Three for Julie (Blissful Bets #4)

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Three for Julie (Blissful Bets #4) Page 2

by Alaska Angelini

  Julie, the Whore. The words looked as if they had been written by a professional calligrapher. They were a beautiful cursive, yet the style reminded her of a handwriting that must have been hundreds of years old. It was odd, but to Julie the lettering was almost magical. The intricate loops had the power to somehow pull her into a trance.

  “So, do you think this one has the same goodies as the last few?”

  The hold the words had on Julie was hard to break. She blinked a few times and confusedly shook her head at Corinne. “What?”

  “The contents. Do I get to see you dancing topless again in the bed of someone’s truck or—”

  Julie glared. “That only happened once, and we were parked at the end of the beach. No one was there but me and Taylor.”

  “Well someone was watching you.”

  “Obviously.” Julie opened the package and pulled out a picture and a note. The photo was nothing more than a close up of her sleeping. But that was enough. The pillow she was lying on was a pink zebra print. Her heart nearly stopped. The only person she knew that had that bedding was her. It could only have meant one thing. This stranger was in her house while she was sleeping.

  A chill raced across Julie’s skin. Corinne grabbed the picture, but Julie hardly noticed. She looked at the blank, tulip-designed piece of paper. Air refused to fill her lungs as recognition dawned.

  “Well?” Corinne stepped closer. “What does it say?”

  “Nothing.” Julie ripped the picture from the secretary’s hand and stuffed it, along with the paper, back in the envelope. “I have to go.”

  “What?” Corinne’s mouth dropped open. “You’re leaving? What about your appointments?”

  Julie snatched her purse from the desk. “Tell them I had to take off for a personal emergency and I won’t be back for a few days.”

  “Days?” Concern washed over Corinne’s face. “Julie, what the hell is going on? You laughed off the envelopes before, but they’re more serious than you let on, aren’t they?”

  Vertigo threatened as Julie stopped short of the door. “That picture of me sleeping…” She pressed her fingertips to the ache pounding in her temple. “Corinne, there’s only one person who goes into my apartment, and I know he isn’t doing this. My closest friends hardly ever come inside. This creep invaded the security of my home while I was there. I can’t tell you how rattled I am right now. I need to go.”

  “What about the letter?” Corinne followed Julie down the hall and didn’t stop until she was standing outside of Julie’s Mercedes.

  A wind gust blew sand into the air and Julie shielded her face as she looked into Corinne’s pale green eyes. “The paper was blank, but that wasn’t the point of why this person sent it. The stationary is special. I had it personally made.”

  Corinne just stared at her with a confused look on her face.

  It took everything Julie had not to roll her eyes. “I keep the papers and envelopes in my vanity drawer. That drawer has a lock which only I have the key for. Somehow, this person was able to get into my drawer, which means they’ve been searching through my things. If you ask me, the message for today is that this asshole can come into my life whenever he wants, and there’s nothing I can do about it. But you know what, he’s wrong.”

  Julie opened her car door. “Take my messages and please tell Jerry and everyone else that I had a family emergency and had to go out of town for a while.”

  Corinne nodded and hesitated to turn around. The blonde hair she’d kept tight in a bun began to come loose in the raging wind. “What are you going to do?”

  Julie smiled. “Nothing stupid, I assure you. I’m going to see Ayden.”

  “The Chief of Police?”

  “That’s the one.” Julie tossed her purse into the passenger’s side.

  “Please be careful. And call me if you need anything. A place to stay, someone to stay with you. Whatever it is.”

  Julie gave her a hug. “I will. Thank you. You’ve been such a blessing since you started working here. You’re always looking out for me.”

  Corinne smiled. “And I always will.”

  Rain started to fall as Julie watched her secretary rush inside. The droplets fell hard against her skin, and Julie felt the all-too-familiar chill settle in her bones. She got in and started her car. Before she could talk herself out of it, she headed in the direction of the police department. If anyone could help her, it was Ayden. He was Nicole’s husband, and she’d gotten to know him quite well lately. And it wasn’t in a good way.

  Chapter 3

  Julie could hardly hear the words coming out of Ayden’s mouth. The throbbing in her head was so intense, she was sure she was going to be sick right there in front of him. She swallowed hard, trying to get rid of the feeling.

  “Why didn’t you come to me earlier?” Ayden sat behind his desk, clicking a pen open and closed.

  “I didn’t think it was a big deal. I mean, this isn’t the first time I’ve received threatening messages. I’m a lawyer. People get pissed when a ruling doesn’t go their way. Especially when kids are involved.”

  “You still should have reported it.” Ayden looked down at the numerous photos Julie had given him. The embarrassment was overwhelming. Polaroids of all kinds littered the desk. They dated back a good year at least, right before she’d hooked up with Taylor. There were ones of her dancing against different men. Men she’d later taken to hotels as bets. Ones of her at the bar, ordering drinks. And the most embarrassing one was the topless picture of her dancing on the back of Taylor’s truck. She’d made sure she had Sharpied that part out before she came in.

  “The handwriting.” Ayden studied it before he looked back up at her. “It’s unique, is it not?”

  Julie nodded. “It was the first thing I noticed. I think I stared at it for a good five minutes before I even opened the package. It’s not written in regular ink though.” Julie leaned in closer and grabbed the first envelope to inspect it again.

  Ayden’s eyes narrowed in on her. “No. It’s not. I think it might be blood.”

  Manila floated to the floor as Julie jerked her hand back. “You’re fucking kidding me. Are you sure?”

  “Not one hundred percent.” Ayden stood from the desk. “Let me send them over to forensics and we’ll make sure.”

  All Julie could do was nod. Just the thought that the beautiful letters she’d been admiring were written in blood was more than she could take in at the moment.

  “I want you to let me put an officer outside your apartment. If this person is intent on actually hurting you, I want someone there.”

  Julie’s lips tightened. “I don’t think I’d go as far as saying someone would hurt me. It’s petty name-calling. Scare tactics. That’s it.”

  Ayden held up the Polaroid. “You call someone taking pictures of you asleep ‘scare tactics’? Julie, this is serious. Someone broke into your home.”

  “And they could have hurt me when they had the chance. I’m sure in a few weeks they’ll grow bored and move on.”

  “These date back almost a year, and the fact that these packages started coming in only a few weeks ago says something. Are you willing to take that chance?”

  Was she? Julie stood from her chair. The dizziness caused her to grab the back just so she wouldn’t fall. She needed a drink, and bad. “Just for tonight.”

  “We’re not bargaining, Julie. If Melissa knew that I didn’t do everything in my power to make sure you’re okay, she’d tell Nicole, and my ass would be handed to me. I’m not letting that happen.”

  Julie shook her head. “A week, tops. If nothing else happens, then we pretend I never came in here. Deal?”

  No words came from Ayden’s mouth, but from the hard stare he was giving her, she knew it didn’t matter what she said. Julie looked at her watch. “I have to go home and rest. I’m really not feeling so well.”

  “Julie…” Ayden walked around the desk to stand beside her. “Did you take me up on my advice and go see
Dr. Benson?”

  The pounding worsened from the increase of her heart rate. “I told you, I don’t need any help. I can do this on my own.”

  “I beg to differ. Look at you.”

  “I’m fine, Ayden. I’ve been responsible about drinking. I take cabs if I decide to go anywhere. I always make sure I try not to go overboard. And I promise you, I’m completely sober right now.”

  He lowered his head. “And that’s a problem, isn’t it?”

  Julie snatched her purse from the chair. “You and your officers stay away from me. I don’t want your help.”


  “I mean it. Stay away.”

  The sound of her heels pounding against the tile floor was deafening. Julie could feel herself almost jogging to her car. The tears were coming, and if she didn’t hurry they were going to fall before she had a chance to get home. She was mortified that Ayden had called her out on her problem. She was determined to quit. It was hard, but she was trying.


  Julie didn’t turn around. She forced herself faster.


  Footsteps were gaining on her fast. Too fast. Defeat and lack of air forced Julie to stop. The weight of her head pulled her to face the ground. All she wanted to do was go home and sleep. Now she was going to have to worry about some babysitter watching her every move.


  Julie turned around slowly. Her eyes felt like they were on fire from the tears that threatened to overflow. “How can I help you?” The sun was in her eyes making it impossible to see the officer’s face.

  “Chief told me to escort you home.”

  The officer stuck out his hand and waited for her to take it.

  “I’m Officer Simms. Or Aston, if you’d prefer.”

  She forced a smile and lifted her hand to block the sun. The moment her eyes connected with the color blue, her heart nearly stopped. Did she know this man? He looked awfully familiar. “Aston…it’s a pleasure meeting you.”

  Julie shook his hand and immediately got the feeling that she didn’t want to let it go. All she could do was stare into his depths in somewhat of a daze. It was as though nothing else existed around her, other than this extremely tall officer.

  “Have we met?” Officer Simms looked just as confused as she felt. He was even biting on his lower lip.

  “You know, I was wondering the same thing.” Julie laughed and stepped back. It was only when she felt the tension did she realize they were still holding hands. She quickly pulled hers away, feeling her cheeks burst with heat. Was she blushing? Surely not. She had to have been sicker than she realized.

  The cop’s smile looked somewhat mischievous. “Are you okay? I mean, you look really flushed.”

  “Officer Simms,” she began.


  Julie nodded. “Okay, Aston. Listen, I have to tell you, I really don’t like the idea of this. It’s nothing personal against you, but I’m a very private person when it comes down to it. I’d like to just pretend that I’m driving home, and no one is following me or is going to be watching over me. Agreed?”

  A big smile came to his face. God, it was a beautiful smile. Julie almost could feel herself leaning forward, as if gravity revolved around him and he was exactly where she needed to go.

  “No worries. My sister is the same way. I’ll just let you be on your way, and you can pretend that I’m not tailing you.”

  Julie sighed with relief. “Thank you.”

  She turned and got in. The shakiness made starting the car almost impossible. Julie could feel her entire body humming. Even her jaw was going ninety to nothing, as if she were cold. But that wasn’t the case at all. Sweat was soaking through her clothes.

  The phone ringing broke the silence. Julie hit the answer button on her steering wheel. “Hello?”

  “Jules.” A heavy sigh filled the car as the voice came over the speakers.

  “Londyn?” Aching consumed her chest. The only man she’d been in a committed relationship with since her divorce was the last person she expected to hear from. Hell, she didn’t ever think she’d talk to him again. It’d been months since they’d seen each other. What had started out as hot and heavy had just ended out of nowhere. Julie had never felt as empty as she had when Londyn disappeared.

  “Ayden tells me you’re in trouble.”

  So many emotions exploded inside of her. Rage like she’d never felt before took over. “Ayden? He told you that! Why? Regardless, why the hell do you give a shit? I haven’t heard from you in forever.”

  “We need to talk.”

  “Like hell we do.” Julie looked down at the speedometer and quickly hit her brakes. She was going almost fifteen miles over the speed limit, and it wasn’t good that a cop was following her.

  “I know you’re upset with the way things ended.”

  “You’re damn right I am. You don’t date someone for more than half a year and just stop calling them for no damn good reason. I thought you were dead. I even went to file a police report, just to be told I was wasting my time because you were fine. Fine, Londyn!”

  “It’s hard to explain. You wouldn’t understand.”

  “I wouldn’t? In my day and age, we use a little thing best known as a phone. You know, the thing you called me on. Anyway, there’s something called communication that I like to think people with common sense do. If you have a problem, you tell the person you have a problem with. If you decide maybe something isn’t right, you tell them. On a phone! On an answering machine! Or, by God, as a last resort, a fucking text message.”

  Julie turned into the parking lot and threw the car in park. Now that she was done driving for the day, she quickly opened her purse and pulled out two of the miniatures of vodka. The first she finished in one drink, the second one she opened.

  “I wish you could understand.” Londyn’s voice lowered to a whisper. “Jules, let me come over so I can explain. I can watch over you.”

  The fact that a tiny part of her wanted him to come made her even angrier. Julie downed the second vodka. “No. Stay away from me. You had your chance and you blew it.” She hit the button and ended the call. A scream filled the car as she looked up to see the officer peering through her window.

  Julie turned off the ignition and threw the empty bottles in her purse. Aston’s face was completely blank as she staggered to stand. These damn heels were way too narrow.

  “I promise I didn’t drink those while driving. I wouldn’t do that. I was already parked.”

  His brow creased. “I know. I saw you. Are you sure you’re all right?”

  “I’m great.” Julie headed for her apartment, noticing Aston was following. For some reason she didn’t mind him being there so much anymore.

  He looked over and winked. “Just a walk-through. Pretend I’m not even here.”

  She smiled. Something about this officer really decreased her anxiety. A man she’d been in love with had just called, and it was as if they hadn’t had some blowout mere minutes ago. She wasn’t sure if it was his energy or his appearance. He was tall and good looking. Dark hair and built like a body builder.

  Sure, he definitely gave off a safe vibe. She really couldn’t see anyone wanting to mess with him. But she didn’t think that was why she felt so comfortable. It had to be the energy emanating from his body. Calm. Confident. And she couldn’t ignore how turned on she was getting just checking him out. Usually she was attracted to lean muscle, but this guy wore his size well. Would he look just as big without his shirt on? She didn’t think she’d mind finding out.

  Julie tried shaking the thoughts out of her head. She was practically drooling, and she should have been taking the situation a lot more seriously. He had a job to do, and that was to keep her safe. The last thing he needed was to be distracted by her ogling.

  Aston slowed just before they got to the door and looked at her. Julie’s heart skipped a beat, and she wasn’t sure if it was the sickness or the de
pths of his eyes that made her feel like she had butterflies in her stomach. He opened his mouth to talk but instead took a deep breath and continued to stare at her.

  “I’m not interrupting anything, I hope.”

  What strangely felt like a moment was quickly diminished at the sound of Taylor’s voice. Julie dropped her head and laughed. She should have known he would come by to check on her. How could she have forgotten about their lunch date?

  “No. you’re not interrupting. Taylor, this is Officer Simms. Officer Simms, Taylor, my…friend.”

  They shook hands, and Julie couldn’t ignore how close Aston and Taylor were in height. Funny, she’d never really noticed that in Taylor before. Come to think of it, as big as Aston appeared to be at the beginning wasn’t much bigger than her lover. There was definitely a size difference, but not as drastic as Julie had thought. Had she become that immune to Taylor’s looks, or grown way too comfortable and close to him? It was just one more confirmation that she’d let herself fall too hard.

  “What’s going on, Jules?” Taylor nodded his head in Aston’s direction.

  “Oh, nothing really. I’ll explain inside.”

  Julie went to unlock her door when she realized the knob turned beneath her hand. “I could have sworn I locked this when we left for work.”

  “You did.” Taylor pulled her closer to him. “I distinctly remember us talking about meeting up for lunch when you were.”

  Officer Simms pulled out his gun. “Stay outside.” He looked at Taylor. “Take her back a good twenty feet. I’ll let you know when the coast is clear.”

  Taylor didn’t say anything as he pulled Julie toward the laundry building in the middle of the complex. She watched as Aston opened the door and disappeared.

  “Jules, start explaining. When we talked this morning, you didn’t mention anything that required law enforcement coming to the house. Did something happen at work?”

  “Uh, yeah.” Julie swore under her breath and groaned. “I didn’t want to say anything, but for the last few weeks I’ve been getting these packages. Mainly harmless. Some pics, along with letters full of name-calling. Anyway, this morning I received one that had a picture of me, and inside the package was a piece of paper.”


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