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A Duke’s Relentless Courting: A Clean & Sweet Regency Historical Romance Novel

Page 24

by Leah Conolly

  The women looked at one another once more, and then back at him. Rather than address them directly and tell them of his plans, however, he opted for a more cryptic approach.

  “May I escort you ladies from the docks?” he asked.

  Christine looked at him, apprehensive but curious.

  “I suppose that you have every right to insist we accompany you,” she said. “Where are we going?”

  Duncan smiled, his plan forming second by second as he spoke.

  “If you will place as much trust in me as I have placed in you, you shall soon see,’’ he said.

  With a hesitant nod, Christine gave him a small smile. As tense and worried as the expression was, it made her seem even more beautiful, and his heart skipped a beat. He smiled back politely, wondering at the effect that the lovely blond woman was having on him.

  Duncan called for a carriage to take the women and himself to his inn, which was not far from the docks. The relief on the women’s faces was almost tangible, and Duncan knew that whatever they had been through, it must have been difficult. He was grateful that it was he who had found them, and not some other ship owner. He also found that he was very glad to have met Christine. The more he looked at her, the more beautiful she seemed, and he could not wait to learn more about her.

  Moments later, the carriage pulled up in front of his well-appointed inn. The women gasped in unison, and Duncan relished the slight flush that came to Christine’s cheeks as she looked in awe at the building.

  “This is yours?” she asked, not taking her eyes off the building.

  “I am proud to say that it is,” he said, feeling his own cheeks grow warm.

  “It is beautiful,” Ruth said, her look of wonder matching her mistress’s.

  “You are very kind to say so,” he said. “Would the two of you like a tour?”

  The women looked at him simultaneously and gave him enthusiastic nods in unison. Their giddiness was infectious, and he could not help but laugh. He helped the women out of the carriage and escorted them through the doors that led to the inn’s lobby.

  “I thought you exported wine,” Christine said absently, taking in the lobby décor.

  Duncan laughed.

  “I do,” he said. “I am also an inn owner, and the ninth Duke of Willeton.”

  The two women gasped and looked at him.

  “Forgive me, Your Grace,” Christine said, blushing. “I did not realize.”

  Ruthie stared at him, seemingly unsure of what to say.

  “Do not worry,” he said. “I shall not have you arrested simply because you do not know who I am.”

  Christine looked at him, her face pale and eyes wide, until she saw the twinkle in Duncan’s own eyes. Then, she began to laugh.

  “I wonder if I could convince them to arrest you for attempting to give two young women heart attacks,” she teased.

  Duncan laughed heartily.

  “Perhaps, if the young women in question had not first given me a heart attack by falling out of one of my shipping crates.”

  Both women laughed along with him, as he led them toward the staircase. He watched with delight, as they looked at the deep purple and blue drapes and upholstery in awe. The brass fixtures had just been polished and shined brilliantly.

  Duncan finished the tour by leading the women to the polished wood desk in the lobby, behind which sat an older woman. She looked up at the duke and gave him a small, professional smile.

  “Good day, my lord,” she said. “Do you have some additional duties for me?”

  Duncan shook his head.

  “No, Hilda,” he said. “However, I would like you to ensure that these two women have a room as quickly as possible.”

  Hilda nodded.

  “Will they be paying for the room now?” she asked.

  Duncan held up his hand.

  “They will be staying here as my guests,” he said.

  Hilda looked at the trio with a curious expression, but she simply nodded.

  “Yes, my lord,” she said. “I will see to it that there is a room prepared at once.”

  When Hilda left the desk, Christine turned to Duncan, her cheeks red.

  “You are too kind, my lord,” she said.

  Duncan smiled kindly.

  “Not at all,” he said. “I am happy to be of service.” He paused, reaching into his pocket and fishing out several shillings. “This should be enough for some food for the two of you for the next couple of days.” He held out his hand to Christine.

  The women gasped, and Christine held up her hand.

  “We could not possibly accept such generosity,” she insisted. “Especially as you have already been so kind.”

  Duncan shook his head.

  “You misunderstand,” he said. “This is not charity. This is an advance on your salary. As you will be starting work tomorrow, I have decided that giving you a little bit of the money you will be earning to purchase food would only be prudent.”

  Ruth put a hand to her mouth. Christine blinked and glanced away. At last, however, she reached out and took the shillings from Duncan’s hand.

  “You truly are most gracious, my lord,” she said.

  “You will be helping me every bit as much as I am helping you, I assure you,” he said warmly.

  Their attention was drawn to Hilda as she reentered the lobby.

  “The room is ready,” she said. “It will be the third room at the top of the staircase.”

  Duncan smiled kindly at the receptionist.

  “Thank you, Hilda,” he said. Then he turned back to Ruth and Christine. “Would you ladies like me to show you to your room?”

  Both women blushed, but Christine looked at him, her eyes full of gratitude and awe.

  “That would be wonderful, Lord Lancaster,” she said.

  Duncan escorted the women back up the stairs. He had already shown them the upstairs during their tour, but he did not miss how the women still surveyed their surroundings with admiration.

  His heart swelled with pride that his establishment had them such awe. He was also amazed that they had turned into such different women from the two he had discovered trying to steal aboard his ship. He especially admired the flush that came to Christine’s cheeks as she looked around the inn. It was clear that simple things brought joy to her heart, and that made her even more beautiful to him. He could not guess at why she felt she had to flee to the New World, but it pleased him to see that she could still feel safe and happy in his inn.

  Unable to resist, he took a deep breath.

  “So, Miss Becker,” he said, as he opened the door to the room that would belong to Christine and Ruthie. “Would you care to tell me a little about yourself? You will be starting to work for me tomorrow, after all.”

  Christine seemed to barely hear him, staring at the lavishness of the room with rounded eyes. Duncan was beginning to believe that the women truly had never seen such lavish décor, though he still doubted that it was because they were entirely unfamiliar with the upper ton.

  Christine said nothing for several long moments, as she and Ruth surveyed the room. They shared a few glances, but no words were exchanged.

  At last, Christine turned to face him.

  “I have told you all that you need to know for now,” she said. “I am a foolish girl who trusted the wrong man and was cast out of her home for it. I would prefer to focus on the future.”

  Once again, Duncan found himself taken by her. She was mysterious and apparently both proud and diplomatic. He thought that, even if he did not know every single thing about her, she was someone he wished to have working for him. And her beauty was certainly unmatched.

  “Fair enough,” he conceded at last. “Will you at least promise to be forthright with me from tomorrow? I must know that I can trust those in my employ completely.”

  Christine seemed to pale, but she looked him in the eye with little hesitation.

  “I promise you, my lord, that I will never do anything tha
t would compromise your reputation or your business,” she said.

  Duncan thought for a moment. He understood there were things she was not saying, but he also knew that he trusted her.

  “Very well,” he said reluctantly. “I suppose that is all I can reasonably ask of someone in my employ. I do expect full honesty from you, and you can expect the same from me.”

  Christine flushed deeply, and once more Duncan found himself wondering what it was that the lovely young woman was hiding.

  “I will do my best to be forthcoming with you from this point onward, my lord,” she said quietly.

  “Very good,” Duncan said. Despite her secrecy, Duncan felt he could trust her, and he decided that whatever she was keeping from him could wait. He smiled at the women. “Then I will leave you ladies to your own devices. Be sure to let Hilda know if there is anything she can do for you.”

  Christine beamed at him, and the look made him melt.

  “Thank you so much for everything,” she repeated. “You are too kind.”

  Duncan smiled.

  I can make no such claims,” he said. “But I would like to think that I am a fair and just man.”

  Christine nodded, clearly trying to hide her tears of gratitude.

  “Indeed, you are,” she said. “I will not make you regret it.”

  “Very good,” Duncan said. “Then I will expect to see you first thing tomorrow morning.”

  With a final farewell, Duncan left the two women. As the day progressed, he found that only one of them occupied his thoughts. He was greatly impressed with Miss Christine Becker, and he could not wait to know more about her.

  A Message from Leah Conolly

  Another story has reached its end. Here's to many more to come!

  Thank you so much for reading my novel. You are the reason I am able to write the stories I love so I sincerely hope you liked it!

  That being said, I can't wait to hear what you thought of my heroes and their romance so I would really appreciate it if you take the time to post a review, or even contact me via my website and email address! I will be very happy to talk to you and receive your feedback because it will really help me improve as an author.

  So leave your review and help me write your next favorite page-turner!

  Until next time, my wonderful reader!

  About Starfall Publications

  Starfall Publications has helped me and so many others extend my passion from writing to you.

  The prime focus of this company has been – and always will be – quality and I am honored to be able to publish my books under their name.

  Having said that, I would like to officially thank Starfall Publications for offering me the opportunity to be part of such a wonderful, hard-working team!

  Thanks to them, my dreams – and your dreams — have come true!

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  Also by Leah Conolly

  A Rebellious Lady for the Brokenhearted Duke

  Pretty Little Lies for the Duke’s Heart




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