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Stephanie's Challenge

Page 11

by M. K. Eidem

  "Palace Guards would still be allowed to apply?"

  "Of course, once your ranks have been restored, because defending the Palace is just as important as defending those inside it."

  "I will make sure my men know that." Chandra leaned back in his chair satisfied.

  "I was also hoping you would be able to give me a tour of the walls, grounds, and Public Wing." She gave him a small smile. "After it has been cleared for the day of course," she added seeing how he was trying to figure out how to do that without them being mobbed or overheard.

  "I can do that," he agreed.

  "Would tonight be possible?" she asked as she went to rise.

  "After last meal?" he suggested, rising as she did.

  "Perfect." She gave him a brilliant smile. "I'll meet you here."

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  The next few days were filled with meetings, introductions, and Stephanie learning her way around the Palace. Chandra had shown her all the passages and entrances that purposely weren't on any plans for the Public Wing, just as Deffand had done in the Private ones. It gave her a better sense at just how difficult it was to protect the Palace and she had a new appreciation for how Chandra handled it with a depleted security force.


  Looking up from the desk which was now in the center of what was only her office, as the construction to the outer area had been completed. Nick stood in her open doorway, looking sharp and fresh in his pressed uniform despite the late hour.

  "Captain Deffand, what can I do for you?" Stephanie leaned back in her chair and ignored the way her heart beat faster at the sight of him.

  "Nothing," he said his handsome features relaxing. "I was just going off duty and wanted to check in before I did."

  Stephanie looked at the time on her comm and was surprised her mother hadn't contacted her yet. She'd had last meal with her, Jotham, and Barek the previous few nights, and it was way past that time. Then she remembered Jotham and Jacinda were having a private dinner with Evander and Evadne Terwilliger in the King's Garden.

  "I'm surprised you were willing to go off duty."

  He stepped further into the room and closed the door. "There are extra men stationed on the walls, but Evander and Evadne are no threat to Jotham and Jacinda."

  "I agree," she said, looking from the closed door to Nick.

  "So what are your plans for the rest of the night?" he asked with the slightest of innuendos in his tone. It had her gaze sharpening. "I understand your residence is finally ready."

  "Is it now?" Stephanie's lips twitching as she fought the urge to smile. She and Nick hadn't had any time alone since that moment before the Jacketing Ceremony, but that didn't mean he hadn't been on her mind, or in her dreams.

  "Yes." He leaned back against the door and folded his arms over his chest. "I was also informed that your kitchen has been fully stocked."

  "Oh really?" she asked raising an eyebrow. "And just who informed you of that?"

  "Your mother," he told her, a smile breaking out across his face. It had surprised her, the close relationship that had developed between him and her mother.

  Stephanie shook her head. She hadn't missed all her mother's subtle and not so subtle comments about Nick during their last meals together. Or how Jotham hadn't seemed opposed to the relationship. Still, this was between her and Nick.

  "Trying to get yourself invited over?" she asked.

  "Yes," he told her bluntly.

  Securing her comm, Stephanie rose deciding it was time to end her day as well. As she approached Nick he straightened but didn't move so they could exit. "Standing there isn't going to get us to my quarters."

  "I just need to do one thing first."

  "What?" she asked but he was already leaning down to capture her lips in a deep hard kiss. Before she could respond it was over.

  "That," Nick said with a sexy smile, then opened the door.

  Stephanie just shook her head as they exited her office and she activated her newly installed security panel.

  The outer office was quiet, its lights dimmed, as they walked by it and exited the Wing. Partway down the exterior corridor was a door that opened onto the Palace grounds and the pathway that led to the Commander's Residence. She hadn't had time to get over and explore it yet, having only been informed earlier in the afternoon that it was ready and that with her permission, her possessions would be moved.

  She had to admit it was something she was going to miss, the attentiveness of the Palace staff. While she knew they would continue to do whatever she requested of them, she was also looking forward to getting at least some of her privacy back.

  Nothing was said as they walked along the moonlit path and Stephanie found she liked it. It wasn't an uncomfortable or awkward silence, but rather a relaxing, soothing one, as if it was something they'd done a thousand times before.

  She really hadn't given much thought to what the interior of the Commander's Residence would look like. Oh, she'd studied the design and floor plan of the one-story building and knew it had two entrances, one down the path they were on, and another undetectable one off her bedroom. There was no obvious path leading from that door, but she knew if she ran directly from it to the wall of the King's Garden, she'd find a secret entrance. The residence had a large, open kitchen/living room area, a secure office with the high-security comm system she required, several bedrooms, and two bathrooms. But besides that, she had no idea what they were about to walk into.

  As they approached the residence, the path began to darken, and she looked up just as the skies opened in a deluge. The stoirme that had been predicted for later that night had arrived early, and although they were only a short distance from the door, they were both soaked by the time they got inside. Laughing, she swept her dripping hair out of her eyes as Nick closed the door.

  "I'll get some towels," Stephanie told him, moving down the hallway the Palace staff had thoughtfully left lit. She headed for the last door on the right, that led to her bedroom. In her private bathroom she grabbed two towels out of a cabinet then turned and hit a solid wall. Stumbling back she'd realized she'd run into Nick's broad chest.

  "Careful," he cautioned, gripping her upper arms to steady her.

  "Sorry, I didn't realize you'd followed me."

  "I didn't see any reason to just stand there and drip all over your floor." His gaze dropped to her soaked jacket. "You need to get out of those wet clothes."

  "I'm fine," she told him, but his hands were already on the fasteners of her jacket, and with her hands full there was nothing she could do to stop him. "Nick, stop!"

  "No, you're still recovering. The last thing you need is to become ill."


  "No buts." He grabbed the towels out of her hands and tossed them on the bathroom counter. He then pulled her dripping jacket off, dropping it on the floor. Seeing the goosebumps on her arms, he cursed. "You're already chilled! Get the rest of your clothes off! Now!"

  Moving around her, he turned on the water in the oversized walk-in shower.

  "Seriously?" She gave him a disbelieving look as she spun around. "You did not just order me to strip!"

  Nick ignored her. When he turned back and found she hadn't moved, he lost what little control he had left. Sweeping her up into his arms he carried her into the shower.

  "Nick! What do you think you're...?" The rest of Stephanie's words were lost under the water cascading down from the ceiling. The heat made her realize just how chilled she really was. Before her feet touched the floor, she tipped her head back, relishing the warmth. "Ancestors, that feels good."

  Nick remained silent, his hands quickly removing her boots and the rest of her clothing. It was only then that he leaned back on his knees and allowed himself to take in the naked beauty that was Stephanie Michelakakis.

  Water flowed down her well-toned body. It cascaded off the luscious tips of her breasts to land on her taut abdomen before flowing down to disappear between her lean thighs.
It reappeared swirling around her long golden legs, again, and again, until it reluctantly reached the floor and was forced to leave her.

  Jealous of the way the water touched her, Nick slowly rose. His fingers trailed along her calves as he kissed the indentation of her belly button. Nick continued up, stopping to quench his thirst from one of her nipples while his fingers caressed her inner thighs. Rising to his full height, he gripped her hips pulling her body flush against his.

  Stephanie's fingers tightened on Nick's shoulders. The heat of the water had relaxed and warmed her and Nick's initial touch made her feel cherished and cared for. But now with the way his hands and mouth were moving over her body, she was filled with need, heat, and desire. Tilting her head back up she opened her eyes and saw the same things reflected in Nick's. There was only one problem...he was still fully clothed. That needed to change.

  "You're overdressed, Captain," she told him, her fingers sliding along the fasteners of his jacket.

  "Are you ordering me to strip, Commander?" he asked, and her breath caught at the sexy smile he gave her.

  "I am."

  "I've already stated I have no problem following your orders, especially this one." Stepping back he shrugged off his jacket, then pulled the black skintight shirt beneath it up over his head.

  As he did, she got her first glimpse of the ripped body his uniform hid. Ancestors, how was it possible for one man to look so good?

  "See anything you like?" he asked teasingly.

  Stephanie couldn't prevent the blush that crossed her cheeks from the way she was ogling him, but she wasn't going to let it stop her from achieving her goal.

  "I don't know as I haven't seen it all yet," she teased back.

  "Well we can't have that now can we?" he said, and the rest of his uniform joined hers.

  "Ancestors, Nick," she murmured, taking in his well-defined calves, muscled thighs, and long, thickening shaft. "You're gorgeous."

  Nick flushed at her words. He'd never given much thought to his body's appearance before, except for keeping it in top form so he could protect his King. While he knew his features weren't terrible, it was his job to fade into the background, to never draw the eye unless it was needed, and he was damn good at his job. But right now his job was to give Stephanie as much pleasure as she could handle.

  "You're the gorgeous one in this shower," he told her sinking his fingers into her thick, wet strands. Tipping her face up he captured her lips giving her the hard, deep kiss he'd been dreaming of ever since their first one. Only this time he made sure to give her a chance to breathe before diving back in for another, and another.

  As their tongues sparred, Stephanie's hands explored the muscles of his chest and abs, memorizing every bulge and crevice before moving along his lean flanks to pull his hips flush against hers. It trapped his hard shaft between them and the feel of it had her hungry for more. Lifting a leg, she hooked it around his hip, opening herself to him while bringing him even closer.

  Nick found himself quickly losing control as Stephanie wrapped herself around him. He'd wanted to take this slow, tried to show her how much she meant to him, but she was making it nearly impossible.

  "Stephanie..." he gasped, breaking off the kiss, "We need to slow down."

  "Fuck slow," she growled, trying to pull his mouth back to hers.

  "I don't want to hurt you."

  "I'm not going to break, Nick. Yes, I've been injured, but that doesn't make me less of a woman." She pulled back to look up at him, stiffening and her passion suddenly cooling. "Unless that's how you see me and this is some kind of pity fuck."

  "Pity fuck? Fuck that!" he snapped back, grabbing the leg she'd started to lower and hiking it up even higher, as he backed her up against the wall. "You know that's not true. I've wanted you from the first moment I laid eyes on you, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to think of your needs first."

  "What I need is for you to fuck me like you would any other woman."

  "That's never going to happen because you're not like any other woman. You're special. Important. No other woman in the universe even comes close to you, Stephanie Michelakakis. Not for me."

  She could hear the honesty in his words, could see it in his eyes. How had that happened? What could she have possibly done to become so important to this amazing man?

  "I feel the same way about you," she told him quietly, as she reached up to cup one of his cheeks, "but I'm not going to let you treat me like a piece of spun glass. If you do something that I don't like or hurts, trust me, I'll let you know. If you can't do that then maybe we should end this right now."

  Nick's gaze traveled over her expression and saw she was serious. "We're not ending this, Stephanie. I've waited all my life to find a woman like you, and that's the woman I'm going to fuck. If making sure you’re not harmed pisses you off, then you'll just have to deal with it because when you're in my arms, you're the priority, and nothing is allowed to harm you, not even me. Now hang on because I'm going to fuck my woman." Lifting her off her feet, he placed the head of his shaft at her entrance.

  Stephanie's pussy clenched with need at Nick's aggression. This was a side of him she'd always known was there, that dominating dangerous side. It had to be for him to get to where he was. He'd just never turned it on her before, and she found the woman in her liked it. She only had a moment to grip his shoulders before he drove deep into her, his thrust so powerful it stole her breath.

  "Steph?" he growled his eyes searching hers.

  "I'm good," she gasped as she arched her back, taking in even more of him. "More... Don't stop..."

  "Don’t plan to,” he growled before capturing the tip of one upturned breast, sucking it into his mouth. His hips pumped faster, his shaft going deeper and deeper into her hot slickness. All too soon he felt his balls begin to tighten and that familiar tingle at the base of his spine told him he wouldn't last much longer, but he refused to go without her.

  Stephanie lost herself in the intensity of the feelings Nick was creating within her. Every tug on her breast caused her channel to clench around his thick shaft relentlessly driving into her again, and again, which made her grip him even tighter. She could do nothing but dig her fingers deeper into his shoulders as her pleasure built so rapidly she knew it wouldn't take much to send her over. Then his thumbs found her nub and her entire being shattered.

  Nick released her breast as her body clamped down on his and with one final thrust emptied himself inside of her.

  Chapter Ten

  Nick braced an arm against the wall, keeping them both upright as his knees trembled from the explosive release he'd just experienced. For a moment he could have sworn they'd created their own private universe, one where the only sounds heard were those of running water and heavy breathing. But slowly the moment faded, and reality seeped in.

  It started with the water temperature cooling and Stephanie loosening her legs around him. He pushed away from the wall and slowly allowed her body to slide along his until her feet touched the floor. Once Nick was sure she was steady, he turned off the water and grabbed the discarded towels from the counter. Turning back, he gave her one, and while she dried her hair, he started on her body, paying particular attention to her breasts.

  "Nick..." she murmured, her hands stilling.

  "Like that, do you?" he asked his gaze heating up. While she opened her mouth, it was her stomach that responded by growling loudly. They both went still for a moment then he started to chuckle. "I guess that answers that question. Turn around, and I'll dry your back then we'll see about getting you fed."

  Instead of doing as he asked, she stepped away from him, covering her front with the towel.

  "Stephanie?" he asked questioningly.

  "I'll do it," she told him. "Why don't you head into the guest bath?"

  "Guest bath?"

  "Yes, it's the middle door on the other side of the hall. It connects to the guest bedrooms. I'm sure the Palace staff made sure to stock it with robes."

  Nick didn't understand her sudden change in demeanor. Then it hit him, and he reached out, angrily stripping away the towel. "You will not hide from me, Stephanie. Not your beauty. Not your scars. They’re both a part of who you are, and while it will always upset me that you were injured, I'm proud at what they represent. Your strength and commitment to those you love and to those you've vowed to protect. Now turn around."

  Stephanie's eyes widened, and for a moment she seemed to stop breathing, then slowly she turned and allowed him to see her scarred back.

  Nick refused to say anything as she turned. He was too angry, too hurt. How could she possibly think her scars mattered to him? What mattered to him was that she was here and alive.

  Then he couldn't say anything when he saw what Adelaide Pajari's attack had caused. Bliant, while a gifted Healer, hadn't been able to save Stephanie's lung. Because of that, Nick spent hours learning everything he could about how that would affect Stephanie. He thought he'd been prepared to see the red, raised, surgical scar that ran along her ribcage before curving around her side, but nothing could prepare him for this. Not when it was on his Stephanie.

  "Not so pretty, huh?" she whispered, closing her eyes at their foggy reflection in the mirror. She'd never been a vain woman, but she knew how her features were viewed.

  Instead of answering, he kissed the two star-like scars Adelaide's hair sticks had left when they shredded her lung. Then he moved along the one Bliant had inflicted saving her life. Once he'd traversed the entire length of the lifesaving scar, he dried the rest of her back, then reached for the robe hanging on the door. Only when she was fully covered did he grab a towel and begin to dry himself.

  The touch of his lips along her scar caused Stephanie's last wall to fall, along with her heart. Was this how her mother had felt when she'd fallen in love with her father and then Jotham? Loved, cared for, completely cherished. If so then she owed her mother an unimaginable apology for asking her to give it up for something as insignificant as her career. Watching Nick through the clearing mirror, she realized she wanted him to feel as special as he'd made her feel.


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