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Beast's Claim: An Alpha Shifter Romance

Page 11

by Piper Stone

  The guttural sounds of the other beasts dragged me back to reality. I shifted my gaze, staring the tigers in the face.

  After taking a deep whiff, the creatures backed down, acting as if I was invisible. The same thing happened with the bears. Then the cougars. What was going on?


  The call was deep-throated, gravelly, and sent a series of shivers dancing down my arms and legs. I was thrown by the intensity of the command, unable to detect whether or not anyone else had heard the word. Of course not.

  Only the beasts.

  Every single one of them let off a cry, the rumble coming from deep within. I was able to hear several of the cages being rattled. Was it possible they could escape? I couldn’t detect any signs of electricity being used on the steel, no reason they couldn’t use their magnificent strength in order to get away. There was something holding them back or they would have broken free long before. What had been done to these creatures?


  The beckoning came again, my name reverberating in my mind like a pinging hammer, creating a sense of confusion. But I knew he was calling me.

  Hungry for me.

  Waiting for me.

  His mate.

  I turned toward his cage, peering into the night. There was no denying the crazy connection and as I walked closer, I was drawn into an intense fog. The moment I laid eyes on the fabulous creature, my breath was stolen, my focus ripped away.

  He was magnificent in every way, his eyes boring into mine as he padded closer to the gate of his cage. I was thrown by the sleekness of his fur and by his size. He was huge, much larger than any panther I knew existed. While every Breed had more size and muscle structure than generations before, the effect caused by the chemicals, this specimen was incredible. A massive beast. A true monster.

  And the man who’d taken me savagely.

  The carnal incident had been real. Had Jabari been captured because of the event? Or was it all a part of a huge game?

  I inched closer, managing to take several telescan photos before another overwhelming rush of desire rushed into me. My legs were quivering, my nipples aching to the point of actual pain. This made absolutely no sense. None. Before I realized it, I moved to within a few inches, the panther able to reach his massive paw through the bars if he so wanted.

  But as I gazed into his eyes, I knew he wouldn’t hurt me, at least not in the way a predator would his prey.

  However, he would devour me at every opportunity.

  Just like before.

  Another vision flashed into my mind, cutting off my air supply as it had done before. He was relaying his thoughts, promises of things to come. I was lost in the imagery, every detail vivid in color, my entire body on fire.


  I hesitated before turning to face him.

  “Come to me, my little pet,” Jabari whispered, his husky voice dripping with lust. “Surrender to your master.”

  I was floored by the attraction, the need for him all consuming. He stood naked in all his glory, his carved abs and chiseled hips giving way to long, muscular legs. His balls were laden with sperm, his throbbing cock already leaking pre-cum. My mouth watered, my nipples aching. Every part of me quivered as I brushed the tips of my fingers down from my neck, swirling my index fingers around my hardened buds. In his hand was a leather strap. As he gently smacked it against his leg, the cracking sound created butterflies in my stomach.

  “Do not fight me, my beautiful Raven, or your punishment will be much worse.”

  Very slowly I dropped to my knees, the scent of my wet pussy wafting into my nostrils. I was thrown by the control he had over me, the insane desire I had for submitting to his every command. As I crawled closer, taking my time, a single moan escaped my mouth.

  When I was only inches away, he tickled my back with the end of the strap, issuing a single hard crack against my bottom.

  “You ignored the rules, my rules. Now, you will face my wrath.” Jabari studied me intently, his luminescent eyes boring into mine. “Then I will fuck you.”

  As I slid my hands up the insides of his legs, my skin tingling from the heat, I darted my tongue across his sensitive slit, gathering the few beads of pre-cum. The taste of him was unlike any other man, tangy and exotic.

  He brought the strap down on my bottom, moving from one side to the other. “Mmm... Open your mouth, my pet. Take all of me.”

  Obeying instantly, I wrapped my lips around his cockhead, swirling my tongue back and forth. I was alive and on fire, hungering to have the tip slicing against the back of my throat. Easing my hand between his legs, I cupped and squeezed his balls as I sucked on the tip.

  Jabari delivered another four harsh strikes in a row, his entire body tensing. “That’s it. Suck me. Suck my cock, Raven.”

  The pain coursing through the back of my legs was blinding, yet I couldn’t seem to get enough of him, my hunger knowing no bounds. I took his cock deeper into my mouth until the tip hit the back of my throat.

  After fisting my hair, he jutted his hips forward, slamming his shaft into my mouth several times, his breathing ragged. And all the while he brought the strap down, one brutal strike coming after another.

  I could barely breathe as I struggled to concentrate, squeezing his testicles until he threw his head back and roared.

  I lost myself in the dazzling sensations even as anguish exploded into every muscle. My breath stolen, I was shoved into raw ecstasy as he face-fucked me, all my control stripped away. He was brutal with his actions, driving hard and fast.

  Within seconds, he opened his eyes, allowing his beast to come dangerously close to the surface. The husky rumble permeated the room echoed in my ears, the golden flecks in his eyes sparkling in the dim lighting.

  With every savage strike, I felt more alive, energized. I wanted to beg him to fuck me, to use me in whatever way he wanted. I craved having his thick cock buried inside of me, taking away any concept of control.

  For he was my mate.

  When he tossed the strap, he took scattered breaths as he stared down at me. “Now, I fuck you.” Jerking me aloft, he released a series of barbaric growls before he brought me down, impaling my pussy with the entire length of his shaft.

  “Oh, my God.” Taken aback by the powerful vision, I had difficulty breathing. Every inch of my skin tingled, prickles sliding down the back of my neck. Even my pussy ached, as if he’d actually fulfilled the fantasy. Somewhere deep inside, I knew he was just reminding me that I belonged to him. “That wasn’t real.”

  “Realities are often altered, Raven. However, soon, my pet. I will take you again and again.”

  “I can hear you. How is that possible?” I whispered, struggling with increasing fears.

  “We are connected, you and I. For now. Forever.” He let off a deep low-slung growl, the sound washing over me like a velvet blanket. “Release me. I am alpha. The Breeds are in danger.”

  Reaching out, I finally came to some of my senses, curling my fingers and jerking my hand away. “How are we connected? You are beast and I am human.”

  “Because you were always meant to be my mate.” He pawed the ground before baring his canines, a low rumble shifting from his chest.

  “Fuck,” I whispered, my thoughts drifting back to the incredible series of visions from earlier, as well as the asshole’s words. I could still feel Jabari’s cock sliding in and out, claiming my pussy as well as my asshole. “What happened? What is this place?” I asked audibly as I scanned the area, making certain there were no hidden cameras or another form of entrapment.

  “This is hell. It was a setup. I was captured on a road into the city, a tranquilizer used. When I awoke, I was in this cage where I’ve remained, other than the various examinations they’ve performed.”

  I felt his anger, a rage that would consume him.

  “The fuckers will die,” he continued.

  I took a giant step back when I realized that we were indeed co
mmunicating with our minds. I tried to concentrate, thinking out the words carefully, my curiosity increasing. “I have no idea who did this to you, to any of you. Why do you remain a beast? Did these bastards inject you with something?”

  “Yes, before I came to and every other day since.”

  That meant the drug would eventually wear off, something the captors couldn’t risk.

  “All the Breeds in this damn place are captives. Some have been here for months. Our senses are dulled, our strengths stripped away. I am also unable to communicate with the others this way.”

  “Then how are you able to communicate with me?” As two visitors walked by, I took the opportunity to take a few photographs. Their ridiculing laughter as they taunted him made me sick.

  He threw his head back with a distinct roar as a warning.

  When the humans scuttled away, he turned his attention in my direction, dragging his tongue across his jowls.

  “Because we are mates. If we were not, you would not be able to understand me. That must be kept a secret, Raven. No one else can know at this time.”

  The realization of what he was saying settled in. If our connection was discovered, we could both be killed. He studied me, taking several deep whiffs. My hackles were raised. Even though everything the caller had told me was true, I’d been a fool to come here alone.

  “You are right. We need to get you out of here tonight. I don’t like this place.”

  “Agreed. Two Breeds have died since I’ve been here. They are being experimented on.”

  “For what purpose?”

  “You’re a scientist searching for the perfect method of saving your kind. These bastards want the same thing.” He snarled, his eyes flashing. “They also have elimination in mind.”

  “Who’s behind this? Have they identified themselves?”

  “No. The majority wear masks to hide behind the horrors. Every Breed here will be killed. I fear sooner versus later.”

  “Because the experiments aren’t working,” I stated, fisting my hand.

  “Correct. I called you, beckoning you. It is obvious that the others in my village aren’t able to hear me. They have no way of knowing what happened. The bastards who did this will be terminated.”

  I pressed my hand against my lips, realizing the dreams had been a product of our connection. His anger was palpable, but now, so was mine. The bastards needed to be brought to justice. There was only one way of doing that. “We need to find out whatever this organization is working on. There’s more to this than fame and glory for creating a serum that will help the human race.” I shot a look around the facility once again, realizing the horrific odor wasn’t coming from the cages. Whatever they were doing inside the buildings was a tragedy.

  And a crime.

  “They fear what we can do, as do the majority of humans.” He issued another growl, baring his canines. “They want us exterminated. I will not allow that to happen.”

  “Jesus. We have to free them. All of them. If you escape, I fear this organization will determine they have been compromised, which will likely result in the captured Breeds being terminated.” I glanced around the compound, scanning the area for anything that might hinder our escape. I was no fool, the training I’d received years before kicking in. The caller had referred to the organization as arrogant. However, I doubted they were fools. They had far too much to lose.

  He answered by baring his teeth.

  “What the hell am I supposed to do now?” I asked more to myself than to the great beast standing in front of me. I was in way over my head. There were at least a dozen of the beasts within the cages. Everything was out of sorts, but anger remained, keeping me on edge. I refused to be fucked with. What kind of vicious game had been created?

  Jabari tilted his head, dragging his tongue across his canines as he rose onto his hind legs. When he slammed his body against the bars, it was confirmed the assholes believed in the drug they were using to contain them. The bastards.

  His subtle yet provocative growls left me aching all over.

  “Free me. There are lives at stake outside of this facility. This is just the beginning.”

  Another group of visitors headed in our direction. I closed my eyes, willing them to pass on by. “Then it’s vital that we learn what this group is attempting to accomplish. There’s something going on, a reason I’m here and not just because you called to me.”

  “You were sent here,” he growled.

  His confrontational thoughts made me pause.

  “Yes, by an unknown source who wants me to believe that I can help whatever the hell is going on. I don’t like being used.”

  “The people responsible are seeking the alphas.”

  Now I was curious. “Why?” I asked out loud.

  “Because if the alpha of each Breed is dead, the entire species will eventually die, our inability to produce offspring continuing, even if the humans find a cure for the Breeds. We will lose the battle that was started by the humans decades ago.”

  The words reverberated in my mind, the horror of what he was saying intensifying. “I won’t allow that to happen. I might have a cure for the issues with procreation. Maybe.” I glanced around the facility. There were no signs, no obvious location where the gardens might be.

  The rumble erupting from his throat was primal, his intentions clear.

  He would kill all those involved.

  “Wait. Just wait,” I half whispered. “We have to make certain the zoo is officially closed before I can get you out of there. Plus, there is something I must find.” If this was an ambush, nothing would happen until the other visitors had left. Then it could only be a matter of time.

  Frustrated, he took a running leap at the cage, issuing another intense roar. “You will obey me.”

  “Not yet. That can’t happen.”


  I backed away, shivering from the realization of what I’d experienced, the words lingering in my mind. Moving quickly, I shifted toward the densest foliage, making certain there was no one else around. Whether or not there were guards who walked the grounds at some point before closing, I wasn’t certain, but I couldn’t take that chance. I felt a burning need to help all of the Breeds escape, even if the owner figured out who’d helped free them.

  I jogged away from the cages, trying to settle my nerves, praying to God I could remember the majority of the extensive military-style training every member of the Condors had been given. That seemed like a lifetime ago, a moment I’d attempted to shove out of my mind. I moved into the trees, trying to avoid any of the visitors.

  “Only through the souls of beasts can we understand ourselves. Your spirit is strong, Raven, yet you are unaware of how to live. Believe in things that cannot be foretold. Believe in the sky and the earth as well as the beasts of the forest.”

  The words were little more than a blur.

  Every cell within my body was aching, the need for Jabari increasing. I was shocked at how intense the electricity was, the almost desperate longing to be close to him. While I’d read that the human’s attraction to the lion had been this significant, I would have never imagined the change in my senses and emotions. The pull was extraordinary, my hunger almost unbearable.

  Think. Think.

  Jabari was a creature of importance. He was an alpha. There was no doubt the caller knew this. If the plan was to annihilate the alpha leaders of the various species, dozens of people, maybe hundreds would need to be involved. Could I dare trust the anonymous source on any level? I closed my eyes, attempting to put together the pieces of what I already knew.

  All I could do was trust my gut and inject Jabari with the serum. At least he’d be able to regain his strength, if only for a short period of time. There was no doubt I’d need his help in getting the hell away from this place.

  What kind of drug had been developed enabling the captors to lock down the Breed’s defenses as well as their abilities to shift when necessary? The truth might l
ie in testing Jabari’s blood as well as the serum. Just like I’d been requested. Maybe the anonymous caller had planned the entire game, hoping in my excitement that I’d kill Jabari.

  I was crazy for considering doing something so reckless. What if I did kill him? What if my actions did more harm than good? I was a scientist after all, determined to offer aid for the Breeds, not provide a concoction that might be nothing more than poison.

  While every early test I’d run had been all about the possible procreation of life, when I’d stumbled onto the other possible feasible use, I had run a few separate tests with cells we’d stored from various Breeds. But there’d been no live trials. If I made the choice to use the serum, there was no guarantee it would last for any length of time.

  I made my way toward an entirely separate part of the zoo, the area significantly overgrown and completely ignored. With my light stick in my hand, I searched the area, struggling to rip away vines that seemed to cover everything. Then I noticed a building ten feet away. The entire area was creepy as hell, the light source barely illuminating anything further than a few feet in front of me. From what I could tell, the facility was enormous, the building sprawling. There might be no way I could find the plant. Dear God, I had to try. There wouldn’t be a second opportunity.

  After a few minutes of searching, I found a door. Fortunately, it wasn’t locked. When I walked inside, shining the light, I was actually shocked that anything was still alive. They should have cooked in the blazing sun. As I lifted the light stick directly over my head, I could see holes in the structure. A miracle. The broken rafters had allowed rain to get inside, saving a good portion of the plants.

  As I walked further into the interior, the scent became overwhelming. The foliage that had survived had nearly overtaken the entire structure, trees smashed against the roof, vines crawling out along the floor in massive twisted heaps. The building was nice and warm, a direct contrast to the outdoor temperature.

  Still, the area was ominous, shadows everywhere. However, it was obvious no one had been inside for quite some time. As I walked through the various rows, I was taken back in time when the human race was allowed to enjoy so many aspects of nature. Some of the plants were gorgeous, several of them blooming. I was amazed at the ability for nature to survive.


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