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Found at the Jazz Club

Page 16

by Christi Snow

“Well...yeah,” she said softly as he cupped her face tenderly. “I love you, Brady. It’s taken me a bit to get here, but I don’t doubt what I feel for you. If you still want me, I want to give us a go.”

  “I definitely still want you.” He tilted his head and gently kissed her. “Forever.”

  For the first time in days, the tension in her shoulders relaxed. In fact, with Brady’s lips on hers, she sank into his arms. She’d missed this. Even after his ordeal, his arms around her felt strong and right. He was really going to be okay.

  Brady pulled back from her. “There’s just one thing though.”

  Emily knew that should probably make her nervous, but it didn’t. She trusted Brady’s love and the depth of the emotions between the two of them now.

  So instead of panicking, she asked, “Oh, really? What’s that?”

  “I think we’re going to have to maybe take another trip to Vegas, because I can’t wait to make you my wife again.”

  She brushed her fingers over the bruise that had turned from purple to green and was now morphing into yellow. “I’m fine with that, as long as we make it a road trip.”

  “Done. Now take me home, Emily where I can show you just how thankful I am to be alive.”


  Two years later

  Brady reached into the limousine to give Emily some help getting out. Of course, he’d been taking in the vision of her ever since they left the hotel suite, but damn, she was stunning. How had he gotten so lucky to have her in his life?

  She wore her long blonde hair loose and curling around creamy exposed shoulders. The long, emerald green gown made her eyes look like they sparkled. But that could also be the excitement for the night.

  She rose from the car and wrapped her arms around him as natural as it ever felt despite the scads of cameras flashing around them. “We made it,” she breathed.

  God, he loved her. More and more with every single day that they got to spend together.

  “We did, Mrs. Gresham.” He gently chucked her cheek, not wanting to mess up her makeup. Any other night and neither one of them would care, but tonight, everything had to be perfect. He raised an eyebrow at her instead. “What do you think? Should we let them out of the car?”

  Little voices from inside the car raised in protest that they may not be released.

  Both Brady and Emily bent over to look inside. “Okay, guys, this is it,” Emily said.

  “You remember the rules, right?” Brady asked.

  “Don’t curse,” twelve-year-old Webb said as he tried again to calm the cowlick on the side of his head with a sweep of his hand.

  “Don’t be rude,” seven-year-old Mia said, her eyes sparkling just as much as her mother’s had been.

  “What’s the final rule?” Emily asked their eldest daughter, sixteen-year-old Samantha, who looked like she might throw up.

  Samantha took a deep breath. “Everyone here is a normal human being just like us, so we need to relax and have fun.”

  “Okay, gang,” Brady said. “Let’s do this.” They stepped back from the limo and let the kids alight.

  Emily’s hand clenched his, the only outward sign that she was probably as nervous as Samantha. Most normal, Hollywood types would be nervous about the premier of their movie, the one Emily had written and he had scored. But that wasn’t what troubled his Emily.

  This was the first official outing for their little family. Two years ago, they’d been married in Vegas right after Daniel miraculously woke up from his coma. Shortly afterward, they’d begun to investigate adoption and had actually started the process to adopt from a foreign country. But then a family in Denver suffered horrible loss...a house fire that killed both parents and the two youngest children.

  Both of them knew this was their sign. Three kids had survived and needed love and nurturing. Brady and Emily had love to spare, so they’d begun the adoption process. The children had moved in with them eight months ago, and the adoptions had become final six months later.

  It hadn’t been easy. The children had been through a horrible trauma. But even with each new challenge, they experienced even more rewards.

  Brady had thought he wasn’t ready to settle down in his life. He just hadn’t realized that meeting the right person changed everything.

  His life wasn’t perfect, but it was damn close.

  He pulled his family near and turned them all toward the cameras. “Come on, gang. Let’s go introduce the world to my amazing family.”



  Thank you for reading Found At the Jazz Club. Like most times when I start to write a novella, I plan for the book to be much shorter than it ends up being. That was definitely the case with Brady & Emily. They just ran away with the story and ended up with a full-length novel. I hope you all enjoyed it.

  I know that I left a few things hanging in this story, especially when it came to Daniel’s condition. Well, keep an eye out for FOUND AT THE ROCK CONCERT. An m/m/m full-length novel featuring Daniel, Luke, AND Austin! This will be the next release in the Found series.

  Would you like to receive a FREE book and find out when I release my next book? You can sign up for my newsletter e-mail list at

  You can also follow me on Twitter at @ChristiSnow, or like my author Facebook page at

  Reviews help other readers find new books. I appreciate all reviews, whether positive or negative. Thank you so much for taking the time to give feedback.

  If you liked this book, I have several other books in different genres available and coming soon.

  Found at the Library Story Description:

  They met, they connected, and then they imploded...all within ten minutes. But those ten minutes changed their lives...

  His entire life, Tommy Garrett has dealt with self-doubts. He thought he’d conquered the majority of them until a chance meeting with an author brought his illiteracy to the forefront...again. Growing up with un-diagnosed dyslexia has left Tommy barely able to read, but books are his Nirvana. Now he spends his life creating art dedicated to the love of those “untouchable” items.

  Robert McIntyre, Mac, is a best-selling, highly celebrated author. But his point of view has become a little bit too narrow...until Tommy opens his eyes. That chance meeting has changed everything about his world. He has no idea how to find the beautiful man he met, and offended, at the library book sale. But when he does, Tommy’s life is in crisis-mode. It’s the holidays and Mac can’t just standby when Tommy needs help, whether Tommy wants it or not.

  Two artistic men. One shared passion for books.

  Life is hard, and sometimes when conflict arises you have to write your own plot twist to pull yourself out of the fray.


  Found at the Bookstore Story Description

  They both think they’re too broken to make this work. But what if they’re wrong?

  After suffering a traumatic brain injury the final football game his senior year in high school, Ryder Garrett’s life was never normal again. Most days he’s happy when he can remember the way home. There’s no room in his life for romance or love, which means he’s destined to die a virgin.

  Stig Minton doesn’t remember what virginity felt like. Twelve years older than Ryder, he’s been around the block too many times to count and has the scars to prove it...both physically and mentally.

  But as these two men come together to help with a wedding, they forge a friendship, a friendship they both desperately need. As their relationship evolves, feelings go deeper. But is it stupid to risk this new—and, yes necessary—bond in pursuit of something that’s doomed to fail?

  Two broken souls may just be able to find reparation in one another...

  Book #2 in the Found Series.

  Found at the Rock Concert story description:

  A wounded rock star, a bodyguard, and a CEO get trapped in a snowed-in cabin...

  It sounds like the be
ginning of a joke, but it’s not. This is the start of an epic love story between three men. Three men who have a history twined together with encounters and impressions that have marked their years.

  They just never realized how all those brief encounters would eventually change their lives forever.

  Daniel, the rock star who survived a plane crash and is trying to figure out how to live his life without legs.

  Luke, the bodyguard who made so many mistakes and now thinks he doesn’t deserve the man he’s loved for years.

  Austin, the CEO who thinks he’s on the outside pulling the strings, but what he doesn’t realize is without him at the core, this relationship will never work...for any of them.

  Three men, one snowy winter cabin, one epic love story waiting to be discovered...

  Chapter One from Found at the Library...

  Chapter One

  When life throws you conflict, sometimes you have to create your own plot twist.

  Do Epic Shit.

  -Observations from Tommy

  Early October

  There was nothing better than this smell.

  Robert McIntyre, or Mac as all his friends knew him, picked his way around the hundreds of tables piled high with books. He inhaled and picked up a tome. The aroma of paper and ink permeated his senses like nothing else in this world. Being in the midst of all this literary brilliance was honestly his favorite time of the year. Writing was an art he appreciated with every single segment of his soul.

  He volunteered at the Denver Friends of the Library public sale every year. It was at this event that anyone, wealthy or poor, had the ability to enrich their world through the power of books. Hardbacks that normally sold for twenty-five to thirty dollars were sold here for only three. Paperbacks sold for only fifty cents. The frugal reader could come in and buy their reading material for a year for just a few dollars.

  For these three days, he provided pack-mule service for purveyors who purchased more than they could carry. The elderly volunteers wanted him for his muscle, not his own literary genius. His reward was three days surrounded by more books than he could ever read in his lifetime and the people who loved them as much as him. At every turn, there was a wonderful new bookish discovery, waiting to be found.

  As he reached for another beautiful leather-bound tome that caught his eye, his walkie-talkie buzzed on his waistband. “Mac, we need you at register four.”

  “I’ll be right there, Agnes.” He set off with a skip in his walk. Mac grinned to himself. This was his favorite part. He hoped the customer was a sci fi reader. True bibliophiles knew him and were always so excited to find him there...just like a regular person.

  He rounded the last table and the registers came into sight.

  The man in the Colorado Rockies hoodie stood at the end of the makeshift counters. From a distance he looked a little bit taller than Mac...probably six foot two or three. He had dark brown, curly hair that looked several months past when it probably should have been cut. It was the kind of hair a guy could grab a hold of and hang onto during a vigorous round of sex.

  But what caught his attention most was the gorgeous man’s easy, happy smile. It lit up his entire face, and it was a beautiful face. Mac’s breath caught in his chest at the sight of those straight teeth shining out between full lips shrouded in dark scruff. It had been a couple of days since the guy had last shaved. That beard would scrape across Mac’s nipples, leaving a buzz across his skin in its wake.

  The man leaned against a pile of boxes overflowing with books, his delectable bulge shown off to perfection in those Levi’s that had been worn so many times, they molded to his incredible thighs. He was all tall, lean, and ropey with muscle. Mac’s mouth watered.

  Wow, had it been that long since he’d had sex? Rarely did he have this kind of immediate visceral reaction to a man.

  The man in question unashamedly flirted with the ladies running the registers, and they were eating it up. It was too early in the day for any of them to have much to do yet, and they were easily charmed. Mac knew that from experience.

  Mac approached with an easy smile. “Someone called for added muscle up here?” Mac winked at Agnes and turned to the man as he grabbed the handles on the loaded dolly. “I’m Mac. I’m here to help you with your book transport.”

  The man’s eyes widened with frank appreciation as he gazed at Mac, and Mac preened internally. Aw, someone who recognized him.

  “Hi, I’m Tommy.” His voice sounded deep, husky, and just a hint away from sensual. “I told them I could handle the boxes all on my own, but they insisted you needed something to do. I think I’m okay with that.” He winked at Mac.

  Damn, this was good.

  “Yeah, they know me too well. If I don’t stay busy, I’ll buy all the choice stock, which everyone knows I don’t need. I have too many books already.” He tilted the full dolly onto its wheels. “I’ll follow you out. Just lead the way.” That way he could watch that nice ass flex as they walked.

  Tommy hefted two boxes off the counter and Mac rolled the dolly loaded up with another five boxes behind him as they went through the doors. They crossed the parking lot and headed toward an old forties, kelly green, delivery truck.

  “Wow,” Mac said when Tommy stopped beside it. “I didn’t think anything this old still ran.”

  Tommy grinned at him. “Unfortunately, the old girl would rather not. I spend as much time under her working out her kinks as I do driving her, but she’s perfect for my needs.”

  You could work on my kinks. Mac cocked an eyebrow. “Her?” He groaned. “You’re one of those guys, aren’t you? A car guy. What’s her name?”

  Tommy blushed as he opened the double doors on the back of the vehicle. That blush made him even more attractive than he’d been before, if possible. Mac had to get this cutie’s number.

  Tommy raised a flirtatious eyebrow at Mac. “I don’t know if you earned the right to her name if you’re just going to diss her. She deserves more respect than that.”

  Mac laughed. “God forbid, I can’t insult your girl here. How about I make it up to her by taking her owner out for dinner? I think I need to know more about a guy who’s such a reader.”

  They were loading the books into the back of the van, but Tommy visibly hesitated, and his shoulders stiffened. Had Mac misread his signals? He was sure the guy was gay from the way he’d been eyeing and flirting with him.

  Tommy grabbed another box, but didn’t meet Mac’s gaze this time. “Um, thanks, but I don’t think that’s such a good idea,” he mumbled with a hard edge to his tone that hadn’t been there before.

  But Mac wasn’t ready to give in that easily. “What? Dinner is always a good idea. We can eat, drink, and talk books, my personal favorite subject.”

  Tommy shook his head. “No, I don’t think that would work. Thanks, though. I appreciate all the help getting them loaded.”

  “No problem.” Mac really didn’t understand the issue here. He’d been turned down for dates before, although it admittedly had been a while, but never had he experienced such a one-eighty in a conversation before. He decided to give it one more try. “With this many books, you should have plenty of reading to keep you warm for the coming winter. Unless, you have someone at home for that job.” Maybe that’s what the issue was...he had a boyfriend.

  “No, no one at home and I don’t read.”

  Relief swamped Mac. Okay, the guy wasn’t taken so he still had a chance here. But then the rest of what he said registered. “Wait, what?” Mac sputtered. “You don’t read? How is that even possible? Why would you buy all these books then?”

  Tommy’s eyes flashed with hurt and then anger. “I repurpose them into art.”

  “You destroy books?” Mac whispered as the horror of what this man said sunk in. He wanted to yank those van doors open and pull all those precious pages away from this man. How could he have been attracted to him?

  “No, I don’t destroy them. I give them new life. I gotta go.�
� Tommy climbed into the old derelict van, while Mac’s brain spun with outrage.

  TOMMY GARRETT OPENED the old paned French door that led into the front of his store and studio space to load the boxes of books inside. His stomach still roiled with embarrassment and anger from the scene at the book sale. He’d been so happy to find such a successful haul and to have a good-looking guy flirt with him afterward had been the icing on the cake.

  Then the conversation had turned ugly. And now he felt dirty and stupid. A sick feeling settled into the pit of his stomach. He’d sworn years ago he would never give someone else the power to make him feel that way ever again. He strode back to his truck, frustration dogging his heels.

  He pulled open the double back doors of Maude. Yes, he’d named his truck Maude, and he felt somewhat vindicated that he’d never shared that with the pompous ass that had helped him load the boxes. That jerk sure as hell didn’t deserve to know.

  He examined the books as he placed them on the wall of bookshelves in his old warehouse studio. He may not read them, but when he looked at that brick wall of custom bookshelves that ran two stories high, they made him happy. Each of those books would be lovingly treasured and repurposed into something beautiful. No, it may not be their original purpose, but he liked to think he respected the books by taking the old worn out pieces and preserving their beauty in a different way.

  While in the process of emptying the third box and removing dust jackets, he saw it. On the back flap of the dust jacket, the photo of the author mocked him. The face of the same man who had stared at him in such horror this morning. His name was Robert McIntyre.

  Tommy flipped the book over and examined it more closely. This hardcover was a nice specimen. Under the dust jacket the hardback was embossed with some sort of futuristic symbol. The binding was stitch bound and the publisher used a really high quality paper. They only did these things with their best selling novelists. He looked at the cover again.


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