Three for Julie (Blissful Bets #4)

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Three for Julie (Blissful Bets #4) Page 3

by Alaska Angelini

  Taylor’s eyes narrowed. “We’ll get to the letter. What kind of picture are we talking here?”

  “I was sleeping.”

  “Like…an old picture? With a bet?”

  Julie cringed. She hated that she’d been so open and honest with Taylor, but she had to explain from the beginning that she meant to see other people. That what they shared was sex only, and no feelings could come out of it. She’d made a vow that if it started to cross over the line, she was pulling the plug. If she had been smart, she would have done that, months ago. Now she was head over heels, and he was practically living in her apartment.

  “I never slept after the sex. I’d always come right home. This picture was of me sleeping, here in my bed.”

  Taylor clenched his jaw. “You mean to tell me someone came into your home while you were asleep?”


  “What did the paper say?”

  Julie shrugged. “Nothing. But it didn’t have to. The stationary was locked away in my drawer, which means they knew where I hid the key, and they got into my secret place.”

  “Why is this the first time I’m hearing about these packages?”

  Julie rolled her eyes. “Because I didn’t think it was a big deal. Now I know.”

  Officer Simms walked out and Julie rushed over.

  “All’s clear. Why don’t you walk through and let me know if anything is missing or out of place.”

  Taylor followed her in, but Julie hardly realized. After walking through the kitchen and living room, she made her way into her room. The bed was still a mess from this morning, but other than that, everything was meticulously placed. She opened the walk-in closet and was about to shut the door when she stopped in her tracks.


  Her heart started pounding. All Julie could do was stare in bewilderment. The reality that she wasn’t the only one with access to her home was becoming all too real, and it scared the shit out of her.

  Chapter 4

  Julie looked at the clothes in disbelief. Everything was always color coordinated. She had been that way ever since she could remember Rosa organizing her stuff like that. Hell, she’d even organized Taylor’s clothes in the same color patterns as her own. Black, blue, red, white, and so on.

  As she looked at the way everything was mixed together, she tried to convince herself that she wasn’t losing her mind. She had not somehow done this herself. It went against everything she was. The fact that not just one thing was out of order, but all her clothes, would have driven her crazy until she fixed it.

  “My clothes…they’re messed up.”

  Aston peeked his head in. “How so? Everything looks fine to me.”

  Julie pointed. “You don’t understand. I have a thing I do. Everything goes with its specific color, in a specific order. Black, blue, red, white. Look.” Julie stepped deeper into the closet. “They’re all mixed together.”

  “Jules, calm down.” Taylor scratched his head, just as confused as her.

  She looked at Aston. “I’m telling you, someone switched my clothes around. Taylor knows more than anyone how consistent I am about this. You have to believe me when I say someone was in here.”

  Officer Simms looked at Taylor, and then they both looked at her. Julie immediately felt defensive. “I know you probably don’t understand, but I’m telling you I’m not making this up. Someone came in here and screwed with my stuff.”

  “I know how you are,” Taylor said, “but I don’t understand why anyone would do this.”

  “What do you mean, why?” She began putting her clothes back in order. “Why would they write letters and take pictures of me? Tell me, Taylor, because I’d really like to know. If this person can do something as immature as that, then why couldn’t they come in and screw with something as petty as the order of my clothes? Someone did it, I’m telling you. I sure as hell didn’t.”

  Officer Simms pulled out his phone. “If you’re sure, and there’s no way you might have accidently rearranged the order yourself, I’ll believe you. But you have to be certain.”

  Julie immediately looked down at what she was wearing. Black slacks, red silk blouse.

  “No. It was right this morning. I took a shower and I came in here to grab my clothes. I would have recognized if it was wrong. Everything about this morning was…routine. Taylor and I got ready. We drank coffee. We left.”

  Aston nodded. “Will you please excuse me while I call the Chief? He’s going to want to know what’s going on.” Before Julie could answer, he’d already disappeared. She turned to look at Taylor.

  “You believe me, don’t you?”

  Taylor grabbed her hand and pulled her over to the bed to sit down. “Of course I believe you. If your clothes had been out of order this morning, I would have heard about it. I really wish you would have told me about these packages, though. Maybe I could have prevented it from getting this far. “

  “Maybe.” Julie shrugged. “But maybe not. I just wish I knew why someone would do such a thing. I mean, what’s he going to get out of it?”

  “Pure inconvenience? Maybe humiliation?” Taylor stood from the bed and began to pace. “What kind of pictures did they take?”

  “All kinds, me at the bar dancing with men.” She gasped. “Me dancing topless in the bed of your truck! Taylor, we were completely alone. Miles down the beach, away from everyone.”

  His jaw dropped. “This person has been following you that long? Taylor rubbed his eyes. “I really don’t understand. It appears he wants to embarrass you and make you feel bad about your actions, but why? I can’t really see you getting close enough to anyone to give him the impression that maybe there was something between the two of you other than…” Taylor paused.

  “Sex.” Julie smiled. “You’re right. Anyone I had sex with, well that’s just what it was. It was emotionless. A thank-you for the fun time, now have a nice day.”

  Taylor narrowed his eyes. “Were you really that cold about it? I mean, with me, you appear to be enjoying it.”

  “Oh, I do, Taylor. You’re different.” Julie sighed and looked down. “My words came out wrong. I’m not that mean. You just need to look at it from my point of view. Most of the men were bets. It was fun. I had a blast with them. But I always made it very clear from the beginning that I wasn’t looking for anything serious and they all appeared to be fine with that. Relieved, if you want me to be truthful.”

  “Then it has to be someone else. Someone who’s not a bet.”

  “Perhaps.” Julie scanned the room, making sure she wasn’t missing anything she might have overlooked. “My first impression was a client. Maybe someone whose case didn’t work in their favor, or an angry spouse who didn’t like the ruling. Hell, it could be a number of things that’s causing someone to lash out.”

  “Breaking and entering is pretty extreme, Jules. I think that goes past the point of lashing out. If you ask me—”

  Glass breaking had Julie rushing out of the room.

  “Dammit, Aston, you know she knows me!”

  Officer Simms had Londyn pinned down on the living room floor. The statue she’d had on her end table was shattered to pieces, and there was blood oozing from her ex-lover’s arm.

  “Julie, does this man look familiar to you?”

  The need to say no was on the tip of Julie’s tongue, but she couldn’t do it. Londyn may have broken her heart, but she wasn’t about to get him in trouble over it. She nodded and Officer Simms slowly eased up. If Julie had guessed, she’d definitely say it didn’t look like Aston wanted to. He looked downright angry, but why?

  “Londyn, what are you doing here?” Julie grabbed some paper towels and started pressing them against the wound.

  “I told you, Ayden called and said you were in trouble. I need to be here for you.”

  Julie squeezed the wound under her palm, causing Londyn to yell out.

  “What about the months after you left? You didn’t think I needed you then?”

>   “Yeah.” Taylor walked closer, his eyes practically ablaze with hatred. She’d almost forgotten about venting her heartache to him. He’d held her while she cried her eyes out.

  “I’m sorry.” Londyn grabbed the paper towel and stepped toward Taylor. “Who are you?”

  The two men were practically toe-to-toe. Aston neared, and Julie watched him hover by the two men in case he needed to intervene.

  “I’ll tell you who I am.” Taylor growled. “I’m the one who picked up the pieces when you decided to tuck tail and run. Do you have any idea how devastated Julie was when you disappeared?”

  Londyn looked over at her. “I’m sorry. I never meant to hurt you, but you have to understand. Not only did I have to leave, but overall it was the best thing for you.”

  “The best thing for me?” Julie laughed in astonishment. “Wow, Londyn. Nice excuse.” She turned toward Aston. “Officer Simms, I get the impression you know him.”

  Aston smiled and looked over at Londyn. “Oh yes. We know each other.”

  After what felt like an eternity of silence Julie threw up her hands in confusion. The blond, tattooed ex-lover of hers was glaring at the dark-haired, clean-cut cop. Even though the men seemed like night and day in their appearance, she couldn’t deny that she had been looking at the same features this whole time. Same blue eyes, same full lips, and the exact same perfect nose.

  “You’re brothers?” Julie’s jaw dropped. “Holy shit. That must have been why I immediately felt something for you, Aston.”

  “You felt something for him?” Taylor raised his eyebrows.

  “Okay, wait.” Londyn turned to him. “Who are you again? The new boyfriend?”

  Taylor looked over at Julie, apparently waiting for her to explain this one. She took a deep breath. “Sure. We’ll just go with boyfriend.”

  “Really?” Taylor’s smile radiated throughout the room.

  Londyn grabbed his wallet off the floor and looked at him. “Well, new boyfriend, you can go now. We have this under control.”

  “I beg your pardon, but this is my place,” Julie snapped. “If anyone is going, it’s you.”

  The door opened and everyone turned toward it. Ayden walked in and looked around, astonished. “I’m not going to ask what happened here. I just came by to set up the arrangements. Julie.” He looked a little uneasy. “Shit, I’m just going to say it. Aston and Londyn are going to stay here for a while. If you need anything, let them know and they can get ahold of me.”

  “Oh, hell no. You said an officer outside my apartment. That was all.”

  “In light of the new developments, I changed my mind.”

  “New…” Julie scrambled to put things together.

  “The clothes,” Aston whispered.

  Julie groaned. “I’m sure Officer Simms can see if someone tries to get in from the outside.”

  “Wait.” Taylor pointed at Londyn. “Why would you want him to stay here? He’s not even a cop. Is he?”

  Everyone looked at Londyn, and for the first time it hit Julie. She had no idea what in the world he did as an occupation. He had been a paramedic, but then he said he got offered something new. How had she never thought to ask what that was? He’d always mentioned work, but never elaborated. As she thought back, a lot of things never added up with him. Like disappearing in the middle of the night. Besides a doctor, who gets called out to work that late? “Londyn, what do you do?”

  “I wanted to talk about this privately.”

  A smile came to Julie’s face. “Cat’s kinda out of the bag. Maybe you should just tell me now.”

  Londyn glanced over at Taylor. “Not gonna happen with him here. Newbie needs to go.”

  “Taylor isn’t going anywhere.” Julie grabbed his hand.

  “You’re kidding me. You act as though y’all are serious. How long have you known him for, a minute?”

  Taylor laughed. “Longer than she’s known you. Our parents were neighbors. We grew up together.”

  When Londyn smiled, Julie could have died. With as honest as she’d been with Taylor about Londyn, she’d also opened up to Londyn about her feelings for him too. How would she have known that Taylor would walk back into her life after all those years? He was her childhood crush. Well, more like her lifelong crush. Even in high school, she’d always hoped something would have moved them past the just-friends stage. But shortly after school, Taylor had joined the military and disappeared. It wasn’t until recently that he’d gotten out and come home.

  “Taylor, Taylor. That’s right.” Londyn looked at Julie and laughed. He stuck out his hand. “It’s nice to finally meet you. I’ve heard so many stories.”

  “Have you?”

  Julie walked to the front door. She had to nip this in the bud, and fast. She’d die of embarrassment if what she’d said came out. “Ayden, I thank you for trying to watch out for me, but Taylor can stay. There’s no reason I need two or even three under my roof.”

  “You sure? I’d really feel more comfortable with Aston inside.”

  “I’m perfectly capable of taking care of Julie.” Taylor wrapped his arm around her and she tried not to act uncomfortable. With her ex-lover staring at her new one, it was unbelievably awkward. Especially since she still had feelings for him. And then there was Aston. Damn, he looked good in that uniform. She’d always had a weakness for cops.

  What the hell is wrong with you, Jules. Get yourself together. Pining after three men is asking for trouble.


  Everyone in the room was staring at her.

  “What?” Damn her skin felt heated. Hot. Yes, she was so hot, suddenly. This wasn’t like her. Three men? Never. Yet, she couldn’t deny wanting them.

  Londyn and Aston looked at each other and she could feel the tension. What was up with them anyway?

  Ayden walked up to the door, and she opened it. “I said, Aston and Londyn will be parked outside. Aston’s shift ends here shortly, but he’ll be here until the next patrol comes on to cover the night.”

  “Wait.” Julie turned to Londyn. “You’re not a cop, I would have known. What do you do?”

  He and Aston approached the door. “I do a lot of undercover work for an agency I won’t mention. That should tell you enough.”

  Julie was blown away. “FBI?”

  “We’ll be out here if you need anything.” Londyn didn’t answer her question but instead followed Ayden and Aston out. She shut the door and let her mind try to process everything she’d just learned.

  If Londyn was FBI, or a similar agency, what had he been investigating that caused him to sneak away at odd periods during the night? And why did he ultimately leave? Her mind was going a million miles a minute and the last thing she expected when she looked up was Taylor’s nude body.

  She quickly turned the lock.

  Taylor’s cock was rock hard. The way his abs flexed as he walked forward made her weak in the knees.

  “Looks like it’s just me and you. Unfortunately, for you.”

  “What do you mean?” Julie tried to play innocent, but she knew what he was referring to.

  “You like them. You try not to show it, but you’re attracted to both of those brothers. I’d say you’ve been a very bad girl.”

  Julie knew that look. She tried not to smile as her heart rate increased with excitement. “I have.”

  “You know what to do.”

  Yes, she did. Julie scanned over his body again and started unbuttoning her blouse. Things were just heating up, and she couldn’t wait to get started.

  Chapter 5

  “You wanted them.” The words flowed off of Taylor’s tongue so seductively that Julie moaned. One thing she loved about him was how open he was sexually. It was a relief that she didn’t have to hide the things that turned her on.


  “Your eyes never left either one for long. Are you sure you wouldn’t like me to go get them?”

  Julie’s knees shifted on the bed as she went to turn a
round to look at Taylor. Fire raced across her ass. She moaned louder and turned back to face her bedroom window. “Tempting, but no.” Julie paused. “I can’t.”

  The warmth of Taylor’s hand pressed against her bottom. Gently, he started to massage the stinging. “Why can’t you?”

  Words were becoming impossible as Taylor’s fingers inched closer to the entrance of her pussy. Julie wanted to push back against his hand for more contact, but that would only mean one thing. She’d get another spanking.

  “Londyn. I can’t go down that road again. You know how devastated I was when he disappeared.”

  Taylor’s hand grew still. “Yes, but you also didn’t have me. Who’s to say he repeats his actions? His excuse sounds legitimate. If he is working undercover for someone like the FBI, he has no control over what they order him to do.”

  The need to look at him was driving Julie crazy. She almost turned around but caught herself. “I suppose, but he could have at least left a note or something.”

  “And if for some reason it was impossible for him to do so? What if it would have somehow put you in danger?”

  “You know, my mood is quickly declining with all of this senseless talk.” Julie lifted to her knees but stayed facing the wall.

  Silence. Julie lowered back to all fours. She knew that’s what he was waiting for.

  “Good girl. I apologize for upsetting you. I won’t mention either of the men again. It was stupid for me to even suggest we get them to come up here. Now turn over and let me make it up to you.”

  A smile tried to force its way out as Julie turned onto her back. She spread her legs wide and watched as Taylor’s nude body crawled onto the bed. The muscles in his arms flexed while he lowered himself. She bit her lips at how unbelievably sexy he looked.

  “That’s right. You know what I like to see, but spread your legs a little wider for me, baby.” Warm breath tickled her inner thighs. A moan slipped past her mouth when the roughness of his cheek caressed her skin. She was so sensitive at the anticipation of his tongue.


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