The Occult Renaissance Church of Rome

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The Occult Renaissance Church of Rome Page 80

by Michael Hoffman

  Liguorianism, 441, 444, 477

  Lille-III, University, 499

  Linga, Gudimallam, 338, 373

  Linker, Damon, 71

  Lior, Dov, 575

  Little Egypt, 376

  Livanos, Christopher, 149

  Lives of Eminent Philosophers (Diogenes), 93

  Lobkowitz, Jan Popel von, 253

  Loew, Judah, 180, 319

  Loew, Kate, 314

  Lohr, Charles H., 141

  Lombardo, Tullio, 618-619

  Lombards, 66

  Long Sermon on Usury, (Luther),

  Lothair II, 496

  Louis XII, 314

  Louis XIV, 135

  Louis the Pious, 272

  Louise of Savoy, 400

  Louvain, University of, 253, 417

  Lovecraft, H.P., 372

  Lubac, Henri de, 204-205, 318, 499-507, 509, 511-518, 520-521

  Lubicz, R.A. Schwaller de, 202

  Lubin, Eilhard, 208

  Lucrum cessans, 21, 596, 600,

  Ludwig X, 640

  Luke, St., 398

  Lull, Ramon, 139, 184, 196, 521

  Lully, Raymond, see: Lull

  Lutheran, 66, 208, 240, 283, 302, 313, 315-317, 615, 634

  Luther, Martin, 19, 49, 50, 51, 83, 121, 123-125, 130, 142, 157, 232, 289, 311, 315-317, 418, 492, 607-615

  Lyons, France, 21

  Lyons, Matthew, 14

  MacArthur, John F., 198

  Macbeth, 425-426

  MacGuigan, Mark, 479

  Machiavelli, Niccoló, 67-68, 226, 234, 345, 477

  Maciel, Marcial, 486, 498

  Madden, Andrew, 487

  Maderno, Carlo, 390

  Mafia, 68

  Magic Flute, The (Mozart), 642-643,

  Magi, 79, 109-113, 143-144, 157, 178, 195, 203, 639

  Magister, Sandro, 70

  Magna Carta, 32

  Magnus, Albertus, 241

  Mahony, Roger, 283, 498, 540

  Mahzar, Fahreda, 376

  Maimonides, Moses, 37, 75, 187-188, 264, 267, 271, 290, 395, 406, 538, 564, 566, 573-574, 578, 581-583

  Maier, Michael, 108

  Mair, John, 18

  Maistre, Joseph de, 522-523

  Mallinckrodt, Bernhard von, 254

  Manichaean, 43, 86, 162

  Man as god, 99, 100, 142, 150, 177, 180-181, 192, 201, 221, 265, 319, 598

  Manetti, Giovanni, 231

  Manning, Henry Edward, 434, 452

  Mansfield, Mary C., 625

  Mantua, Lords of, 222

  Marano, Pietro da, 625

  Margaret of Pforzheim, 257

  Margaritha, Anthonius, 269, 275

  Marini, Piero, 359-360

  Maroldi, Marco, 502

  Mars Hill, 93

  Marsi, Paolo, 393

  Marti (Martin), Ramon (Raymundus Martini), 166, 307, 569

  Martin, Malachi, 530

  Martines, Lauro, 224, 226-227, 229, 231

  Martinism, 522

  Marto, Jacinta, 175

  Martyn, J. Louis, 267

  Maruffi, Silvestro, 231

  Marx, Chico, 56

  Marx, Reinhard, 132

  Mary I, (“Bloody”), 14, 15, 16, 428

  Mary, Blessed Virgin, 25-26, 27, 29, 175, 244, 261, 264, 308, 398, 424-425, 431, 433, 458, 472-473, 618, 625

  Masai, Francois, 132

  Mason, Henry, 422

  Matt, Daniel, 193

  Matt, Michael J., 614

  Mattei, Robert de, 54, 132, 633, 635

  Matthew, St., 111

  Maurer, Wilhelm, 260

  Maximilian I, 239, 258, 263, 266, 280-281, 284

  Maximus the Confessor, 162

  McCall, Brian M., 598, 600

  McCaul, Alexander, 12

  McConica, James K., 305

  McIntosh, Christopher, 95, 107, 183, 524

  McIntyre, James, 31

  McNamara, Kevin, 488

  McNeice, Damian, 487

  McQuaid, John Charles, 488

  Mediator Dei (Pius XII), 52

  Medici, 51, 68, 70, 112, 138, 184, 222, 228, 234, 310, 313, 315, 356-357, 360, 601-603, 605-606,

  Medici Bank, 66, 349, 633

  Medici, Cosimo de, 80, 112, 138, 143, 151, 153, 156

  Medici, Ferdinando Cardinal de, 381

  Medici, Giovanni di Lorenzo de (Leo X), 54, 138, 234-235, 256, 348, 603

  Medici, Giuliano Mariotto de, 236

  Medici, Giulio di Giuliano de (Clement VII), 138, 348

  Medici, Lorenzo de, 81, 115, 138, 216, 236, 258, 285, 518

  Medici, Maddalena de, 518

  Medici, Marie de, 240

  Medici, Piero de, 138

  Medici, Vieri di Cambio de, 602

  Medigo, Elia del, 190

  Melanchthon, Philipp, 317

  Mendoza, Diego Hurtado de, 117

  Mental reservation/mental restriction, 405, 408, 410-411, 413-416, 418, 420, 422-425, 427-431, 437, 440-441, 445, 447, 452-453, 455-456, 458, 463, 465

  Mercati, Michele, 379

  Mercia, 28

  Mercury/Mercurius, 39, 81, 94-95, 97, 108, 117, 155, 178-179, 188, 218, 370, 393, 395, 402, 516, 544

  Meshummadim, 269-271

  Mesmer, Anton, 643

  Metempsychosis, see: Reincarnation

  Mexia, Pedro, 116

  Mexico City, 359

  Meyrick, Frederick, 45, 419-420, 437, 440, 443, 448-450, 452, 455-456, 462, 464, 468, 470-472

  Michael, the Archangel, 25

  Michelangelo, 256, 299, 330-331, 333, 356-358, 360, 364-368, 626

  Midrash, 167, 168, 170-171, 215

  Miller, David C., 150

  Miller, James D., 396

  Mills, C. Wright, 193

  Mills, Robert, 490

  Milton, John, 444, 446

  Milward, Peter, 428-429,

  Minim/min, 267-273

  Miracle of the Usurer’s Heart, 618

  Mirandola, Antonmaria della, 202-203

  Mirandola, Galeotto della, 202-203

  Mirandola, Gianfrancesco Pico della, 44, 187, 202-205, 236, 520

  Mirandola, Giovanni Pico della, 37, 44, 78, 80, 94, 100, 114, 139, 152, 155-157, 180-211, 214, 216-221, 226, 235-237, 256-259, 261, 265, 277-278, 305-306, 318-320, 324, 326, 356-364, 395, 401, 500-509, 511-522, 539, 552, 569, 647-651

  Mises, Ludwig von, 400

  Mishnah, 98, 128, 295, 406, 589

  Mishneh Torah, (Maimonides) 264, 267, 271, 290, 292, 406, 574, 582

  Misunderstood Jew, The (Levine),


  Mithra, 30

  Mithridates, Flavius, 186, 190, 219, 244, 256-257

  Moffit, Pauline, 358

  Molestation of children, 69, 374-375, 410, 453, 466, 473-474, 481-482, 487, 497-498, 540, 564, 587

  Molko, Solomon, 136

  Molnar, Thomas, 142, 172

  Moncada, Guglielmo Raimondo de, 190, 244

  Moneglia, Paolo, 503

  Montalto, Felice Peretti de (Sixtus

  V), 344, 381-382

  Montano, Benito Arias, 118-119

  Monte Citorio obelisk, 336, 379

  Monte di Pieta bank, 229-230, 600-604

  Montefiore, Sebag, 579

  Moral and Devotional Theology of the Church of Rome (Meyrick), 420

  Morals and Dogma (Pike), 343

  Moral Theology (Liguori), 354, 417, 432, 434-437, 449, 455, 457-459, 463, 466, 468, 478-479

  Moral Theology (Jone), 233

  More, Henry, 83

  More, Thomas, 37, 203, 205, 326

  Moreira, Isabel, 496

  Moreno, Manuel, 473

  Moreschini, Claudio, 396, 402-403

  Mormon, 149

  Moscato, Judah ben Joseph, 292-293, 298

  Moses, 77-80, 98, 98, 153, 194, 214, 248, 369

  Moses de Leon, 24, 39

  Moses of Mardin, 637

  Mosheim, Johann Lorenz von, 430

  Mount Sinai, 39

  Moving the Obelisks (Dibner), 375

  Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
, 642-643

  Muccillo, Maria, 208

  Munkelt, Richard A., 614

  Münster, Sebastian, 121, 126

  Murphy Report (Ireland), 487-488

  Muslim, 30, 34, 75, 117, 147, 429

  Muslow, Martin, 205

  Myers, Ellen, 172

  Nahmanides (Nachmanides), Moses, 75, 163-164, 166, 174-175

  Narboni, Moshe, 80

  Nathan the Wise, 88

  Naudé, Gabriel, 639

  Navarrus, see: Martin de Azpilcueta

  Needham, Marchamont, 126

  Nejeschleba, Tomás, 208

  Neoplatonism/Neoplatonic, 30, 36, 78, 80, 87-88, 93, 140, 144, 146, 150, 153, 154, 156-159, 161, 163, 174, 180, 226, 247, 257, 306, 362, 647

  Nero, 379

  Neshama HaElyonah, 69

  Nesi, Giovanni, 504

  Netanel, Neil Weinstock, 291

  Neuenahr, Hermann von, 315

  Neusner, Jacob, 539, 582

  New Art of Lying, covered by the Jesuits under the Vaile of Equivocation (Mason), 423

  Newman, John Henry, 58, 435, 440-452, 464-465

  Newsome, David, 441

  Nicholas V, 26, 148, 643

  Nicholas of Cusa, 80, 88, 139-141, 143, 149, 504, 517

  Nichols, Aidan, 501

  Nikolaus of Schönberg, 640

  Nine Hundred Conclusiones/Theses (Pico), 184-189, 196, 202, 216, 325, 506, 517, 519, 521

  Nini, Marcantonio, 313

  Nizzahon Vetus, 264, 272

  Noah, 37

  Noahide Laws, 573-574, 581

  Noble, David, F., 497

  Nokri, 413

  Nold, Patricia, 147

  Nomoi (Plethon), 146, 151

  Nominalist/Nominalism, 17-18, 51, 258, 586

  Noonan, John T., 478, 597

  Norwich, John Julius, 483

  Nostra Aetate (Vatican II), 41, 44, 124, 527, 529-538

  Notre Dame University, 20

  Nova, brevis, veraque de universo philosophia (Patrizi), 208, 403

  Novelty and Nullity of the Papal Dogma, The (Coxe), 435

  Novo, Archangelus de Borgo, see: Pozzi, Angiolo

  Nullification of the Torah, 287

  Obach, Robert, 479

  Obelisk, 336-340, 342, 344, 372-391

  Oblation, oblates, Child, 489

  O’Callaghan, Daniel, 258-260,

  Ockham, William of, 18

  O’Connor, Flannery, 8

  Octobri Mense (Leo XIII), 151

  Odescalchi bank, 135

  Odeschalchi, Benedict (Innocent XI), 429, 456

  Oedipus Aegyptiacus (Kircher), 521

  Ogren, Brian, 165, 175

  Olcott, Henry, 524

  Old Paths/Talmud Tested, The (McCaul), 12

  Oleck, Howard L., 18

  Olivieri, Benvenuto di Paolo, 605

  Olsen, Lenn W., 496

  O’Malley, John, 289, 503

  O’Malley, Sean, 529

  Onan/Onanism, 167-169, 479, 495

  On Dr. Newman’s Rejection of Liguori’s Doctrine of Equivocation (Meyrick), 450

  OnePeterFive (blog), 572, 586

  Opus Morale (Sanchez), 415

  Oral Law/Oral Torah “of Moses,” 22, 190, 198, 259, 307, 352, 477

  Oratio de hominis dignitate see: Oration on the Dignity of Man

  Oration On the Dignity of Man (Giovanni Pico della Mirandola), 38, 100, 114, 182, 205, 364, 518, 647-650

  Order of Elect Coens, 522

  O’Reilly, Damian, 488

  Origen of Alexandria, 25, 87, 362

  Or-ha-Sekhel (Abulafia), 80

  Original Sin, 142-144, 492

  Orpheus/Orphic, 83-85, 95, 98, 104, 139-141, 154, 356, 361, 363, 403, 521

  Orsini, Giambattista, 502

  Orthodox, Greek and Russian, 63, 73, 79, 144, 148

  Orthodox Judaism, 165

  Orwell, George, 232

  Osiander, Andreas, 122

  Osiris, 27, 30, 94, 218-219

  Ottoboni, Pietro Vito (Alexander VIII), 430

  Ottolenghi, Yosef, 297

  Ottoman, 31

  Ovide Moralisé, 140

  Oxford University, 463

  Padua, city of, 617-618, 621-622, 624-625,

  Padua, University of, 139, 184, 208, 222

  Paine, Thomas, 10

  Pagninus, Sanctes, 118, 126

  Paley, William, 444, 446

  Palleschi, 112

  Pantheism, 93

  Paolucci, Antonio, 368

  Papageno, 642-643, 645

  Papal apartment, 26, 322

  Papus (Gérard Encausse), 524

  Paracelsus, 240

  Parker, Eleanor, 32

  Paris, University of, 184, 257, 301

  Parsons, Robert, see: Persons, Robert

  Parrot (as familiar), 644

  Parrot’s Court, 643-644, 646

  Pascal, Blaise, 76, 410, 422, 609

  Pascendi Dominici Gregis (Pius X), 105, 211-213, 363

  Pasque di Sangue (Toaff), 585

  Pastor aeternus (Vatican Council I), 53, 54, 57, 58, 61

  Pastor, Ludwig von, 302, 634

  Pastoral technique/Pastoral tactic, 54, 55

  Patrides, C.A., 84

  Patrizi, Francesco, 163, 208, 250, 402-404, 504

  Paul II, 393

  Paul III, 298-299, 348, 357, 364-365, 516, 521, 640

  Paul IV, 358

  Paul VI, 9-10, 31, 211, 475-477, 500, 527, 530-531, 537-538, 565

  Paul VI, Mass of, 63, 65, 72-73, 475

  Paul de Santa Maria of Burgos, 274

  Paul the Apostle, 90, 92-93, 97-98, 114, 154, 157, 160, 243, 275, 410, 474, 484, 495, 528, 533, 535-536, 541, 543-544, 546, 548, 554, 556-559, 561, 580, 587,

  Pavia, University of, 184, 503

  Payer, Pierre S., 484, 490

  Payne, Ivan, 487

  Pelagian heresy, 243

  Pelagius of Majorca, 243

  Pelayo, Marcelino Menéndez, 116

  Pellican, Jaroslav, 157

  Pellican, Konrad, 121

  Pensées (Pascal), 422

  People’s Temple, 34

  Perani, Mauro, 244

  Perennial philosophy: see Philosophia perennis

  Perez, 560

  Perjury, 415, 417-418, 462

  Perkins, William, 427

  Persian/Persia, 79, 111, 114, 143, 153, 197, 403

  Persons, Robert, 409, 417, 424, 427-428

  Perugino, Pietro, 332

  Peruzzi bank, 66

  Pescia, Fra Domenico da, 225, 231

  Pesellino, Francesco, 619

  Peshat, 118

  Peter of Cervatos, 497

  Peter Romanus, 55, 177, 455

  Peter, Saint, 35-36, 40, 160, 183, 379

  Peters, Edward, 629

  Petrarch, Francesco, 37, 144

  Petroio, Bartolomeo Brandano of Siena, 355, 632-633, 635-636

  Petrucci, Alfonso, 313

  Pe’ullath Ha-Yetzirah (Eleazar of Worms), 395

  Pfefferkorn, Johann, 113, 260-263, 266, 269, 275-285, 287, 292, 296, 299-300, 303-309, 311, 315, 320, 586

  Pforzheim, 257

  Phaedrus (Plato), 156, 356

  Pharaoh’s sorcerers, 214

  Pharmakos, 216

  Philip II, 117-119

  Philip of Palatine, Elector, 259

  Philipp of Hesse, 317

  Philolaus, 84

  Philo of Alexandria, 160

  Philosophia perennis, 78, 110, 113, 516

  Phratria, 146

  Piagnoni, 235

  Pican, Pierre, 473

  Piccolomini, Francesco, 163, 208

  Pic de la Mirandole: études et discussions (de Lubac), 500, 504-505

  Picotti, G.B., 313

  Piers the Plowman (Langland), 125

  Pike, Albert, 343

  Pilate, Pontius, 166

  Pilpul, 70, 203

  Pimander, 81, 96, 100, 107, 153, 218, 393

  Pinckaers, Servais, 454

  Pines, Shlomo, 37, 583

  Pinto, Hect
or, 119

  Pintoricchio, Bernardino/Bernardo, 27-28, 217, 219, 322, 356

  Piombo, Sebastino del, 357

  Pirckheimer, Willibald, 276

  Pisa, Daniel ben Isaac da, 78

  Pisano, Arnolfo, 617

  Pisano, Giovanni, 617

  Pius II, 392

  Pius IV, 21

  Pius V, 295-297, 416

  Pius VI, 336, 379

  Pius VIII, 54, 66-67, 347, 602-603, 631

  Pius IX, 61, 211-212, 363, 434

  Pius X, 43, 66, 98, 105, 136, 201, 211-213, 363, 478, 503, 521, 631

  Pius XII, 10, 52, 59, 64, 175, 306, 434, 466, 478, 631

  Pizzighettone, David ben-Eliezer Halevi, 290

  Plastina, Sandra, 208

  Platina, Bartolomeo, 27, 393

  Plato/Platonism, 78-88, 90, 93, 94-96, 98, 102-103, 109, 112, 114, 117-118, 132, 139-141, 144-145, 152, 156-158, 160, 162-164, 173-174, 176, 188, 222, 237, 323, 356-357, 362-364, 404, 493, 500, 515-516, 530

  Platonic Academy of Florence, 115, 144

  Platonic Theolgia (Ficino), 401

  Plethon/Pletho, 113, 143-151, 157, 222

  Plocker, Sever, 578, 580

  Plotinus, 83-84, 104, 113-114, 150, 178-179, 184, 217

  Pneuma, 162

  Podhoretz, John Mordechai, 575

  Poggio, Francesco, 308-309

  Poimandres, 92, 368

  Política para Corregidores y Señores de vasallos (Bobadilla), 115

  Poliziano of Florence, 284

  Polyglot Bible (Royal/Plantin), 116-118

  Polygraphia (Trithemius), 236, 244-245,

  Pompeius, Festus, 33

  Pool/Poole, Matthew, 22, 25-26, 539

  Pontius Pilate, 409

  Ponzo, Domenico da, 225

  Popper, William, 280, 292

  Poppins, Mary, 642

  Porcari, Girolamo, 225

  Porphyry of Tyre, 152, 245

  Porta, Giacomo della, 379

  Postel, Guillaume (“Rorispergius”), 636-638

  Pozzi, Angiolo, 518

  Prague, 72, 178, 317

  Prati, Bernardo, 299

  Prato, Felice de (Pratensis), 286-287

  Prato, Massacre of, 233

  Preface to an Ordinance of the Common Chest (Luther), 608

  Prévotat, Jacques, 497

  Price, David H., 295, 309, 316

  Prierio, Silvestro Mazzolini da, 410

  Prima Secundae (Vasquez), 413

  Primus inter pares, 61

  Prisca theologia, 76, 96, 103, 108, 111, 152, 154-155, 162, 172, 205, 358, 361, 490, 498

  Priscillianists, 419

  Private judgment, 70-71

  Probabilism/Probablist, 73-74, 413, 415-416, 422, 452, 466, 478

  Proclus of Lycia, 103, 140, 154, 158, 163, 184, 188

  Prokofieff, Sergei O., 524

  Prometheus, 117

  Protagoras, 406

  Protestant/Protestantism, 78, 87, 106, 121, 205, 221, 229, 301, 320, 410, 427, 433, 435, 442, 444, 451, 460, 465, 484, 496, 525, 545, 602, 612

  Provan, Charles D., 492

  Provincial Letters (Pascal), 76, 419, 609


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