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Savage Heart

Page 12

by J. E. Cluney

  She took down Samson after a short while, and he retreated over to us to sit down and watch.

  “She’s incredible. I’ve trained most of my life, but she still bested me. She really knows how to fight. It’s a little frustrating actually,” Samson sighed, frowning as he watched his sister and father spar.

  “Kinda glad she beat you actually, when she handed our asses to us, well, we all took a blow to our egos,” I chuckled. “And we’ve been training and bounty hunting for years.”

  “I only started bounty hunting with dad when I was sixteen, he didn’t want me out on hunts before then. Guess he wanted to make sure I’d be okay, but he never lets me go on a hunt alone. It’s always both of us,” Samson sighed as he watched the spar continue.

  “Probably why you lost. Sav has been hunting solo since she was a young teen from our understanding. She’d use the element of surprise while young; no one would suspect a thirteen-year-old to attack. You’ve probably gotten used to having backup, knowing someone will help you if needed. Sav was always on her own, so every fight was for her life,” I explained my reasoning.

  “Makes sense,” Wes said softly as Samson nodded in agreement.

  “She’s giving dad a good run for his money,” Samson shook his head in awe as the pair sparred, their fake blades clashing as their auras fought. But in the end, Soren had her pinned with the fake sword against her neck, the pair of them sweating and puffing.

  “Well, I’m impressed, Sav. You can hold your own extremely well. Even beat Samson,” Soren said proudly as he helped her to her feet.

  Sav’s face lit up at her father’s pride, and I could feel her joy and sheer happiness flooding through our bond.

  Making her real father proud meant so much to her.

  I knew she’d once been worried they’d despise her for what she’d become, but they loved her like she’d never left.

  “What time is tonight?” Samson called out.

  “Eleven,” Soren answered as he and Sav put their swords down on the table.

  “What’s tonight?” I asked curiously.

  “We’ve got a bounty hunt,” Samson stated as he climbed to his feet and brushed himself off.

  It seemed we were done at the training area for the day now.

  “Can I come?” Sav asked as she turned to his father.

  Soren pursed his lips as he gathered up some weapons, mulling it over as Samson began helping load the various weapons back into the duffel bags.

  “Maybe, we’ll see what your other fathers say,” Soren said as he slung his crossbow over his back and picked up a duffel bag. Samson took the other one, while Sav picked up the small remaining one.

  “Why do I need permission to go on a hunt? I’ve been hunting all my life. I’ve been bounty hunting with my guys,” she scowled, and Wes and I exchanged looks.

  “Because our hunts are different,” Soren said firmly, in a tone that demanded no response. No one else would say a word back after that tone.

  Except Sav.

  “But you’ll take Samson, even though I bested him in a fight?” she growled softly as they began heading back to the house.

  Wes and I hung back, silent as we watched the quarrel unfold.

  “Samson and I have worked together for many years, having you working with us would be a huge change,” Soren stated, only just refraining from growling in frustration.

  He and Samson were logical and strategic, and not quick to get into arguments.

  I guess Sav got that from her mother’s side.

  “We’re done talking about this. You can take it up with Bernie and Lionel,” Soren sighed as he readjusted the duffel bag over his shoulder.

  “This is going to be wonderful,” Wes muttered, and I pursed my lips as Sav huffed in annoyance.

  Yep, I could see this going so well.

  Wes shot me a knowing look.

  We’d better be on our best behavior with her, especially with how much Sav was now fuming.

  All that bonding time with her father and brother was pushed aside while she inwardly raged at being told what she could and couldn’t do.

  Even we knew better than to try to tell her that.

  Because Sav was stubborn as a Devil’s woman, and as aggressive as a wildcat.


  “You are not going,” Lionel barked, his lip curling back in frustration as he shot Soren a dark look.

  “I’m an adult, I can make these decisions for myself,” I argued as I jammed my fork into the beef roast Chris and Izzy had prepared for us.

  The table was quiet as my mates and siblings all ate uneasily, flicking one another glances.

  “It’s too dangerous, Soren and Samson do much more difficult bounty hunts than anything you’ve done before,” Bernie spoke up, his brow knitted as his mouth was pulled in a grim line.

  “I hunted long before I even had mates, completely solo. And, not to be blunt, but I didn’t have any fathers to stop me until now. And I survived fine,” I growled, my aura flickering around me in frustration. I tried to rein in my anger by drawing in a deep breath, and my aura died down a little.

  “Well, you have us now, and we’re going to make sure you’re safe. So you’re not going, end of story!” Lionel practically roared, and I spied Izzy cowering in her seat out of the corner of my eye as Lachlan reached over to reassure her.

  “No! You can’t control me now. I’m an adult, I know the risks, and I can make those decisions for myself. I’m grateful I found you all, but I need to live my life the way I see fit. Hunting has been my sole purpose all my life, why not let me do it with my real family?” I argued, gritting my teeth as I tried to remain as calm as possible. “I know that now that you’ve finally found me, learned I’m actually alive, you want to protect me, wrap me up in bubble wrap and never risk losing me again. But what kind of life is that? I’m a kitsune, born of warrior lines, trained to hunt. Why not let me help do good? Right my wrongs?” I pleaded.

  Lionel’s jaw clenched as his face twisted unhappily, and Bernie glanced around at my mates sadly before sighing and rubbing his temple.

  “You’re right. We just want to keep you safe. I’m sure I’m speaking on behalf of all of us when I say that since we only just got you back, we’re too afraid to lose you again. Especially after the close call with the Collector,” Bernie admitted as he gave me a pained smile. “We just want you alive, happy, and healthy.”

  “I still think it’s a stupid idea. Soren and Samson have trained and done these bounty hunts for years together. You’ve not done it before with them,” Lionel growled.

  “I understand your worries. But how will I learn without going out in the field? I want to hunt with my dad and brother. I want to have a purpose. I enjoy hunting with my mates, but I know that hunts with these two will be more a challenge, which is something I need. And the bonding time is always a bonus,” I said as my mouth curved up in a smirk. “Besides, I have them to watch my back. I’ll be as safe as anything with them. Safer than solo hunting.”

  Lionel grumbled as he scowled at me, clearly not in my favor, but Bernie was mulling over it as he pursed his lips.

  Everyone else was silent around the table, and even my mind was quiet as my mates stayed out of it. They’d been giving me a wide berth since I got back to the house, and I knew they were trying to avoid my fury.

  I’d gotten better at simmering down lately though, no longer as fiery as I once was.

  I’d changed more than I liked to admit since finding all my mates.

  “You have hunted since you were young, and you’ve told us of the hunts you’ve done with your mates. I know we shouldn’t smother you and try to hold you back, it’s just difficult. For so long, we thought you were dead,” Bernie murmured as he gazed at me tenderly. “And then when you finally come into our lives, you’re no longer the little girl we knew. You’re a woman, with mates of her own and a warrior’s heart.” He glanced over at Lionel, who still looked pissed as hell as he folded his arms and leaned b
ack in his chair, his eyes stormy as he scowled.

  “I think it’s up to Soren ultimately. He’s your true father, and he saw your abilities today,” Bernie said after a moment, causing Lionel to arc up as he snarled.

  “Fuck that, we all get a say!” he snapped, lurching forward and slamming a hand down on the table, making some of my mates even jump. Izzy looked about ready to curl up under the table.

  I felt instantly bad for her. She didn’t need this added stress while pregnant.

  “Dad, please,” Lachlan growled, clearly unimpressed with his father’s behavior. “She’s old enough to make her own choices, and she’s got Samson and Soren to back her up. Is it really so much worse than taking on the Collector?” Lachlan leaned forward, staring off with his father.

  They were both as stubborn as each other, but I could see Lionel was breaking. I could practically see the cogs in his mind spinning as he realized it was nowhere near as bad as the Collector.

  I was surprised Lachlan had jumped in for me, but I was growing closer with my brothers. I also had a feeling butting heads with his father was a common occurrence.

  “Sav fought well today, held her own against me, and bested Samson. We also need to give her credit where it’s due. She did slay the Collector, and handled herself well at his mansion. She’s hunted for years, and done bounty hunts with her own mates. I think we should allow her the chance to hunt with us. See just what she can do. If she struggles or doesn’t want to do it anymore, then we know. I’m comfortable with taking her,” Soren said as he gave me a warm smile. I knew he was speaking the truth with the way his eyes twinkled and the corners of them creased with his smile.

  He really did think I had it in me, and I was beyond grateful.

  Besides, there really was only one way to find out.

  “I don’t like this,” Lionel grumbled, and I fought the urge to snicker as he reminded me of a toddler chucking a tantrum.

  “No one said you have to, you just have to accept it,” Lachlan quipped, earning him a dark look from his father.

  “I’ll be careful, I promise,” I said as I settled into my seat and eyed my meal. I tried not to smile too much at my win. I didn’t want my father to change his mind.

  “You better, or so help me,” Lionel growled softly.

  “She can handle herself, trust us,” Tristan spoke up, not at all ruffled when Lionel’s scowl landed on him.

  Tristan smiled at me, his eyes twinkling with delight.

  I knew he’d probably secretly enjoyed all of this arguing, he was a being who reveled in chaos.

  ‘I’m hurt that you’d think that,’ he said, feigning a pained voice as he smiled slyly at me.

  He’d not been happy that I was pissed, but a side of him took satisfaction in disarray, whether he wanted to admit it or not.

  He was a demon-born after all.

  “As long as you listen and obey all instructions, I’m sure we’ll be fine,” Soren added as he dug back into his meal.

  “Of course,” I said, nodding firmly. I’d do as asked without argument.

  I just wanted the chance to hunt, a hunt with a bit of difficulty, something worthwhile.

  And the chance to make all my fathers proud.

  ‘You don’t need to try to make them proud, they’re already proud of you,’ Nate said sweetly.

  ‘I guess,’ I murmured back.

  I knew he was right.

  They weren’t like Thomas.

  I didn’t have to work for their love and affection.

  It was just so ingrained into who I was. I felt like I still had to work to make them proud of me.

  But as I looked around at my fathers, I knew they loved me just as I was.

  I smiled softly to myself at the realization, before looking to my mates.

  “So, Lionel, Lachlan tells me you’re restoring an old 1958 Harley. How’s that going?” Nate asked, trying to distract Lionel from fuming.

  “It’s going fine,” Lionel grumbled, although he seemed to loosen up at the question.

  I could just see that he was itching to talk about it now that it had been mentioned.

  “What work does it need? My dad used to work on Harley’s too. Loved them like nothing else. He taught me a few things,” Nate smiled. “Damien is good with them too.”

  “Lachy helps me often, we enjoy fixing them up. And Bern has helped a bit too, even Benny. It’ll be my second restoration project. It needs a few parts, Bern has them on order through the shop for me,” Lionel said, managing a small smile as he spoke about his pride and joy.

  I enjoyed my meal as they discussed bike stuff, and then Damien brought up my Ninja. I’d not ridden it much lately, but my fathers were surprised to learn I enjoyed my motorbikes too.

  “I was raised like a boy, trust me, I love lots of non-girly things,” I snorted.

  “Right,” Bernie chuckled.

  “Hey Nate, you said your father taught you about motorbikes. Sav said you're from Wrain lines, I’ve heard of them. Have you got more than one father?” Soren asked.

  “No, my mother only took on the one mate. My sister has taken on three mates, but none of them are kitsunes, so my parents were excited when they found out I’d been chosen for a kitsune’s mate. I can pass on the family lines too now,” Nate smiled, and I knew he was beyond grateful I’d chosen him.

  His parents were so proud and excited for him.

  We still had to visit them eventually too.

  “How interesting. Kitsunes so rarely find other kitsune mates, and yet, it’s happened to all of us. It’s incredible,” Soren stated as he shook his head in surprise.

  “Well, my sister mated with a werewolf, a merman, and a witch,” Nate informed everyone.

  “Merman,” Lachlan snorted, and I rolled my eyes.

  I’d been surprised when he’d first told me too. I’d not known if they were real or not, mermaids and mermen. But apparently they were, they were just extra careful, so hunters rarely knew of them.

  I sat back as Nate began chatting with my family, and Lachlan started talking to Damien about motorbikes with his father.

  Seeing them all getting along, enjoying a meal together, it made my chest squeeze.

  My eyes met Izzy’s, and I knew she felt the same way. She enjoyed it when everyone got along like one big family.

  Which was what we were.

  One giant family.

  The thought only made me smile more.


  I entered the motel room, unable to keep from grinning at how familiar the situation was. Soren, Samson, and I, had ridden together in my father’s black truck to the town listed as the site for a rogue werewolf pack issue.

  It reminded me so much of my hunts with Thomas and Jackson, and I was excited to create new memories of hunts with my real family.

  We’d gone over the bounty details on the file my father had been given, and I was surprised at the details the Council had provided.

  A rogue pack of werewolves, and a large one, which was uncommon. Rogues would band together sometimes, but only ever in small groups. This was a pack of ten, and they’d been terrorizing a small town, leaving a trail of mauled bodies.

  The Council had gotten involved and were cleaning up the bodies in the morgue, providing cover stories and dealing with any witnesses.

  However, the pack was believed to be stronger than usual. The Council had ascertained that they’d been experimenting with a special werewolf booster that was used in secret with the Armed Forces. Soren explained supes were everywhere, and there were special werewolf units with the Armed Forces used for covert missions. Somehow, a soldier stole this experimental booster and went rogue, providing it to his rogue pack.

  They were now stronger than your normal werewolves, and the Council had to find stronger bounty hunters to deal with them.

  Kitsunes, of course.

  We were to find their location in the town, and put them all down, and recover any leftover booster injections.

p; The injections lasted a month at a time, and the soldier had stolen enough shots to keep his pack enhanced for nearly a year.

  It definitely sounded like an urgent case, and I found myself getting rather pumped for the chance to have a decent fight.

  The Council’s clean-up crew was going to plant some rabid dogs, and have a holidaying normal ‘hunter’ put them down. This would settle the locals, and they’d believe it was just a string of horrible rabid dog attacks.

  I was surprised at how well the Council covered the tracks of supes, but sometimes they weren’t fast enough.

  If they were, I’d never have hunted a rogue in my life. And I’d hunted plenty. The Council just couldn’t get on top of all rogue issues immediately. They had to prioritize the worst cases first, the ones that would risk their existence the most.

  “You two stay put, I’m going to do some recon, see what I can learn in regards to where the attacks have been taking place. I’ve got a talisman that will let me know once I’m near them, so I’ll find where they’re hiding out and return. Stay inside and wait for me,” Soren instructed us as he dumped his duffel bag on one of the three single beds in the room.

  “Got it,” I nodded, although I internally deflated.

  This was a little too much like the early days with Thomas and Jackson, where Thomas would head out to do some digging and ditch us at the motel.

  Thomas had dragged us all over the country while he hunted, and we’d constantly lived on the move, in motels mainly, until he allowed us to join him on hunts.

  Samson nodded as Soren headed back out the door, and I heard the truck engine rumble to life.

  “Well, guess we just wait,” Samson sighed as he dumped his bag on the floor and sprawled out on one of the beds.

  I’d brought my kitsune blade, and a change of clothes in a small backpack. That was all I needed, whereas I knew my brother and father had opted for their weapons of choice. Silver tipped bolts and arrows, of course.

  That little piece of lore was correct. Silver was the way to kill a werewolf. But any blade or shot to the heart or head would do the trick, the silver would just slow them down if the shot wasn’t a fatal hit. It burned like a motherfucker from what Leon and Damien had told me, and they couldn’t even wear silver jewelry. It didn’t burn their skin on first touch, but it did badly irritate it, and if they were to wear it for a decent amount of time, it would leave burn marks.


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