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Beast's Claim: An Alpha Shifter Romance

Page 14

by Piper Stone

  “Then how am I supposed to help you, or any of the other Breeds? Do you have a scientific lab where you live? Do you have the correct equipment so I can continue my work?”

  Snarling, I took another whiff, a jab of pain slicing into my gut. “The humans are getting closer.”

  “It’s far too early.” She craned her neck, her eyes opening wide. “They can’t be here.”

  “But they are. Which means the... person who sent you lied.” Tipping my head back, even my eyesight had been altered. What. The. Fuck?

  “Why? Why would he do that? He acted as if he wanted to save you, all of you. Hell, all the Breeds,” she insisted.

  I huffed as I took a single step closer, immediately falling onto my knees.

  “Jabari. Fuck.” Raven rushed to my side, hunkering down. “Goddamn it, I will find a way to save you.”

  Taking gasping breaths, I struggled to remain human as long as possible. “How did you get into the cage?”

  “A code. I was given a code.”

  I swung my head in her direction, able to see by the look on her face that my eyes had already begun the change, my panther refusing to be controlled. “See if the code works on the other cages. We must free them. They will not hurt you. They would not dare touch you.”

  Hesitating, she darted a glance toward the horizon before nodding, scampering in order to dress quickly.

  A rush of pain swept through my system as I struggled to stand, refusing to allow my beast to take over until I knew what we were facing.

  She squeezed my arm before racing toward the gate, disappearing into the early morning light. I could still feel her, although a haze similar to what I’d experienced before continued to slip into my system. While the sensations weren’t as strong, the drug the assholes had given me beginning to wear off, I’d already lost my method of communicating with the other beasts once again.

  I stumbled toward the gate, managing to make it outside just as Raven approached, shaking her head.

  “The goddamn code was only for your cage. How the hell could the caller know your particular cage number? How?” Her tone was riddled with demand as well as fear.

  “That I don’t know. We will find out.” A bolt of agony almost drove me to my knees, the pain more intense than before. I grabbed one of the bars, hoisting myself to a standing position. “I don’t... have much time. You will...” A single cracking sound forced her to take a step away. “Come. With. Me.” I threw my head back with another cry, praying that the other beasts knew what I had promised.

  That I would return.

  With force.

  She turned away as the transformation began, covering her face.

  “Look... at me. Raven...” I dropped onto all fours after issuing the command, no longer fighting the shift. The bastard humans were close, far too close. Weapons. I sensed weapons. As she finally obeyed me, easing around to watch, I kept my eyes pinned on hers. “My... mate.” The last words were muttered just as my beast took hold, bones shifting once again.

  Her eyes glistened, a single tear slipping past her lashes. A noise drew her attention, a look of horror crossing her face. “You’re right. They’re coming. My God. What have I done?”

  The transformation became a painful blur, the ground beneath me rumbling.

  “They’re on the tram. They will be here within seconds,” she stated, struggling to keep her fear at bay.

  “Then... We... Will... Kill... Them...”

  “No. No! We need to leave, Jabari. Trust me. They will slaughter you.”

  Within seconds, my panther was fully formed. I dragged my tongue across first one paw then the other before moving toward her. A massive rumbling sound could be heard. Then there were voices. She was right. There was no alternative.

  “Climb on my back,” I instructed.

  “And go where?”

  “You will be safe surrounded by others within the confines of the Claw.”

  “That’s not possible. I have to go back. You don’t understand.” She clung to the bag she carried, her entire body shaking.


  The single sound was followed by a booming rush against one of the trees, the shot from a laser weapon splitting the massive oak in two. There was no additional time to waste. “Get on my back. Now!”

  Raven darted a look toward the entrance before finally obeying. As soon as she was secure, I raced into the trees, uncertain whether the compound was surrounded. If so, I could have difficulty getting out of the enclosure.

  The danger was real.

  The cracking noises as additional shots were fired created a wave of rage deep within me, the hatred for the entire human species difficult to curtail. They’d destroyed our lives, compromised our ability to survive. And they didn’t give a shit that we were suffering.

  “Oh, God.” Her mental words were laced with anguish as she clung to me. I could feel the pounding of her heart, could sense her terror was increasing. “What is really going on?”

  “We will be fine, but you must remain with me no matter what happens.” Thorny bushes and vines covered a good portion of the zoo, the denseness of the trees making it difficult to find any passage away from the compound. While my eyesight remained keen, a portion of my senses had dulled. Still, I could sense the humans refused to give up.

  That would place all the lives of the Breeds in danger. The humans who ran the compound couldn’t afford to have the wretched facility discovered. As the foliage gave way to another building of some sort, the crumbled remains a reminder of the destruction that had continued to occur even after the final Great War, I caught a glimpse of an iron fence. Slowing, I padded closer, able to see a portion had fallen, the panel resting against a tree outside the facility.

  “Can you clear it?” she whispered.

  My only answer was a single growl as I moved further away, taking off at a full run, sailing over the fence with ease. Another rush of adrenaline jetted through my system as I made my way down a steep slope. While the thought of freedom was invigorating, the concept of leaving the others behind was a crushing blow. They had to be saved.

  There was no lamenting what needed to be done or the decisions that had been made, even though an ache remained, digging into my soul like a sharp blade. The humans would pay for their betrayal and I would be there to exact our revenge.

  I raced through the dense forest, leaping over fallen trees and underbrush, my fur snagged by several vines, thorns biting into my flesh. I refused to stop, powering over several hills until I was at least two miles from the zoo. The first lights of the city could be seen in the background, the twinkling effect doing nothing but fueling my hatred. Philadelphia wasn’t home. It was nothing but a holding ground, as if we were all waiting for our ultimate demise.

  “I always thought the lights were beautiful,” she whispered. “Until now. Who are you, Jabari? Why have you come into my life?”

  It was as if she’d read my mind.

  “That I do not know. As far as who I am? You will need to judge for yourself.” I pawed the ground before determining my route then taking off, the wind exhilarating.

  Raven remained quiet, her fingers digging into my fur as I raced toward the city. I knew every ravaged street, every area to avoid. I also knew the dissidents would be hunting, attempting to round up any stray Breed members they came into contact with. The early morning hours were their favorite times, the moment when the Breeds who still enjoyed the hunt were prepared to regain their life as a human.

  As the morning light crested over the city limits, I stayed away from the populous areas, risking other dangers in my effort to get back to the village. While I was taking additional time in order to remain undiscovered, I was able to sense the drug given by the captors was finally releasing its hold.

  The thrill of having her with me was incredible, only further fueling my desires. However, I was uncertain as to whether I could completely trust her. While I’d read several of her thoughts, those that had been hidden we
re deeply concerning. She would tell me everything she knew about the person responsible for sending her.

  We were close to the village, the other panthers already on high alert. I stopped on the outskirts, taking a series of deep whiffs. The fear had increased, concern that their alpha had already been killed. Whatever the fucking drug the captors had used had masked my scent. There would have been no way for my soldiers to hunt me down.

  “Humans are not well liked, Raven. My people do not believe or trust them.”

  “I am human,” she countered.

  “Yes, but the scent of our mating covers you. It will protect you. They will not be stupid enough to face my wrath. However, you are to obey me at all times. Do you understand?”

  Sighing, she eased off my back, her body trembling. “Obey. That’s not in my nature. You don’t know me.”

  “That is the way of our kind,” I continued. “There will be those who will attempt to destroy what we are building as well as our connection.”

  She shot a look over her shoulder. “I understand what you’re telling me, Jabari. My life is in danger. I’m supposed to give up everything I’ve ever known, including what little family I have in order to become your mate, to obey your commands. That’s not...” Laughing, she turned to face me. “That’s not what I wanted out of my life. Yes, I’ve fought for your freedom, dozens of Breeds. I’ve risked my life more than once in order to help you, but I can’t give up who I am.”

  I eased by her side, realizing that she didn’t deserve what was happening to her any more than any of the Breeds. “You must learn to trust me.”

  “And you must do the same. If there is any credibility to what the caller said to me, I might be able to help you as well as all the other Breeds.”

  “What if he lured you to the zoo?”

  “Then why give me the missing ingredient?” She dug her hand into her bag, pulling out what appeared to be leaves from a plant. “He assured me that somehow a particular plant could help.” She laughed before closing her eyes. “I don’t know what to believe any longer. However, whoever this scientist is, if he really is a man of science, he knows what I’ve been working on.”

  “Then you must find out the reason.”

  “That will mean returning to the lab.”

  “Not a chance. Come with me. Do not fight me on this, Raven. We do need to save the others, or they will be sacrificed. I can’t allow that to happen.”

  “And I need to continue my work, which includes figuring out what the hell they gave you. That will not only provide information about what the other Breeds are facing in that fucking zoo, it will also help me determine whether you are dying. I have no idea, but I felt your anguish the last time you shifted. I could feel it in my bones and muscles. It was horrible. Do you endure that every time?”

  “It was worse, likely from the effects of the drugs.” The fact she’d been able to feel any level of pain meant we were growing closer. I wouldn’t be able to hide what she’d become from anyone, especially the Claw.

  Raven thought about my comment before responding. “While I knew the serum I gave you had a flaw, including the fact what effects were short term, whatever drug they administered shouldn’t have been able to regenerate after the dose I injected. Whoever the people are who own that zoo have developed something extremely dangerous. Their ability to stifle your abilities is only the beginning. That’s something you need to understand. I’m not certain if my serum will ever be of any use, but I won’t be able to know until I run a series of tests, including with the use of your blood. This can’t wait, Jabari.”

  “Understood. We have a doctor, one who is very qualified. You will be given access to her. I will take you to my house where you will wait for me. Is that understood?”

  She kept her eyes on mine, her frustration remaining. “Agreed. For now. But you are not derailing my life. Do you also have access to a telescan and is it secure?”

  “Yes, the Breeds know exactly how to take them offline. Why are you asking?”

  “Because I think I can find out the name of the owner of the facility. In addition, I might be able to find out information about the mysterious caller. At least if my hunch plays out.”

  “Keep in mind that you are not allowed to leave this facility. Whatever you find, you will provide to me and me alone. And you will not tell anyone the location of our village. Do I make myself clear?”

  She gave me a rebellious look, a smirk crossing her face. “Why, yes. Sir.”

  When I padded through the trees and onto the main road, two of my soldiers approached us immediately. After taking a deep whiff, both tipped their heads back and howled, their cries announcing my return.

  They were also ensuring the entire village knew that I’d mated.

  Now there was no other choice.

  I was their leader.

  * * *


  It slithered out of every molecule and muscle, wrapping around my throat like the claws of a vulture. I closed my eyes briefly, still trying to gather my strength.

  “You don’t look well, my friend,” Degan said under his breath.

  “I will be fine.” I could see visions of Raven in my mind. I was also able to gather her distrust of what she was facing. While our connection was stronger, she was still able to block a portion of her thoughts.

  And she was hiding something from me.

  “You are doing the right thing,” he added.

  “Am I? While the attack on our village was little more than a smokescreen, it was also sent as a warning. Freeing the other Breeds could bring down their wrath.” I continued to struggle with the reality of what had to be done.

  He patted me on the shoulder as the rumblings from those gathered for this meeting increased. It would seem no one was happy. “The mark of a great leader is realizing that often decisions that are made are extremely difficult and not well liked. You should remember that.”

  I darted a glance into his eyes. There was no malice in them. After nodding, my attention was drawn to the group of soldiers.

  Their anger was at the boiling point.

  “The decision you made endangered our village.”

  “You should have warned us.”

  “You are not fit to be the alpha.”

  I didn’t bother reacting to any of the nasty comments that came from different sides of the room, the accusations that I’d known would come. There wasn’t a single panther who approved of the decision I’d made.

  As if there’d been a choice.

  I rubbed my knuckles and stared out the cracked and muddied window, the only location in the village large enough for more than a dozen people. Once an old school of some kind, the dilapidated remains were a harsh reminder of the humans’ past. Several pieces of furniture remained, although the majority had been stripped of precious metals and other materials. The most haunting aspect was the red lettering that had been scrawled across some kind of a white board.

  We are all going to die.

  The premonition was still on the table.

  I had an adverse reaction every time I walked into the expansive room, my thoughts regarding the past always provoking my beast. Even the wind bringing in varied scents of the forest through the cracked panes couldn’t provide any additional enthusiasm. I felt a war coming on, one that would likely entail significant loss of life. However, some of the bloodshed would belong to the human monsters who were determined to exterminate us.

  Blood had been drawn from me a second time in the hopes of determining some answers. While Shannon had seemed eager to work with Raven, the tension within the community was extremely high, the majority of my people angry.

  “All of you need to calm the fuck down,” Traeger demanded as he moved in front of the group of at least one hundred, the majority soldiers. “Jabari is alive because of the human’s help. For that we should be grateful.”

  “And he is our alpha, finally standing up to the plate,” Micah said, chortling.

bsp; I shifted my gaze in Micah’s direction, snorting as I noticed the anger in his eyes. One day, he would face my wrath.

  A few of the panthers dared to side with him. I’d felt the undercurrent for months, a realization that Micah had been poised to demand the leadership role, backed by a number of community members.

  Over my dead body.

  “Enough!” Traeger snarled. “We aren’t getting anywhere arguing amongst ourselves. Every single one of you was made aware that there is a well-organized and extremely well-armed group of dissidents who are out to capture every alpha from the various Breeds. They are dangerous and obviously prepared to follow through with their plans. We need to handle this carefully.”

  “Not if that means accepting the damn human into our fold.”

  I growled after the statement was made from the back of the room.

  “I agree. Besides, that’s just a rumor, Traeger! There have been no overtures made.” The soldier moved in front of the others, his glare directed only in my direction.

  “You mean other than to our alpha?” Traeger shot back, his fury increasing.

  “Yeah, that’s bullshit,” another soldier spouted off.

  “Is it? Are you willing to risk the life of your alpha as well as others by doing nothing?” I was finished with taking the bullshit, especially from anyone within our Claw. I stormed into the center of the group, taking a sweeping glance as I turned around in a full circle. I allowed my canines to surface, thankful it seemed the adverse effects of the drug the captors had injected had completely worn off. While a few soldiers shrank back, heeding my authority, there were still others who refused to accept my leadership role.

  “There was also an attempt made on the alpha of the wolf pack. The information was relayed to us this morning.” While Traeger issued the words to the group, he shifted in my direction.

  Fuck. My escape would only escalate the dissidents’ plans. Who the hell were these people and more important, how well connected were they?

  “Why didn’t you tell us?” a soldier snapped.

  Traeger hissed. “I’m telling you now.”

  “Traeger is correct. Whoever is behind my capture has been experimenting on Breeds for weeks, maybe longer,” I continued.


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