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Magical Murder

Page 14

by Ann Denton

  I rub my leg and eye the knife, my thoughts a jumbled mess.

  Bam-bam-bam. Someone pounds on my door. I stagger to my feet and check the peephole.

  Alec is in the hall. His fists pummel my door. “What did you do to me? Open up.”

  I check the lock, make sure the deadbolt is on. Then I slide the chain on too.

  I grab my phone and it rings in my hand. Bennett. My fingers are shaking so much I have trouble swiping to answer.

  “Hey,” his voice is soothing.

  “Alec Knight. He did it. He’s at my apartment.” I choke out the words.

  I hear his roar and hold the phone away. I hear an electronic sizzle and wonder if maybe, possibly, he shifted into his dragon and torched his phone. If that means he’s on his way, good. I owe him a phone. Two phones. And a couple of dates.

  I sink down on my side of the door, ignoring Alec’s pounding until it starts to give me a headache.

  “I called in the dragons. You might wanna head out.”

  The pounding on the door stops. Thank effing goodness. I rub my temples.

  Chapter 21

  Bennett and an entire squad of flying shifters arrive to arrest Alec.

  He finds me on the floor of my apartment, still shaking. He scoops me up into his arms and carries me to the couch while the police take care of the official business. Eventually, one of the boys in blue wanders my way and wants a statement. I open my mouth to start the long, awful story of my confrontation with Alec, but Ben puts a finger to my lips and plucks at my hair. He holds my spy-cam in front of me.

  “Was this on?”

  I sag against him in relief and nod. Thank goodness. Because my brain is more fried than an Oreo at the fair.

  Bennett hands the tiny clip-on camera to the detective and says, “Have IT download the video. It’ll show you her whole day.”

  I realize that it means the police will see my illegal crystal ball gazing, my fight with a recycling bin, my moaning over Ben and Luke. I swipe at the camera and wrest it out of the detective’s hands. “You know. I think I might want to talk after all.”

  He sits, and I spill my guts.

  You know the annoying thing about being a victim of a crime like attempted murder?

  You have to tell your story again and again.

  I talked to the detective. I gave an edited version of the video to the police. But then I had to come back to the courthouse and tell my story again for Bella and the other prosecutors working the case. Gah!

  To top it all off, Bennett asked me to wait for him after I was done so he could finish a few things. He invited me into his office, but after what happened there last time, I’m just not ready. I’m too tired to deal with romance.

  I’m sitting at my desk in the muggy paralegal’s room—which is empty as it’s nearly noon. I’m hopelessly tossing jelly beans into JR’s flower vase (I have the world’s worst aim). It’s a mindless activity. But I need something to occupy my mind and hands. Because what happened is on instant replay in my head and I want to turn it off.

  The door at the end of the room opens. I jump up, on edge.

  “Just me.” Bennett comes in slowly, giving my racing heart a moment to calm down.

  “Sorry. Post-attempted murder jitters I guess.”

  “Hey, don’t worry. It’s over now. Over.”

  I nod and rub my arms. He’s right. My mind knows that. My body doesn’t. The little shivers start up again.

  He tries to bring my focus back to him. “The report’s been filed. Alec’s in the dungeon, enjoying a delicious meal served up by Golem X. I hear he’s trying a new rat claw soup out tonight.”

  “Sounds amazing,” I force a smile. “Too bad I’m gonna miss it.”

  Bennett smiles down at me and I feel a flutter. I smile wider. Soaking up his big green eyes. There are little flecks of amber in the green. I focus on those. It helps me calm down.

  “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “Coming to help me.”

  He chuckles. “I don’t know how much help you really needed. You wrestled the murder weapon away from him and locked him in the hall.”

  “Um … you didn’t watch the video yet?” I bite my lip.

  “What? No. We haven’t had time.”

  “Well. That’s not really what happened. You guys all just kind of assumed that. And I kinda thought the important part of the story was his confession.”

  I see him tense. “Okay. What happened?”

  “I kinda, sorta think I might have figured out my powers.”

  “I’m listening.”

  “Okay. Um. Forewarning. You probably won’t like this.” I watch his eyes darken. And it’s scary and sexy at the same time.

  “Why won’t I like it?”

  “Maybe you should sit.”

  “Maybe you should talk.”

  “Okay. Okay. So, I get home. And Alec’s sitting on my couch. With that knife.”

  “And I panicked. Froze up. Next thing I know, he had it at my neck.”

  Bennett groans. “I don’t know if I can hear this.”

  “But then I had a moment. Like of clarity. Or something.”


  “I told him to get lost.”

  Bennett just stares at me, uncomprehending.

  I spin around and swipe the jellybeans off my desk. I prop the bag up on my palm for him to see.

  “Bennett, I’ve lost my jellybeans.” The bag disappears.

  A grin starts to form at the corner of his mouth. “So he…”

  “Disappeared. Into the hall.”

  “I’m glad.”

  “Me too.”

  Our eyes get caught up in a mush-filled staring contest.

  He reaches down and grabs my hand, slowly, making sure I’m okay with it. His hand is scalding. But I love it. I squeeze his fingers.

  Apparently, that’s the signal for full-steam ahead because suddenly his other hand is on my waist and his lips are on mine. And oh … if I thought a kiss was hot before …

  We pull away for a quick breath. I lean into him, on my tippy toes. My lips brush his ear. “Careful. You’ll melt your badge if you let this go too far.”

  He growls. “Worth it.” And the next kiss totally is.

  But you know me. I can’t help but ruin a moment. So, when we break, panting and heated, I say, “Bennett, you’ve lost your boxers.”

  He smacks my butt. I giggle.

  “Well, let’s go search my house to find them.”

  So we do. And that search takes a very, very long time.

  Golem Buzz slides me another Dark and Stormy, my third. JR steals it and takes a sip.

  We’re at the bar at Wanda’s Brews. It’s pretty empty since we snuck out early on my first day back at the office. To celebrate. Life and stuff. I wish Jacob was here with us, but he left me a voicemail that he was leaving town for awhile. Can’t say I blame him. He has to get things sorted out.

  For once, I feel like my life has sorted itself out nicely. Very nicely. I could have done with skipping the whole murder accusation and near-death thing, but hey. Ben’s been trying very hard to help me forget. Sometimes he even makes me forget my own name.

  “Mmm, another round for me too, please,” JR bats her eyes. As if that could affect a golem.

  “I’ll take my well-earned drink back, thanks.” I tug it out of her hands and take a rather unladylike gulp. “Never again.” I lift my hands in a two fingered salute, to start off the swear JR insists helped her curb her addiction to gummy bears.

  “I vow to never again go alone into a construction site.”

  “And…” she prompts.

  “And never again to try and play detective.”

  “And…” she laser eyes me as I take another drink. This is the part of the swear I don’t really want to say.

  JR pinches my leg.

  “Ow! Okay. Okay. I vow to never again kiss a vampire.” I recite it dully. “But I’m still looking.”

  “From afar. Very very afar.”

  I sigh. “From afar.”

  “I don’t get it. Bennett’s good for you.”

  “I know,” I grab a strand of hair and curl it. I can’t help the little blush that spreads. “But what if it doesn’t—”

  Her hand smashes my lips, blocking the words I’m about to say. I’m in shock as she leans forward and says, “We have learned that your words have consequences, little missy. You will make another vow. Repeat after me. I will never again sabotage my relationship with that steamy, panty-melting, mouthwatering dragon-man.”

  My jaw drops. “You did not just call my guy panty-melting.”

  She winks. “A good girl’s allowed to be naughty every now and then. And guess what? You just called him your guy.”

  I smack her arm. “Stop it.”

  She laughs. I join her. We finish our drinks and get a nice buzz. She’s about to text a Broomer when I dig through my purse.

  “Gah! I lost my keys! I must have left them in my desk.”

  She smacks her forehead. “Ly-ly, will you never learn?”


  “Why couldn’t you say, ‘Dang, my keys must have dropped on the floor two inches below my feet?’ Now we have to go back there.”

  “I could try it now.”

  She raises an eyebrow. I say the words, but the keys don’t appear.

  “So apparently, it’s a one-shot deal. Dang it. Sorry. The key thing is habit.”

  She sighs. “Come on. I’ll go with you. If Arnold’s gonna call us out for ditching, it’s better to get called out together.”

  I lean on her shoulder as we walk down the road, back to the marble exterior of the Courthouse.

  “You’re the best,” I tell her sincerely.

  “Takes one to know one,” she replies.

  I smile and pull away, so we can head up the steps. As I do, I realize the alcohol is really starting to hit my system.

  The doors above us fly open and Luke storms out. He looks ticked.

  “Why hellooooooo,” I say, in a faux British accent. “Cheerio. Top of the mornin’ love.”

  Luke stops. His eyes widen. When he realizes I’m tipsy, a predatory smile emerges. “Well, hello, gorgeous.”

  I jerk my head at the courthouse. “What were you doing in there?”

  He comes closer. JR puts a protective arm around me. He acknowledges her and stops a respectful distance away. See? Why does she think he’s so bad?

  “Your little friend keeps trying to pin me down.”

  “Bennett? For what?” What could Ben possibly have against him now?

  “This and that.”

  “It’s cause you’re eye candy.” That did not just come out of my mouth. No. I look in horror at JR. Her look confirms it. That totally just came out of my mouth. Cringe. I’m an idiot.

  Luke doesn’t seem to mind. His smile grows. “Don’t worry about me. I won’t let a guy like that pin anything on me. If you, however, should ever want to pin me down … I’d love to be at your mercy.”

  “You did not just say that!” I am in awe. That might be the cheesiest, most porntastic thing anyone’s said to me, ever.

  “Ew. He totally did.” JR is clearly disgusted.

  But by Luke’s smile, he can tell I’m not.

  “She’s dating the dragon,” JR says coldly.

  Immediately, Luke sobers up. “Well, if that isn’t the worst news of my night.”

  “Worse than being arrested?” I ask.

  He winks. “You ladies better get inside. Dawn’s coming.” He tips an imaginary hat at us and strolls down the steps, suddenly chipper.

  I turn to JR as he disappears. “I don’t get it. Why’s he happy?”

  She rolls her eyes and helps me up the rest of the stairs, which are swerving a little. “If you’re gonna be with Bennett, you have to stop flirting with him.”

  “But …I didn’t mean to.”

  “Yes, I know. You’re buzzed. Which is why I’m giving you a pass. But you need to stay away from that guy. He’s bad news.”

  We get to the elevator and get in.

  “You’re gonna have to help me be good.”

  “I will.”

  “Swear it.”

  She holds up two fingers. I nod.

  The doors ding open. “Okay, operation sneaky keys. Here we go!” I stumble out of the elevator and get down on my hands and knees. I crawl past Bella’s desk. She’s on the phone and stops talking mid-sentence to stare at me.

  “Shhhh,” I hold a finger to my lips. I point at Arnold, who’s waddling across the far end of the room. Then I make a slashing motion across my throat. I crawl to my desk, surprised to see JR’s shoes. She’s leaning against my desk, my keys in her hand.

  “Get down or he’ll see you!” I grab her hand.

  “Geez, you’re more gone than I thought. Ly-ly, we work in a room full of werewolves. Pack-mind, remember?”

  I sit back on my heels as it comes back to me. “Oh. Oh yeah.”

  I start to get up, and realize my shins are covered in were-fur. “Dang it all!”

  “Do you have a problem Ms. Fox?”

  I wince. Arnold. I slowly turn around, not sure how to minimize the damage.

  “It’s your first day back.”


  “So, I was going to wait to do this until tomorrow. But, seeing as we can’t stand each other and you snuck out early today—you’ve been transferred.”

  “I. What?” Now the room is not only spinning, it’s cartwheeling. My world is upside down.

  “Yes. Some people here think that you sniffing around in dark corners shows promise, rather than a reluctance to do work.” His tone makes it very clear he was not in agreement with some people.

  “She’s being transferred where?” JR butts in, as I’m still unable to form a coherent sentence.

  “Felony investigations.”

  I turn to JR, wide-eyed. “Bennett’s gonna be my boss?”


  A Personal Note from Lyon Fox


  So, we're like friends now, right? Not like secret friends. But like friends who talk and post on Facebook for each other's birthdays and stuff, right? Mine's October 17. Because I totally just told you like tons of personal stuff. And it would be really embarrassing if you turned me down after that.

  Ouch! Gah, the writer's poking me to tell you about real-life moments from the book.

  Um, they are all true to my life. But apparently my life doesn't count. Because I'm a fictional character. What B.S. Hello? Did you not feel my fear when I thought I was going down for that Georgina thing? What's more real than that?

  Apparently these things:

  There was actually a first date at an Indian restaurant where the bathroom door was locked and dine and ditch looked like a possibility.

  A version of Squirts.

  There is a woman who's ditzy enough to only read coloring books. Yeah, it's mean. But I bet you know one too.

  Ugh. And now, as if things aren't bad enough, she wants me to tell you that I write the emails for the reader group. WHAT? No. I refuse. I already have a new job. And apparently, it's harder to be a cop than an attorney because I have to go to the Academy and train.

  B.S. I am not writing you any letters. (Totally writing you letters) FUDGING FRICK! She's taking over my fingers. Make this stop. Don't pre-order books 2 or 3. Not worth it.

  Ignore this crazy bee and just tell me you love me. Leave a review. Because, like, how else am I gonna know? I only exist in words. So anything that's not written down technically doesn't exist for me.

  Peace out-


  The Lyon Fox Mysteries

  1. Magical Murder - Available Now

  2. Enchanted Execution - Available Now

  3. Supernatural Sleep - Available Now

  About the Author

  I’m at Stay at Home Bookkeeper for my husband and Stay at Home Mom to two wonderfully mischievous chi
ldren under age 6. I write after bedtime, so I suppose I should thank the creators of Melatonin for the ability to write this book. Just kidding. Sorta.

  I love the arts: painting, theatre, and reading. I have an undergrad degree in Playwriting and a grad degree in Theatre History. Socrates rocks my socks.

  I’m an INTJ. If you’ve never taken a Meyers Briggs personality test, I recommend them.

  I would love to talk to you about the book. Yes you. You can ask me questions on Facebook. If you sign up for my newsletter on my website, I’ll email you about upcoming books.




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