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Ember: Next Gen (Snakes Henchmen MC Book 12)

Page 15

by Alivia Grayson

  I wrap my arms around his and close my eyes for a second. Now I know why Marco was so quick to offer advice on moving on, he’d been through the same thing as I had. Maybe not the same situation, but he was cheated on just the same.

  “How did you find out?” I don’t want Marco to relive painful memories, but I believe he needs to get this out because I don’t think Marco has let go as much as he thinks he has.

  “Sasha, my ex, she decided she’d climb into bed with Bob one night after a party.” I turn my head to look at Marco. What the hell? Marco smiles slightly. “Nothing happened, even though she tried to force it. Bob jumped out of bed and told me right away what had happened. I didn’t believe him,”

  “You didn’t?”

  Marco shakes his head. “Not at first,” He sighs. “I didn’t want to believe the woman I loved was capable of doing something like that while I was in the next room. At the same time, I knew Bob wouldn’t lie to me about something that massive. A couple of weeks passed, and the whole time, I was wondering if Sasha was out there messing around with others.”

  I entwine my fingers with Marco’s as he kisses my head.

  “Then Colin asked me to meet him over at his place. He’d arranged drinks with a few people, and he knew I’d been feeling like shit. I went because I wanted to get drunk. As soon as I got there, I realized Colin had set me up,”

  “Set you up?” I’m confused.

  “Yeah,” Marco chuckles. “There was nobody home, but Colin. He told me to follow him, so I did. I thought maybe the party was outside as that’s where he was leading me. There was no party, but there was Sasha, riding Matt’s brother, Chris, without a care in the world. The woman didn’t even care that she was in someone else’s house!”

  My mouth opens and closes so many times that I feel like a fish out of water. What kind of person would do something like that?

  “Naturally, I screamed her name. She looked at me in shock, and climbed off of Chris. ‘This isn’t what it looks like,’ She told me. The stupid bitch was fuckin’ the guy, and she expected me to believe it wasn’t what it seemed? I walked away from her, but not before telling her that I never wanted to see her again.”

  “I’m so sorry, Marco.”

  Marco kisses my temple, and my eyes close because I feel emotional after what he just told me. I can’t get my head around what kind of person would do what his ex did. It doesn’t take a genius to work out why Colin did what he did; it was because he’s a good friend. But cheating on the person who loves you is low, to sleep with another man in someone else’s house?

  What the hell am I talking about? My ex did that; only he slept with my best friend at my house!

  Marco and I have more in common than I would have guessed.

  “It’s done with. I spent long enough blocking it out through drink and drugs and women. Then I met you, and things didn’t seem so hopeless. You made me want to change, and you made me want to try again with a woman who won’t cheat on me.” I know he won’t cheat on me. No man who’s been cheated on would cheat on someone else. “We could be magic together, Ember.”

  “Are you really over her, Marco?”

  It’s not that I want to talk myself out of a relationship with Marco, but I need to be sure.

  Marco smiles at me while stroking his knuckles down my cheek. “Until I met you, I hadn’t let go of what Sasha did to me; I won’t lie. But when I met you, I felt something so special for you. Every day with you has healed me, Ember.” I feel my nose burning with emotion, and I can’t help smiling. “So, to answer your question, yes, I really am over Sasha.”

  My heart starts beating faster. Hearing Marco, say that he’s over his ex settles something within me. It also helped me realize that I am completely over Toby.

  “What about you, Ember? Are you over Toby?”

  I smile and nod my head. For the first time in weeks, I have no doubt in my mind that I’m ready to move on. “I am so over him.”

  There are no words as I guild Marco’s mouth to mine with my hand on his face. The second our lips touch, it’s like fireworks going off all around us. I’m moaning into his mouth, whimpering, begging with my mind for him to pin me down, tear off my dress, and make love to me.

  When we both need to come up for air, he pulls away with a smile on his face, forehead pressed against mine. “You felt that too, didn’t you? You feel the powerful spark between us every time our lips touch.”

  “Yes,” I can’t even deny it because I felt it in every sinew in my body each time we’ve kissed.

  “We can go at your pace, Ember. As slow as you need to go. Just tell me that you’ll give me a chance. Give me a chance to prove that I can be the man you need. Let me be the one.”

  “I’m scared, Marco. I don’t want to be hurt again. I don’t want to put my trust in you if you’re only going to break my heart in the end.”

  “Listen to me,” I turn a little in his arms. I want to look at his face when he speaks. “I will not hurt you the way he did. I’ve been cheated on, and I would never put another person through that, it’s agony. The same happened to you, so I know you won’t do that to me either.” I shake my head. There is no way I’d do that to anyone. “I’ve given up the drugs, the women, even the drink, mostly. All for you because I know you’re worth more than that.” He smiles. “Baby, I would give up everything if you ask it of me.”

  “How can you want me this much, you hardly know me?”

  “My heart knows you, Ember. Your heart knows me; that’s why it calls to me. You feel it too; I know you do.”

  I bite my lower lip because he’s right. “I feel so much when I’m with you, Marco. I feel things that scare me, but I want to explore what it means. The other night when you told me that you were falling hard for me,”

  “I did?” I close my eyes for a second because he did forget. He cups my face and forces me to look at him. He smiles at me. “And you told me the same thing, didn’t you?”

  I swallow hard before nodding my head. “I didn’t know that was what I felt until you said those words to me. Is that how you feel, Marco?”

  “I can’t even deny it, Ember. You mean absolutely everything to me. You changed everything about me, and all for the better.” I smile and stroke my thumb across his jaw. “I like who I am when I’m around you, and I love how you make me feel.”

  I giggle because that’s just how I feel. “I like who I am when I’m around you too.”

  “Give me a chance, Ember. I don’t think I could live the rest of my life without you by my side. I know what the others have said to both of us, but we can make them see that this is real. I honestly believe that, Ember. I believe that you and I have something special and that it will last a lifetime.”

  I blink and let his words sink into my brain. I know that Marco loves me; he doesn’t have to say those three words for me to know that. What he just said about us lasting a lifetime was enough to hook me and reel me in. I don’t know what will happen when the others find out about Marco and me, but I do know that I can’t let this man walk away without being mine.

  “All I want is to be with you, Marco.” A gorgeous smile spreads across his face. “I didn’t plan to feel this way about you, but I can’t stop it because it just grows stronger every hour. I don’t know what the future holds, but I do know that I won’t let you walk out of here unless you’re mine.”

  “I’ve been yours since that day in town.” Then he kisses me, and I’m lost to the man I love.

  Chapter Nineteen


  I think I just died and went to heaven. I swallow hard as I watch Ember moving her beautiful body in time with the soft music I have playing in the background.

  That tight dress and those fuck me heels Ember is wearing showcase her toned legs. I’m practically drooling just looking at her.

  My dick jumps to life as Ember slides her hands into her hair, her hips moving from side to side. God, she’s so fucking sexy. “Do you like what you see, Mr. R

  I bite my bottom lip and look Ember up and down. I can’t believe how lucky I am. “You have no idea how much I like what I see.”

  Ember shimmies over to me and lifts her left leg high enough for me to glimpse her red panties. Christ, what is she trying to do to me?

  Ember’s leg lands on the right side of my body as she straddles my lap. Her hot pussy presses against my erection when she leans in to kiss me with her hand on my face.

  I groan while sliding my hands along Ember’s thighs. She pulls away from me with a smile on her face. “You make me feel so beautiful with the way you look at me.”

  “You are beautiful, Ember. You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, and I can’t believe that you’re mine.”

  She kisses me again. “I am yours, Marco, and you’re mine, and I want you so badly right now.”

  She’s killing me!

  “I want you, too, but not out here. We might be on the roof, but anyone could be watching.”

  Ember smirks naughtily. “Then take me inside where no one can see us.”

  She doesn’t need to tell me twice.

  Ember climbs off my lap and takes my hand. I get to my feet and take her face in my hands. “Are you sure that you’re ready for this, Ember? I would never expect you to give yourself to me until you’re one hundred percent ready.”

  The smile on Ember’s face right now brings me life. “You’re my perfect man, do you know that?”

  I smile because I can’t help myself. “Yeah?”

  “Yeah,” Ember parrots back while taking my hand in her own. She walks backward, leading me toward the exit, and I am powerless to do anything other than follow her lead.

  I can’t keep my hands off of Ember in the elevator. I pin her against the glass wall, her hands about her head, and my lips attack her neck. “Marco,” She groans my name, and my eyes roll.

  The elevator comes to a halt, and I drag Ember out of there by the hand. The whole time, Ember laughs while running to keep up with my strides.

  Ember hands me her keycard. I slam it against the wall panel, and the door unlocks. I barely have the door closed before Ember in is my arms. She wraps her legs around my waist and her hands around my neck. We kiss as I walk Ember toward the bed. I can feel the fever between us, and I’m on fire.

  I want to make love to Ember right now, but I’m scared that I’ll go crazy. I already feel like a mad man where this woman is concerned. However, I can’t stop myself from touching her.

  I stand Ember on her feet and watch in awe as she removes her shoes. She keeps her eyes on me when she slides her dress over her body. I swallow hard, feeling the fire in my eyes.

  Ember stands before me in nothing but a pair of red silk panties, so small they leave nothing to the imagination. I look her up and down, and I can say with all honesty that I have never in my life seen anything or anyone as perfect.

  She bites her lower lip while watching me remove my clothes. When I’m standing in nothing but my boxer briefs, Ember reaches out her hand to touch my chest. She looks lost in wonder as she runs her fingertips over my abs.

  “Almost as good as yours, huh?” I trace Ember’s abs with my fingertip, and she laughs.

  I put my hand to her face, and she looks into my eyes. I’ve never felt this strongly about anyone. I have all these emotions running through me, and I don’t know what to do with them.

  Ember presses her chest to mine, and I’m gone. She grabs the waistband of my boxers and pushes them down my legs. I watch her look down and gasp. “Oh, wow,” I sniffle a chuckle when her eyes widen. “I have never…” The audible swallow is not lost on me. It seems I have something old Toby didn’t.

  Don’t brag, Marco!

  Ember gasps again when I lift her into my arms and lie her down on the bed. My lips attack her body with soft kisses until she’s a puddle beneath me.

  I kiss the length of her stomach before dragging her panties down with my teeth. Ember giggles and slides her hand into my hair. I know what she wants, and I’m going to give it to her.

  I push Ember’s legs apart and get my first glimpse of her beautiful pussy. She’s dripping wet and throbbing, and I know it won’t take much to have her coming for me.

  I look up from between her legs. She’s watching me, and I smirk while telling Ember with my eyes not to look away.

  I snake out my tongue and take my first taste of perfection. I get so lost in eating her out that I’m in a world of my own. It isn’t until Ember’s legs slam into the sides of my head do I realize she’s coming while screaming my name. Her head falls back against the mattress, and I kiss my way along her body. Ember stares up at me with a blissful smile on her face.

  “Are you sure about this, Ember? I’m crazy about you, and that’s why I’d wait forever if you needed me to.”

  She doesn’t answer me with words. Ember grabs my shoulders and uses her body to flip me onto my back. I laugh as she straddles my waist.

  She leans down, her hair falling all around us, and whispers against my lips, “All I want is you. Nothing in my life has ever felt as right as being here with you.”

  I gasp when Ember lifts slightly and takes my dick in her hand. She strokes me lightly, and I groan because I’m so hard that I could pound asphalt.

  “Baby,” I groan against Ember’s mouth.

  “Tell me you want me, Marco. Tell me that I’m all you’ve ever wanted.”

  “You are all I ever wanted, Ember. No one in this world will ever come close to you. As for wanting you, can you not feel how hard I am?” Ember smiles against my mouth. “I want you so bad, Ember.”

  “You have me,” She whispers while impaling herself on my cock. I grunt, and she gasps. Christ, she’s even tighter than I imagined. “Oh, my God, you’re so big,”

  I grab the back of Ember’s neck with one hand and use the other to hold her waist. We move in time, hands and lips roaming over bodies hungrily, and I’m flying!

  Ember lifts and slides her hands into her hair. With her eyes closed, she rides me. I have never seen anything so magnificent in my life.

  Ember’s body collides with mine again, her lips smacking against mine. I hold her ass in my hands and rut her hard and fast.

  Shit, I’m close. I’m not wearing a condom, and as much as I want to come inside of her, I won’t risk it.

  “Marco, I’m so…” I pound into Ember so hard; the words die on her lips. Her body tenses and then shudders as she orgasms powerfully around my cock. The stimulation is too much, and I have to lift Ember slightly. I yank my cock out of her, and she rubs her pussy against my cock. She moves her hips so fast and hard that I come all over my stomach.

  Ember and I are both breathless, bodies shaking with aftershocks as we kiss for a moment longer.

  Gently, I lift her off of me and lay her down on the bed beside me. I leave Ember there and go to the bathroom. I clean myself up, and then grab a fresh washcloth and soak it. I take the cloth back to the room, where Ember watches me with fascination as I use it to clean between her legs.

  Once I’m done, I drop the cloth to the floor and lie down beside Ember. I cover us with a sheet and smile as she turns on her side to face me. “Thank you,” She mumbles sleepily.

  “You’re welcome. Are you okay, baby?”

  Ember smiles in my direction. “More than,” Her eyes close of their own accord, and I smile. I won’t keep Ember awake, she’s exhausted, and it’s been a long day. “I love you,” It came as a mumble, but I heard it loud and clear.

  I smile like the cat who got the cream. I didn’t expect those three words to come out of Ember’s mouth tonight. However, they did, and I feel on top of the world right now.

  I push Ember’s hair over her shoulder and plant a soft kiss on her forehead. “I love you, too,” I whisper in her ear, hoping she hears me somewhere in her dreams.

  * * *

  Ember was already awake and showered by the time I woke up. She told me that she’d ordered breakfast for us. S
o I went back to my room to shower and change.

  Of course, I came back to Ember’s room and ate breakfast with her. Although she had a smile on her face, I could tell something was bothering her. I can still see that something is bothering Ember.

  “Ember, what’s wrong?” She looks at me over the rim of her glass of orange juice. I have a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach that Ember is regretting what happened between us. “Are you having second thoughts about us? It’s okay if you are, just be honest with me, Ember.”

  I don’t know what I’ll do if Ember has changed her mind about being with me. She’s all I’ve thought about for weeks. Ember is every fantasy I’ve ever had come true. I’d finally made her mine, or I thought I had. I slept like a baby last night, and I woke up this morning on top of the world. Now I’m sitting here feeling as though my world is shattering. That’s how much this girl means to me.

  Ember narrows her eyes while placing her glass on the table. She pushes back her seat, and the effort makes the table shake, and petals from the vase full of flowers fall. “Marco,” She sighs my name while getting out of her chair.

  I watch as she walks toward me and climbs into my lap. She wraps her arms around my neck. I wrap one arm around her waist and rest my left hand on both of Ember’s knees.

  She kisses my head before laying her hand on my face. I look up at her, smiling at me. “My beautiful Marco, I am not having second thoughts about you and me.”

  I close my eyes in relief. I open them again and stroke her cheek with the back of my hand. “If you’re not having second thoughts, what’s wrong?”

  Ember lifts enough to look me in the eye. “I didn’t mean to make you think that I’d changed my mind about us, Marco. I’ve just been wondering how I go about telling you what happened with Nate.”

  I shift, slightly annoyed at the mention of his name. I have no right to be annoyed, and I don’t want Ember to think that I am in any way angry with her because I’m not.


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