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Dark On Me (Borrowed Faith Book 2)

Page 10

by Ruby Rowe

  Only me.

  It’s true.

  My new friend Z is the one and only Zain Richie.

  Situating his guitar on his lap, he pulls his gaze away to whisper something to Faith. She’s stunning with shiny dark hair and the lightest eyes that I can see from here. She appears cool and confident in her edgy clothes. Now, that’s a person who can pull off wearing leather pants.

  There’s no way Zain is going to be interested in me. I’m not famous like him or his bandmates. I can’t believe he’s talked to me as long as he has.

  Adjusting the mic, he says, “Hello, you maniacs. I appreciate the killer welcome.” He turns his head toward Faith. “I’m sure my partner in crime appreciates it, as well.”

  “Hell, yeah, I do. I’m damn happy to be here tonight. This is a first for Zain and me … to perform alone together.”

  She gives him a sexy smile, and I don’t like it. Do they sleep together? Did I misconstrue every flirty word Zain said to me? My mind is reeling with questions and ridiculous thoughts.

  “Faith and I are going to keep things mellow tonight. See, I’m trying to impress a chick in this very room, and I’m not sure if she’s ready for all the fucking heavy Borrowed Faith always brings to the stage.”

  “You totally rhymed there,” Faith says.

  “You mean there’s still hope for me as a songwriter?” Some of the crowd laughs at their cute banter. Zain is charming in person like he is on the phone, and now that the room is quieting down, I realize how hard my heart is hammering in my chest.

  It’s as if a jackhammer is going to work on me, and I imagine myself cracking into pieces like chunks of concrete. I’m terrified of what’s taking place in front of me, along with the unknown of what will happen when Z walks off that stage. No, he’s Zain now. I don’t feel worthy of calling him Z.

  Faith points her thumb toward him. “This one needs to stop with the fucking modesty. You’re about to hear a song Richie wrote, and I must say that this queen was forced to bow down to him when she heard it for the first time.”

  Seeming uncomfortable by the praise, Zain shakes his head and begins strumming his guitar.

  “This is called ‘Afterglow.’ ”

  “As the full moon rises, I take the sacred stage.

  There’s a sea of faces; no social graces.

  And you’re wild with me.

  Yeah, you’re wild with me.

  We tear it up, and good never felt so free.

  God knows we tear it up, and good never felt so free.

  “As the fun comes to an end, I leave the sacred stage.

  I’m in my room; no social graces.

  And it’s just me.

  Yeah, it’s just me.

  No comfort does the darkness lend.

  God knows as I sit alone, no comfort does the darkness lend.

  “So, I drink and smoke, chasing the afterglow.

  Zain and Faith: The afterglow...

  Alone … I reach the afterglow.

  “So, I drink and smoke, chasing the afterglow.

  Zain and Faith: The afterglow...

  Alone … I reach the afterglow.

  “I’m chained again until I stand on that next stage.

  Where we tear it up; no social graces.

  Good never felt so free.

  Zain and Faith: God knows as we tear it up, good never felt so free.”

  After repeating the chorus, Zain stops playing, and the crowd goes wild. He feigns a smile. I know this because his dark eyes don’t convey the same happiness his mouth is displaying.

  Is Zain a lonely man? Was that song a true account of his life? He doesn’t look at me, and I can’t help but wonder if he’s afraid I’ll see right through him.

  “Here’s an oldie we changed up for you,” Faith says as Zain strums again. Faith sings this time, and her voice is remarkable. It’s strong, and at times, she bares this soulful high pitch that causes bumps to rise on my arms.

  Hearing her unplugged, her voice not competing with the loud sounds her bandmates create, is hypnotic. I’m blown away by the talent before me.

  After they perform the third song and everyone applauds and yells, Zain makes eye contact with me. Apprehensively, he gives me an unsure smile, and I return one while giving a slight wave.

  This earns me a wink, along with a panty-melting grin. He’s attractive to the point it’s impossible not to stare. Bold, dark eyes match his thick raven hair. Cut jawlines surround his upturned lips. Every feature of his face is perfectly proportioned, as if he was sculpted at creation to be the superstar he is today.

  “I think she’s drooling,” Landon says, leaning up between Blair and me.

  “She may be in shock. Liv, the man has left the stage.”

  I feel like waves are tumbling in my stomach, and my mouth is watering. Oh, no. I like Zain. I really like him. My life hasn’t only changed; it’s become way more complicated than it was already proving to be. That is … if Zain likes me, too.

  I turn to my brother and Blair. “Now what? What do I do with this–this monumental development?”

  “You wait, hon. I guarantee he’s sending someone out here to get you. He can’t brave this crowd himself,” Blair replies.

  I shake my sweaty hands out in front of me.

  “I’m too nervous to talk to him. What do I even say after that?”

  “He’s still human,” Landon says. “He has flaws like everyone else.”

  “It’s too much. He’s too much.”

  Hopping from her stool, Blair clutches my shoulder.

  “He wouldn’t have gone to this length to impress you if he didn’t already like you. Be yourself. That’s the Olivia he’s been getting to know. I guarantee he’s just as nervous.”

  “OK.” Biting my nail, I look around the packed room. “I guess we wait.”



  “Ask Olivia if she’ll meet with me privately, and tell the manager to give her friend and brother all the drinks they want,” I say to Nash in the back room of the bar. “Wait. Don’t take no for an answer. I need to see Liv to explain.”

  He chuckles on the way out the door and replies, “I love seeing you squirm.”

  I turn around to look at Faith. She picks up her silver studded bag and slips it over her shoulder.

  “Olivia’s hot,” I say.

  “I’d do her, but right now, I have to go. Word travels fast, so I already have a voicemail from Asher.”

  “I’m sorry you’re going to catch shit for this.”

  “I can handle him.”

  “Is it serious between you two?”

  “I guess it’s getting there.” She motions to the door. “I had the car service stick around. I better get over to his place.”

  “Thanks again for tonight.”

  “It was fun, and you did me a favor last fall when you performed at the Down Syndrome event.”

  “Playing at that wasn’t a favor, and I’ll perform again this year.” Scratching my head, I glance around the room for my drink. “I’m too damn nervous.”

  “Chicks are like dick: a dime a dozen.”

  “She’s different.”

  Faith rolls her eyes. “Look, you suck women in every night with your bad boy looks and charm. I’m sure it will be no different with this one, especially now that she knows you put on this show just for her.”

  “Then why do I feel off my game?”

  “You already said it; you think she’s different.” Walking to the door, Faith looks over her shoulder. “One bit of advice. Don’t get too fucked-up tonight. She doesn’t look like the type of girl who’d tolerate it.”

  The queen leaves, and I head for the table where a fresh drink is waiting for me. I agree with Faith about not getting wasted, but I don’t think Olivia will mind if I’m drinking. She knows I do it, along with the weed, and she still showed up tonight.

  As I take a sip, Nash opens the door and steps back for Olivia to enter. She walks inside, and he le
aves, giving us privacy. I set my drink on the table and stick my hands loosely in the front pockets of my jeans. If I don’t, Liv’s going to see how bad they’re shaking.

  The silence between us is unnerving.

  “You’re fucking gorgeous,” I blurt out.

  Blushing, she looks at the floor.

  “And you’re Zain Richie.”

  Even though I’m nervous as hell, I walk over to her. I can finally have a good look, and I’m not wasting the opportunity. It’s really happening; I’m meeting my butterfly.


  Zain Richie is stalking toward me like he’s on a mission, and not knowing what that mission is terrifies me. We’re toe-to-toe when he comes to a stop, and I can’t look up.

  Instead, I examine his black combat boots, wondering how I ended up alone in a room with a rock star when a week ago, I was engaged to a yuppy businessman.

  Grasping my chin, Zain lifts it, forcing me to meet his gaze.

  “You should have warned me you were so beautiful.”

  “Seriously? I think I’d win the Who Should’ve Warned Who contest.”

  He grins, and when I say grin, I mean he rolls his boyish smile out like the red carpet at the Grammys.

  “There’s the Olivia I’ve been talking to.”

  “You’re Zain Richie.”

  He shakes his head. “Last I heard, you and I were friends. I don’t think friends make it a habit of calling each other by both their first and last names. I was worried you’d be pissed at me for not telling you who I was.”

  “No. I understand why you didn’t.”

  Pulling his head back, he studies my face.

  “How is that?”

  “As a celebrity, I imagine you have to be cautious with your trust. I’m sure there are plenty of people who’d take advantage of you if given the opportunity.”

  “I have to touch you.”

  “You are touching me.” I look away as the ocean waves return and crash against my stomach. My cheeks burn on a high setting, and I’m losing my ability to breathe. “You make me so nervous.”

  “Ditto, sweetheart, but I don’t want to miss out because of it. So, what’s it going to be?”

  I look in his eyes that anchor to mine, and even though they’re pitch-black, I see the flicker of excitement in them.

  “What do you mean?”

  Releasing my chin, he snakes his fingers into my blonde waves and flits his gaze between my eyes and my quivering lips.

  “Are we only going to be friends, or can I go for it here? I’m dying to kiss you right now.”

  “I don’t want to be only friends, but what about the cheating bastard?”

  “You dumped him, correct?”

  “Yes, but in his mind, I didn’t.”

  “You’re single. He’s an asshole. Sounds like we’re good to go.” Zain leans in, but I place my palm on his chest to stop him.

  “Wait. When I said Ken was blackmailing me, I wasn’t lying. I don’t know if I can stay single.”

  “You can if you want to, and I know you do.” Ducking his head, he grazes his nose up my neck to my ear. I suck in a deep breath as he murmurs, “I like to live in the moment, Butterfly. Join me.”

  He slowly lifts his head, and the second his hungry eyes meet mine, I’m certain I want to kiss him. Honestly, I don’t think I’ve ever wanted anything more.

  Not waiting for him, I kiss his mouth and clutch his t-shirt at his chest. Zain doesn’t hesitate to push his tongue between my lips and bring me closer by the waist.

  I taste whiskey and warmth and feel the heat of our kiss spreading throughout my body. Zain lit the match, and now I’m on fire. As his fingers graze along my waist, I shove my body closer, whimpering with a need I didn’t know I had.

  He slides his hand over my ass and squeezes it before he skirts his fingers up to the curve of my lower back. After caressing me there, he grasps my ass again while exploring my mouth thoroughly.

  I feel how he’s itching to touch me all over, and I want him to. About the time his cock hardens against me, he pulls away.

  “Fuck,” he mutters. Loosening his hold on my hair, he massages my scalp, and we share our heavy, erratic breaths. “That’s living in the moment.”

  I giggle. “Yeah, I agree.”

  “Damn, I love your laugh. It’s even sexier in person.” Taking a step back, he drags his fingers around his mouth and pinches his bottom lip. He pierces me with a magnetic gaze, and God, does he have any idea how handsome he is? Of course, he does. I bet he hears it from women every day.

  “Would you like a drink? I told Nash to make sure your friend and brother were taken care of while they waited.”

  “I’m good, but thank you.”

  He points to an old, torn leather loveseat.

  “Sit with me. Sorry there’s not better furniture. I hope nothing’s living in there.” He exhales a short laugh, and I want to tell him how sexy his sounds, too.

  I walk over and take a seat. Sitting next to me, he picks his glass up from the table beside him and takes a sip. Trembling, I glance around the room that’s aged with mismatched, overused furniture.

  “What are you thinking?” he asks.

  “That although this room isn’t aesthetically pleasing, there’s likely been some amazing memories made in it.”

  Zain rests his hand on my thigh. “I’ve got a phenomenal one to take with me. How about you?”

  Smiling bashfully, I steal a glimpse of him.


  “Then come home with me.”


  “Come home with me tonight so we can keep doing this … talking and making phenomenal memories.” He brandishes a devilish grin. Shit, how does anyone say no to him?

  “I don’t think that’s wise.”

  Shifting to face me better. He moves a strand of hair off my shoulder.


  “I don’t know how much self-control I would have with you, and I just got out of the only relationship I’ve ever known. A long one at that.”

  “I’m not trying to sleep with you. We’ll talk and chill and order any kind of takeout you want. Hell, we don’t even have to talk. I’d be happy staring at your gorgeous face for the next eight hours while you sleep.”

  Brushing more of my hair aside, he eases closer. “Say yes. I know you want to. It’ll be an adventure.”

  I snicker. “I have no doubt any moment with you is adventurous.”

  “Don’t make me beg. It’s hard on my ego.”

  Leaning my head back against the loveseat, I huff out a breath loud enough for him to hear.

  “Why do you have to be so charming and cute? You’re going to get me into all kinds of trouble. I feel it.”

  “Any trouble you find with me is trouble you wanted.”

  “OK. I’ll go home with you to talk, but you’re telling my brother.”

  “Say what?”

  “Don’t worry. He hates the cheating bastard and will be happy to see me with any guy other than him. Oh, and apparently, my brother has been a closet rock and metal fan. I had no clue.”

  He pulls his phone out of his pocket and says, “Awesome. I’ll have Nash bring them back.”



  “I’d be down for us sitting closer.” I smirk at Olivia as she rests with her back against the arm of my sofa at the opposite end. Her legs are stretched out, and I think they’re another barrier for me to cross. I’m up for the challenge.

  “Not yet.”

  “Then how many more glasses of wine do you need to drink before you say yes? I have plenty of bottles in the wine cooler.” I wink at her. “I’m joking. I don’t take advantage of drunk girls unless I don’t know what the hell I’m doing either. I’m trying not to let that happen since I don’t want to miss a second with you.”

  “You’re something else, but I appreciate the honesty. One glass of wine is all I’m having. I don’t trust myself around you.”

>   “Tell me more about your family. Congressman Wendell Bradford is your father. Gwendolyn is your mother... Is she hot in her own witchy way? I bet she is since you’re beautiful.”

  Liv kicks my thigh. I’m trying to get a rise out of her tonight and it’s working. When she’s feisty and stubborn, it only turns me on more.

  “Yes, my mother is an attractive woman, but not on the inside. And thank you for the compliment.”

  The wine must be kicking in because the look Olivia’s giving me is hella seductive. Damn, I love how her honey-brown eyes glow against her golden-blonde hair. I should stop staring, but I don’t want to.

  “Blair seemed tough. First, she had that starry-eyed gaze I receive when someone’s meeting a celebrity, but she flipped that switch fast and shot me a look of warning.” I shake my head. “Like with you, I wouldn’t want her getting a hold of my balls while she’s angry.”

  Liv laughs.

  “Fuck, do that again,” I say. I want to crawl on top of her curves and stare at her smile while she exhales that intoxicating sound.

  Olivia’s not paper-thin like so many of the women I meet. She has above average tits, hips and thighs, and her ass is round and fucking amazing to touch.

  “Blair and I have been inseparable since middle school. She lives close to me, and our parents know each other, but hers aren’t stuffy and overbearing like mine. Blair’s independent and happier because of it.

  “The only issue between us is that since she’s never had mean, demanding parents, she doesn’t truly understand why it’s so hard to break free from the hold mine have on me. But overall, Blair’s supportive, and that’s what matters.”

  “You said mean. Were your parents abusive?”

  “My mother, but I don’t want to talk about it. Only Blair knows the details. Oh, and Landon. He lived through the hell, but for some reason, Mom’s always been harder on me.

  “Maybe it’s because I fought back, at least verbally. Landon, on the other hand, has always been silently bitter. I worry he’s a ticking time bomb running out of minutes.” Finding a fake smile, she says, “Tell me about your family. Surely, they’re better than mine.”


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