The Occult Renaissance Church of Rome

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The Occult Renaissance Church of Rome Page 79

by Michael Hoffman

  Elgin, Raphael, 208

  Eliano, Vittorio, 296

  Eliezer ben Yoel HaLevi, 271

  Elissaios, 143

  Elizabeth I, 13-17, 66, 121, 423, 428, 433

  Elizabeth I (Johnson), 14

  Elizabeth the Queen (Weir), 16

  Empedocles, 43

  Encausse, Gérard, see: Papus

  Enchiridion sive Manuale Confessariorum et Paenitentium (Azpilcueta), 416

  Engammare, Max, 638

  Enlightenment, The, 132, 503, 586

  Ennead (Plotinus), 104

  Entdecktes Judenthum (Eisenmenger), 125

  Epikeia, 18, 20, 38, 479

  Epistle to Yemen (“Iggeret Teiman,” Maimonides), 271

  Epistolae obscurorum virorum: see Letters of Obscure Men

  Equity, 17-18, 20

  Equiprobabilism, 454

  Equivocation, 405, 408-414, 418, 420-428, 430-431, 435, 437, 440-442, 444-445, 447, 450, 452-453, 455-456, 462-465, 477, 488

  Epistola de nobilioribus philosophorum sectis (Scala), 176

  Erasmus Desiderius, 201, 256, 259, 263, 276, 301, 303-305, 312, 314-315

  Erich of Braunschweig, 284

  Ermengaud, Matfre, 274

  Esau, 561, 574

  Escorial library, 116

  Esdras, 190-191

  Etruscan, 36, 640

  Eusebius, 160

  Everard, John, 107

  Evola, Julius, 154

  Evriponus, Johannes, 239

  Ex cathedra, 58, 64

  Ex Quo Singulari (Benedict XIV), 438

  Faerie Queen, The (Spenser), 17

  Fanciulli, 225

  Farmer, Stephen A., 187, 190, 202-203, 237

  Farnese, Alessandro (Paul III), 298, 348

  Fatima, Portugal, 175

  Featley, Daniel, 25

  Fellay, Bernard, 561

  Ferdinand I, 351, 637

  Ferdinand III, 74, 75, 253

  Ferguson, Margaret W., 424-425

  Ferrante, 392-393, 395

  Ferrara, Christopher A., 614

  Ferrara, Council of, 143

  Ferrara, Ludovico da, 226

  Ferrara, University of, 184, 222

  Ferrer, Vincent, 12, 123, 125, 537

  Ficino. Marsilio, 37, 44, 80-84, 94-96, 98-103, 107, 112, 114-117, 139, 141, 152-157, 159, 163, 174, 176-181, 183-184, 192, 196-197, 200-201, 207-208, 210, 217-218, 226, 232, 357, 358, 363-364, 369-371, 392-393, 401, 501, 504, 515-516, 647

  Field, Arthur M., 115, 176

  Field, Ray, 487

  Fifty-One Theses Against Usury (Strauss), 611-612

  Fisher, John, 129, 304-306, 319

  Fitzmyer, Joseph A., 559

  Fleming, Julia A., 78, 253

  Flersheim, Philipp von, 316

  Fletcher, Joseph, 18

  Florence, city of, Republic of, 112, 135, 138, 143, 184, 226-232, 234-235, 364

  Florence Colorado Supermax, 130,

  Florenzer/Florenzen, 233

  Fontana, Domenico, 337, 373, 380-383, 385-390

  Foot, Sarah, 489-490

  Förster, Johann, 122

  Fortas, Abe, 593

  Forte, Bruno, 47, 72, 486

  Forzaté, Giovanni, 622

  Fowlie, Wallace, 356

  Foxe, John, 16

  Francis of Assisi, 229, 445

  Francis, Pope, 48-49, 54-56, 58, 60, 70, 246-247, 455, 465, 485-486, 497, 563, 586, 628, 642

  Franciscans of Medmenham, see: Hell-Fire Club

  Francois I, 400, 634

  Frankfurt Autumn Fair, 299

  Franks, Christopher A., 594, 597

  Fraser, Antonia, 409

  Franz, Raymond, 111

  Fraticelli, Franciscan, 229

  Frazier, Alison, 147

  Frederick I, 26

  Frederick II, 392

  Frederick III, 264, 392

  Freedom of the Press/Speech, 72, 149

  Freemasonry/Freemasons, 43, 46, 52, 65, 72, 107, 136, 145, 149, 176, 209-211, 339, 341, 343, 372, 376-378, 503, 522-524, 526, 535, 537, 565, 586, 642-643, 647, 649-650,

  French Revolution, 45, 132, 467

  Freiburg, University of, 257

  Frére-Colonna, Abbé, 523

  Friar Paul, 166

  Friedrich of Saxony, 317

  Fugger Bank, 19, 51, 52, 66, 316, 439, 603, 605-608

  Gabriel, Angel, 117

  Gaca, Kathy L., 493

  Gaguin, Robert, 239, 257

  Galahim (“tonsured ones”), 271

  Galatin(o), Peter (Petrus Galatinus), 269, 297, 306-307, 397-398

  Galenists, 240

  Galileo, 232

  Gallican, 135, 429

  Gamaliel, 267-268, 398, 400, 543, 578, 587

  Gamboso, Vergilio, 619

  Ganymede, 357

  Ganzfried, Shlomo, 566

  Gaon, Saaida, 120

  Gara, Giovanni di, 292

  Garcia, Peter, 502

  Gargantua and Pantagruel (Rabelais), 463

  Garin, M. Eugenio, 506

  Garnet, Henry, 424-426, 428

  Garsias, 520

  Gataker, Thomas, 25

  Gawthrop, Richard, 614

  Gay, see: Homosexual

  Gellius, Aulus, 35

  Gemara, 98

  Gematria, 184, 195, 319, 577

  Gemistos, Georgios: see Plethon

  Geneva Bible, 25, 45

  Geneva, Switzerland, 20, 21

  Geniza texts, 268

  Gennari, Giuseppe, 623

  George III, 10

  Germain of Ganay, 516

  Gersh, Stephen, 162

  Gevurah/chesed, 75

  Gezara shava, 203, 552, 480

  Ghisleri, Michele, 296-297

  Giles of Viterbo: See Viterbo, Giles

  Gilgul, 164-165, 168

  Ginsburg, Ruth Bader, 593

  Giorgio/Giorgi, Francesco di, 95, 98, 107, 183, 249, 297, 504, 520

  Giotto di Bondone, 617, 623, 626

  Giustiniani, Antonio, 291

  Glories of Mary, The (Liguori), 432, 455, 472-473

  Glory of the Olive, 455

  Gnostics, Gnosticism, Gnosis, 84-86, 101, 109, 142, 143, 209, 403

  Goddess, 14, 17, 25-26, 28, 140

  Goldmann, Nathum, 530

  Goldschmidt, E.P., 243

  Goldwaithe, Richard A., 605

  Golem, 180

  Gonzaga, Gianfresco II of Mantua, 26

  Gonzalez, Eliezer, 496

  Good Friday Prayer for the Jews in the Extraordinary Form, The, 566, 568, 572

  Gorringe, Henry Honeychurch, 377

  Göttingen, University of, 430

  Gouge, William, 25

  Gozzoli, Benozzo, 112

  Grabill, Stephen J., 492

  Graetz, Heinrich, 298

  Grafton, Anthony, 206, 398

  Grama, Saadya, 574

  Grand Lodge of Italy, 647

  Grande Congrégation Notre Dame de l’Assomption, 522

  Grand Orient of Italy, 647

  Gratian, 616, 620

  Grebe, Anja, 26

  Gregory II, 489

  Gregory III, 490

  Gregory IX, 258, 273, 616, 624

  Gregory X, 616

  Gregory XIII, 120, 381

  Gregory XIV, 250, 402

  Gregory XVI, 434

  Gregory of Nicea, 616

  Gregory the Great, 12, 496

  Gresemund, Dietrich, 239

  Grimani, Domenico, 203, 301

  Grimstad, William L., 437

  Grumett, David, 205, 500

  Guenois, Jean-Marie, 473

  Guenon, René, 154, 524

  Guidelines and Suggestions for Implementing the Conciliar Declaration Nostra Aetate, 537

  Guide of the Perplexed (Maimonides), 37, 583

  Gui, Bernard, 274

  Guglia, 379

  Guiscard, Robert, 336, 379

  Guise clan, 68

  Guizot, Francois, 21

  Gundersheimer, Werner L., 181, 256

  Gunpowder Plot, 425r />
  Gurary, Noson, 589

  Gurvitz, Yossi, 564

  Haas, Guenther H., 18

  Hacker, Joseph R., 294

  Ha-Darshan, Moses, 130

  Hades, 84

  Hagar, 561

  Hale, Robert, 483

  Halevy, Judah, 77, 292

  Ham, 37

  Hammond, Henry, 419

  Handt Spiegel (Pfefferkorn), 261-262

  Hanegraaff, Wouter J., 101, 110, 176, 195, 226, 393-394

  Hapsburg, 245

  Harvard Law School, 593

  Harvey, William, 240

  Heber, Noach, 591

  Hebrew Republic, 131

  Hegel, G.W.F., 51, 136, 561

  Hegelian/Hegelianism, 51, 136, 526, 553, 561-562

  Heidenberg, Johann see: Trithemius

  Hellenist/Hellenism, 144-145, 493

  Hell-Fire Club, 136, 463

  Henry VIII, 205, 298

  Heptaplus (Pico) 187, 193, 202, 216, 401, 505-506, 518

  Herbenus, Matthäus, 239

  Hermanubis, 343

  Herod, 111, 421

  Hermetic/Hermeticism, 78, 86, 94, 98-99, 101, 103, 110, 112, 153, 155, 184, 205-206, 208, 210, 240, 242, 249-250, 255, 343, 363, 370, 393, 395, 400, 402, 404, 499, 516, 521, 565, 569, 586, 643

  Hermetica (Scott), 94

  Hersey, George L., 643

  Hertz, Joseph, 268

  Heschel, Abraham, 531-532

  Hess, Jonathan M., 133

  Hikmat al-Ishraq (Suhrawardi), 114

  Hillel, 75, 125, 359, 398, 400, 439, 453, 552, 564, 583, 587

  Hincmar, 496

  Hinduism, 105, 373

  Hislop, Alexander, 11, 19, 24, 27

  Historia de los heterodoxos espanoles (Pelayo), 116

  Historia XX saecolorum (Giles of Viterbo), 36, 257

  Hiya Meir ben David, 290

  Hodegetria, 433

  Hollywood, 15

  Holocaustianity, 125, 476, 526-527, 529-530, 535, 537, 539, 545-546, 549, 551, 553

  Homer, 79

  Homiletic and Pastoral Review, 570-572, 578

  Homosexual/Homosexuality, 70, 83, 232, 374, 482-488, 494-498

  Homosexuality and the Western Christian Tradition (Bailey), 494

  Honorius I, 48, 73

  Honorius IV, 274

  Hoogstraeten, Jacobus (Jacob), 281, 300-302, 307, 311-312, 314-317, 520

  Hook, Judith, 636

  Hornblower, Simon, 35, 391

  Horton, Michael, 80, 87-88, 93

  Horus, 30

  Hoyos, Castrillon, 473-474

  Huerga, Cipriano de la, 119

  Huguenot, 205

  Humane Vitae (Paul VI), 435, 477, 479

  Humanism/Humanists, 18, 29, 36-37, 114, 139-140, 144, 172, 237, 256-257, 263, 275-277, 283, 285, 292, 300-303, 310, 312, 315, 317

  Humanum Genus (Leo XIII), 23, 43, 145, 209-210

  Hume, David, 504

  Hutten, Ulrich von, 284

  Huxley, Aldous, 154

  Iambilchus of Chalcis, 89, 103, 140, 154, 159, 162-163, 174

  Ibis, 81

  Ich bin ain Buchlinn, der Juden veindt is mein namen (Pfefferkorn), 266

  Idel, Moshe, 80, 153

  Ignatius of Antioch, 567

  Ignatius of Loyola, 64, 481-482,

  Ignatius Press, 157, 499

  Instruction a la France sur verité de la Roze-Croix (Naudé), 639

  Illsung, Sebastian, 606

  Illuminati/Illuminism, 114, 143, 146, 186, 522, 639

  Illustrium vivorum epistolae (Reuchlin), 311-312,

  Il Principe (Machiavelli), 345

  Imagen de la vida cristiana (Pinto),

  Imago Dei, 38, 142, 362

  Incrementalism, 70

  Index of Prohibited Books, 76, 250

  In diesem buchlein vindet yr ein entlichen furtrag wie die blinden Juden yr Ostern halten (Pfefferkorn), 263

  Indulgences, 606, 608

  Infallible/Infallibility, 30, 50, 54, 57, 59, 60-62, 68, 73, 463, 465

  Inferno, The (Dante), 71, 622, 624, 633

  Ingolstadt, University of, 186, 250-251, 304, 316-317, 402

  Immortal (Resurrection) bodies, 87, 90, 91, 162

  Initiate and cowan, 39, 362

  Innocent III, 258, 363, 576

  Innocent IV, 616

  Innocent VIII, 185-186, 191, 202, 216, 219, 223, 257, 277, 325, 503, 517-521

  Innocent XI, 134-135, 429-432, 449, 456-458, 470

  Innocent XII, 430

  Innsbrück, University of, 302

  Inquisition, 24, 100, 109, 116-117, 119-120, 152, 231, 236, 274, 277, 292, 294, 296-297, 302, 315, 358, 394, 412, 502-503

  Inter multiplices (Leo X), 603

  Ishmael, 561

  Instituto per le Opere di Religione, 175

  Instone-Brewer, David, 267

  Inter-Varsity Press, 494

  Introdu ction to Christianity (Ratzinger), 89

  Isaac, 194, 561

  Isaac, Jules, 530

  Isabella, Queen, 274, 537

  Isaiah, 209

  Iserloh, Erwin, 317

  Isis, 13, 17, 27-29, 94, 218-219, 391, 433

  Islamic: see Muslim

  Isserles, Moses, 291

  Istoria di tutte l’eresie, (Bernino), 521

  Jackson, Andrew, 9

  Jacob, 454, 561

  Jacob ben Asher, 270

  Jacob ben Hayyim ibn Adoniyahu, 290

  Jair, Pinchas ben, 130

  James I, 121

  James I of Aragon, 269

  James II, 135

  Jansenist/Jansenism, 419, 456

  Janus, 35, 36

  Jardine, David, 425

  Jefferson, Ann, 406

  Jefferson, Thomas, 152

  Jena, University of, 240

  Jerman, James, 497

  Jerome, St. 401, 615

  Jessenius, Johannes, 208

  Jesuit/Jesuits, 64, 135, 250-251, 299, 409, 415, 417-419, 422-424, 426-428, 454, 456, 479, 482-483, 485-486, 499, 522, 530

  Jewish People and their Sacred Scriptures in the Christian Bible,

  The, 551-554, 559

  John XXII, 49

  John XXIII, 39, 46, 73, 455, 530

  John-Paul II, 9, 38-40, 67, 69, 81, 91, 100, 123, 133, 196, 359-360, 362, 368-369, 432, 455, 465, 474-475, 482, 487, 498, 500, 505, 526, 537-545, 548-551, 554, 558, 563, 587, 631

  John XII, 49

  Johnson, Paul, 14, 15-16

  Johnson, Samuel, 444, 446

  Jonathan Levi Zion, 284

  Jone, Heribert, 233

  Jones, Frederick M., 455

  Jones, G. Lloyd, 120, 126, 129-130

  Jones, Jim, 34

  Jonestown, 34

  Jonson, Ben, 29

  Jordan, Mark D., 481, 496-497

  Joseph of Cupertino, 32

  Jove, 27

  Juan I, 274

  Juan Diego, 359

  Jud, Leo, 121, 126

  Judah in Genesis 38, 167-171, 560

  Julius II, 34, 219, 234, 314, 357, 394, 606

  Julius III, 294

  Justin Martyr, 28, 268

  Kabbalah/Kabbalism, 22, 24, 36, 38-39, 43, 72, 75, 78, 80, 93, 94, 106, 113-114, 119, 128-129, 145, 153-155, 159, 163-165, 167-168, 170-173, 180, 184-185, 187, 189-190, 193-194, 195, 198, 200, 203, 205, 210, 214-216, 244-246, 254, 258-260, 270, 275, 277-279, 281, 287-290, 293, 295-296, 298-301, 304, 306, 309, 311-312, 316-320, 350, 396, 397, 401, 405, 454, 482, 503, 506, 518, 522-524, 528, 530-531, 533, 539, 549, 551, 553, 561, 565, 568, 589, 591, 598, 615, 637-641

  Kadmon, Adam, 214-216,

  Kaganovich, Lazar, 579

  Kant, Immanuel, 45, 132-134, 504

  Kaplan, Edward K., 531

  Karaism, 120

  Karo, Joseph, 566, 582

  Katzenellenbogen, Meir, 290-292

  Katzenellenbogen, Shmuel, 290

  Keech, Dominic, 243

  Khunrath, Henricus/Heinrich, 107-108, 240

  Kimchi, David, 118, 130

  King James Bible, 121, 399

  Kingsley, Charles, 441-445, 447-450

  Kirby, John, 487

  Kircher, Athanasius, 521

  Kirk, Kenneth E., 431

  Kirkpatrick, Robin, 622

  Kiryas Joel Village School District v. Grumet, 591

  Kiryat Arba, 575

  Koch, Anton, 434

  Koepfel, Wolfgang, 263

  Kohl, Benjamin G., 625

  Kol Nidrei, 406, 423, 437, 459

  Kraye, Jill, 83, 142

  Krishnamurti, Jiddu, 524-525

  Kristeller, P.O., 115, 516

  Kunigunde of Bavaria, 280, 284

  Kuntz, Marion L., 639

  Kuzari (Halevy), 292

  Lactanius, 97

  Laertius, Diogenes, 93

  Lake Garda Statement, 614

  Lakewood Yeshiva, 574

  Lamont, John, 570-573, 578, 580-586

  Landau, Ezekiel, 166

  Landino, Cristoforo, 115

  Landsknecht mercenaries, 634

  Langer, Ruth, 269, 274

  Langland, William, 125

  Langton, Stephen, 32

  Las leyes de todos los reynos de Castilla (Celso), 117

  Lateran Council(s), 24, 91, 256, 313, 576, 607, 616, 623

  Latin Mass: see Tridentine Latin Mass

  Latin Mass Society of England and Wales, 566-572, 584-586

  Latria, 100

  Lattes, Isaac ben Immanuel de, 299

  Law, Bernard, 498

  Lazzarelli, Alessandro, 392

  Lazzarelli, Ludovico, 200, 297, 392-396, 401

  Lea, Henry Charles, 414

  Leadbeater, C.W., 129, 524-525

  Lefebvre, Marcel, 40, 72

  Legatt, John, 25

  Legionaries of Christ, 486, 498

  Leijenhorst, Cees, 208, 402-403

  Lemon, Rebecca, 425

  Lenzi, Lorenzo, 230

  Leo II, 48

  Leo IX, 483

  Leo X, 51, 52, 70, 106, 107, 125, 138, 166, 227, 235, 256-259, 281-283, 285-289, 294-295, 297-302, 304, 306-307, 310, 312-315, 317-319, 328, 348, 365, 379, 394, 397-398, 412, 504, 518, 521, 550, 601-605

  Leo XIII, 23, 43, 59, 145, 151, 209, 363, 602

  Leo the Great, 616

  Le saincte et trés chrétienne cabale (Thenaud), 401

  Les Soirées de Saint-Petersbourg (Maistre), 523

  Lessing, G.E., 88

  Lessius, Leonard, 417, 468

  Letters of Obscure Men, 106, 275-276, 283, 302, 305, 315

  Lévi, Éliphas, 215, 523-524

  Levine, Amy-Jill, 547-548, 587

  Levirate marriage, 164-165, 167-168

  Levita, Elias, 297

  Levy, Leonard W., 421

  Lewin, Nathan, 352, 591, 593

  Lewis, Mary Tompkins, 113

  Ley, John, 25

  Libavius, Andreas, 240

  Libellus de Litteris sanctis (Giles of Viterbo), 289

  Liber Gomorrhianus (Damian), 482-483

  Liberius, Pope, 48-49

  Liber sacrosancti evangelii de Iesu Christo Domino, 351, 637

  Life of John Picus Mirandula, The (Thomas More), 205, 326

  Liguori, Alphonsus, 75, 346, 354, 405, 416-418, 420, 431-432, 434-437, 439-445, 448-450, 452-464, 466, 468-473, 476-480


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