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Page 13

by Cole Denton

  They bickered back and forth for a few minutes. It was beyond me why I was entertained and happy that they were arguing. Then he called her ‘darling’ again, and I realized that’s what had done it for me.

  I looked up from my phone and dropped it into my purse when Andrew stepped out of the dressing room. The department store tailor motioned for him to step up onto a small platform so he could measure the inseam. Even in a tuxedo that needed tailoring, Andrew looked incredible.

  I stood and walked within a few feet of the tailor, hoping all of the women saw what was mine. While their pathetic men couldn’t even handle trying on a suit, Andrew glowed and looked like a million bucks. Impressed, I watched him put cuff links into the cuffs with just one hand. Then he effortlessly tied the bow tie and caught me staring at him in the mirror. He flashed me a smile and looked over his shoulder at me.

  “What do you think?” he asked.

  “You look very handsome. You just might set off the smoke detectors at the dinner. You might even cause a few women to pass out, too.”

  Andrew laughed at my silly comments, and I’m sure he thought they were silly. But they were true to an extent. He will catch the attention of many onlookers. The tailor got the measurements for Andrew and told us that we could pick it up in a few days.

  “I’m starving,” I said as I wrapped my arm around his. “Would you like to stop for dinner on the way home?” I asked.

  “Yes, Mistress Elise. I’d like that. I’m hungry too.”

  We had dinner at an Italian place close to the house. While we ate, I listened to Andrew talk a little about his brothers and all the trouble the three of them would get into when they had been young.

  “Were the three of you identical?”

  “Yes! We used to go to each other’s classes, go out with one another’s girlfriends in high school. The three of us were on the soccer team in high school, and we’d change up the positions. We had quite the circus going on.”

  As Andrew laughed, I think I noticed for the first time what a captivating smile he had. His eyes sparkled when he spoke about his brothers and their mischief. Andrew was very easy on the eyes as well. He would be a good catch for some girl, but for now, he was my plaything.

  When we got home, I changed into a t-shirt and panties and told Andrew to remove his clothes and meet me in the living room. I was in the mood to read and relax, but also to be able to feast my eyes upon his gorgeous body.

  I sat down on the couch with my book and playfully pushed on Andrew’s shoulder.

  “Start a fire in the fireplace, Andrew,” I instructed.

  I watched Andrew bend cautiously to start the fire. His ass was a medley of blues, deep reds, and purples. I had done that to him. Jacob had decorated me many times while releasing his tension and stress from the job. I was there for him and damn proud of it.

  Andrew returned to his spot on the floor in front of the couch as soon as he finished at the fireplace. He picked up his grief book and thumbed through it. Occasionally he made a “mmhmm” noise or some other noise that meant he was agreeing with the words he read.

  I dismissed it at first, and then it just grew to be annoying. I raised my leg and moved it over his head so the back of my knee rest over his shoulder. I let my foot lay on the inside of his book. He turned his head and looked over his shoulder at me.

  “Yes, Mistress?”

  “The noises you make while you are reading are distracting. Not to mention the fact that they are annoying.”

  “I’m sorry, Mistress Elise.”

  “Why don’t you put your little book down and do something else with that mouth?” I suggested.

  I lifted my hips off the couch and shimmied my panties down. When they reached my ankle, I flicked them off. Andrew tossed his self-help book down onto the coffee table and rose to his knees and faced me. I opened my book back up to block him from seeing my face.

  Though I couldn’t see him, I could feel him reach across my body and brace his hand on the back cushion of the couch. He slid his other hand between my thigh and the couch cushion, then wrapped his fingers around to rest against the inside of my thigh.

  Andrew brushed his chin stubble against the delicate skin inside my thigh just above where his fingers rest. Though I was staring at the inside of my book, nothing was registering. I briefly closed my eyes as he pressed his nose against my pubic hair, and his tongue darted out to tease my rapidly swelling clit. I wasn’t in the mood to be played with; I just wanted to come. I grabbed Andrew’s sexy hair and pulled his face against my clit.

  “Don’t toy with me or tease me like you would some twenty-something bitch. Make me come and be quick about it.”

  “Yes, Mistress,” Andrew murmured before he energetically dove in.

  I stared at the inside of my book for a few minutes until the sensations Andrew gave me took over. He began to lick and suck harder when I moved my hips to grind against his face. I was close and pressed his head against me harder.

  “Ohhhh! Suck that clit, Andrew! Don’t stop!”

  Just as I was coming, Andrew paused for a fraction of a second to catch his breath, or swallow, or do whatever the fuck he was doing. It messed up my orgasm, and it faded almost as quickly as it came on. A few throbs managed to engulf me for a moment or two, but that was it.

  “Fuck! Seriously, Andrew?” I yelled and pushed his forehead away, and then sat up. “You couldn’t hold on for a few more seconds?”

  “I’m sorry, Mistress Elise. I couldn’t breathe through my nose. I’m congested.”

  I slapped his face and glared at him.

  “You’re such a pussy, Andrew.”

  I got off the couch and pushed him to sit back on his heels. I wrapped my hands around his hard shaft and began to stroke him. His cock head had a pearl bead of precum waiting for me to devour.

  “I’m surprised that James didn’t teach you how to eat pussy right. Unless…well, unless you’re just slow to pick it up.”

  I pulled my eyes away from his heated stare and enveloped his cock with my lips. I closed my eyes as I hungrily moved my lips up and down his shaft. His skin was stretched tightly over his healthy young cock, and a prominent vein begged for me to lick and trace with my tongue. I buried my nose in his soft dark hair and inhaled his scent.

  I remember many years ago when Jacob’s skin was stretched tight across his shaft. And I recalled Jacob’s musky scent as if it were just yesterday that I was in this same position with him. I remembered how while I would give Jacob an incredible blowjob, he’d hold fistfuls of my hair and call me ‘darling.’

  Those days were gone and not coming back. Even though they were gone and only memories, it still didn’t stop the stabbing pain of guilt that I felt in my chest. Instead of the terms of endearments, moans and grunts of a twenty-something barista filled the air.

  As I swallowed, the back of my throat was hit with what seemed to be a constant warm stream of Andrew’s cum. Ah, yes. I reminded myself that Andrew was a healthy, young, twenty-something uncontrollable cum-jet. I drained his balls and pulled my mouth off his cock. I looked up at him, and as I licked my lips, I reminded myself how lucky I was to have Andrew. I had what every cougar wanted.

  “Sorry, Mistress Elise. It was just that it felt so good.”

  “It’s fine, Andrew. If you hadn’t come, I would have felt like my oral skills were not up to par.”

  “Oh, no, Mistress Elise. Fuck, that was wonderful.” Andrew wiped his forehead with the back of his hand and leaned his shoulders back against the seat cushions of the couch. “I haven’t had a blow job like that in a long time. I can’t even remember when.”

  His compliment made me smile, and it felt good to be able to do something that roused that kind of a reaction from someone, let alone a handsome, younger man.

  I stared in my jewelry box and selected the dangle earrings that matched the necklace I picked out to wear. My hands were clammy and sweaty with nerves, making it damn near impossible to open the cla
sp on.

  “Dammit!” I said under my breath.

  I went to the bathroom and washed my hands. As I dried them off, I looked at myself in the mirror. The red fitted dress hugged my curves and looked downright incredible on me. I hoped it wasn’t going to be too loud. In the past, I had worn dark colors or muted patterns while on Jacob’s arm.

  But things were different now. I was different now. I wanted people to see that just because Jacob had died, I was still able to attract a hot, young man. If they only knew what I did to him, the shock would probably kill them.

  I attempted my necklace again with no luck.

  “Andrew!” I hollered. Within a few seconds, he appeared in my bedroom doorway.

  “Yes, Mistress Elise?”

  Oh, hell. My eyes dragged up and down his tuxedo-clad body. He looked scorching hot. I was so proud to have him by my side tonight.

  “Can you help me with my necklace, please?”

  I didn’t tell him that my hands were sweaty from being nervous. Without any issue at all, Andrew was able to get the necklace clasp open. He stood behind me and reached his hands over my shoulders to put the necklace in place, then he secured the necklace behind my neck. He took a few steps behind me and to the left and watched as I put my earrings in.

  “Mistress Elise, you look stunning.”


  It felt so good to be called ‘stunning.’

  “Thank you, Andrew. You look very handsome,” I complimented him as I reached up to tug his bow tie upward ever so slightly.

  “Thank you, Mistress Elise.”

  “We should get going,” I suggested.

  Before long, we had parked in the hotel parking lot where the dinner was being held. I checked myself in the vanity mirror on the flip side of the visor before we got out of the car. As we walked into the hotel, I told Andrew that for tonight he may drop the ‘Mistress’ title and just call me ‘Elise.’

  Once we were inside, we went over to a registration desk where we would be given a dinner table seat assignment. When it was our turn, we collected our table number and headed inside the ballroom. As a ballroom attendant led us to our table, a wave of nausea washed over me. We were being led to one of the front tables. In all my years coming to this event, there were a few tables in the front that were always reserved for the surviving spouses. I gripped the back of the dining chair as the crushing realization dawned on me.

  “May I get you something to drink from the bar?” Andrew asked me quietly.

  “Just some ginger ale, please.”

  While Andrew left, I stared out over the ballroom that was beginning to bustle. I spotted many familiar faces but was far too nervous to go speak to any of them. I was now part of the ‘surviving spouses’ club.

  Two wives that both had husbands still at the same station where Jacob had worked saw me from across the room at another table. I could see the two of them say something to their husband’s and then each of the men looked in my direction and nodded or spoke to the women.

  Soon, the two were coming toward me, and suddenly, I didn’t feel so strong. A familiar lump in my throat appeared, and tears threatened to spill from my eyes.

  “Elise, it’s so good to see you,” one of the women, Angela, said as she leaned in and hugged me.

  “Hi, Angela.” When we pulled apart from our hug, I leaned in and hugged the other woman, Samantha. “Hello, Samantha.”

  “How have you been, Elise? You look fantastic, by the way,” Samantha complimented.

  “Thank you. I put a lot of time and energy into working out and trying to take care of myself,” I said.

  “We didn’t see you a few weeks back at the annual picnic,” Samantha added.

  “I know,” I said as my hands nervously gravitated to one another. “I just, wasn’t feeling up to it. In fact,” I swallowed hard and took a deep breath before I continued. “In fact, I’m not so sure I’m up to the dinner either. I thought I was, and it all hit me when I was shown to this table.”

  “Oh, honey, we know this is difficult,” Angela consoled as she wrapped her arm around my shoulder.”

  “We can’t imagine what this is like for you,” Samantha said quietly.

  As the two women were trying to calm my nerves down and joke lightly with me, Andrew appeared and held out the glass of ginger ale with a cocktail napkin.

  “Here you are, Elise. One ginger ale.”

  Andrew handed me the glass with the cocktail napkin wrapped around the base. The corners of the napkin came up nearly half-way on the glass to prevent my fingertips from getting too cold. I adored this sexy barista, always thinking of me.

  Andrew’s timing was perfect and helped chase my sorrow away. It was a good thing that Angela and Samantha’s husbands were back at the other table. Otherwise, they would have watched as their wives groped and fucked my plaything with their eyes. That’s right, ladies, he’s my plaything.

  “Elise, aren’t you going to introduce us to your…friend here?” Samantha asked.

  “Your handsome friend, that is,” Angela smiled.

  Both women’s cheeks were bright red. I hooked my arm with his and let my hand rest on his forearm.

  “This is Andrew. Andrew, this is Angela and Samantha. Their husbands are at the same fire station that Jacob was at,” I explained.

  Andrew’s handsome smile appeared, and he nodded his head at Angela and Samantha. Out of the six other surviving spouses at my table, I was the only one who had brought someone. All of the women were pleasant, and most of them undressed Andrew with their eyes. By dessert, Andrew had the ladies at the table in stitches, laughing and enjoying themselves. I was so proud to have him here. Not only had he made my night, but that of these other women who had shared the same type of pain that I had.

  “I’ll be right back, Andrew. I just need to use the restroom really quickly,” I leaned closer to Andrew and said quietly.

  Andrew leaned closer, and our eyes connected in a deep gaze. God, his blue eyes just ate up my heart at times. I inhaled his fresh, clean, masculine scent as I stared deep into his eyes. I could have kissed him right then and there.

  “Don’t be too long…Mistress,” he whispered and winked.

  I walked to the bathroom on cloud nine. I absolutely adored my plaything. I closed and locked the stall door and pulled my phone out of my clutch. I quickly typed a text to Liz and told her that now I was so glad that I came to the dinner. As I was typing to Liz about how Andrew was captivating the attention of all the women at our table, two women burst into the bathroom laughing.

  I partially paid attention as I finished my text, and then I realized that it was Samantha and Angela. I could hear purses or cosmetic bags being unzipped, and the unmistakable sound of lipsticks and compacts beings opened.

  “Oh my God, what a fucking tramp she turned out to be,” Samantha said.

  Who was she talking about? Was it me?

  “Did you see the way she was poured into that dress?”

  They’re not talking about me. My figure is fabulous. I work my ass off for my body and am damn proud of it.

  “No, I was too busy looking at the man candy she brought.”

  Is it me they’re talking about?

  “I wonder how much he was for the evening,” Angela mused.


  “Male escorts can be found all over Los Angeles,” Samantha said.

  “I hope she paid extra to so she can bang him,” Angela laughed.

  “God, I’d like to bang him,” Samantha said under her breath though I could still hear her.

  “Samantha! What would your husband say?”

  “Mine?” she laughed. “What would Jacob say if he knew?”

  My stomach dropped at the mention of Jacob’s name. How dare they? The anger I felt caused me to curl my fists and dig my fingernails into my palms.

  “Jacob probably was nothing compared to that hot thing out there,” Angela added.

  “Come on. Let’s get back. If we’re
lucky, we can watch him laugh from our table.”

  “They should hire a male escort for all the surviving spouses for the future events,” Angela said as her voice faded.

  The bathroom door clicked shut, and I remained in the stall. When I slowly exhaled the breath that I had been holding, the rage that I felt turned into tears. It wasn’t the first time that I had been left alone with my anger that morphed into tears and heartbreak.



  I had just finished hanging up the three pieces of my tuxedo on the towel bar in the bathroom when I got a text from James regarding the crop. Holding my cell phone in my hand, I raised my eyebrows as I read the text because I hadn’t been expecting him to have it ready so quickly.

  James: The crop is repaired and ready. It looks beautiful.

  Andrew: That’s great! Thank you! When can I pick it up?

  James: I can drop it by your place tonight. I will be in the neighborhood of your apartment this evening with Brandon. We could stop by and drop it off.

  Fuck. James didn’t know that I had signed a contract with Elise to be her plaything, nor that I had moved in. I didn’t want to get into that with him just yet. I was waiting for Elise to come around a bit more first, because as of right now, I don’t think James was very impressed by Elise.

  Andrew: I’m not sure that will work tonight. I’m attending a dinner event with Elise for the fire department down in Riverside. I’m actually at her place now because we’re going to leave in a little while for the dinner.

  During the time that I waited for a reply from James, my paranoia began to kick up. I sighed my relief when his response came over and hadn’t indicated that his spidey senses had been piqued.

  James: Brandon is up for a little drive, and Riverside is just over an hour away. What time do you think you’ll be back to her place? We’ll drive down, get a bite to eat and then can stop by with the crop.


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