he traced the seam of her lips with the tip of his tongue, back and forth, gentle, again waiting for her reaction.

  Unfamiliar heat washed through her and she opened her mouth, welcoming his tongue. Her nipples tingled, and the muscles in her sex clenched with need.

  Holy hell! All this from a little kiss?

  But there was nothing little about it. It invaded her entire body. When she sucked on his tongue, boldly, he bit down gently on hers. Fire shot through her. She lifted her hands to cup his head, threading her fingers through the silk of his hair. The feel of his beard against her skin was erotic. She could have rubbed her face back and forth over it for hours.

  With his mouth still fused to hers, he slipped one hand beneath her sweater and coasted it along her rib cage until he cupped one breast. He squeezed, and she moaned into his mouth. Then he pinched the nipple and without warning, she froze. Everything. Her hands. Her lips. Her tongue.

  She felt him draw back at once, and she wanted to cry.

  “Don’t.” His voice was gentle. “If this is as far as you can go, it’s all good. We can try again.”

  “No.” She almost shouted the word. “I don’t want to stop. I’m so tired of being an emotional cripple. I’ve let that man steal my whole life, and I want it to stop.” She opened her eyes and looked into his. “You’re the only man I’ve ever been able to really respond to. Please don’t stop.” She bit her lip. “Unless this is too much for you, and I won’t blame you if it is. Really. We can just forget this ever happened.

  “Only if you want to.” He cradled her cheeks in his palms. “I’ve had my own hang-ups, Jenna. I closed myself off for so long so I could do what I had to with the SEALs that I wasn’t sure I’d ever be able to feel. No one else has ever gotten past that wall until you. And I can have all the patience you need.”

  Again, it was his words that crumbled her barriers more than his actions.

  She looked into those chocolate eyes and smiled.
/>   “Don’t stop.”

  “Okay, then,” he whispered and pressed his mouth to her.

  He eased his hand beneath her sweater and moved it until he once again cupped her breast. He abraded the taut nipple with his thumb while he stroked the inside of her mouth with his tongue. This time, she moaned and arched up to him.

  The kiss went on forever, his tongue exploring, tasting sweeping, while he teased her nipple until it ached with need. He turned his attention to the other one and soon it, too, was swollen and aching.

  “How about I take off the sweater?” he asked in the same soft voice.

  “Okay,” she whispered.

  He eased it up and over her head, tossing it to the side. He reached for the clasp of her bra then looked at her, waiting for her to stay stop or go on.

  “Yes. Take it off.”

  He did so, with a gentle movement, and dropped it onto her sweater. Jenna forced herself not to at once cover herself with her arms. This was Scot, the man she’d trusted from the moment she met him. The first man to kindle desire within her. So she sat there, naked to the waist, and let him look his fill, even as she trembled inside.

  His brushed a kiss over her mouth again then trailed his lips down the line of her throat to the swell of her breasts, planting little kisses. Then his palms cradled her breasts, and he closed his lips over one swollen tip, sucking it into his mouth.

  “Ohhhhhhh.” The long cry burst from her at the sensation of fire that raced through her body. Moisture seeped into her panties, and she had to squeeze her legs together against the sudden fierceness of the throbbing there.

  Scot lifted his head, a frown creasing his forehead. “Did I hurt you? I can stop.”

  “Don’t you dare,” she protested. “Keep doing it. Please.”

  His laugh had a low, guttural sound that was as arousing as any touch of his.

  “Okay, then. Glad to oblige.”


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