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Beast's Claim: An Alpha Shifter Romance

Page 7

by Piper Stone

  That alone indicated a well thought out plan, one meant to destroy as many of the panthers as possible. My thoughts drifted to the statement my father had made. If this was a government action, there was an ulterior motive.

  “We need to strike now,” Micah communicated as he swung his nasty glare in my direction.

  “Wait. You go on my orders,” I countered. While Micah was a powerful beast, one that some considered a leader, he was also hotheaded, incapable of holding back his emotions. This was a time for caution until we were able to determine the exact reason for the attack. If they were here to capture the alpha, they would fail.

  The humans crept closer. And closer.

  “Ssshh... Listen. Do you hear anything?” one of the humans asked, his breathing ragged as the fear continued to increase.

  “Nah. We caught them by surprise,” another answered.

  “Hell, no. I heard several growls,” the first struggled to say. “I don’t like this.”

  “Now!” Lunging toward them, the joy of hearing their startled cries was like sweet music. The dissident groups were increasing in number and while they’d been hesitant up to this point of attacking any locations housing the Breeds, when they had, they’d done so with only a few humans. This was unprecedented, allowing me to realize the governor was hiding something.


  “They’re coming from everywhere.”

  “Shoot to kill!”

  A series of blasts rushed into the air, the humans doing everything in their power to protect their position. As the snarls and growls of the beasts permeated the air, the fear within the humans was on overload. We began to crowd them into a circle, cutting off their ability to flee.

  “They should be killed,” Micah roared.

  “That is not allowed,” Traeger shot back. He crouched down further as he approached one of the dissidents, baring his canines.

  “Fuck the rules.” As Micah shot forward, pitching his body toward three men, additional shots were fired off, the humans utterly terrified as many turned and ran.

  “There’s too many of them!” one of the humans whimpered.

  Micah cornered one of the soldiers, his deep-throated growls indicating his own attack.

  “Chase them to the edge of the property,” I instructed, swinging around to stop Micah before he made a decision he would regret. “Do not cross me, Micah, or you will face my wrath.”

  “You aren’t in charge,” he snarled.

  “I. Am. Alpha. Obey or die.”

  Micah swung his massive head back in the direction of the human, inching close enough that he could easily rip out the asshole’s throat. When he issued another keening growl, the human continued to shake, his eyes wide open from terror.

  A series of small explosions caught both Micah and me off guard, additional shots fired. In the few seconds of distraction, the asshole human took a chance.

  One he wouldn’t soon forget.

  He lifted his weapon.

  There was no choice. I lunged for his throat.

  * * *

  “You’re lucky, Jabari. The shot could have been a direct hit. Then there would have been nothing I could have done for you. You still might have bone fragments in your shoulder. At some point, surgery could be needed.”

  I glared at the doctor, the female having taken to the joys of being human more than most, and lifted my eyebrow. Her skills were vital, especially in knowing our molecular systems, but she was often difficult to deal with. While my shoulder ached, the burn from the laser weapon taking longer to heal than other wounds, at least I had function in both arms.

  And I’d saved Micah’s life.

  “I will be fine, Doctor. A flesh wound and nothing more.”

  “Yeah, one tough guy. Aren’t you? I can’t say as much for the human you attacked. If what you described is accurate, he is likely fighting for his life.”

  I glanced down at my legs, spots of blood coating my thighs. “He got what he deserved.” We’d forced the others out of the forests, remaining in an attack pattern until they’d scampered into their vehicles and fled. At least they’d been given a damn good warning to stay the fuck away.

  Although I was no fool. My inability to curtail my rage likely escalated whatever plan was already in motion. Every panther in the village had been placed on high alert.

  “You are hardheaded, Jabari, as always.” After removing her gloves and dropping them into the trash, she folded her arms.

  “You expect otherwise, Shannon?” Traeger asked, a grin on his face. “Since the day Jabari was born, he’s been a ballbuster.”

  “Yeah, well, we don’t need him to get himself killed, now do we?” Shannon asked after shaking her head.

  “I will be fine.” I jumped off the table, grabbing the clothes Traeger had brought from my house. “Did you make contact with Luca?”

  “Yes, as you commanded,” he retorted, giving me a slight smile. “He is prepared to meet you halfway from DC as early as tomorrow. For what it’s worth, you were right about the humans. I fear what these dissidents are going to do next.”

  I shot him a look as I glared down at my arm. With Luca remaining just outside of the nation’s capital, he certainly would be able to provide more detailed information as to whether the president had backtracked on his promises. “What we can’t risk doing is leading them to any of the other Breeds, especially in a manner that could allow the alphas to be captured.”

  He followed my gaze, snorting when I moved toward the medical instruments Shannon had used. I eased a scalpel into my hand, twisting it back and forth before shifting my arm and fisting my hand.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Shannon admonished as she walked closer.

  “Removing the scanning device that was planted by the great governor.”

  Snarling, she yanked the scalpel from my hand. “Like hell you will. Where is it located?”

  “Are you certain you want to do that, Jabari? That will send a message to the governor and there is no way of knowing whether his office is involved,” Traeger warned. “Besides, the government is well aware of the majority of living establishments already.”

  I kept my hand fisted as I pointed to the area. “Whatever is occurring isn’t government mandated, which will likely mean that if the governor is involved, he will not draw any attention to his plans. His discretion means everything will be handled by ambush. Cut it out, Doctor, but be quick about it.” While I had need to tell him my plans of bringing Raven to the village, I also didn’t want the information widely spread throughout the Claw.

  At least not at this time.

  “Then you need to be very careful,” Traeger added.

  “So I’ve been told.” I would visit Luca in the morning, hopefully garnering his approval as well as his assistance. It was of utmost importance that we determined who was behind the planned abductions. I was also curious as to whether he’d heard about any Breed vaccines being developed or if the governor was behind some kind of a coup.

  “This is going to hurt, Jabari. Do you want a local anesthesia?” Shannon asked.

  “Not necessary.” While the pain was biting, I wanted no chance of losing mobility. The next few days would be difficult.

  Shannon sighed as she delicately cut a circle, hissing from the amount of blood. “You shouldn’t have allowed this to occur in the first place.”

  “It was necessary at the time,” I countered as I watched her slowly removing the scanning device.

  “This is an impressive piece,” she said quietly as she examined the silicone design before handing it to me. As she grabbed a towel, I pushed her hand away, the wound already starting to heal. “The mark of a true alpha,” she said with reverence.

  After tossing the device onto the floor, I smashed it into several pieces, the device only working while implanted. Then I grabbed my shirt and moved closer to Traeger. “I want you and Micah to travel with me tomorrow. We’ll leave by eight.”

�I’ll let Luca know of your arrival. We should discuss what other precautions we need to take.”

  I shook my head. “We will do that later. I have something I need to do.”

  Whether or not Raven was prepared for her destiny, she would have no choice.

  For tonight, she would be completely and entirely claimed.

  * * *

  Pressing down on the accelerator, I weaved my way toward the city once again, careful to pay attention to my surroundings. My hunger was already off the charts, my need to ravage as well as protect her something I couldn’t deny. I hunkered over the handlebars, the thrill of the ride more intense today than usual.

  This visit was all about my primal needs, satisfying the beast.

  Tasting her.

  Ravaging her.

  Marking her.

  Then I would bring her to the village, assigning others to make certain she was kept safe. And that she didn’t attempt to leave. I had a feeling she would defy me at every turn. Harsh punishment would likely be needed.

  My cock twitched at the thought.

  My scent would normally be enough to keep certain predators away, although humans couldn’t give a shit. However, if one of our own dared to betray me, they would think twice about doing it through her. There were few panthers who wanted to face my wrath. As far as the assholes who’d attacked, there was no doubt they would attempt to use her in order to capture me, even ending her life if necessary. That wasn’t going to happen.

  Her house was only a few miles from the facility where she worked where she would retreat. Her habits were always the same, allowing me to track her easily. I would wait until it was almost dark.

  Then I would take her like the savage I was.

  I powered over the road, my anger reaching new heights. I could only imagine the kinds of secrets my father was hiding, including whatever truths he held regarding my mother. While I’d never pressed him, perhaps it was time to do so. As far as alliances... I would have to see how Luca handled the meeting. I didn’t trust the other Breeds any more than they trusted us.

  Whatever the case, my instincts remained on high alert.

  As I came closer to the city limits, I slowed the bike. I could feel her heart beating, the pulsing sensations reverberating in my chest. Even her taste lingered on my tongue, her scent more intoxicating than before. My beast was clawing at the surface, ready to devour every inch of her. Tonight would be even sweeter.

  As I made the final turn, only three miles out from the city, a strange series of sensations rolled through me. Danger. I could feel it all around me even through there wasn’t a single person on the road.

  Or so I thought.

  A sudden stench wafted into my nostrils, but not just from the stink of humans. I would know the odor of guns anywhere. While I slowed, scanning the perimeter, I wasn’t able to see anything out of the ordinary through the dense forest. But I knew they were there.

  Another fucking ambush.

  How the hell could anyone have known where I was going? Was it possible another tracking device of some kind had been placed on the bike? I didn’t want to think about the possibilities of betrayal from within the Claw if that was the case.

  I slammed on the brakes, and the bike’s tires skidded across the cracked pavement, almost pitching me off the road. I jerked to the right, keeping the motorcycle from tipping all the way over, my boot dragging on the gravel. I headed back in the other direction, my anger turning into rage. As I thumped down on the accelerator, I noticed two humans a hundred yards out, standing on either side of the road. What in the hell were they doing?

  Once again, I slowed.

  But not in time before realizing what they’d done. They’d boxed me in, tossing what appeared to be sharp stakes attached to some kind of board across the road. The second the bike rolled over the strip, I lost control. I was pitched off, tumbling several times before landing in a ditch.

  Every muscle in my body ached like a son of a bitch, an intense roar erupting from my mouth. I would kill the motherfuckers. As I jerked to my feet, I threw out my arm in an attempt to avoid the net that was being tossed over me. My beast roared to the surface, the shift already beginning. As I bared my canines, fighting the entrapment, I noticed the group of men standing in a semi-circle.

  “He’s a fighter,” one of them said gruffly.

  “I told ya. Almost killed Johnny. The fucker deserves to die.”

  “Get him under control, for fuck’s sake,” another huffed. “We have our orders. He’s to remain alive.”

  I reared up, knocking one several feet away, issuing a series of husky growls. Alive. My father had been correct. The alphas were the target.

  “Christ! Give him the damn shot, will ya?”

  As I clawed through the netting, wrapping my hand around one human’s throat, I enjoyed the sound of his anguished cries. “You. Will. Die.”

  “God. Help... Help!”

  Several more rushed forward. The hard punches came fast and furious, finally knocking me to my knees. I reared up once again as the sound of my bones breaking caught them off guard.

  “Fuck. Me! I ain’t never seen one of the bastards shift,” the first man yelped. “Shoot the damn tranquilizer. Fuck this!”

  I lunged in his direction, only to be kicked from behind. Only a few additional seconds and they wouldn’t be able to control my beast on any level. As I raked my claws down the man’s face, enjoying the way the man screamed, I noticed another asshole moving quickly in my direction. As he raised his arm, I used all my strength to rip through the netting, heading in his direction.

  “Fuck!” one of them yelped.

  I snarled, prepared to attack. Then I felt a sharp sting. What the fuck? Within seconds, I lost all momentum, going down hard on the pavement, still trying to crawl forward.

  “Shoot him again, for fuck’s sake. He’s a beast, remember?”

  Everything was blurry, my mind trying to understand what was happening. Still crawling, my heart racing. Still...

  Chapter Six


  Several days later

  “Does somebody have incriminating pictures of you, Joseph? Jesus Christ.” I glared at his face on the telescan unit and snarled on purpose, even baring my teeth. I remained on edge, my skin clammy. The lack of sleep was getting to me.

  “Raven!” my coworker hushed me, shaking her head. “Be careful. We need those supplies.”

  I shot Gina a hateful look before turning my attention back to the supplier who’d fucked with us again. “Yeah, we need those supplies. The ones we were promised ten freaking days ago?”

  “I’m sorry, Dr. Youngblood. I’m doing the best I can,” Joseph whined. The asshole was actually whining like some stupid child when he knew he had us by the balls. Without the chemical compounds, our research would come to a screeching halt. “There were more important requests that took precedence over yours.”

  Requests. That was codename for the goddamn government lackeys who believed they could trample on the smaller scientific facilities in their effort to obtain a Nobel prize. As if the morons could be able to solve the DNA issues with regard to the human race.

  I took a deep breath, doing everything I could to temper my anger.

  “Now, look here, you mindless jerk. We paid you very well to deliver the order you promised. I suggest you get your head out of your ass and deliver the product by tomorrow morning or I’ll make certain I leave you a scathing review on national prime time. I have friends in high places.”

  Rearing back, he gave me a nasty look before ending the call.

  Well, that didn’t go exactly as planned. I’d been determined to sweet-talk him into making certain our order was delivered.

  “God, Raven. What the hell has gotten into you lately?” Gina huffed as she tossed her mask on the table, folding her arms. “Joseph doesn’t take kindly to being threatened.” I’d worked closely with Gina Atwood since being offered the job, her expertise invaluable.

sp; “Joseph is useless. We need those chemicals.” I stared down at my microscope, grinding my teeth. We were coming so close to finding answers. So damn close. My secret work also required a particular chemical that the lab was out of. Damn it. I was sick to my stomach, my nerves worse than ever. However, the disruption in our workload wasn’t all that was bothering me.


  Maybe they should be called nightmares.

  They’d kept me awake for the last several weeks. Delicious. Dark. Dominating. Dreams. Ugh.

  They’d been followed by visions of death; horrible fires and abominable acts that made no sense. They were totally unlike the sensuous dreams from days and weeks before.

  While the fantasies had come true, the events remained surreal in my mind, as if they’d been mystical creations of my spiritual side. However, the roughhewn man with a body to die for had left me wet and hot with a hunger unlike anything I’d ever known. While I’d only captured fleeting glimpses of his face, I would never forget his dazzling green eyes.

  Or the fact he’d fucked me like a wild animal.

  Like a true beast.


  Whoever he was, he’d rocked my world.

  “Now, you are mine.”

  And his words had remained with me, haunting my every waking moment.

  Shuddering, I tried to push the memories and thoughts aside, still trying to pretend the events had never happened. My psyche needed the normalcy of my regular life in order to continue at the pace I was going. Besides, the Breed had been nothing more than a savage, his brutal actions driving me to the point of raw... ecstasy. Jesus. I’d remained wet and hot for hours, uncertain how I’d even made it home in one piece. A flash of anger reminded me that the shifter had crossed several lines, leaving his mark by the redness covering my bottom.

  And the tenderness in my pussy from the hard fucking.

  Then he’d disappeared, the very reason I was beginning to wonder if there’d been a break in my psyche from my extended hours. While I’d felt the presence of a Breed two nights before, I knew without a doubt the visitor hadn’t been my mysterious lover.


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