Book Read Free

Discovering Gold

Page 17

by S. M. Spencer

  ‘Annie’s a smart girl. I was worried, but deep down I knew she wouldn’t have gone off with anyone—she wouldn’t have just left you either, but when you mentioned Harrison, at first I thought she might have … gotten a bit … jealous.’ His eyes were searching hers, looking for something she wasn’t sure how to express.

  ‘Look, Harrison had only stopped to say hello—he was about to leave, and would have, if it wasn’t for the horse charging through. I doubt Annie would have even seen him.’

  Travis looked down, chewing his bottom lip, the frown lines still evident. When he spoke, his voice was deeper than usual. ‘You came to Denver’s party with him.’

  Her heart was racing, but she kept her voice even. ‘Yes, I did. And he drove me home. And we said goodnight, and there was nothing to it.’ She swallowed, sensing where this was heading and uncertain how much she was prepared to divulge about her feelings.

  ‘Harrison’s … he’s a bit of a player I suspect, living down there in Southern California, mixing with the movie crowd.’

  ‘Yes, he’s quite the charmer, but it was nice of him to drive so I could have a couple of drinks. He doesn’t drink—did I tell you that already? Says it’s bad for the skin and he’s obsessed with his appearance.’

  That brought a smile to Travis’ lips—or perhaps it was a smirk. ‘He doesn’t drink? Gees, he’d be about the only one in Hollywood who doesn’t. Anyway, that’s enough about Harrison. Shall we call and see if Annie is still awake?’

  ‘Great idea.’ She could think of nothing better than to hear Annie’s voice right now—both to know Annie was safe, and to change the direction this conversation was headed.

  Travis pulled his phone from his pocket, and called Stacy. Then he put the call on speaker and set it on the table so Alex could hear too.

  After the hellos, Stacy gave them an update. ‘Neither of them threw up once we left the rodeo, so I’m hoping it was just something they ate, and not the flu.’

  ‘Glad they’re improving. Is Annie still awake? We’d like to say goodnight to her if she is,’ Travis said, not taking his eyes off Alex the whole time.

  ‘No, they’ve finally passed out … or at least I can’t hear any more giggling from in there. I’d rather let them sleep. They were both in good spirits, so whatever it was seems to be passing.’

  ‘Okay, better not to disturb them then. And you’re sure you don’t mind her staying with you and Tammy tomorrow?’

  ‘Not at all. Tammy’s got a stack of DVDs they can choose from and I’ll park them in front of the television.’

  ‘Thanks again, Stacy, you really are a lifesaver. I’ll give you a buzz tomorrow afternoon sometime, and let you know what time I’ll get there to pick her up. I owe you big time for this.’

  Stacy laughed. ‘You sure do, and I think a few riding lessons may be the price. After seeing all the horses at the rodeo, Tammy’s never gonna shut up about getting her a horse. Nick said he’ll help, but I think you’ll be a lot better at it than he would be.’

  ‘No problem, I can do that. Well, goodnight then.’ Travis switched off the phone and looked up at Alex. ‘Guess I’d better run you home.’

  As she put her hands on the table and stood, her stomach dropped to her feet.

  ‘What’s wrong?’ he asked, still sitting. ‘You look like you’ve seen a ghost.’

  She shook her head in disbelief, and sat down again. ‘I gave my keys to Denver.’

  Travis shrugged. ‘Yes, so he can drive your car back.’

  She drew in a breath, and huffed it out. ‘But it wasn’t only my car keys, it was all my keys.’

  ‘Oh? Ooooohhhhh.’ Travis looked down, his brows knitted in thought.

  Alex rolled her eyes, amazed at her stupidity. ‘I’m so sorry. I wasn’t thinking.’

  Travis shrugged again and placed his hands on the table, palms down. ‘Look, it’s not the end of the world. Why don’t you stay here? You can have Annie’s room.’

  ‘Are you sure?’

  ‘Absolutely.’ He reached across and took her right hand in his, giving it a gentle rub. His touch sent warm tendrils through her whole body. Then, painfully aware of her shoulder, she had to fight the urge to run her other hand up to her right shoulder and give it a rub.

  When he spoke, it helped her to change focus. ‘How about a night cap? It’s been a long day, and I think I could use one.’

  She gave him a slight nod, afraid to speak, knowing her voice would be breathless. The feelings he’d stirred with his touch were both wonderful and frightening.

  He smiled, and then stood. ‘Come have a look—we’ve got a number of liqueurs to choose from, some I haven’t even tried. Or you can have a scotch or whatever takes your fancy.’

  She followed him to the bar, and then stood looking at a huge selection of bottles.

  ‘What takes your fancy? This liqueur is nice—I’ve had it a time or two,’ he said, pointing to a bottle shaped like a monk.

  ‘Okay, I’ll try that one then.’

  He pulled two small glasses from the cupboard, and then poured the amber liquid into each one. ‘A toast,’ he said, handing her a glass and then gently tapping it with his own, ‘to long days and new friendships.’ He smiled as he lifted his glass and took a small sip.

  She closed her eyes, savouring the nutty scent as it approached her lips, and then took the smallest of sips to start. The warm sweetness tasted like liquid Heaven as she swirled it in her mouth. She took a deep settling breath, her eyes still closed. ‘Hmmm, that’s beautiful.’

  When she opened her eyes, he’d stepped closer. ‘It’s not the only beautiful thing in the room,’ Travis said, as he took another step forward and placed a hand on her back, pulling her in close.

  When their lips met, she could still taste the liqueur in her mouth, making his kiss sweeter than any she’d ever experienced. It started off soft, and slow, and warm, but when she responded it became something more.

  Travis took the glass from her hand and set it on the bar next to his own. His strong hands reached for her waist and he easily lifted her up onto the bar, bringing her face even with his. She spread her legs to allow him to lean in closer as his hands cradled her face, his thumbs caressing her cheeks, his eyes burning into her. Without even thinking, her arms encircled him, pulling him up against her chest as his lips once again took hers.

  As their kisses deepened, she struggled to breathe and her body tingled with anticipation. With her eyes closed she was weightless, floating in an abyss, no longer aware of time or place or propriety or restraint. Her hands caressed his muscular back, her fingers digging into the cotton of his shirt, wishing it wasn’t a barrier between them.

  And then he stepped back—his jagged breath a sign that this meant as much to him as it did to her. He pulled off his shirt, and then reached out and stroked her cheeks with his thumbs as his hands gently cupped her face. She closed her eyes as he came back in for another kiss—this one deep, his tongue probing, questioning, seeking.

  Now she could barely breathe, but she didn’t care. She pulled him closer as she yearned for their bodies to meld. And with every beat of her pounding heart, she became more acutely aware that she wanted this man. She wanted to feel his skin on her own. She wanted to merge their bodies, to feel his strength, to be one with him.

  She brought her arms back to her sides, and then squeezed her hands between them, fumbling with the buttons on her shirt until they were free. She hesitated for one moment, conscious of her scar, but past caring she pulled her shirt from the waist of her jeans.

  He stepped back, and helped her remove the fabric that separated them and tossed it on the floor. He stared at her, his eyes smouldering. Then he reached up and slowly ran his fingers down the scar that marked her like a brand.

  She expected him to recoil—was prepared for that response—but she wasn’t prepared for hi
m to lean forward and put his lips to the scar. His kisses began at the top of the scar, then slowly he made his way along its length, and across to the hollow of her neck, sending waves of sensation through her core. When he stopped, he leaned back and looked deeply into her eyes for a moment before pulling her close again. She was on fire now, her entire body aching with desire. When his lips met hers this time there was searing heat and desperation in their kiss.

  Both panting, he leaned back, admiring her with eyes that burnt into her soul. ‘Will you stay with me tonight?’ His voice was ragged, deep and breathless.

  She slid down from the bar, bent to retrieve their shirts from the floor, and took his outstretched hand.

  Chapter 24

  Travis woke with the first rays of the sun. Alex’s soft breathing immediately triggered a memory of the night before, bringing a smile to his face.

  His body responded as memories of their lovemaking played out in his mind, but he needed to focus on work—he had horses to prepare and a big day ahead of him.

  He slid out of bed as quietly as possible, not touching her or disturbing the sheet. As he made his way to the shower, he remembered that Nick had stayed—she’d have to face not only Denver this morning but Nick as well.

  When he returned from the shower she was sitting on the end of the bed, fully dressed, her hair pulled back away from her face in a ponytail. The only giveaway of the night’s activity was the smeared makeup around her eyes, and the slight puffiness of her bruised lips. He wanted to kiss them again, but knew if he started it would be impossible to stop. He kept his distance.

  ‘Good morning,’ he said with a smile. ‘What would you like for breakfast?’

  ‘I would kill for a coffee.’ She smiled back, raising her shoulders in a sweet shrug.

  ‘I think that can be arranged. Oh, and just so you know, Nick and Denver might both be out there—Nick stayed the night.’

  ‘Yes, I heard them come in. They walk heavily in those boots. And they were laughing.’

  ‘I didn’t hear them. Guess I’m used to Denver banging around at night. I slept like a baby.’

  Her face contorted into a smirk, but he could see the smile underneath. ‘I’ve never heard of a baby making quite that much noise.’

  He chuckled, but held his tongue. ‘Your coffee will be waiting for you.’

  A few minutes later Alex joined him in the kitchen. Whatever she’d done in the bathroom had worked—there were now no signs of the frantic activity they’d enjoyed the night before. She sat at the table, and he set a cup of steaming coffee in front of her. ‘Sugar? Cream?’

  ‘No, just black, thanks.’ She picked up the cup and blew on the top of the coffee, glancing at him from under her lashes.

  ‘What else can I get you? Toast? Eggs? Or Annie’s got all sorts of cereal in the cupboard.’

  ‘This will do until I get home. And speaking of home, you wouldn’t know where Denver would have put my keys, would you?’

  He held up a finger as he ducked into the entry hall where he hoped Denver would have had the good sense to leave them on the side table. Sure enough he had. He brought them back and set them beside her.

  ‘Perfect. Perhaps I should go, before the others get up.’

  Travis shrugged. ‘If you like. They may both sleep in a bit, but you never know.’ He pulled eggs from the fridge and set them on the side of the stove, watching as Alex took a long sip of her coffee. ‘Sure you don’t want some breakfast?’

  She looked off into the distance before swallowing the last of her coffee and standing. ‘I’d better not. So, I guess Annie won’t be in any shape to go to the rodeo or the frog jump today. Such a shame.’

  Travis frowned. ‘I suppose it depends on whether it’s the flu, or if it was what they ate.’

  Her face brightened. ‘Do you think that might be all it was? Because if so, I can check with Stacy a bit later, and if Annie’s up for it I can pick her up and bring her out to see the finals.’

  Warmth raced through him at her words. ‘Would you? She’d love to see all the finals if she’s better this morning.’

  ‘Send me Stacy’s number, and when I get home I’ll give her a call to see if Annie’s up to it.’

  He walked over and pulled her into his arms for a gentle hug. When he stepped away a slight smile teased at the corner of her mouth, and her eyes sparkled with something deeper than the passion they’d shared the night before. Whatever it was, it sent tingles through his body.

  He stepped back, and cocked his head. ‘Can I walk you out?’

  ‘No, that’s okay—I’ll just slip out quietly. You go ahead and have your breakfast. Hopefully, I’ll see you later today.’

  He gave her one last quick kiss, and then watched as she headed for the door.

  He couldn’t afford to think about her right now—he’d save all his thinking for later, after the rodeo—but he did allow himself to acknowledge one thing. He’d never wanted to be around any woman as much as he wanted to be near Alex Mason.


  Alex couldn’t stop smiling the whole way home, blushing as she remembered everything they’d done. She’d never been with anyone other than Liam—he’d been her first boyfriend, and he’d taught her everything she knew—which, if last night was anything to go by, wasn’t much.

  Once home in her own kitchen, she stood with her eyes closed waiting for the electric kettle to boil, recalling the feel of Travis’ hands and the taste of his kisses. He was like a drug, and she wanted more of him.

  And as soon as that simile crossed her mind, her sensible and protective side kicked in.

  She wasn’t in a position to allow herself to become attached to Travis. She still wasn’t certain she’d stay here longer than the summer. How was it fair to anyone, herself included, to become emotionally involved with him? Wouldn’t it be better to view the previous night as a lapse in judgement?

  She longed to speak to Casey. She would know what to do—she’d had so much more experience with love. She opened her iPad to check the time difference. It was well after midnight in Australia; far too late to ring Casey when she’d have to be up for work in just a few hours.

  When the kettle clicked off she jumped, but it wasn’t just the kettle that startled her—it was her own thoughts. Love. Could that be what was happening? Could she be falling in love with Travis? Or was it simply a strong physical attraction? After all, she hadn’t been intimate with anyone for over a year and a half. She craved his touch, wanting to feel his hands on her body again, but was that simply lust?

  Staring out the window, she watched the wind fluttering the leaves on the gum trees across the street, remembering the day they’d ridden up through the park. Even that day, when sex was the furthest thing from her mind, she’d enjoyed his company. She’d enjoyed the ride, and helping to groom the horses afterwards. And then there’d been Denver’s party—where she’d savoured the sensations as he’d pulled her in close while they’d danced.

  Her eyes shot open. How could she even be questioning this … of course she was falling in love with him.


  Travis took the last bite of his eggs as Nick stumbled into the kitchen wearing nothing but a pair of jeans and a cheeky grin. He was glad Alex had gone before his good-looking cousin appeared.

  ‘What’s for breakfast,’ Nick asked as he plonked himself down across from Travis.

  ‘Whatever you want to make. I had eggs on toast, but there’s plenty of milk and cereal if you prefer. Don’t expect me to make anything for you.’

  ‘Testy this morning. Didn’t have a good night?’

  Travis quirked a smile, not intending to give anything away. ‘Testy? No. I’m just not a short-order cook. How was the dance?’

  ‘You should have come. There were so many single ladies looking for a good time. Denver was in high demand—but I think I mi
ght have stepped on a few ladies’ toes. You’d have cleaned up, with those dark moody looks of yours. The ladies always like the brooding types.’

  Travis stood and walked around behind Nick, then smacked him on the back of the head—the same way he’d been doing since they were kids.

  ‘Ouch.’ Nick pulled a face as if it had hurt, but it was all an act.

  ‘Who’s testy now?’ Travis headed over to the kettle and flicked it on. ‘I’ll make you a cup of coffee, but that’s where I draw the line.’

  ‘Have you got many more rodeos lined up over the next few months? Will you need me to do much more riding for you?’

  ‘Doubt it. I made a couple of sales yesterday, and there’s one being looked at today. That takes my stock numbers right down. Annie’s here for the summer so I’d rather stick close to home and stay away from the rodeo scene.’

  ‘That’s good. Not that I mind going, you know that. I enjoy having an excuse to get back in the saddle.’

  ‘Yeah, I know, and I appreciate it. So, how long are you planning to stick around?’

  ‘I’ll stay again tonight, and tomorrow night too, if that’s okay with you? Stacy and I have some appointments on Tuesday … then I’ll head back home afterwards. I’ve got to be back at work on Wednesday.’

  ‘That’s fine,’ Travis said as he made Nick’s cup of coffee, wondering what sort of appointments Stacy and Nick would have, together, here in Masons Flat. ‘Something for your parents, is it?’

  Nick frowned for a moment. Then shrugged. ‘Yeah … they’re thinking of moving into a retirement community—an expensive country club sort of place. Stacy and I just want to make sure we get all our ducks in a row. Nothing major, just a bit of forward planning—make sure they don’t spend all our inheritance in one go.’

  ‘They still own the main street properties, right? And the farm? I know it’s not really any of my business, I’m only curious.’

  ‘Yeah, it’s okay. Stacy and Tim love running the farm and that’s fine by me, because you know I was never interested in raising cattle. It’ll probably go to them in the end anyway. But yeah, we need to sort out the logistics of everything else. Like, for example, there are a couple of houses just outside of town that may need to be sold, you know, that sort of thing.’


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