Wisdom's Allegiance

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Wisdom's Allegiance Page 9

by M. D. Grimm

  “I’d like that,” Dexter said. “I have to be at work at six so could we try for five?”

  “We can go to the Starbucks this time so you won’t stress about being late,” Talon said.

  Dexter glanced at him, enjoying his easy smile. Their consideration was a dream come true. A dream he never let himself acknowledge.

  “Thank you,” he said.

  After they stepped out of the shopping center, Orion hugged him tight and kissed him passionately. Dexter groaned and pulled him close, relishing Orion’s hard length against his leg. His own pressed against Orion’s stomach. He didn’t feel the cold, only Orion’s heat and the taste of his lips and tongue, still slightly spicy from dinner.

  Orion broke the kiss and sighed heavily. “Text me any time you want. I’ll do the same.”

  Dexter stroked his hand down Orion’s curly hair, dazed and happy. “I will.”

  After another quick peck, Orion turned and with frequent backward glances, walked to their car. Dexter met Talon’s heated gaze and wondered if his reserved nature would break. Talon merely stared at him for a moment before inclining his head. His gaze was like a touch.

  “Until next time, Dex.”

  “Drive safely.”

  “You as well.” Then Talon turned and walked to his car. Dexter watched them leave before floating to his own car. He had to sit for a long, cold moment to get his brain working again. Then he drove sedately home.

  ON TUESDAY Dexter finally had dinner with Stacey, right before his shift. He felt guilty for wanting to spend that time with his boyfriends, but he always kept his promises. Besides, he’d spent Monday afternoon, before his shift, with them and the texts and calls kept flowing day and night. He was a bit obsessed but knew they were in the same boat as him. It only seemed fair. Talon texted nearly as much as Orion, and it was amusing how different the content was from each man. They were like night and day but somehow made it work.

  Even stranger was the fact that Dexter felt himself fitting in, not as an added part but more as a piece of a puzzle. He had no reason to think that way, but he did.

  He shook his head in an attempt to clear his thoughts and pulled into Stacey’s driveway. He grabbed the two bottles of wine from the passenger seat and stepped out, careful of his footing. The treacherous ice was stubbornly sticking around. He locked his car and was halfway to the door when she opened it, wearing nice tan slacks and a blue blouse. She wore blue slippers and smiled big upon seeing him.

  Yeah, he was glad he’d kept his promise. He was also glad he’d dressed up a little nicer than usual, with a button-down brown Henley and black slacks and matching shoes. Of course he paired that with a thick sweater and coat with a scarf and gloves in deference to the weather.

  “Hurry up, big man. It’s freezing!” she said with a laugh. He knew it wasn’t a dig at his weight.

  “Way to make a man feel welcome,” he said. He stepped inside and she shut the door before kissing his cheek.

  “There. Welcome.”

  He snorted and took off his cold-weather gear. She took the items from him and simply tossed them unceremoniously on her couch.

  “Give me that wine.” She took the bottles before walking into the kitchen. Dexter followed, drawn by the scent. He’d wanted to bring more than just wine, but she insisted that she loved cooking and to leave everything else to her. He’d chosen the better part of valor and conceded defeat.

  It was modest house, slightly smaller than his own and on the other side of town from where he lived. The decorations were cheerful and the furniture was in all shades of blues and teals. She was a craftswoman to her core and had made seat covers so every piece in her house matched the way she wanted without sacrificing comfort.

  “Ham,” she announced when he stepped into the kitchen. “And plenty of vegetables because I know how you’ll squawk if I don’t.”

  “I don’t squawk.”

  “Hmmm,” she said without comment. “But I put my own spin on the veggies that I hope you’ll enjoy. Mashed potatoes from scratch, so eat them or I will hurt you.”

  He snorted.

  “And for dessert—” She went to the fridge and pulled out a small plate of cupcakes. “Nondairy, nonfat, gluten-free vanilla cupcakes with cream-cheese frosting because we have to be a little bad. Sound good?”

  He stared at her, amazed at the work she’d put in. They didn’t often spend time at each other’s houses, considering his work schedule and her classes. Every moment they could squeeze out together was precious.

  “You are a goddess.”

  She grinned. “Damn right I am. Let’s put all this on the table and dig in!”

  Dexter set the small round table in the corner of her kitchen while she tuned her TV to her Spotify Christmas playlist. She put the volume on low, and Dexter was more grateful than ever now that he’d kept this date.

  They certainly dug in and made a slight dent. He even ate more than his share of mashed potatoes so she wouldn’t hurt him. He complimented her on everything until she was beaming and blushing.

  “You look as tired as I feel,” she said after topping off his wine again.

  Dexter swallowed hastily and cleared his throat. “Like you said before, ’tis the season.”

  She eyed him. “Just how many double shifts and extra shifts have you signed up for the last few weeks?”

  He took a sip a wine, delaying answering her. “Just one or two.”

  She snorted. “Right. Sweetie, get some sleep. You’re making me tired just looking at you, and I have final exams to prep for.”

  He didn’t bother to sigh or roll his eyes. “Is your TA still out?”

  “She’ll be in tomorrow. Hopefully she won’t relapse.”

  He nodded and ate another bite.

  “You sure you won’t consider coming with me to my family’s for Christmas?” she asked. “They’re nice people. I think you’d get a kick out of my brother. He’s younger and dumber than me but a good man most of the time. That’s not my way of pushing you two together, by the way. He’s really into chicks.”


  “My mom loves feeding people. She’ll make you whatever you want. She taught me everything I know.”

  Dexter probably would have said yes if another idea didn’t worm its way into his mind. The more time he spent with Talon and Orion, the more he wondered if they could spend Christmas together. He hadn’t mentioned it yet, afraid it was too soon, afraid of rejection. He now knew he didn’t want to visit his family. He didn’t want to make the long trip to Indiana only to be miserable and feel degraded. Now he knew what happiness was and he wasn’t willing to abandon it so quickly.

  He wasn’t averse to meeting Stacey’s family. If they were half as kind as her, then he was in safe hands. But that wasn’t where he wanted to be.

  He mentally prepared himself for his parents’ anger and guilt-tripping. He promised himself he would call them tonight before work and just get it over with. It couldn’t be any worse than their displeasure at his missing Thanksgiving.

  He shook his head. “Thank you, really, but no.”

  She sighed and shrugged. “I suppose I should acknowledge you as an adult who can make his own decisions.”

  Dexter chuckled. “That would be for the best. Besides, if you brought me home, wouldn’t your family think we’re, you know, together?”

  “That’s easily straightened out. Please don’t tell me that’s your main reason for saying no.”

  “No!” he said. “No, of course not. I just… I don’t…. Oh, never mind.”

  Stacey narrowed her eyes at him. He began to sweat.


  He felt bad for not telling Stacey about Talon and Orion. Beatrice knew, so why was he keeping it secret from his best friend? He didn’t think she’d approve, considering the speed of the relationship and that fact that there were two, and her good opinion meant a lot to him.

  “Um. Well. I think I have someone.”

he raised an eyebrow and pushed her plate aside before leaning across the table. “You think?”

  “I know. I know I have someone. Well, actually, two someones.”

  Her eyes widened. “Now you have to tell me everything.”

  He took a deep breath and did. He told her about Talon approaching him, about Orion’s bubbliness and their obvious interest. He skipped the details of their second date and the blowjobs and simply said they were getting intimate.

  “I feel like I’m falling down the rabbit hole,” he said with a strained laugh. “I’m happy and scared and excited and confused. I really like them. They treat me so well. It’s so funny how opposite they are, from looks to personality, yet they make it work. They love each other so much and they want to give me that. I can really see myself loving them and that scares the shit out of me.”

  Stacey listened in silence, her expression a mask, her eyes shielded. Her lack of emotion made him anxious. Her continued silence didn’t help.

  “Well?” he said, pressing. “Anything?”

  She exhaled sharply and sat back in her chair. “I’m worried about you. I don’t trust them.”

  He blinked, completely thrown. “What?”

  “They sound like manipulators to me. Or even obsessed stalkers.”

  “What? No, they’re not.”

  “They keep tabs on you, right? Check in on you at all times of the day? They claim all your free time, and I bet they guilt-tripped you when you wanted to spend time with me, right?”

  “No, they….” He paused. Orion’s pout had been cute, and while Talon seemed put out, neither of them made him feel bad about visiting Stacey. In fact, all things considered, they seemed pleased he had a good friend and was going to visit her. Sure, they texted him, but it was because they missed him and enjoyed hearing from him, right?

  He met Stacey’s gaze. She would know about obsessive abuser behavior. He couldn’t dismiss what she said.

  “It starts out subtle,” she said gently. “Little things at first. Then the controlling becomes worse, and while you might think the obsessive, needy actions are sweet or something, they will turn violent. If they’ve been together for, what, ten years you said? They have their act down pat.”

  “Act?” he said in a small voice.

  Stacey reached across the table and gripped his hand. “I’m not saying they’re not attracted to you. You are a beautiful person and any man would be lucky to have you. What I’m saying is that they might come off as innocent and considerate to begin with and then they’ll try to mold you the way they want. Keep your eyes open and your heart guarded. I’m serious. Be careful.” She paused. “I could be wrong. I hope to God I’m wrong. I’m still working through some things, you know? I’m damaged, I know that.”

  “No.” Dexter gripped her hand in return. “No, you’re not. You were hurt. You’re still healing.”

  “And that makes me slightly prejudiced.” She smiled slightly, the strain evident. “Just don’t fall too hard or fast, okay? You’ve never had a real relationship, so you’re a bit, pardon me, naïve and far too trusting.”

  Now he was confused. Beatrice wanted him to dive headfirst into the thick of things and enjoy the ride. Stacey wanted him to be cautious and guarded. What should he do?

  “Dex, you know I want you to be happy,” she said. “And I know there’s someone out there for you who can appreciate and love you the way you deserve. But do you really think it’s these two? This Talon and Orion? Because I have to tell you, often when there’s an established couple, the thirds they invite in are just… well, not to be permanent.”

  Dexter’s throat closed, and he cleared it, staring down at empty plate. “I hear you, but they’ve given no indication that this is a fling of some sort. They’ve said the opposite, in fact. I would think they’d be up front with what they want for me, don’t you? If this was a temporary thing.”

  “Don’t be so sure. Some get off on manipulation.”

  His eyes burned. She must have seen it and cursed. “I’m sorry. God, I don’t want to hurt you. Stupid Beau. He turned me into such a bitch.”

  Dexter rubbed the back of her hand. “He’s in jail. You’re safe.”

  She let out a bitter little laugh. “No one’s ever safe, Dex. Not really. We live in delusions that we are, but then we’re shaken painfully out of that fantasy.”

  Silence fell between them. “Stacey?”

  She sighed. “Yeah? Sorry to bring you down.”

  Dexter shrugged. “I know you’re worried about me, and I appreciate it. I just wanted to say that no way in hell would guys as good-looking as Talon and Orion go after me unless they were seriously attracted. You know? I’m not… I’m not someone guys go after.”

  “And that makes this potentially more sinister. Predators are all the same,” she said in a hard tone. “They pick their victims well and then attack.”

  “They’re not predators.” He sat up straighter, feeling defensive.

  Stacey held up a hand. “Just be cautious. Please? No one deserves happiness more than you, and I can’t bear to see you hurt. Just… be cautious.”

  Dexter nodded. “Can we talk about something else?”

  She blew out a breath. “Certainly. Did you know my brother once totaled our father’s truck and tried to blame it on me?”

  Dexter gaped. “What? Well, teen boys can be rather stupid.”

  She raised an eyebrow. “Who says teenager? This was last December when we tried to haul over a Christmas tree to our parents’ house.”

  Dexter choked on a laugh, grateful for the change in subject.

  Chapter Seven

  ORION KNEW it was a lot to ask of Dexter to come with them to a club. But he really wanted Dexter there when he celebrated his birthday. It wouldn’t be the same without him. After that one hot, steamy interlude and their subsequent dates and multiple texts and calls, Orion desperately needed more. Dexter’s reluctance was obvious, but when Orion managed to corner him in person the night before, he finally relented. It helped that this was Friday night, and Dexter promised not to pick up an extra shift on his day off.

  He also couldn’t help notice that Dexter was acting a little off and more reserved since his dinner with Stacey. Orion dearly hoped she hadn’t said anything to make Dexter doubt them.

  “Promise you’ll stay with him,” Orion said to Talon as they waited for Dexter to arrive at their apartment. They would carpool in one of their other friends’ van, and Talon would be the designated driver. He always volunteered for that role.

  Talon stroked Orion’s hair once before he shoved his hand into his pocket. “I promise. You know I’d much rather watch you dance, anyway.”

  Orion smiled, fidgeting his hands. “He wouldn’t back out, would he?”

  “He’s not a coward.”

  Orion gazed at Talon’s face, the sharp angles, the cool eyes. He loved that face. He knew the heat and passion behind the cold exterior and saw flashes of it when Talon watched him, even if he wasn’t doing anything sexy or teasing. He could be washing dishes, and Talon would be drying, gazing at him with a slight smile and warm eyes. Orion could see that warm gaze start to be directed at Dexter, and it relieved and excited him. Orion knew he was already falling in love with the cuddly custodian. He enjoyed the plunge, the adrenaline, the surge of happiness to see someone that made his stomach flutter.

  He was encouraged by Dexter’s reaction to his dancing the other night and hoped tonight, after Dexter watched him dance in the club, he’d be eager to retire to their apartment and be claimed. Orion wiggled at the hope he could ride Dexter soon.

  “Relax,” Talon murmured.

  Dexter’s car appeared and pulled over next to the curb. Orion squealed and dashed down to the sidewalk, barely letting Dexter climb out of the car before launching into his arms. Dexter laughed and caught him, squeezing him in a tight hug. Orion snuggled close and pressed his face against Dexter’s shoulder. He took a deep breath of Dexter’s scent and hardened.
He pushed his groin against Dexter’s leg.

  “I want you,” he said softly.

  Dexter’s breath stuttered, and he stiffened a moment before pulling back. Orion frowned when Dexter gently pushed him away. Dexter appeared uneasy, though tried not to show it. He cleared his throat and locked the car. Orion also noticed light circles under Dexter’s eyes, put there by lack of sleep. Fatigue seemed to dog Dexter since their first acquaintance, and Orion didn’t like it. Maybe he shouldn’t force Dexter to come out tonight. But he wanted his cuddle bear with them so bad!

  Talon joined them a moment later.

  “You know you owe me a present,” Orion said, crossing his arms over his chest and lifting his chin. “And I have a great idea what sort of present I want.”

  Dexter blushed and avoided their eyes. He rubbed the back of his neck. “Well, um, okay. But I did, um, get you something. For your birthday.”

  “Really?” Orion clapped his hands, instantly elated. “Gimme! I want!”

  Talon rolled his eyes as Dexter walked to his trunk and popped it open. He visibly fidgeted with nerves as he held out a long flat box. Orion snatched it from him.

  “Oh! Look at that wrapping paper! And that bow. Isn’t it so me?”

  Talon smirked. “Garish and loud. Yep. You.”

  Orion scowled and playfully smacked his arm. Talon grinned at Dexter, who smiled back.

  “Trust me, whatever you got him, he’ll love. Because you got it for him. He’s easy when it comes to gifts.”

  “I’m easy, period.”

  Talon smacked his ass. “Indeed. My little slut.”

  Dexter gaped. “What did you call him?” Angry color suffused his face, and he clenched his hands into fists.

  “It’s all right,” Orion said, immediately jumping in and gripping Dexter’s arm. Though he was thrilled by the protective stance on his behalf, he didn’t want it over a misunderstanding. “It’s okay, Dex. Talon was just teasing. I am a little slut where he’s concerned. Always have been.” He cupped Dexter’s face. “And with you, if you let me.”


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