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The Timber Effect

Page 14

by Jacklyn Reynolds

  "I told her that I was honored but I have a boyfriend," said Timber. "I had to assure her it wasn't because of her Autism. I recommended that she ask out Lilly Lopez."

  "Lilly?" asked Henry in shock.

  "You didn't know?" asked Timber in equal surprise. "Lilly came out two years ago. I was in disbelief for a while like everyone else, but we all love Lilly so no one treated her differently. Well, except Diana. Though, if I'm honest, even if Lilly says yes, they won't last long. I think Michelle is more curious than anything. I don't think she's really into girls."

  "Timber, the girls are here!" called Grace. "Are you ready?"

  "I'll be down in a second!" Timber turned to Henry. "You should wait to leave my room until after I'm gone, for the sake of your own sanity."

  Henry grinned, kissed her goodbye, and Timber went down the stairs where she was greeted with happy cries and covered with hugs. They followed Grace out to Chad's minivan and piled in. Timber turned on the radio and the girls began a sing along with their favorite songs on the way to the hotel.

  Grace took them across town and dropped them off in front of the Beachcomber Hotel while she went to park the van. It was a nice hotel with easy access to Pudding Creek Beach. When Grace parked, they went to the counter to check in. Once everyone had a key, the girls headed to their room on the top floor while Grace headed to her room on the first floor. Timber had been given one hundred and fifty dollars for pizza delivery, drinks and any other snacks they wanted as well as a movie rental.

  "Your aunt is amazing, Timber," said Gina.

  "I know," said Timber.

  When they found their room, they opened the door and squealed in excitement. Grace had reserved a full suite with a king-size bed. Outside the window, there was a spectacular view of the Pacific Ocean. The girls chatted happily while they changed into their warm clothes for a bonfire on the beach. Timber went into the bathroom to change like she usually did. She was still insecure about her size despite her weight loss, but she was also very careful to hide the large scars she received during her fight with the Vanquisher.

  As they went down the trail to the beach, Timber contemplated telling the girls about her true self. Chad and Grace said she could tell whoever she wanted when she turned eighteen in two days. Timber was mentally debating whether she should tell them while they were at the hotel.The large bonfire was comforting to Timber. Ashley brought marshmallows from home to roast. Kendra brought her guitar and played while all five girls sang along even though Kendra was the only one who could carry a tune. After twenty minutes, Timber had gone to get firewood and took off her light pink fleece jacket so as not to get it dirty. When she got into the light from the fire and dropped the firewood, she heard a squeak. Ashley was staring at the scars on her shoulder.

  "Where the hell did you get these?" demanded Ashley getting up and holding Timber by the arm. "Mr. Santelli isn't hurting you, is he?"

  "No, he's not," said Timber, instantly regretting not keeping her sweater on. "He's very gentle with me."

  "Then where did these new scars come from? You didn't have them when we went to the Russian River in July!"

  Timber hesitated. She realized that she was backed up against the wall and she saw no way around telling them about her secret. She couldn't lie either so there was no other option. She sighed.

  "I think you all need to sit down," she said heavily. "It's going to be a lot to take in."

  "A secret?" said Ashley. "I thought we agreed there would be no secrets!"

  "When I tell you, you're going to understand why I kept it a secret. I got the scars from a fight."

  "With whom?" asked Kendra, obviously taken aback that Timber was in a fight.

  "The Blue Lady," said Timber.

  "No you didn't," said Ashley, shaking her freckled face. "I saw that fight. That was a wolf, not you. There's no way you're the high school's spirit guardian."

  "You're right. I'm not a spirit guardian, but I was the wolf," said Timber. "I've always found it ironic that my high school mascot is a timber wolf since that's what I am."

  "Are you insane?" said Xianna. "That's not possible."

  "If I show you, you're going to freak out," said Timber. "Just don't run away."

  Timber sighed and sniffed the air. There was no one else on the beach and they couldn't be seen by anyone in the hotel. Timber transformed into a large, powerful timber wolf right on the beach. The girls gasped and moved backward, away from Timber with worry on their faces.

  "Oh my Goodness! Esto no es posible! Esto no está sucediendo!" cried Kendra.

  "What the hell?" yelled Xianna.

  Timber transformed back and sat down on the sand with her hands on her face. After a few moments of silence, Timber looked up at them, eyes full of sadness and worry and said, "Do you understand why I didn't tell you? I knew you'd freak out."

  "So what exactly are you?" asked Gina.

  "I'm a wolf," said Timber. "I'm a timber wolf with a shapeshifting ability to be exact. That's why my name is Timber. I was born in a sanctuary called Haven in a city called Heiligdom. My parents were murdered when I was nine. They didn't die in an accident. That's why I live with my aunt and uncle. They know what I am. So does Henry."

  "So your boyfriend finds out before we do?" said Ashley angrily. "How's that fair?"

  "Henry already knew about Haven because he knows people who are from there," said Timber. "He was going to figure it out sooner or later." Timber paused. "Are you more upset about me not telling you, or me not being human?"

  "I think we're more upset about you not telling us," said Xianna who, like the rest of the girls, was beginning to calm down. "We've known you for nine years and we know that you're a good person. I wish you trusted us enough to tell us."

  "I've wanted to tell you for years," said Timber. "Uncle Chad said that I couldn't tell anyone until I was eighteen. I had to tell Henry because he comes over a lot and he would notice that I'm different because he knows what to look for. This is why I didn't want you to come over when I was sick. When I'm sick, I don't have enough energy to stay like this and I turn back into a wolf. I sleep in my real form too. Whenever we had sleepovers, I never actually slept. That's why I love meat so much and that's why I could run long distances so easily."

  "Timber, thank you for telling us," said Ashley gently. "We're still your friends and we still love you."

  "Thanks," said Timber. She sighed in relief and got to her feet. She added the extra wood to the fire and stretched before sitting down again. "So you're not afraid of me?"

  "I'm not," said Xianna.

  "We're not either," said Kendra and Timber smiled as her heart filled with joy.

  "This explains your yiping noise," said Gina with a tone of understanding.

  "What yiping noise?" asked Timber.

  "When you get really excited, you make a yiping noise," said Gina. "Your scream sounds like a howl. You used to spin in a circle too but you stopped eventually. Any loud, high sound you make sounds canine. This explains it. You are a canine."

  "So is that why no one answered my question when I asked why you had a leash but no dog?" asked Xianna.

  "The leash is for me," sighed Timber with a tone of hurt pride. "I couldn't shift between forms when I first moved in with my aunt and uncle and I couldn't stay home alone. They had no choice but to teach me to walk on a leash because of the law. There are still times I have to be on a leash when I'm too sick to stay in this form and I have to leave the house. I don't like it but it's the law. Grace tells people who ask that I'm a mixed breed."

  "You're not offended?" asked Ashley.

  "I was at first. I got over it."

  "What else were you trained to do?" asked Gina, with a small smile playing on her lips.

  "Well, my mom taught me how to fight and hunt," said Timber. "Aunt Grace taught me to obey commands immediately while in wolf form. It was mostly to put others at ease while we're out because of my large size. Then there's the leash thing. Can we do som
ething else? This talk about me on a leash is hurting my pride."

  They finished eating the marshmallows and built up the fire more so that it was up to Timber's shoulders. Timber decided that she wanted to have some extra fun. She stood up and started walking around the girls with a grin. Then, she started patting them on the head.

  "Duck, duck, duck, GOOSE!"

  Ashley got up and started chasing Timber around the outside of the circle while all of them cried out in laughter. Timber was tagged and sat down in the sand. They spent thirty minutes chasing each other around the bonfire and cheering loudly. When they began getting tired, they started gathering their things. Kendra had just grabbed the bucket of water to put out the fire when Xianna's father stepped into view.

  "What the hell do you think you're doing here?" he asked Xianna.

  "You said I could come," said Xianna. Her usually confident demeanor had disappeared and was replaced by timidity as she shrunk down in fear.

  "Well, I changed my mind. You're coming home."

  "No, she's not," said Timber sternly.

  The girls stilled. Everyone knew Xianna's father was mean but only Timber knew how ruthless he was. She could smell the hormones racing through him and she knew what he was going to do to her if she went home with him.

  "Stay out of this you fat, ugly bitch," Mr. Greydlan snapped. He struck Timber and she fell to the ground, hitting her shoulder and her head on the driftwood they were using as seats. He grabbed Xianna's wrist and pulled her up off of the log and began to carry her away. She began to cry in fear. The girls yelled out in protest and ran after Xianna.

  Timber had enough. She Turned and got up in time to see the other three girls pull Xianna out of her father's arms. They fell down to the sand. Mr. Greydlan pulled a small knife out of his pocket and took a step towards the frightened group of girls and Timber snapped. She jumped over the fire and placed her body between Mr. Greydlan and her friends, growling lividly. Her ears were flattened back, her fur was on end, and her teeth were all visible. She stomped her front paws into the sand for grip. She was not going to let anything happen to Xianna ever again.


  Timber barked angrily and took a step towards him. He backed away from her looking furious and frightened. Timber leaped up slightly, pretending she was going for his throat but pulled herself back. He backed away as Timber barked and snapped at him. He stepped around her towards the stairs up to the hotel and Timber watched him closely. His eyes darted to Xianna and he made a sudden move in her direction which was the worst decision he could have made. Timber sprang sideways at him, and clamped her jaws around his arm, shattering his bones as she pulled him down. She pulled him with ease across the sand, away from Xianna, leaving a thick line of blood drippings in the sand. He punched her in the head but she closed her jaw as tightly as she could despite the pain. When she thought he was far enough away, she let go and then placed herself protectively in front of her friends once more. Timber looked so frightening in the firelight with her snout and teeth covered in blood that he gave up and ran away, clutching his broken and bloody arm.

  Timber Turned back and hurried to Xianna. The girls were staring at Timber slightly white-faced. Xianna was shaking violently more out of fear of her father than Timber. Timber wiped the blood from her mouth with her arm and sat down next to her best friend.

  "Timber, I am now very glad I have never pissed you off," said Xianna breathlessly. "You're scary when you're mad."

  "I would never hurt you guys," said Timber. "I have complete control of myself even as a wolf. I knew exactly what I was doing. Your father shouldn't bother you again." Timber took a look at Xianna and examined her closely like her aunt taught her. "You hit the ground pretty hard but I don't feel any cracks or breaks. Thank Heavens this is sand." She looked over the rest of her friends. There was nothing wrong. She sighed in relief.

  Then another figure came running out at them again. Timber spun around but it was only Grace. She saw Xianna and hurried over.

  "I saw your father's arm," she said. "Are you alright? What happened?"

  "He grabbed me and threw me then he pulled a knife on us. Timber went ballistic," said Xianna.

  Grace looked at Timber with a panicked expression. "You Turned?"

  "I had no choice," said Timber.

  "Timber told us about her being a wolf before all of that happened," said Gina quickly. "We kind of pushed her into it when we saw the scars on her shoulder. We're sorry."

  Grace relaxed and smiled. "Timber, come here. I need to get the blood off you." She took a wet napkin out of her pocket and cleaned up Timber's arm for her. "There. Now, are you girls alright? Do you want to go home or stay here?"

  The girls exchanged telepathic answers and Timber replied, "We want to stay Aunt Grace."

  "Alright." Grace got to her feet. "If you need me, you know where my room is."

  "Good night," chorused the girls.

  When Grace was gone, Ashley looked at Timber. "So, is there anything else about you we should know about?"

  "Actually, that's it," said Timber.

  "Okay so can we go back to the room?" asked Xianna. "I'm getting hungry."

  "Can you walk?" asked Timber.

  "I can help her to the stairs," said Ashley. "Timber, can you please fetch her bag?"

  "I'm a wolf, not a dog," said Timber with a scathing look. "I'll get it, but I don't fetch or retrieve. I have some dignity you know."

  "Alright, alright," said Ashley with a light chuckle.

  Timber followed Gina, Ashley, Kendra, and Xianna up the stairs after putting out the fire. It was nearly eight-thirty when they opened their door to the room so Timber ordered two large pizzas for delivery. They talked among themselves about what they thought Xianna's father would do and they all agreed that he would go the emergency room and then be locked in a mental hospital for telling stories of a girl who turned into a wolf.

  As they got into their pajamas and got ready to watch a movie, pizza arrived. Timber paid for the meal and brought it over to the coffee table. They all agreed on watching A Knights Tale on pay per view and so they curled up on the king size bed, and ate, laughed and cried until they began to get sleepy. One by one, the girls fell asleep curled up beside each other under the blanket with Timber at everyone's feet.

  The next morning Timber woke up shortly after sunrise and left a note on the pizza box saying she had gone down for the free breakfast. She swapped her silk pajama pants for jeans and left the room. She went down to breakfast and was met with an unexpected visitor. Henry was sitting at a table with a serious expression.

  "Henry, what are you doing here?" asked Timber. She sat across from him feeling as though she was under interrogation.

  "I saw Xianna's father last night," said Henry with his brow furrowed. "He was banging on your front door with a mangled arm. I assume that it was you that messed him up."

  "Yes," admitted Timber. "I had to -"

  "I thought we talked about that? I don't want -"

  "Henry -"

  "I thought you would have more sense than to-"

  "Shut up, Ferdinand," growled Timber angrily. Henry closed his mouth looking as though Timber had slapped him. "If you would let me finish," she continued with a clear tone of aggravation. "I Turned because he was attacking Xianna. He pulled a knife out on all of us for trying to shield her. I couldn't fight him off like this." She gestured to her human body. "I had no other choice."

  Henry looked embarrassed as he studied Timber's face.

  "Timber, I apologize for getting upset," said Henry with a heavy sigh. "I should trust you more. I should have realized that you would only attack if you had no other option. I'm sorry."

  "I forgive you," said Timber. "A word of advice for the future; you need to remember we're a team in this relationship. Just because you're older than me doesn't mean that you can scold me like I'm a child."

  "I'm sorry." Henry grabbed her hand. "You'll have to be patient with me. I'
m not used to relationships."

  "I know. I'm not either. I love you, Henry."

  "I love you too, Timber." Henry kissed her nose. "I should go before your friends come down. I'll see you tonight?"

  "Yep. Bye, Henry."

  "Bye, Timber."

  Xianna moved into Timber's room temporarily when they got back from their night away and Xianna could not stop saying thank you to the family for taking her in. That Monday, Timber, and Xianna stayed home from school so they could get situated. Grace and Timber went in the morning to get everything from Xianna's room at her parents' house. Mr. Greydlan saw Timber and backed away from her with intense apprehension and let them clear out Xianna's bedroom without disturbance. Grace stood outside the bedroom to protect Timber if problems arose again. Timber knew she wouldn't have to Turn while in the company of her aunt because Grace always carried a .22 caliber pearl handle revolver and she knew how to use it. Timber went through her best friend's closet, her dresser, and her desk. She grabbed everything that belonged to Xianna except for the furniture and the bedding and left the house with three large trash bags full of Xianna's clothes, makeup, and other belongings.

  When Grace and Timber came home, Xianna helped unload the van and move everything up to Timber's room. The two girls spent the afternoon tearing the entire room apart and putting it back together one space at a time so that Timber's room could have space to accommodate Xianna. It wasn't a large task because Timber had a large bedroom though there wasn't much floor space because of her queen size bed. The walls were a light gray color that matched the silver in her wolf fur. Her pine furniture was natural and her light yellow bedding and curtains brought a sense of femininity to the space. There was a mirror over her dresser with a lamp on one side and a small potted fern on the other. Her desk had a small shelf where Timber kept her school books and a yellow bucket for her pens and pencils. Her closet had plenty of room once it was empty.

  However, the work was slow for much of the early afternoon because the girls kept stopping to dance together to the radio. As time passed, they realized that they had to get some real work done so Timber switched off the music.


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