Wisdom's Allegiance

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Wisdom's Allegiance Page 10

by M. D. Grimm

  The red in Dexter’s face went from angry to embarrassed in a heartbeat, and he stuffed his hands in his thick coat. “Yeah. Okay. Sorry. Maybe open the present?”

  Orion sent Talon a warning look before he set the box on the hood of Dexter’s car and carefully unwrapped it. His heart raced with excitement. What could it be?

  “Just tear the paper, for Christ’s sake,” Talon huffed in annoyance. “The others will be here any minute.”

  “You know I like to save the paper.” He folded it carefully and set the ribbon on it before opening the lid of the plain white box. He gasped before moaning over the thick, soft, fluffy, and colorful scarf.

  “I saw it and thought of you,” Dexter said. “You obviously like color, and you have quite the collection of scarves.”

  “He’s addicted,” Talon said in agreement. “A-plus choice, Dex.”

  Orion took off the scarf he wore and wrapped the new one around his neck. He snuggled against it, hunching his shoulders. His owl mewled and chuckled in delight and affection. He stuck the other scarf into the box, along with the paper and ribbon. He turned to Talon.

  “Could you take this in the apartment?”

  “Sure.” Talon nodded. “Nice look.”

  Dexter smiled. Talon walked back to their apartment, and Orion pressed against Dexter.

  “Gracias.” Orion pushed up on his toes and kissed Dexter deeply. Dexter cupped his ass in his broad hands, and Orion mewled, his owl fluttering in extreme need. He squeezed tighter, feeling warm and loved, the scarf physical evidence of Dexter’s affection. Dexter kissed him back, eager and equally needy. It was a honking horn that pulled them apart. For a moment Orion wanted to cancel their plans and drag Dexter to bed. Then Talon touched his shoulder and steered them to the giant black van where their grad friends hooted and hollered. It was their last hurrah together before exams and winter break, so they were going to make the best of it.

  He squeezed Dexter’s hand and sent him a sunny smile. “This is going to be awesome!”

  TALON WAS concerned. Dexter didn’t say anything on the ride to the pizzeria, which wasn’t far from campus, and when the eight of them sat down, he was obviously anxious. The age gap between Dexter and the others wasn’t huge but could be intimidating.

  Dexter sat beside Orion at a booth with three others on Orion’s other side while Talon, Caroline, and Greg sat in a chair across from them. He didn’t want others touching him and observed the raucous behavior of their friends with patient amusement.

  “The undergrads don’t seem to understand that when they write a paper, I have to read it,” Caroline said with a scowl from beside him. “It’s not like I binge-watch Netflix shows after class. I got my own shit to deal with.”

  “At least Professor Marks gives you some air to breathe,” Greg said on the other side of Talon. “I have to deal with Professor Jerk-off’s micromanagement.”

  “The bureaucracy of the Admissions Office makes my head spin,” Samantha said from the booth next to Orion before she shoved a cheesy slice of pizza into her mouth. Devon patted her arm in sympathy beside her even as he fought back a smile.

  Talon rolled his eyes. The venting was necessary for them to focus for the final push before break.

  “Well, I love my class and my dissertation professor so I’m doing just fine,” Orion said with a big grin, making their friends groan and throw him dirty looks.

  Talon snorted and even Dexter cracked a smile. Talon noted that Dexter had been picking at a one slice of pepperoni pizza for the last ten minutes. He hadn’t eaten a single bit. This wouldn’t do at all.

  When Caroline and Greg stood to get beers, Audrey took Caroline’s seat right next to Talon. He stiffened and deliberately took a bite of pizza. They hadn’t spoken since their argument days before. She was only invited because he’d yet to tell Orion about the blow up and to exclude her would be suspicious.

  She leaned toward him and he froze.

  “Orion’s nearly humping that human. It’s disgusting. Has he no pride?”

  Talon’s owl screeched in his head and flapped his wings in anger. Talon curled his fingers into fists and met Audrey’s gaze dead-on.

  “It’s Orion’s birthday and he can let Dexter fuck him on the table if he wants to. We didn’t invite you so you could spew your bigotry. I suggest you check the attitude before I get angry.”

  Their low voices were easily trumped by the raucous laughter of their friends. Even though Talon looked straight at Audrey, out of the corner of his eye he noted that Orion had noticed the tension and was frowning. Dexter must have noticed as well and looked even more anxious.

  “Excuse me,” Dexter mumbled to Orion before slipping out of his seat. Talon tracked Dexter as he walked to the bathroom. Then he turned to Orion and caught his look. He nodded and stood, ignoring Audrey completely. Her eyes glowed slightly and her jaw tightened at the dismissal.

  Talon followed Dexter, forcefully shaking off his anger at Audrey as he dug for compassion and gentleness, as well as patience. They were hard won skills that Orion still helped him with.

  Dexter was leaning over the sink and staring at himself in the mirror. Talon quickly bent and looked under the stalls. They were alone. He walked over to Dexter and stood beside him, glancing at their reflections.

  “You don’t look so good,” he said softly. It was true. Even before their friends arrived, Talon noticed the fatigue evident by Dexter’s tired eyes and drooping shoulders. It irritated him to see Dexter work himself to exhaustion. He needed more sleep, and Talon was tempted to cancel their plans for tonight and make sure he got some.

  Dexter huffed out a breath and lowered his eyes. “I’m sorry. I’m ruining everything.”

  “None of that,” Talon said firmly. “You need to take care of yourself. You need to eat something.”

  Dexter stared at the sink, silent.

  Talon frowned. “I’m sure you’ve seen the way our friends stuff their faces. No one will judge you for eating a freaking slice, or two. I’d feel better if you’d at least eat something.”

  Dexter squeezed the edge of the sink before shoving away. “It’s not as easy as that.”


  Dexter turned his back on Talon and ran his hands over his hair. “None of them look like a beached whale!”

  Talon grimaced. “Stop that.”

  Dexter spun around, looking tired, angry, and ashamed. “Look at you! You’re like a stick figure and Orion is cute and small. What the hell do you know about it?”

  “We have no control over our genetics and our body shape,” Talon said briskly, aggrieved by Dexter’s words. “Unless you want to undergo risky surgery to change your structure. I have no opinion on that matter. People are allowed to do what they want with their own bodies.” He took a breath. “What I’m saying is, society is what tells us what is attractive and what is not. Society and culture are arbitrary and constantly morph their beliefs. It is foolish to put so much stock in what the masses think of as attractive. They only think that because the media tells them to.”

  Dexter stared at him, eyes wide, mouth slightly open. Talon took two steps closer.

  “I find you attractive. Orion finds you attractive. And to hell with our friends and society if they disagree.”

  Dexter blushed and lowered his gaze again, hands fidgeting with his sleeves. “I don’t want to disappoint you.”

  Talon stepped closer and cupped Dexter’s face in both hands, lifting it so he could see those sweet brown eyes.

  “You will only disappoint us if you don’t at least try to see yourself the way we do. It is obvious even to a blind person that Orion adores you. I enjoy your intellect and your company. Trust that much, please.”

  Dexter took a deep breath and appeared to calm down. “Right. Okay. You’re right.”

  Talon smiled, and despite wanting to shove Dexter against the wall and plunder his mouth, he restrained himself to a closemouthed kiss. The tension eased out of Dexter, and he set
his hands on Talon’s waist, pushing into the kiss.

  Talon let himself linger for a long moment before pulling back. “Let’s go and make sure Orion has the best birthday ever.”

  Dexter smiled warmly and nodded.

  “Most of our friends are truly harmless, promise.” Though Talon couldn’t say that anymore about Audrey, more was the pity.

  They rejoined the rest shortly, and Talon nodded to Orion to let him know things went well. Orion beamed and held out a hand to Dexter, tugging him back to his seat. He scooted close to his side and gently nudged the plate of pizza to him. Dexter looked at it, then glanced at Orion, then Talon.

  Talon smiled and nodded before finishing his second slice. Dexter took a breath and ate his pizza. He ended up having two more, pleasing Talon greatly. Orion continued to casually touch Dexter, his arm or his leg, or even brush hair out of his eyes, and Dexter would blush slightly, flustered by the attention. Then Dexter would look at Talon, and he made sure to smile and wink. That would only cause Dexter to blush harder.

  Talon took a sip of water, remembering Dexter’s reaction to his using “slut” to describe Orion. Dexter’s anger was instinctive, driven to protect and defend. Talon saw no reason to waste their time on a third who wouldn’t leap to the defense of his mates. Dexter seemed an affable sort of man, and yet when he was riled, a warrior sparked in those dark eyes. Yes, it encouraged and pleased Talon and his owl very much.

  Audrey was at the bar with a sour look, drinking a beer. She scowled at him when their gazes met. Talon made sure to hold her gaze a moment longer before purposefully looking away, dismissing her. He could feel her ire from where he sat. He didn’t care. But what he did care about was the way she watched Dexter throughout the night. He didn’t appreciate her scrutiny, as if she had any say in who they invited into their lives. She was a wolf shifter and understandably worried about exposure. However, Caroline and Devon were also shifters of different types, and they didn’t seem annoyed one bit by his presence.

  The club they went to after dinner was noisy and chaotic, made more so by the fact that half their group was already tipsy. Orion hooted in joy at the song blasting out of the speakers, and the rest of their friends raced after him to the dance floor. It wasn’t a gay bar, and much of the college crowd came here to blow off steam. Talon stayed behind and frowned when he saw the panic in Dexter’s eyes. Dexter abruptly took his hand and squeezed, his palm sweaty.

  “Don’t leave me,” he said in a harsh whisper Talon barely heard. He saw more than heard the words formed on Dexter’s lips.

  Talon swallowed his own discomfort and squeezed Dexter’s hand in return. “I’m right here.”

  They moved to a small round table with a good view of the dance floor. Talon pointed out Orion, and after they sat, it took a few minutes for Dexter to relax his grip on his hand. Then just as abruptly, Dexter let go and clasped his hands together.

  “Sorry,” he said.

  Talon shook his head. “No need to apologize for every little thing.”

  Dexter met his eyes, and Talon reached over and set his hand on Dexter’s clenched ones.

  “Just watch Orion. That should keep you calm.”

  Dexter gave him a crooked smile. “That’s not exactly what looking at him does.”

  Talon laughed. He sat back and crossed his arms over his chest. “Fair point. At least watching him should put you in a good mood. It always works for me.”

  Dexter nodded. “He’s one of a kind, isn’t he?”

  “Indeed he is. And all ours.”

  He blushed and looked away.

  “If you see anyone making a move on him, let me know,” Talon said.

  Dexter raised an eyebrow. “So you can bust some heads?”

  Talon flashed him a feral smile. “As I’ve said before, I’m glad I don’t have to spell everything out for you. Should someone make a move on you, I will treat them the same way.”

  Dexter snorted and leaned back, shaking his head. “Funny, Talon. Real funny. I don’t get hit on.”

  “We hit on you.”

  He opened his mouth. Shut it. “And that’s the first time that’s ever happened.”

  Talon leaned across the table and quirked his finger. Dexter hesitated a moment before leaning forward as well, their faces inches from each other.

  “We’ve talked about this. That flaw is in society, not you,” Talon said, gaze sharp and direct.

  Dexter said nothing, but emotion shone in his eyes. He sighed quietly and patted Dexter’s hands again.

  “What we do tonight is up to you, Dex,” he said. “Though you should know we want you badly. We want to show you pleasure and make you forget everything but our touches. Orion desperately wants to ride your cock, and I want to ride your ass.”

  Dexter began to pant, his eyes widening, glimmering in the dim light.

  Talon smiled and slightly tilted his head to the side. “You haven’t lived until you’ve had Orion moving over you.”

  “Oh God,” Dexter said with a groan.

  Talon’s smile widened. “I’m hot just thinking about watching you both. It was a sight to watch you suck each other off the other night. I could barely hold myself together. Then you got your mouth on me….”

  Talon shuddered and closed his eyes. He took a deep breath and slowly let it out. Then he leaned back in his chair and glanced at Dexter, who still stared at him with desire blatant in his eyes. He could barely make out the scent of Dexter’s desire over the body odor and alcohol fumes wafting through the club, but what little he did notice made his owl screech with need. His owl had never been so demanding with anyone other than Orion. And they’d had many thirds.

  Orion wasn’t the only one-of-a-kind person there.

  “We should probably watch Orion and put a pause on that conversation,” Talon said, his smile sly.

  Dexter grinned and sat back, shifting slightly in his chair. Talon resisted fidgeting, despite his throbbing erection. They both managed to keep their focus on Orion, and Talon could tell his little elf was getting hot and bothered, knowing they watched him. He would frequently look at them, making his moves sensual and inviting. Talon’s owl hooted, ruffling his feathers.

  He brushed against Orion’s mind, and Orion instantly opened up.

  You’re torturing us, little elf, he said.

  That’s the idea. Orion laughed. I don’t think Dexter will bail on us tonight. I have him right where we want him.

  Orion squealed in his mind, and Talon barely managed not to wince.

  I fear, however, if we wait too much longer, he might come to his senses.

  No way. We can’t have that. I can’t wait any longer.

  Talon glanced at Dexter, his round face, full lips, and dark eyes filled with warmth as he watched Orion dance. His body was appealingly squishy, and who didn’t like a little give when fucking someone’s brains out?

  Neither can I.

  NEARLY EVERYONE in their group had one drink too many, and Talon and Orion dutifully helped them out to the van and to their apartments. Dexter insisted on helping, and using a mental route Dexter was certain Talon had used numerous times before, they steadily unloaded their human cargo. But when he helped a young woman out of the van, Audrey, she stiffened at his touch and sent him a look of anger. He immediately let her go, not understanding what he could have done to earn such a look. Talon took her firmly by the arm and basically dragged her up the steps to her front door. Dexter puzzled at the rough handling since Talon had been considerate with everyone else.

  Then Orion was by his side, rubbing against him, and all thought flew out of his mind except needing more of his sweet, hot man. Orion was busy tormenting his ear with his tongue when Talon joined them.

  “Get in,” he said roughly, eyes eerily glowing in the night. It was only the three of them left, and Talon competently drove to his and Orion’s apartment. He parked and turned to Dexter.

  “You know what we want, Dex. Now it’s up to you. Stay or leave?

  Orion crawled over between the two front seats and hit Dexter with the saddest, most pleading look he’d ever seen on a face. Those big eyes would be his doom.

  He took a deep breath for courage, his erection raging. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  Talon lashed forward and fisted his hand in Dexter’s jacket before he yanked him forward and kissed him violently, pushing in tongue with a clear demand. Dexter cupped Talon’s face, memorizing the feeling of his sharp jaw and faint stubble scraping his palm.

  Orion slipped his hands under Dexter’s jacket and shirt, petting his skin. Dexter shuddered and managed to pull away.

  “We should get inside, right?”

  “Right. More room there,” Talon said and got out.

  Orion climbed onto Dexter’s lap and kissed him passionately. Dexter kneaded his ass and pushed his tongue into Orion’s mouth. Orion had his hands clamped around Dexter’s head, holding him still to be plundered.

  Talon opened the passenger door and had to physically tug Orion off Dexter. Before Dexter’s dazed eyes, Talon threw Orion over one of his shoulders and gestured for Dexter to get out. After Talon locked up the van, he grabbed Dexter’s hand and tugged him along. He set Orion on his feet and unlocked the door. As soon as they stumbled inside, Orion leapt into Dexter’s arms and kissed him again, rubbing his cock against Dexter’s stomach.

  “Let us get undressed first,” Talon said, pushing Dexter and his passenger in the direction of the bedroom. “Don’t devour him yet.”

  Dexter’s legs nearly buckled at that. He tightened his hold on Orion and depended on Talon to guide them safely since his focus was decidedly elsewhere. When his knees hit the bed, he bent and placed Orion on the mattress, pulling his legs from around his waist. Orion sprawled there, panting, eyes bright. Dexter stared at him a moment, knowing this was all real and actually happening.

  Talon slipped up behind him and unzipped Dexter’s jacket. Talon tugged it off before going for his shirt. Dexter fought the urge to resist, and soon his upper body was bare to their gazes. He shuddered and nearly crossed his arms over his chest.


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