Book Read Free

The Red Box

Page 57

by Laura Sgarella

  “You will be respected Samantha. It’s not a coincidence I let you decide where to go. I want to point out that we have not to fall in love with our penthouse. Amsterdam is so beautiful, clear, glorious outside. We can go out now if you are ready.”

  “Sure,” she said.

  “No smacks,” he groaned.

  “No smack,” she repeated.

  They spread their wings and they finally found themselves in the middle of the crowd. Samantha savoured those moments with the temper of a child. She couldn’t avoid but to laugh at the sight of the innumerable pigeons picking crumbs from the pavement.

  It took them a while to arrive at their destination and, during their walk, Phil was annoyed by all those men who watched Samantha with admiration.” This is harassment, don’t you find?” he said.

  “I only know that I feel safe with you,” she said.

  “But you are not my neighbour’s property.”

  “You should be more confident,” she said and turned her head to the other side.

  “You are right, honey. I am a man of a certain age. I shouldn’t burden you with my insecurity I hope you are enjoying our walk by the canals. Don’t ask me their names. I wouldn’t be able to remember them.”

  “But this is Pinsengracht. We can read it.”

  “What a silly. I am losing my common sense beyond my memory. Are you aware of the distance from the exhibition of our artists?”

  “We have time, darling. Lunch is served at one am.”

  “So I have to dismiss your claim: we have no time. Let me take you to the hospital where Van der Baast works. There is a taxi ready for us.” Phil gestured to it and it stopped immediately. “We want to go to Jordan, please,” said Phil.

  The taxi driver watched them with admiration. A young couple in love was a perfect sight to whoever. He silently drove them to Jordan and let them get off near the hospital they were looking for. It was a short way which took five minutes to reach. Samantha and Phil were bewitched by the building where the sleazy, famous man held his secrets. They had to be good at finding an excuse to enter the building. but their common sense stopped them from doing it. At the same time, two cars arrived. They were the same couples of their train wagon who had the same idea to come and visit Van der Baast. Phil definitely decided that they would watch the hospital from outside and Samantha nodded with a pinch of melancholy.

  Jill and Araon were the first to get out of the car and enter the building. They were looking forward to bombarding their dear doctor with nosey questions. He was busy in the gyneacology department that day. They found him sweaty and panting as if he had run a marathon. He hardly recognized his friends until they approached. “Araon, Jill what is the good that drove you here?” he said.

  “Well I think it’s a question of coincidences,” said Araon.

  “Coincidences?” answered Van der Baast.

  “Yes coincidences. We were arriving in Amsterdam from The Hague by train where we found ourselves with two other couples. One of them are close friends of ours. But that’s not the point. The mobiles of us six rang simultaneously and we exclaimed Van der Baast at the same time. And there is more. The other two couples have parked their cars next to the entrance of the hospital at the same time we did it. If you watch from the window you can see them.”

  “Sounds interesting,” answered Van der Baast. “Lets’ go to have a look. Yes, there are two other cars with two young couples. If I’m not wrong a couple of them are your friends,” said the doctor.

  “Yes, they are the couple of which I have talked about,” answered Araon.

  “They seem quite normal people. Are you superstitious?” said the doctor.

  “No,” laughed Jill. “But we have followed our instinct to come here,” she carried on.

  “You have been lucky to have met me in this corridor. I have been involved with three childbirths today. It was so moving. You risked not to find me in the office,” Van der Baast said.

  “We needed to see you. That’s it,” said Jill.

  “Oh, sorry. My knee is painful. I play soccer as an amateur and I have been accidentally kicked by another player. I have to stop playing soccer for a couple of weeks. So my wife is happy. Sure enough during the week I’m working here and on Sunday I’m busy with my football thing. She is also insisting I take her somewhere for our holidays. She will be surprised to see me two weeks outside this place free to take her wherever she likes in the middle of the month. I see you are still tanned. And I have to compliment you Jill: you are still so slender at the beginning of three months pregnancy. Are you still frightened of childbirth?”

  “No I try not to think of it right now.”

  “Well, we have here DVDs where they show childbirth from the beginning to the end. I’m not happy about these films. They say I’m ostentatiously pious and maybe they are right. But I won’t change my point of view,” the doctor said.

  “I also consider those films a waste of time; they are useless. We won’t placate our pains by watching other women screaming,” said Jill.

  “You won’t scream, I’m sure,” said Van der Baast.

  “I think it’s time to leave you to your business. I see the other two couples still parked in the same place,” said Araon.

  “Let them do whatever is right for them to do. If they need my help they are more than the welcome. For now I give you my profound goodbye guys,” the doctor said.

  “Give me a kiss Jill,” said Araon entrapped in his feelings and he took his wife to the car.

  “Eh, Araon. Are you still inspired by foreign affairs?” The doctor reached him with his voice.

  “Yes, why?”

  “I have read somewhere that England wants to hold a referendum whether to stay in the European Union or not.”

  “I have also read it. Frankly I believe that the European Union without Great Britain is a disaster. But I try not to think about it.”

  Araon smiled gently and finally he entered the car with Jill. They saw Mark Ward and Rose approaching them. “Araon, Jill,” said Mark “Be patient for a while. We need to talk to a certain Van der Baast about a private issue. We want to know if the contraceptive pill the government sends to women for free are efficient. We do not want to make an abortion by taking the pill the day after our intimacy. Do you know what I mean?”

  “You surprise me. I won’t dismiss you as banal but I find it obvious that you don’t need to ask the doctor such a question. Follow your intuition. By the way: he is very busy today, I don’t know how he can welcome you with the politeness you deserve. But you can go to the third floor and ask about him,” said Araon.

  “Thank you my friend. I really want you two to come to my riding school soon. This week I’m off because Rose and me are organizing our marriage, but I’m back to work next week. I trust you will come.”

  “It’s hard to say. Jill is proceeding magnificently with her pregnancy but she has to avoid things that put her under strain. See you Mark. See you Rose,” answered Araon and left the place together with Jill.


  “Yes sweetheart?”

  “We have to go to the central station. I have memorized the plate number of the car of the other couple. They seem to be following us. They are behind every move we make. Next to the station there is an office where they rent cars. The owner is a friend of mine. He won’t hesitate to tell me who rented that car today,” said Araon.

  “But why are you so bothered by those strangers? They are so innocuous, so inoffensive. We have gone through smart coincidences. That’s it,” said Jill.

  “Now I will start the car and I’ll bring you to the place of the truth. Look: the two strangers are following us. Now we are at the central station. As you can see they are getting out of the car to go to that luxury hotel. We are free to go to the office and ask information about their identity,” said Araon.

  The office was half open but it was a certainty for Araon and Jill. “Araon, my beloved friend. Where have you been all th
is time? How can I help you?”

  “I just want to know the name of the persons who rented the car with this plate number: RCNH85.”

  “It’s personal information but you are my friend. Let me see: Philip Morris and his fiancée Samantha. They come from England. Tomorrow they want to rent another car. They are billionaires. Oh the phone is ringing.”

  “OK. Thank you for your favour. We will see each other,” said Araon with the mood of one who had just spied upon a conspiracy. Jill was still foreign to that situation but she wished to settle down somehow.

  Samantha and Phil were finally in their hotel suit. “Don’t you feel Van der Baast’s hospital is a gloomy place darling?” said Phil to an exhausted Samantha

  “I don’t think so. I worry we have not gone to talk to him with an excuse,” said Samantha.

  “You already know him Samantha. You should feel safe in my arms. After all, you talked to me about a break from your past. You have nothing to share with your former mates any more. There is something that bothers me right now. Do you remember the couple who entered the hospital when we were parked outside it? They seem to be too nosey for my liking. I glimpsed them at the car rental office. I guess they asked about us by showing our taxi car plate. Maybe I’m wrong but it’s such an inconvenience. I leave you to your hydro massage and I go to the office to make enquires. The owner of the shop might be reluctant to talk but in the end I’ll find out if those two have used my car plate for their personal investigation. I shall never forget the moment we all shouted: Van der Baast in the train wagon. They must want to know us in the same way we want to know them. I’ll also choose the car we will rent tomorrow. Sorry honey. It’s very rude of me to talk about that. Take your time and embellish yourself in your fashion. The more I explore your heart the more I have the desire to become a dad. I swear I will be a perfect dad for our children. I am thirty-nine. Quite a good age to become a dad.”

  “And I am twenty-nine. Quite a good age to postpone motherhood further on in time. When my mum was young, women used to marry at twenty and men at twenty-five and the following year they were already parents. My mum has always suggested to me that I shouldn’t make the same mistake. She has wished for me to become a career woman first,” said Samantha.

  “As you see I am making you work under my protection. Career women are jealous, very cruel persons. You are so sweet and I don’t want to see you tired when you come back home in the evening. Believe me: you are a lucky woman. Let’s stop the reprimand. Scoldings are not dear to me. Now I go to the rental car office. I’ll be back soon.”

  Samantha was thinking and thinking of what Phil had told her. She was a free spirit so she couldn’t get the most by working under the protection of a man instead of having a career of her own. But Phil was such an adorable guy. She switched off the light of her twisted mind and went to enjoy her hydro massage. It was so soothing, so relaxing. She nearly fell asleep because of all those massages to her thighs and the rest of her body. She had the weird feeling of longing for home. But it was just a question of a couple of minutes. She thought of her friend Lucia who was supposed to visit her in London in the summer but she didn’t come. She had imagined her in a better position and that swindle was the best solution for the safety of both. It was clear that Lucia wouldn’t contact her any more. They had joined split destinies. So she stayed in apnea for a little while and left the bathtub to cover herself with hydrating cream all over her body and face. She was wearing knickers and bra when Phil arrived.

  “Sweetheart I’m in seventh heaven. I have chosen a car which is perfect for your mood. I also tested the ground to find out if that couple asked for information about us by showing our car plate but I have been assured that these matter are kept confidential. Of course I don’t believe it but I found out who that couple are. Are you ready to go out?” said Phil.

  “Just a minute. I have to change my dress. One, two, three… let’s go.”

  A vintage car was parked outside. Samantha found the idea behind that car as something of bad taste. Phil, on the contrary to her was enthusiastic.

  “I see you are a bit embarrassed Samantha.”

  “No it is your sensation. I was thinking of the destination of the day.”

  “ am driving you to the pub with the defaced wall, soiled with blood writing of the acrostic L. A. U. R. A. give me back your jewels. The pub owner moved to the next door place and placed a CCTV camera surveilling whoever passed by. I know who has done the mess but it is not my wish to inform the police about that. The man is already a ruined one. I guess you have decided to give a name to that traitor. It was a former colleague of yours. Oh the past. We have already pledged to overcome the fears which would follow I have blacklisted the man in the proper place and he cannot work any more. Now breathe deeply. We are near the pub.”

  They entered the place and to their annoyance they saw the couple of the train and Van der Baast’s hospital. They made the first move. With a half fake smile they started the rite of introducing themselves. “Hi I’m Phil Morris and this is Samantha.”

  “Hi I’m Mark Ward and this is Rose.”

  “We are making progress from what I see. We firstly shared a train wagon, secondly, we saw each other in front of Van der Baast’s hospital and, thirdly we are here. Nice coincidence, isn’t it? Do you believe in destiny?” said Phil.

  “I don’t know. It’s a pity that Araon and Jill are not here. They are personal friends of ours. Let’s forget Van der Baast and enjoy our drink. I’ll pay for a round of drinks,” said Mark.

  “For this time, I accept it. Usually I am the one who pays for drinks. Anyway, you are very kind. A diet Coke for Samantha and half a pint of beer for me, please,” said Phil..

  “So you are a foreigner,” stammered Mark.

  “Actually, we come from London. We are staying here for just one week. We have a short period of holidays and we decide to spend it in this beautiful city,” said Phil.

  “We have also a free week. We are organizing our marriage,” said Mark.

  The two women watched each other suspiciously. as if they were real hyenas. Mark changed the vibe in question by asking Phil to meet again another day. The two couples swapped cards and waved goodbye nostalgically. “We are in a rush now. If God wants, we will see each other another day. Now, sorry Samantha and myself have to go,” said Phil turning up his nose. And Samantha and he were free to walk along the canals.

  “Feel safe now Samantha?” said Phil with a very manly voice.

  “Why shouldn’t I?” answered Samantha naively.

  He pushed her towards the canal banks and brought her back immediately. “You see? It’s just to make you feel safe in my arms. Whether you trust me or not is a question of blindness. In the right sense of the word, of course. When you are with me you must feel to be the queen of the world. You are so adorable,” said Phil.

  “Phil, Phil. Sometimes I think you are a bit rough. But if this makes you feel happy I confess I feel safe in your arms. Can you see my tired expression? It’s because we are continuously turning around. There is no better place to be in than the hotel room. We can have another walk later on in the evening,” said Samantha.

  “As you like it, my little princess. I feel awkward but I am not mentioning Shakespeare.

  “The hotel penthouse is inspiring, isn’t it? It’s a bit sunny even now. Our little arguments can be easily amended with weather like this,” said Samantha entering the hotel room.

  Phil watched instinctively outside the window and noticed Araon and Jill going up and down in the square sometimes stopping to feed the pigeons. Yes they were intriguing. Phil was so eager to discover if the couple entered the car rental office. Strangers were not to be taken seriously so it was clear that Araon and Jill were acquaintances of the office owner. Phil was considering making the first step of their climbing towards a genuine friendship.

  “What is there so interesting outside Phil?”

  “Something very interesting. Araon a
nd Jill are going up and down through the square. Now they were gently disappearing with their own car. We are here to socialize. Do you agree? I think that also Mark and Rose fit our agenda. We can stay here until 8th august since the 9th I have my next working appointment. Those two gems are kindly waiting for us to go and have a try with their horses at Mark’s riding school. This won’t remove our friendly relationship with Araon and Jill. Tell me your opinion. I know certain ladies dislike being opinionated especially when it comes to study and be stuck to the Bible. But you are somebody special. You have spun out the co-ordinates of your faith in the middle of your passion. Am I right?”

  “Yes Phil. You are always right. I will always come whenever you drive me,” said Samantha.

  I see you mounting a bay divinely. You are a perfect jockey while my legs are cracked. I want you to experience something unforgettable even for one day. By the way: what do you think of Mark and Rose?”

  “You are catching the best of my spirituality: to judge others by their own appearance. Mark hinders his relationship with the rest of the world with his scared face. He must be frightened because he has witnessed something fishy on the premises of the pub. I mean he goes downward. He saw something else before he read the acrostic L. A. U. R. A. Give me back your jewels in the defaced pub door. And the new boss’s idea of covering the ground by all means with CCTV makes him feel exposed to others’ strategy,” said Samantha.

  “You have learnt the lesson my baby. I was the one who told you that the man who made the pub door dirty is a ruined man. Mark is just guilty for not reporting to the police what he had seen before but the lover of your former boss’ wife is not sage or free from default. Just let time do justice by itself. Let the snake of his future bite his feet with venom,” said Phil.

  “And how do you think Rose will react if she finds out that bleak secret of Mark? They are already entrapped in an early marriage,” said Samantha.


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