Book Read Free

The Red Box

Page 50

by Laura Sgarella

  “Well, I’m just coming from a two weeks holiday in Miami. The sun burns you a lot over there. But I’m sure that within one month I’ll be again as white as the alabaster. We enjoyed ourselves a lot. It’s harsh to start again the routine life after two astounding weeks with my husband.”

  “I’m happy to hear about a couple in love. With my husband it was so difficult. He never took me on holiday while I was dreaming of a cruise in the ocean. You know this is life. Lucky you. To waste words talking of myself doesn’t reinvigorate you. Now I am a bit in a hurry. Come to visit me whenever you like. You will be always the welcome. I hope that tea with biscuits will be dear to you. I am quite a good housekeeper. At least this is what I have learnt to please my late husband. I guess you are also busy with your private matters. I’ll catch the bus at the nearby bus stop. I have the one hour ticket. Bye for now. See you soon.” The lady reeled.

  “I’m also looking forward to seeing you again.”

  Jill departed from the lady with extreme anxiety. She didn’t really understand the meaning of that visit. Anyway, the lady was not harmful indeed. Jill had to speed to the supermarket if she wanted to prepare lunch for Araon. The shop was just on the left corner. She entered the place where the air-conditioning was too chilling for her. She was anxious for her baby. Such air conditioning at full blast was enigmatic. She wanted to protect her baby developing in the womb. Never mind. She carried on. Shelves with homogenised food and powdered milk struck her attention. She had not too many notions on baby feeding. She had to learn it all just in time. On the other side of the aisle, she noticed the gorgeous chicken wings that Araon appreciated so much. Some salad and fruit would also do. The terror of the queue at the check desk was not easily faced by a pregnant Jill. The dread to transmit anxiety to her baby never left her alone.

  A guy passed by her apologizing.” Sorry, my lady, I am in a rush. I have to undergo an examination in half an hour. I have to pay now to arrive on time at the dental surgeon. You know how are dentists nowadays.”

  “Go ahead,” said Jill.

  “Thank you for your kindness,” said the guy, hesitant while rushing to the exit just to forget to take the receipt with himself.

  “It’s twenty euros for this beautiful lady,” the cashier addressed Jill. And she had clear in mind the picture of her remaining day out. She could allow herself a brief walk in the park before coming back home and preparing the lunch for Araon.

  Once at home,she dropped the bags on the floor, took off her shoes and laid in the dining room sofa. She was so tired. Araon would play the part of a self-inflicted victim if he would lunch later than due. But this didn’t stop Jill laying down and relaxing. That afternoon they had to pay visits to Mark Ward and Van der Baast as pledged. So she had to forget to be so drowsy. Dreams, dreams, dreams. This year the elephants are 13000 compared to the 20000 of the last year. But why I am thinking of this ? Oh yes. There was a link with Araon’s thirst for knowledge, she thought. And Araon arrived late as jovial as usual for lunch.

  “ Jill, Jill. Wake up. It’s four pm,” said Araon fiercely.

  Jill finally woke up. “Darling what time is it?”

  “It’s four pm, time to go.”

  “This means I have slept since half past eleven. Why haven’t you woken me up earlier. I even didn’t prepare lunch for you.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I prepared it by myself. My concern is that you have skipped the lunch. You need to eat to be strong. But it was such a pleasure to see you sleeping. You looked like an angel. Probably you feel jet-lagged. Just forget it all. Are you ready to pay our visit to Mark Ward and Van der Baast as pledged?”

  “Sure. I’m ready. I just need some water on my face. I do not need to change dresses.”

  “Come on. The cabriolet is outside.”

  Jill went outside the building gently. And sit in the front of the car. “It’s too hot darling. Do you mind some air conditioning?” she complained.

  “This is fine. It won’t take long. They have opened a new street that will make us spare twenty minutes of travel to arrive at Mark Ward’s riding school.”

  “I trust you even if I think this is not possible.. Oh look. There is a stain on my top. How could it happen. I took this top from the ironed clothes. I washed them with the washing machine.”

  “Let me see. It’s invisible. You look gorgeous anyway.” Araon hadn’t the courage to confess he had created the stain on Jill’s top with the ink of his pen and that he had cleaned it with stain remover., ironed it and put it in the proper place. “So darling, did you dream about something?”

  “I don’t remember. Feel weird to need sleep, sleep, sleep.”

  “But it’s something wonderful at the end of the day. Each dream has got its own meaning and it’s a pity you don’t remember it. As far as I’m concerned, I always dream of having a baby girl. Sounds weird. I would need a boy to play football with me. You would be more pleased to have a kid of your own sex.”

  “You are so stubborn, Araon. You want to make me believe you have premonitory dreams.”

  “Don’t blame me, please. Be patient and you will see I have changed. Look do you remember this path? We are going straight to Mark Ward’s riding school. Actually we have just arrived.”

  “So the new route is more than welcome,” said Jill with a sense of defeat.

  They entered the place and started looking for a park zone. It was terribly busy. Mark noticed them in the distance and went to welcome them with huge happiness. “Jill, Araon. It’s such an honour to have you here.”

  “We have just arrived from Miami,” they both answered.

  “I can see it. You are perfectly tanned. You look gorgeous. Come on. Today there are only the advanced category jockeys and I don’t need to chase them one by one. Would you like some tea or coffee?”

  “Some coffee with milk and two sweeteners for me, please,” said Jill self-assured.

  “Here you are.” Mark arrived quickly with the cup of coffee. “Do you know the latest news? I have spent one day in jail upon the suspicion that I have killed two of my horses. The police found some syringes in my bathroom with which I was suspected of injecting poison in my two beauties’ necks. Luckily, some witnesses at my riding school assured the police that I was there when the poison had been bought in northern Amsterdam. At the end they caught the felons. Envy was the move to that horrendous gesture. But there is a happier event I have to announce to you. Rose and me are going to marry next month. The fact is that Rose’s mum is going to die very soon because of a breast cancer and she has the desire to see us married before she dies. Rose is very nervous. She speaks nonsense every now and then. For example she expresses the frustration of not being able to drive and that she wants to join a driving school to make me stop going to pick her up at work. I think it is the burden of such an early marriage that makes her feel so anxious. Of course you are on the list of the wedding guests,” said Mark in a defiant manner.

  “We are looking forward to that day. Now we have to go. We have to pay a visit to Van der Baast at the hospital before the end of his turn,” said Araon.

  “So can I wait for you to come here and mount a pony in the early future?” said Mark.

  “We oblige,” answered Araon.

  “See you soon,” said Mark.

  “Bye, see you,” answered Jill and Araon.

  They got into the cabriolet and went to the hospital to see Van der Baast at full speed They found him relaxed in his own office “Hi Jill. Hi Araon. Welcome back,” Van der Baast spoke up.

  “Hi, my doctor. It’s such a long time since we have seen each other,” said Araon.

  “Yes indeed. It’s great to see you here now,” the doctor answered.

  “This is for you,” said Jill giving Van der Baast a small present.

  “It’s wonderful. I didn’t expect a souvenir really. Take a seat now. We are in my personal room,” said Van der Baast.

  “So you are very busy today,” said Araon.

  “Yes and there are crazy people coming around. A worried mother brought her four-year-old son here for the fear he got tetanus. He had eaten chestnuts full of dust What a fuss! I have to deal with crazy people every day. Sorry one moment. I can read Olga Itch. This computer is going on by itself. It’s better I switch it off. There are recorded the cases I am dealing with currently. I have to take care of two departments; surgery and gynaecolgy. I’m looking forward to having my own holiday So tell me: how was Miami?”

  “Terrific,” Jill and Araon answered together.

  “In the beginning I was frightened of being bored just laying under the sun but the hotel was so well organized that we didn’t miss the occasion to enjoy ourselves We recommend to you to go to the sea as well. You’ll forget Amsterdam weather for a while,” said Araon.

  “It’s just what my wife wants. I’ll make her happy. But tell me Jill: do you still feel depressed?”

  “No indeed.”

  “Good. That means that you won’t feel post-natal depression And don’t forget the epidural.”

  “You are so nice,” said Jill.

  “Now guys I have to go. It has been a pleasure to see you here. We can manage to do something together later on.”

  “OK. See you soon, Van der Baast.”

  “See you Jill and Araon… Sorry I have to rush. Somebody is calling me.”

  Jill and Araon hadn’t other specific plans for the evening. Araon was driving the cabriolet slowly in order to make the journey comfortable for Jill. They had no direction. “Honey?”

  “Yes Jill?”

  “Do you think Van der Baast was a bit too weird? It seems he has a bad secret to hide. I mean his unkempt beard, his ruffled hair, his paunch, his placatory way of talking. I do not recognize the man who assured me that I will get an epidural at the due time. It seems he hasn’t got a wife who takes care of him.”

  “Frankly I did not notice all those flaws. Maybe you are right. It’s your feminine intuition that makes me trust you.”

  “I repeat, not that there is something wrong with him. He simply just looked so shabby. And what do you think of his reaction at our present? Do you think he appreciated the gift?”

  “I would think so. A souvenir is a souvenir. After all his eyes betrayed some happiness. He is a simple man,” said Araon with the malice of a politician who was going to a second ballot. “Tell me where you want to go. We must remember we have not to skip dinner tonight. I know, I know a sophisticated place where we can enjoy our dinner. Think well of my proposal. Now I am just going around.”

  “Follow your instinct. You are driving haphazardly We can go up to Negen Straatjen where we can enjoy the canal.”

  Araon shrugged. He felt as if he was driving under the influence. Jill found the remedy. “Darling, have you read the news today? You haven’t talked to me about your foreign politics subject of the day.”

  “Of course I did. I was struck by the news of Isis. They are killing new hostages for which UK and USA don’t want to pay. It’s their own way of trying to defeat the phenomenon. I hope these matters will finish soon. I was also shocked by reading about Greece’s default. They are deeply in trouble and they don’t know how to pay their debts to the EU. Apart from that news, there was nothing special that revived my interest.”

  “Sounds good. You are still the same,” said Jill.

  “Had you got any doubts?”

  “No. It’s simply so stimulating. Have you noticed something about me?” Jill said with a sense of self-assurance.

  “Not really. I feel like an idiot now.”

  “Look at my feet. There is pink enamel on my nails. I was reading one of those stupid hairdresser-like magazines where they write articles on how to keep the passion alive in a couple’s life. And I followed the advice. I’ll never stop surprising you.”

  “You are crazy my little doll. But don’t say you do stupid things. Concerning the passion between the two of us is out of discussion… it’s still alive and burning.”

  “You know, Araon, I am a voracious reader, not more. I feel I am not educated enough I think this is the reason I do not socialize enough. Sometimes I wish the old fat lady chatting with me at the knitting course strikes the right chord. I am unbelievably nosey to know something new about her niece. Anyway, I am learning a lot about knitting and there is a jumper for you and a baby dress for our little Rokin who is going to arrive soon. This morning when I was drowsy, I was listening to the TV. They were speaking of the dolines in Florida. I didn’t understand perfectly the origin of the phenomenon but I saw the trees sucked down the water. Then I fell asleep.”

  “You mustn’t watch those programs It’s not good for the baby. If you want to do something useful try to arouse your interest in history for example.”

  “I’m already a fan of history essays. I’m reading the story of Henry the Eighth. I’ll let you know when I finish it,” she said.

  “Good. Now let me concentrate on my driving. You can talk now. I just went close to some danger,” said Araon sweetly. By the way: what do you think of Mark Ward? Could you see he has lost a lot of weight? He even didn’t seem very happy about his imminent marriage,” said Araon.

  “Probably he is simply under pressure. They must have wished to postpone its date but the circumstances are forcing him to a quick marriage. He doesn’t seem happy about the idea of living together either. It’s the fashion nowadays. Even Albert and Ravina are going to do it. As far as I’m concerned I’m proud I was wearing a ring on my finger the day I came to live with you,” said Jill..

  “I support you my dear. We match very well together when it comes to shared points of view. Now let me park the car somewhere. Phew! What luck: a place purposely made for our cabriolet and it is also for free. We can enjoy to the full our promenade along the canals,” said Araon.

  They were unprepared to face the stroll. They strengthened their contacts by walking hand in hand. “Look at that boat,” exclaimed Jill.

  “Are you ready for a plunge?” said Araon and they chuckled together.

  “It’s better we changed mood. I am more than happy with this. Incidentally I do not remember what depression is,” said Jill.

  “This is thanks to Van der Baast. Confess it,” said Araon. “I mean, he is a magician. I am by far too euphoric.”

  “I was sure that you would overcome the bad time as soon as possible. I really want to get the best from our stay here tonight. It’s too early for dinner. What about a good movie in the summer open cinema?”

  “It would be fine but the show has already started. I’d rather tangle up among the shop windows if there are any,” said Jill.

  “You are the boss. I let you decide what to do,” said Araon.

  A man with bunches of roses approached them. “Thirty roses for ten euros guys,” said the man.

  “Here you are,” said Araon giving the money to the man.

  “They are wonderful. I still have the last bunch of roses you gave me. They have not withered.”

  “It’s the sign of our love Jill.”

  “Now my stomach is starting to mumble even if I am not ready for dinner. The doctor advised me not to skip the meals and not to eat between them. What a torture. I hope I am not going to make you become mad Araon.”

  “You have to feel at ease. We can have a drink at the bar close to the restaurant if you like. As you can see the place is sublime.”

  “You are powerful Araon. I am the slave of your senses. What’s better than an orange juice before dinner? You convinced me. Let’s go in,” said Jill exulting.

  Husband and wife added to the pleasure of their taste buds the pleasure of staring at the young and old couples entering and leaving the place. They were consumed with pleasure. They could easily disturb their quietness if the occasion arose but they were full of joyful experiences to let a grudge give vent. Yes the grudge of the past when young couples approached them with despair to have sex all together. A brief pause and they were ready to go and have
dinner in the previously chosen restaurant.

  It was half past eight in the morning when Mark Ward went to the pub with the defaced wall which had aroused his curiosity. There was a note on the wall: transferred to next door. CCTV in usage. He was hurt in his pride since he couldn’t figure out the next move of the pub owner. The material used to deface the wall was normal chalk., the one used by teachers to sign the classroom blackboard. Probably the felon wanted to announce in public a private defeat. Somebody with a lover must have spent all his money on jewels and his wife was not suspicious of it. L. A. U. R. A. Was probably the name of the lady. It was written as an acrostic for unknown reasons. How stupid! he thought. Why couldn’t I envision the matter long ago? The revengeful guy had previously used menstrual blood to deny rumours of a pregnancy. But now enough is enough. I have to mind my own businesses. My jockeys wait for me at half past nine sharp.

  His phone rang. “Hi Mark. Thank you for not having woken me up this morning. I have a splitting headache. The alarm clock has just rung.”

  “What do you mean by : I have splitting headache? Do you want to skip work?”

  “No, don’t worry. I have absolutely to be there since today we are only three of us at the check desk. One of my colleagues is sick and she has to undergo an operation. Noting serious hopefully. Where are you now?” said Rose.

  “I am on my way to work. I have to prepare everything for my customers. I’ll call you at lunch break. A big kiss.”

  “Bye love.”

  No sooner had the call finished than the phone started ringing again.

  “Hi Mark it’s the police. There is bad news. The two Danish guys escaped from prison. Somebody came to visit them yesterday and the officer fell asleep because of some soporific in his tea. It must have been so easy to put the substance in the tea when the officer went to announce the visit to the guys in the cell leaving the visitor alone in the room. What a fuss. But you have not to worry too much. It’s likely that the two felons are acting with the help of more than one person but we won’t let them destroy your life. Keep your place safe with barbed wire and a powerful lock. They won’t reach you any more, I’m sure. Sorry if I have disturbed you so early. I will keep you informed of the proceedings in due time. Have a nice day.”


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