Book Read Free

The Red Box

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by Laura Sgarella

  The Red Box

  Laura Sgarella

  The Red Box

  Olympia Publishers


  www. olympiapublishers. com


  Copyright © Laura Sgarella 2020

  The right of Laura Sgarella to be identified as author of

  this work has been asserted in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

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  ISBN: 978-1-78830-367-5

  This is a work of fiction.

  Names, characters, places and incidents originate from the writer’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  First Published in 2020

  Olympia Publishers

  Tallis House

  2 Tallis Street


  EC4Y 0AB


  The smell of toast coming from the kitchen made Araon savour the news of the day with immense fatigue. He was well acquainted with the harsh run of the newspaper that appeared clumsy to him. His honoured wife had always kept the habit to treat him with a good breakfast so early in the morning. Araon was in awe in front of her alabastrine skin that attracted him now as in the early days he was dating her. Jill, on her turn, didn’t need too much to draw in the wings of passion for her lovely husband. The Brazilian coffee was a weapon to woo him in order to keep the attraction alive between the two. They were so in love with one another after fourteen years of marriage. Araon was focused on the news of foreign policy which seemed so interesting these days. Life in Amsterdam was cosy under any aspect so it appeared as a colour of exasperation whatever came from abroad. A certain Mr. Grudge, a senior officer of British internal affairs was on top of the breaking news. Araon was far away from scandals. Brave and daring as he was, he felt whatever he used to do not to annoy Jill was something weird. He knew very well that his wife would appreciate any subject of discussion but foreign politics. He interrupted the silence between the two. “Darling, do you think we are late enough for our daily shopping?”

  I was just waiting for you to finish your reading,” answered Jill with a bit of subjection even though Araon had been so sweet with her. During all their years of marriage she had learnt how to cope with her husband’s tolerance of the intrusion into his hobbies. That day was the turn of a Great Britain scandal. Not that there was a grudge for him, but she would have preferred to be more intimate and loving. She disappeared from the kitchen, went to the bedroom, put on a pearl necklace and she pushed her husband to go out. Her glamour served a purpose. It was meant to camouflage their financial difficulties, being Araon momentarily out of work. Their flat in Luciensteeg Street was facing the Amsterdam Museum straight away and, a few minutes’ walk away there was the astounding Amstel dam. They went to Albert Heing market just to look for a pair of shoes. She knew that Araon would have done the impossible to make her happy. Wallet in hand, as to show off, that was what could be seen right now. Araon was the perfect husband that any woman would have liked to have. They entered the glamorous hall to have a look at the items. Jill immediately fell in love with some white leather shoes. She only needed the approval of her husband to take them and see if they would fit her. “The last forty euros I have at disposal,” joked Araon while admiring Jill’s enthusiasm for those shoes. He felt now a bit guilty for having displayed little attention to his wife early that morning. Only when it came to pay for something new did he remember his duty to be concerned with Jill’s priorities. Anyway, that was it. They left the market hand in hand and went to catch the first metro train. They didn’t like to walk to do shopping. Araon was thinking of an advert of a man with a seagull on his shoulder at the market while travelling to go back home. Jill was beautiful and she knew it. She easily turned eyes, which made Araon feel jealous and trembling. The thought of losing her was a threat to his sense of stability. But what a fuss! His wife was next to him with the small bag of their purchase. Araon and Jill’s love was endless. They were charming and glamorous in public and affectionate in private. Jill was constant in her comparisons between her husband and her husband’s friends. Araon was not endowed with fierce manners, but he had a big heart. All his friends were garrulous and respectful regarding their sense of duty on behalf of any bystanders. Their way home was a flame-of-love propeller. They were looking forwards to being in their rolling chair with kisses following another one. Now they were finally at home.

  The first instinct of Jill was to go and admire herself in front of the mirror. “Aren’t they lovely?” she exclaimed in front of an amazed husband.

  “Yes, sweetheart,” answered Araon with a tiny voice. “Why don’t you come with me and do some cuddles?”

  “You are a terrific romantic. I was thinking the same,” said Jill.

  For the moment Araon forgot those bloody newspaper that a proper guy used to bring it home every day. Jill was far more important than the breaking news. Docile as she was, Jill could entrap Araon with earthly desires.

  “Your shoes are really nice on you,” he said just to make any form of embarrassment disappear from their faces. And then there was the cat. It was so boring! Jill’s heart was beating steadily. Only Araon could guess what would follow in term of emotions. They were as happy as ever,”That stupid guy,” Araon carried on thinking of the guy who handed over the newspapers to him.

  Jill stood up. She was absolutely annoyed by the torpor of the day and Araon found himself with his gypsy-like desires hidden in his heart. They started again and now passion enveloped the two. What a mystery! Husband and wife intrigued by the tiny appearance of nature. Yes, it was their nature to succumb to mutual desire. The day didn’t finish there. Hidden among the walls of a smart flat on top of a beautiful building they forgot for a while what was happening outside. Araon was unconscious. Jill was worse than an aspirin, or hangover. He dared to stop kissing his wife just to emit a sonorous laugh. Who knew what was happening to him! “Nothing special,” he thought. And Jill was there half forlorn. She got up from the chair and went to their bedroom to have a proper rest. Sure, Araon didn’t chase her. The weirdest of the emotions had taken him like a thief. For the moment it was all enough. He consoled himself with the latest news of the day and then he felt ready to face Jill. “Grace, I’m here for you. Do you mind?”

  “No, go ahead. I was deemed to act in a bizarre way because of my childish mood. I’m like a child and I beg your pardon.”

  “You are excused,” said Jill turning herself over on the other side of the bed.

  “Now I want to just wait and see what happens,” Araon answered feeling like an idiot. He left Jill alone and he rushed to the toilet. Dust was steady everywhere, but that didn’t annoy him. It was clear that the rest of the day would be a blunder. Never mind. He closed his eyes and started thinking of the vultures. That always happened during tedious days.

  “Daaarling!” shouted Jill all of a sudden.

  “What’s wrong, my dear?” Araon appeared hastily at her bedside.

  “Nothing wrong. I just wanted to check your reaction.”<
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  “You frightened me, you know?”

  “And what must I think right now?” she said astounded.

  “You must be with me all the time. I saw you were a bit absent-minded when you were kissing me and I didn’t like it.”

  Sorry, love. It was the wrong day for us two. I will remedy it as soon as possible. You know how men are. There are those mysterious ups and downs in a scale of emotions. But don’t worry too much. You are the light of my life. I adore your candor, your meekness… I like everything about you. Probably I’m worried about our financial situation. But I don’t want to spoil our moment with worrisome ties. Be quiet. Everything will be sorted out. I’m sure I’ll get the job I was looking for very soon. Now leave me, I need to have a rest and be quiet.”

  Jill tried to concealed the silence by working her dress out. Araon was terrifically struck by her. She realized she had put on a few kilos recently but she was not willing to start a diet. There was something about her that made her refrain from making a decision like that. Araon, Araon. What a fuss! Jill was just joking, as she said within herself. Her thoughts went from the memory of the beginning of their love story to the gala night she would have liked to join together with her husband.” Gosh! I left the food in the oven,” she exclaimed suddenly. There was also some toast ready to eat but Araon’s presence added a sparkle of truth to the whole matter. It was a symptom, not the cause of her behaviour. Araon couldn’t cope with the situation any longer. He understood easily his wife’s whims. She wanted glamour, sweating and binge drinking as if they were still teenagers. Hopefully she was able to be sensible when the situation required. They put a halt to their mind games and, returning back to reality, they decided to go and meet some friends as pledged. They were Albert and Sylvanus. They were supposed to hang out in Piazza Dam and to meet each other at five p.m. Jill want to dress girlish for the occasion, leaving alone the undermining jealousy of Araon. They had to hurry up. It was half past four. All perfumed and soothed, Jill calm and steady addressed Araon to the door. She had put the pearl necklace into the safe and wore costume jewellery instead. “Do you thing I’m trendy enough for our meeting with Albert and Sylvanus?”

  “Why do you worry so much? You know they have been my next of kin for a long time before I introduced them to you? I wouldn’t bother about the cloak you are showing off now with unusual nonchalance. You see: the bustle of the city will make you change the state of your thoughts immediately. Now you remind me of the first day we encountered each other. It was on a beach, romantic setting, dopamine overflowing, all set up for our first kiss. From then on the flame of passion never disappeared.”

  “You are always so evasive. But I take your tips as good pieces of advice. Now let’s go to Piazza Dam. I don’t like to arrive late to the appointment”

  “Sure, let’s go,” said Araon with a bit of malice. It was what it wanted to be right now. To make up for being late they bought a box of chocolates in the shop nearby. Sure, the two old friends would appreciate the gesture. There was a certain genuine spot of philanthropy that deemed Jill to be seen as a lion by her husband. Albert and Sylvanus were not second class mates or all that in terms of mediocrity.

  As smart as ever, the young couple were preparing themselves to the gathering walking hand in hand towards the metro. The weather, typical of an Amsterdam winter, didn’t make things easier. They left their umbrella at home. Never mind: the city was full of clandestines who made the selling of umbrellas and stuff like that their bread and butter. In fact, here it was. A dark, tall guy asked five euros for the umbrella. The travel by underground was exhilarating. It didn’t take long to arrive at their destination. As the train pulled in, Araon and Jill found themselves immersed in the spectacular plaza. They were wandering up and down just hoping and see their friends. After a while, Albert and Sylvanus finally arrived. “Sorry guys!” they said with a warm smile. “We got stuck in the traffic but we are finally here. Did you come by car or by metro?”

  “We came by metro. We thought it was the best decision to take.”

  “Well, sorry again.”

  “Never mind,” said Araon apologizing.

  Jill, in her turn, was like a bird out of the cage. She felt free to attract the bystander’s attention with her gorgeous looks. Hopefully Araon was not aware of it. He was focused on a brief discussion with his best friends. They were aiming to find a place to stay and to have a chat. A sonorous laugh by Albert embittered Sylvanus. It was the approach of a transgender that made him burst out with curiosity. Jill pretended to know nothing. After all, recently she had been devastated and ravaged by the awareness of Araon keeping a secret from her. She come accidentally to spy on him when he was talking on the phone with a stranger and I don’t know were the only words she could hear. Possibly she heard something else that would make her suspicious of something serious that she wasn’t allowed to know at the judgement of Araon. But now she was there, in the company of Albert and Sylvanous and she has not to think about anything private.

  Araon was eloquent as ever, but that didn’t annoy any of the three who were with him. They were wandering in the plaza among the weirdest of people. An unexpected yawn from Sylvanus announced a surprising turn of the walk. He might have been a bit hungry. He left his mates astonished when he pronounced his very first words. He extracted a knife from his left sleeve. “Do not worry. It’s just the knife I always bring with me to go taking mushrooms. I just wanted to make our gathering over there more thrilling for the four of us.,” he said

  “I had another thought instead, I was just wondering if Araon has another woman,” said Jill unexpectedly.

  Araon was a bit surprised by his wife’s change of mood “What are you saying sweetheart? You know I have always been loyal to you. And furthermore, this is not the right moment to harass me with observations like that one. We are four of us and we have to get the best from our meeting”

  “Harassment? Are you going to be mad? I know, I have been stupid to talk about cheating, but you have been very cruel to me. I hope not to interfere in Albert and Sylvanus mood. End of the story.”

  “You are so sweet, Jill. We both understand. We know very well that obscure thoughts can be our master sometimes. Now let’s go somewhere else. I propose a snack bar where we can enjoy some. coffee. What do you think?”

  “It seems a brilliant idea. So there I can calm myself down,” answered Jill.

  The other two nodded, but their mutual reticence should have been taken with a pinch of salt. The sound of bagpipes could be heard in the distance. It was somehow the coloured, unexpressed hint of joy of the four. Araon wanted to be more eloquent for the joy of his friends and wife. Today he felt a bit bizarre. He had strangely no words to entertain the others. Probably it was a matter of a few minutes. In fact, a subject of conversation arrived soon. He was talking about the weather. He explained how the greenhouses had changed the weather everywhere in the world. He sounded a bit nostalgic about the time when winter was winter and summer was summer. He didn’t realize that his companions wanted to talk about something more cultural. Sylvanus interrupted him and introduced the other three to the realm of fantasy. He was a master in telling lies that he used to turn into anecdotes and proverbs. He was the most cunning of the four. Albert, in his turn, wanted to gossip. All that pushed the four in another direction from that established for the day. They almost forgot the reason for their encounter.

  Accidentally Albert dropped some money from his pocket. “You see? This means that I have to pay for the coffee for you all. It’s a symbolic accident.”

  “I thought we were going to share the tip,” said Araon clumsily.

  “Not at all, Araon. It’s my turn. That’s it.,” answered Albert.

  “But what are we doing here? Let’s go inside the bar,” said Sylvanus.

  They finally seated themselves at a nice table in the cafe and ordered their drinks. Araon flaunted self-esteem before starting to talk of the subject of the day. “You know guys, I
’m out of work and my finances are telling me to be sensible about the expenses. I didn’t want to see you here to borrow money from you but to get some advice concerning a brand-new job that has been offered to me. It is something concerning the run of a yard. It requires experience and good manners, something that I don’t lack. I have just decided to accept it but it seemed fair to ask your advice as well. Jill completely agrees with me, I’m sure. What about you?”

  “Are you joking? We would never dare to interfere in your private matters. Anyway, it sounds a good job. I’d definitely accept it if I was you,” answered Albert, on behalf of Sylvanus as well.

  “Is that the reason for our meeting?” said Sylvanus.

  “Well, we also wanted to chat about anything else and spend some time with you as well,” said Jill burning inside.

  Araon started talking again. This time it was about a bad joke made by his bank. Apparently, there was some money missing (not that he had a lot of it) and no one wanted to be named as the guilty one. All the employees had some excuse ready but, at the end, they sorted the matter out by giving Araon the exact amount of money which was missing. It was a terrible joke of the kismet, no doubt. Anyway, everything had been sorted out. Jill was a bit nervous since she didn’t want to burden their two friends with their problems. But Albert and Sylvanus appeared to be easy so far. Mutual respect was the key to the stability of their friendship. As soon as Araon stopped talking, the waitress arrived with four steaming hot coffees.

  “Take the change with you,” said Albert while giving ten euros to the girl. The weather didn’t help the four to bear the gloom of the day. Mosquitos, which were very rare at that time, invaded the shop suddenly. But the four made no comment, so as not to make the waitress risk to getting paid less, or, even worse, to lose the job. Eloquence was the pilot idea of the afternoon. Strangely enough, each of the friends had been successful in showing off good manners whatever the matter of discussion. Jill suddenly marred her shirt with a spot. She took a handkerchief from her purse and tried to sort the problem out. The waitress come to help and with a stain remover, Jill’s shirt was clean again.


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