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Alsea Rising: The Seventh Star (Chronicles of Alsea Book 10)

Page 43

by Fletcher DeLancey

  Alsean days are divided into quarters, each five hanticks long, which reset at the end of the eve quarter. The quarters are: night, morn, mid, and eve. A specific hantick can be expressed in one of two ways: its place in the quarter or its exact number. Thus morn-three would be three hanticks into the morning quarter, which can also be expressed as hantick eight (the five hanticks of the night quarter plus three of the morning). In the summer, the long days result in sunrise around morn-one (hantick six), lunch or midmeal at mid-one (hantick eleven), dinner or evenmeal at eve-one (hantick sixteen), and sunset around eve-five (hantick twenty).


  pace: half a stride.

  stride: the distance of a normal adult’s stride at a fast walk (about a meter).

  length: a standard of distance equaling one thousand strides (about a kilometer).


  ADF: Alsean Defense Force.

  AIF: Alsean Investigative Force.

  bana: an endearment between lovers or bondmates.

  block: the emotional equivalent of fingers in the ears; a mental protection that prevents one from sensing another’s emotions.

  bondmate: a life partner.

  cinnoralis: a tree valued for its aromatic leaves (which are dried and burned for relaxation purposes) and the rich, brown color of its wood, used in woodworking and carpentry.

  cintek: the Alsean monetary unit.

  crateskate: a motorized platform for easily moving large crates or heavy equipment.

  dartfly: a small, bloodsucking fly known for its speed and agility.

  deme: honorific for a secular scholar.

  dokker: a farm animal similar to a cow. Slow moving and rather stupid, but with a hell of a kick when it’s angry or frightened.

  dokshin: vulgar term for dokker feces.

  empath (low, mid, high): the three measured levels of Alsean empathic sensitivity. Low empaths normally detect emotions only through skin contact. Mid empaths can detect emotions without touch, but only at short distances. High empaths can sense emotions at significant distances and are also capable of projecting emotions onto others.

  evenmeal: dinner.

  Fahla: the goddess of the Alseans, also called Mother.

  fairy fly: a pollinating insect famous for its camouflaging ability and gossamer wings.

  fanten: a farm animal similar to a pig, used for meat.

  front: a mental protection that prevents one’s emotions from being sensed by another. Selective emotions can be fronted; a “perfect front” refers to a protection so solid that no emotions can be sensed at all.

  gender-locked: an Alsean who is unable to temporarily shift genders for the purposes of reproduction. Considered a grave handicap, denying the individual the full blessing of Fahla.

  grainbird: a small, black-and-red bird common in agricultural fields. It is known for singing even at night, leading to an old perception of the birds as lacking in intelligence—hence grainbird is also a slang term for an idiot.

  grainstem powder: powder derived from the crushed stems of a particular grain, which yields a sweet taste. Commonly used in cooking; also used to sprinkle over fresh bread.

  hairgrass: a tall grass covered with soft, silky hairs.

  hangers: the middle echelon in the Voloth Empire, higher than slaves but much lower than citizens.

  holcat: a small, domesticated feline.

  hornstalk: a thorny, fast-growing weed.

  horten: an Alsean delicacy, often used in soup. It comes from a plant that, once harvested, stays fresh for a very short time and must be processed immediately.

  hyacot: a tree whose twigs, when snapped, provide a pleasant and long-lasting scent. Used in fine restaurants and as a room freshener.

  joining: sexual relations. Joining is considered less significant than Sharing between lovers. The two acts can take place simultaneously, though this would only occur in a serious relationship.

  leafthrum: a large, arboreal insect known for its nocturnal mating calls, which can be heard at great distances.

  losslyn: the Alsean male reproductive organ, which takes five days to produce a sperm packet. The name means “hidden seed,” referring to the fact that a losslyn is rarely visible except during a creation ceremony.

  magtran: a form of public transport consisting of a chain of cylindrical passenger carriers accelerated by magnetic fields through transparent tubes.

  marmello: a sweet, orange fruit.

  midmeal: lunch.

  molwine: the curved apex of the pelvic ridges on both male and female Alseans. A very sensitive sexual organ.

  molwyn: Fahla’s sacred tree. It has a black trunk and leaves with silver undersides. A molwyn grows at the center of every temple of decent size.

  moonbird: a bird with brilliant courtship feathers that it spreads to impress a mate. Also engages in a graceful courtship dance.

  mornmeal: breakfast.

  mountzar: a large, carnivorous animal that lives at high elevations and hibernates during the winter.

  palm touch: the standard greeting among Alseans in which two people touch their hands together, palm to palm, at eye level. The skin contact allows an exchange of emotions regardless of empathic sensitivity. It is impossible to lie during a palm touch. A double palm touch is done only among very close friends or family.

  panfruit: a common breakfast or dessert fruit, with an orange skin and blood-red pulp.

  Pit (the): Alsea’s highest security prison, consisting of five underground levels. It is reserved for empathic offenders; the underground location prevents outside contact and weak points. The worst, most violent offenders are housed in the fifth level.

  posthead: heavy wooden mallet used for driving stakes without splintering them.

  probe: to push beyond the front and read emotions that are not available for a surface skim. Probing without permission is a violation of Alsean law.

  rajalta: a spicy drink made by adding toasted seeds to shannel. A famous Whitesun specialty.

  reader card: a portable computing device composed of a flexible material that rolls into a cylinder and tucks into a pouch worn at the belt. Reader cards unroll and stiffen into a sheet for use, then relax and roll back up for storage.

  Return: the passage after death, in which an Alsean returns to Fahla and embarks on the next plane of existence.

  Rite of Ascension: the formal ceremony in which a child becomes a legal and social adult. The Rite takes place at twenty cycles, after which one’s choice of caste cannot be changed.

  sallgreen: a tree with prickly, needlelike leaves that have a pungent fragrance when crushed.

  sansara: asexual.

  shannel: a traditional hot drink, used for energy and freshening one’s breath. Made from the dried leaves (and sometimes flowers) of the shannel plant.

  skim: to sense any emotions that an Alsean is not specifically holding behind her or his front.

  Sharing: the act of physically connecting the emotional centers between two or more Alseans, resulting in unshielded emotions that can be fully accessed by anyone in the Sharing link. It is most frequently done between lovers or bondmates but is also part of a bonding ceremony (in which all guests take part in a one-time Sharing with the two new bondmates). It can also be done between friends and family, or for medical purposes.

  shek: vulgar slang for penetrative sex. Usually used as a profanity.

  sonsales: one who is empathically blind.

  Termegon Fields: the home of the Seeders, according to Voloth belief.

  tintinatalus: a tree with silver wood used in woodworking.

  torquat: a slimy, swamp-dwelling mammal that has expanded to numerous worlds in the Protectorate due to its ability to thrive in sewer systems. Often used as a pejorative.

  tyrees: Alseans whose empathic centers share a rare compatibility, which has physiological consequences. Tyrees can sense each other’s emotions at greater distances than normal, have difficulty being physically apart, and are fe
rociously protective of each other. Tyrees are always bonded, usually for life.

  vallcat: a large, solitary feline species, striped for camouflage in the open grasslands they inhabit. Vallcats are known for their strength and ferocity, though they do not attack Alseans unless provoked.

  warmron: an embrace. Warmrons are shared only between lovers, or parents and children—and then just until the child reaches the Rite of Ascension. A warmron is too close to a Sharing for it to be used at any other time.

  winden: a large six-toed mammal, adapted to an alpine environment. It is wary, able to climb nearly sheer walls, and the fastest animal on Alsea. Winden travel in herds and are rarely seen.

  winterbloom: a small, low-growing plant that flowers in the cold seasons. Its leaves have a fresh, invigorating scent.

  wristcom: a wrist-mounted communication device, often used in conjunction with an earcuff.

  zalren: a venomous snake.

  Published by Heartsome Publishing


  United Kingdom

  Also available in paperback.

  First Heartsome edition: July 2020

  Book cover design by

  Molwyn tree illustration by João T. Tavares/GOBIUS

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to action persons, living or dead (except for satirical purposes), is entirely coincidental.

  Fletcher DeLancey asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.

  Copyright © 2020 Fletcher DeLancey

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publisher, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.

  About the Author

  Fletcher DeLancey is an Oregon expatriate who left her beloved state when she met a Portuguese woman and had to choose between home and heart. She chose heart. Now she lives in the beautiful, sunny Algarve and is retraining her green thumb from wet Oregon gardening to survive-a-Mediterranean-summer gardening (and thinks about writing a new book: How I Learned to Love Succulents).

  She is best known for her science fiction/fantasy series Chronicles of Alsea, which has so far collected an Independent Publisher’s Award, a Golden Crown Literary Society Award, a Rainbow Award, and been shortlisted twice for the Lambda Literary Award. She has also been awarded the Alice B. Medal in recognition of career achievement.

  Fletcher believes that women need far more representation in science fiction and fantasy, and takes great pleasure in writing complex stories with women heading up the action. Her day is made every time another reader says, “I didn’t think I liked science fiction, but then I read yours.”

  All about Alsea:

  Also by Fletcher Delancey

  The Chronicles of Alsea series:

  The Caphenon

  Without A Front: The Producer's Challenge

  Without A Front: The Warrior's Challenge


  Vellmar the Blade




  Alsea Rising: Gathering Storm

  Alsea Rising: The Seventh Star

  Available worldwide in paperback and ebook.




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