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Savage Heart

Page 6

by J. E. Cluney

  ‘And I would’ve bitten your dick,’ Sav snapped back.

  I laughed softly at this, before my smile faltered.

  Time to share the news.



  “So, this is how you make macarons?” Wes asked as he stood by me as I blended the almond slivers to create the almond flour.

  We’d taken some eggs out, needing the egg whites to be at room temperature for this recipe.

  “Yep, an old recipe my mom had, was always a hit. Just need to get it right,” I said as I shut the blender off.

  I measured it, before adding the right amount to the food processor, along with a small bit of salt and powdered sugar.

  I flicked that on a low speed as I turned to prepare my eggs.

  “Egg whites at room temperature, check,” Wes said softly as I carefully cracked the eggs over a bowl, using the shells to hold onto the yolk.

  I added them into a bowl, along with a tiny bit of salt, before reaching for the electric mixer. I added in some vanilla extract and some blue food coloring too before getting to work.

  “We could just buy them,” Sav stated from her perch on the counter.

  She’d come with us, and Tristan had even joined us too once Leon had informed us all telepathically about the kitsune children coming tonight.

  Sav was off at first, but then accepted it fairly well.

  They needed a home, a safe place to be children, and she understood that.

  My heart swelled at knowing she was so forgiving and understanding. My mate, so sympathetic at times.

  The blender shut off, having completed its run.

  “Buying them takes away the fun. They’re better when you make them,” I argued as I slowly added granulated sugar to the mix until it was properly mixed. I continued beating it until it became thicker and the right texture.

  “Can you measure out a cup of the almond flour please?” I asked Wes once I was happy with the mix.

  He was quick to measure out a precise cup of flour before handing it over.

  I knew he loved to cook desserts on occasion, so I wanted to show him the old family recipe. We’d become close in the past few weeks, battling one another in Pokemon and then working together in Pokemon sword and shield. I’d forgotten how much I’d loved the games, and we’d shared many stories and tales about our history with it.

  Wes had even collected the cars at one point, as had I.

  His favorite Pokemon was Blastoise, while mine was Lucario. I found it funny that his favorite was a water type considering what he was.

  He watched as I carefully folded the flour into the mix, taking it slow so I didn’t screw it up.

  Even Sav was watching curiously, while Tristan had been hanging back, not completely bothered with the whole task.

  I was pretty sure he just wanted to be around Sav.

  Once I’d finished that, I transferred the mix into a piping bag, making sure to pop a round tip on.

  I set to work piping it onto the tray I’d already set up, using up all the mix.

  “Now we let it sit for half an hour to an hour. Until it’s dry to the touch,” I declared.

  “Why?” Sav asked as she swung her legs while perched on the counter edge.

  “So that when we bake it, the last of the air will escape from the bottom edge, creating the feet,” I explained.

  “Macarons have feet?” She arched an amused brow at me.

  “Yes,” I sighed, sending her a mental explanation on it.

  She just shrugged as she looked over at Tristan.

  “Hey, I was just here hoping to eat the goodies, but it looks like that won’t be for a while anyway,” he sighed unhappily before smirking.

  I just rolled my eyes. That sounded about right.

  “We’ll then bake them for a short while and make the buttercream filling,” I said to Wesley.

  I flinched as something hit me in the shoulder, and I glanced down at the brown smear on my shirt.

  I followed the trail down to the floor as Sav started laughing.

  “Did you just throw cake at me?” I sighed as I looked at Tristan, who was grinning widely. “Real mature.”

  “Food fight!” Sav declared as she slid off the counter and bolted to the fridge.

  “Crap,” Wesley muttered, only seconds before the handful of chocolate cake hit him in the cheek.

  He scowled as Tristan readied another handful from the cake he’d grabbed out of the fridge.

  I sure hoped it hadn’t been made for anything in particular.

  Sav pulled out a tub of blueberries, turning to Wes and I with a wicked grin.

  I shot Wes a look of dismay before we both dove behind one of the kitchen benches.

  “We need ammo,” Wes hissed.

  “They’re blocking the fridge,” I stated the obvious.

  Wes frowned as he glanced around quickly, and I could hear Tristan and Sav moving in to attack us.

  Wes spied the fruit bowl on the counter in front of us, and he shot out, snatching it up before handing it to me.

  I reached for a banana, wanting to go with something that wouldn’t hurt.

  The following food fight had us laughing and shouting as we hurled food all throughout the kitchen.

  Sav cursed as an orange hit her boob, and Tristan ducked as I lobbed an apple at his head.

  “Wes, I’ll get you for that! Hope you don’t mind a carrot to the balls!” Sav shouted as she snatched the carrots from the fridge.

  I laughed as Wes dropped down behind a bench, too scared for his balls to remain in the food fight.

  Sav launched onto the bench, hanging over the edge as she prepared a shot at Wes.

  He let out an odd little shriek as he burst into flames, and Sav rolled to the side to avoid the flames.

  “You’ll never catch me!” Wes shrieked as he ran out of the kitchen.

  I just stared as Sav gave chase to the burning man, and Tristan laughed as he took off after them.

  I spied my macarons tucked into the corner of the far countertop, amazingly untouched.

  The rest of the kitchen was not as lucky.

  I chuckled as I took off after the others, desperate to see just how this was going to play out.

  By the time I caught up to them, they’d taken it outside, where Leon and Damien were standing in the garden, their wings outstretched as they took a break from sparring to watch.

  Wes was bounding around, dodging Sav’s aura arms as she tried to catch him.

  “All this because he hit her in the boob,” Tristan snorted as I stepped up beside him.

  “I hear it hurts for girls,” I stated. I had a sister back home, and I knew for a fact that a boob-punch was a surefire way to result in getting attacked.

  I hissed as Sav’s aura form shot away from her, and the new aura kitsune crashed into Wesley, dragging him to the ground.

  Sav cheered in victory, and the aura form punched him hard in the gut before he could use his flames to banish it away.

  “Oof.” Tristan winced as Wes’ flames faded away while he curled in on himself a bit.

  “Don’t punch my tits next time,” she smirked as her aura faded away. She stood over him, folding her arms with a look of satisfaction as she arched a brow at him.

  Wes lay naked on the ground before her, groaning and giving up.

  “Never piss her off, man. Did she tell you the first time we met, she killed him?” Tristan murmured.

  Well, now that was quite funny. He was lucky he was a phoenix then. I could just picture Sav killing him, snapping his neck or something.

  “She used the kitsune blade, threw it at him, got him right in the heart,” Tristan said, listening in to my thoughts.

  Although, considering Wes was her mate, a part of her must have known it wouldn’t be permanent.

  Still, I’d try not to piss her off. Not just for fear of harm, but because she was my mate. I wanted her to be happy. That was all that mattered to me.

  “I hear her a
nd her brother and father are naturals with weapons,” I said as I watched Sav offer Wes her hand.

  “Yep. Dorian warriors. It’s in their blood,” Tristan said as Wes accepted Sav’s help begrudgingly.

  I nodded at this as I watched Sav pull Wes in for a soft kiss. He seemed to instantly forget the pain she’d just inflicted on him as he wrapped his arms around her.

  I felt all the others grow interested as Sav moaned softly.

  “Great, just what we need, an orgy outside,” I chuckled.

  “Hey, who said I was giving up the goods?” Sav scoffed as she pulled away from Wes and winked at Tristan and I.

  Wes pouted at this as he tried to pull her closer, and she swirled out of his arms.

  “Whoever catches me, gets me first,” she laughed as she took off.

  We watched her for only a moment before we all took off after her.

  The thought of tasting her again, of feeling her beneath me and joining her in bliss, it was enough to have me madly racing after her, along with the others.

  We laughed as we all tried to catch her, darting all over the institute grounds.

  Leon and Damien even took to flying to try to catch her, but she was too quick on her feet, changing direction as soon as they got close.

  Our desire to claim her was driving us on, and I had a feeling things were going to get very heated once we caught her.

  She was like a drug to us, we always wanted her, craved her, her touch, her smell, her very being.

  She was our mate, and we needed her in every way.



  Damien and I were struggling to catch Sav, and Wes was hurtling after her, completely on fire, which boosted his speed. Tristan was happily watching us, and I could tell he was just waiting until she was caught to join in on the fun.

  Whoever caught her would start things, but I knew we’d be sharing her.

  As soon as she’d moaned, we’d all had our instincts kick in. We wanted to be the reason she was moaning.

  Then the chase had only added to it.

  I beat my wings as Damien drew up beside me, sending me a telepathic message. Being brothers, we’d learned we could keep the others from hearing our thoughts, even Sav, when we focused enough.

  I smirked at his suggestion, but I knew I was up for it.

  I circled out before her as she was dashing madly, looking so wicked and wondrous in her tights and purple crop top that revealed her beautifully toned stomach. I wanted to run my fingers over her skin, savor her body, knowing it was forever mine.

  She grinned as she saw me coming at her, and shot off to the side.

  Damien sent out a ball of angel grace, the glowing golden orb hitting the ground before her and making her leap over it.

  I took the chance, swooping in to try to grab her, but cursing as she used her aura arm to latch down onto the ground and change her direction again.

  Too bad we’d been counting on that.

  Damien tossed a few more orbs, and I joined in, littering the area with them, making sure not to amp up their power too much. I didn’t want to actually risk hurting her.

  As she shot over another one, Damien and I swept in, reaching out for her.

  Those gorgeous blue eyes glinted with delight, the pink flecks only adding to her beauty.

  I knew as soon as that smile hit her lips that she was about to go easy on us.

  She wanted to be caught.

  I captured her in my arms, and her melodic laughter ringing out as I took to the sky.

  She felt so perfect in my arms, so warm and soft as she wrapped her arms around my neck as I held her close.

  “Looks like you caught me,” she murmured as she gazed up at me sweetly.

  “Seems so,’ I chuckled. We both know she’d allowed me to win the race for her.

  I ignored the annoyed shouts from the other guys below as Damien flew up beside me.

  Such a shame they couldn’t fly.

  I landed on the rooftop, my white wings curling around us as I claimed Sav’s lips.

  They were soft against mine, and she opened up to me, leaning against me as I held her close. I ran my hands up her back and under her crop top, loving the feel of her flawless skin beneath my finger. So soft yet firm, her muscles rippling as I touched them.

  I opened my wings as Damien joined us, and he stepped up behind her.

  “Hello, princess,” he rumbled as he kissed her neck.

  She smiled against my lips as Damien began touching her body too.

  ‘Mmmm, so I get a double dose, huh?’ she teased as her hands began to explore my chest.

  ‘Of course, if you’re happy with that,’ I sent back as she wrapped her arms around me to stroke my wings, right where they erupted from my back.

  ‘Always.’ She played with my shirt there too, which had been torn open for my wings to come through. I was grateful that when my wings burst forth, a golden magic ripped my shirt, but it did mean I had to go shopping a lot.

  ‘Aw, worried about a little shopping?’ she snickered mentally as I began exploring her mouth.

  God, she tasted wonderful, so sweet and wild.

  ‘It was a random thought,’ I retorted.

  ‘Why are you thinking about shopping when we’ve got her right here?’ Damien growled softly.

  I moaned softly as Sav’s hands slid down my stomach, dancing along my waistband as she nibbled on my lip.

  She caught my bottom lip between her teeth and pulled back, arching a brow at me as her hands slid into my jeans.

  ‘Who’s going to get me naked?’ she questioned as she sucked my lip.

  I shuddered, moaning as her hands slid down to trace over my erection through my briefs.

  Fuck, these jeans were tight.

  She laughed as she listened in, before gasping as Damien tore her crop top clean off with his claws.

  My nostrils flared as I sensed his wolf side taking over a little, and those green eyes met mine over her shoulder, flickering yellow as he gave me a wolfish grin.

  ‘You better get more wolfy too,’ she purred as the pink flecks in her eyes lit us as her aura came to life. ‘An animalistic screw is always welcome.’

  I smirked softly at her request.

  ‘No knotting?’ I clarified sweetly, loving how she pulled back with a scowl.

  That answered that.

  I captured her lips again, loving how she squeaked into my mouth as Damien tore her clothes off carefully with his claws.

  ‘I liked those,’ she muttered.

  ‘I’ll buy you more,’ Damien growled softly as he ran his hands down her bare sides.

  Sav pulled away from me, giving me a wicked look as her aura glowed softly, the arms forming.

  They shot out, making quick work of our clothing too, leaving all three of us standing naked on the roof.

  I was so glad those children weren’t coming until tonight, or they might be scarred if they saw us. I hoped no one did see us.

  Not that anyone could really. The grounds of the institute were warded from those not permitted to enter. In order to come in, you had to be invited in by someone who lived here, or chosen to enter by Mr Oxley. He allowed some Council members entry, and those he knew and trusted, but apart from that, it was only us and other children he’d helped.

  I growled softly as I let go, letting my wolf take over more. My senses heightened, and I drew in the sweet scent of Sav’s desire for us.

  Fuck, that was all the push I needed.

  I pulled her against me, yanking her from Damien who was nipping her neck, causing him to snarl and lurch with her.

  “Savage,” I groaned as I pressed my body against her, feeling every perfect curve pushed against my skin.

  Such a perfect fit for me.

  She laughed softly as I hoisted her up, her legs locking around my waist as I held her firm ass.

  She gasped softly as I prodded her wet entrance, and I moaned with her as I slid in.

  Damien shuddered at h
er moans, and she quivered against me as he began touching her.

  I knew he was playing with her back entry, getting her prepared to have us both inside her.

  “My twins,” she breathed as she clung to me. Our wings shielded us from view, and I gently bounced her on me, loving the feel of her tight walls around me.

  I nibbled on her neck, drawing in every small scent that permeated her skin. So wild and sweet, yet so rich with desire.

  I tightened my grip on her ass, feeling bad that my wolf claws were digging into her soft skin.

  But I needed this, I needed her.

  She arched against me as Damien finally began to enter her, and I bit her neck gently, wanting her to focus on another kind of pain.

  I gently thrust into her as Damien buried himself in her, and she gasped and moaned softly as she adjusted to him.

  Then we were having our way with her, growling and nipping at her as she bounced between us.

  I could feel my orgasm growing near, and the way she was clawing at my shoulders and arching, her face twisted in sheer pleasure, I knew she was close too.

  She whimpered as she bit her lip, her claws digging into my shoulders as her aura flared once more.

  I drove into her harder and faster, and Damien did the same, working with my rhythm for her benefit.

  Her mouth parted in a soft ‘o’ as she began moaning, and I felt her walls beginning to tighten around me.

  Fuck, I wanted to have her crying out with bliss. I wanted to see her breaking before me as it tore through her.

  I snarled as I slammed into her, my own magic flaring to life as I willed it to amplify her pleasure.

  I knew I was capable of such a thing, I’d tried it once before, and she’d loved it.

  She cried out as all her muscles tightened and flexed, her body going rigid in my grip as shudders took over.

  Her tight walls only squeezed me more, milking my length, and I threw my head back as I snarled, my own orgasm tearing through me.

  Damien joined me in snarling as he came as well, and his own magic flared.

  Our magic all mingled together, the golden glow merging with the hot pink and white of Sav’s essence, and I held onto her as wave after wave of sheer bliss rocked through me, making my legs shake.


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