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The Blue Lights: A Detective Story

Page 7

by Frederic Arnold Kummer


  Mr. Stapleton was standing in the middle of the library, when Duvallentered. He turned to him excitedly.

  "Mr. Duvall," he said, "I have just heard news that I hope will restoremy boy to me within the next twenty-four hours!"

  "From the woman who just left the house?"


  "Who is she?"

  "An agent of the police."

  "Ah! Are you certain of that?"

  "I know only what she says."

  Duvall looked at him curiously. "What is the news she has brought you?"

  "A message from the scoundrels who have stolen the child. They want ahundred thousand dollars, to return him."

  "And she brought you that message?"

  "Yes." The banker regarded his questioner uneasily.

  "Does it not seem rather singular, Mr. Stapleton, that a member of theParis police should come to you with a message from the kidnappers?"

  Mr. Stapleton frowned. "I had not considered that aspect of the case,Mr. Duvall. I was--and am--too anxious to get my boy back, to care bywhom these fellows deliver their terms."

  "What was the message, Mr. Stapleton?"

  "I am to drive along the road to Versailles tomorrow evening, leavinghere at eight o'clock, and moving at the rate of twelve miles an hour.Somewhere on that road, an automobile in passing will signal me with ablue light. I am then to slow up and toss into the other machine apackage containing one hundred thousand dollars. If I do this, and makeno attempt to follow or capture the rascals, they agree to deliver thechild here--at my house--by the time I return home."

  Duvall listened to Mr. Stapleton's words with growing interest. "Theyare a shrewd lot," he exclaimed. "They will get away in their machine,and have ample opportunity to examine the package to see that itcontains the amount they demand. By signaling to confederates at anypoint along the road, or in another automobile, they can advise themwhether or not to return the child."

  "But how will they be able to do this, without running the risk of beingcaught?"

  "That is easy. They take the boy to Paris, employ a passerby--a man oftheir own class, no doubt--for a few francs, to deliver him at yourdoor. To trace them, through that means, will be impossible. If you givethem the money, the chances are that they will never be caught."

  "Nevertheless, I shall give it to them."

  "I expected that, Mr. Stapleton. I can understand your feelings. It isnot right, of course, to submit to this blackmail; but no doubt, were Isituated as you are, I would do the same thing. Still, it is a greatpity."


  "Because we have an excellent chance to capture these fellows."

  "And lose the boy!"

  "Yes, that might be true. Such men are apt to retaliate very promptly,and very severely. They have no pity. I wish I might handle the case tosuit myself."

  "What would you do?"

  "I would arrange to follow you, in a fast car, keeping say five hundredfeet in the rear. I should have several men, well armed, in the car. Bywatching carefully, with field glasses if necessary, I would observe thecar which signaled you with the blue light. When this car passed me, Iwould follow, but make no move which would alarm the kidnappers untilthey had given the signal--whatever it is--that would ensure your boybeing returned to you. Then I would close in on them, and arrest them."

  "Your plan, Mr. Duvall, is open to serious objections. Suppose thesemen, undoubtedly on the watch, observe that they are being followed.They will give no signal--and I will lose not only my child, but the onehundred thousand dollars as well. No, no, I want no interference in thematter whatever."

  Duvall remained a moment in silence. "Very well, Mr. Stapleton, I amunder your orders, of course. But I dislike very much to see thesefellows get away."

  "So do I; but there's no help for it."

  "If I can work out a plan for their capture, which will not involve theloss of the boy, you are willing, I take it, to let me go ahead?"

  "Yes; but I insist that you first submit the plan to me."

  "Very well. And now, another matter. This woman who brought the messageto you is, you say, an agent of the police. Did she attempt to explainhow she came by the message?"

  "Yes. She was forcibly abducted, last night, carried a long distance outinto the country, and the instructions given her. She was brought backto Paris, blindfolded, tonight."

  "Mr. Stapleton, what would you say were I to tell you that less than anhour ago I saw this woman in the rooms of Alphonse Valentin, a man whomI suspect to be very deeply concerned in the kidnapping of your son?"

  Stapleton started. "Is it possible?" he said. "Have you any idea whatshe was doing there?"

  "No. They seemed on excellent terms, however. Of course, it is notimpossible that an agent of the police might pose as a friend of one ofthe criminals, and thus obtain information. But it looks decidedlyqueer."

  "It does, indeed. Still, as I said before, if I get my boy back, I shallbe satisfied." He took a turn about the room, chewing nervously uponhis long black cigar. "Now, Mr. Duvall, what is your plan to capturethese fellows?"

  Duvall sat in deep thought for sometime. "It is not an easy matter, Mr.Stapleton, but there is one way which promises success, and that, too,without interfering with your arrangements to recover your boy."

  "What is it?"

  "This. It is necessary for us, in some way, to identify the car whichgives you the signal of the blue light. It will pass close to you, at amoderate speed. I want you to mark that car, so that it may berecognized at once."

  "How can I do that?"

  "I will place in the bottom of your machine a small device, consistingof a rubber bulb, equipped with a small nozzle, projecting through ahole in the body of the car. The bulb will be filled with indelible redstain. When you stand up, to toss the package of money to thekidnappers, you must press this bulb with your foot. The two cars willthen be side by side. The pressure on the bulb will discharge a blast ofthe red stain against the body and wheels of the car opposite you. Itwill then be a simple matter to identify it."

  "Yes--yes. I see that. But what then?"

  "The car, in passing you, will be headed for Paris. Undoubtedly it isthe intention of these fellows to enter the city. I shall station myselfat the Porte de Versailles, and I will arrange to have other men,members of the detective bureau, stationed at the neighboring gates inthe fortifications. All cars entering the city will be momentarilyhalted. The one which bears upon its body or wheels the red stain willbe seized, its occupants arrested."

  "But suppose they have not yet notified their confederates to return theboy to me?"

  "In that event, I feel certain that the child will be found in theautomobile with them. Look at the thing as you would, were you in theirplace. They are forced to act with great quickness. Were they to signal,by lights or otherwise, to persons along the road, they could hardlyhope to get the boy to your house before you yourself return there. Theyknow you will return home immediately at your best speed as soon as youhave delivered the money to them. What more likely, then, that they willhave the boy with them in the car, will drive to some prearranged pointin Paris, and deliver him to the person who will bring him to yourhouse? That would seem, to my mind, their most probable plan."

  "And if not--if the child is not with them?"

  "Then there are but two courses open to them. The first is to signal, bylights or otherwise, to their confederates, before they enter Paris. Ifthey do this, the boy will be returned to you, and we will capture themen as well. The only other alternative, of course, is for them tonotify their confederates after they enter Paris."

  "But, if you arrest him at the barrier, they cannot do that, and my boywill not be sent back."

  "That is true; but I do not think they will wait to notify theirconfederates until after they enter Paris."

  "Why not, Mr. Duvall?"

  "First, because of the danger of being observed, in the crowded streetsof the city. Secondly, because I do not think t
he child is in Paris atall. The woman who brought you the message from the kidnappers, Iunderstand, saw the child at a point some distance in the country. Itseems unlikely that these men would run the risk of conveying the childinto the city, in broad daylight. By having the boy with them in thecar, they avoid all danger of signaling anybody. They merely inspect thepackage of money, run into Paris, fully believing themselves for thetime being safe, drop the child at a convenient point, divide theplunder, and scatter to their respective hiding places. Criminals ofthis sort know perfectly well that they are far safer, hiding in a bigcity, than fleeing through the country in an automobile. I feel scarcelyany doubt that they have the child with them."

  "But if he is still in the country, and they wait until after they arein Paris before notifying their confederates?"

  "Then the latter are obliged to journey a long distance out into thecountry, get the child, and bring him back to your house. That wouldrequire a considerable period. They could not possibly do it before youreturn home."

  Mr. Stapleton considered the matter for a long time in silence. "Yourarguments seem sound, Mr. Duvall," he presently observed. "Likeyourself, I am anxious to capture these fellows. It makes my blood boil,to think of their getting away. Of course, your deductions may bewrong."

  "Then at least we will get the perpetrators of the crime, and it is mostlikely that one of them, at least, may be persuaded to turn state'sevidence, and disclose the whereabouts of your son."

  Mr. Stapleton pondered the matter with great care. Evidently he fearedany course of action which did not insure the return of the child.

  "It seems to me, Mr. Stapleton," the detective went on, "that you owe itto the public to let me make this effort to capture these fellows. It isa grave danger to the community, to have such rogues at large. Let metry my plan. Even if it fails, you are no worse off than you are now.The attempt cannot in any way be traced to you."

  "Very well," said the banker, nervously. "It is a chance--that's all.However, since it seems to involve no breach of faith on my part, I amwilling to take it."

  "Good! I will bring the device I spoke of to your house tomorrow, andattach it to your car. Your man Francois will drive you, I presume."


  "You trust him?"

  "I have no reasons for not doing so. And besides he will know nothing ofthe affair. His part will be merely to drive the car, as I direct him."

  Duvall thought for a moment. "You will not, of course, give him hisinstructions until the last moment--just before you start."

  "No. That will be best, I think."

  "Undoubtedly. And to avoid any possible interference, I think I hadbetter not attach the identifying device of which I have spoken to yourcar until late tomorrow afternoon, immediately before you set out. Then,if by any chance your chauffeur is in this plot, he will have noopportunity to give a warning."

  "Very well. I think, however, that your precautions are needless. Therehas been nothing whatever brought out to connect Francois with thismatter."

  "I know; but it is well to be careful. You will leave here tomorrowevening, at eight o'clock?"

  "Yes. Promptly at eight."

  "You might do well to have someone with you, some member of the police,perhaps."

  "The instructions expressly forbid it."

  "Ah--I see. These fellows are shrewd." He took up his hat. "Untiltomorrow then. Good night."

  "Good night."


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