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OUTCAST: Trust, Friendship, And Injustice (Beauty 0f Life Book 9)

Page 17

by Laura Acton

  “Al, get your ass up here. Brogan said no more today. We have tomorrow all planned out,” Charley called down the stairs.

  Dan remained quiet as Al staggered up the steps. The light switched off leaving him in the dark again. Though not the most appetizing thing to do, he rolled over to lap up water from the tiny puddle near his head.

  Bram’s Home – 10:40 p.m.

  When Bram arrived home, he made a beeline to his girls’ rooms, and although they slept peacefully, he gave each one a kiss and told them he loved them and they would never be all alone. Afterward, he sought out Kellie, and as he hugged her, he shared they lost a teenage boy today.

  After eating a reheated dinner, he and Kellie moved to the family room to relax on the couch together for a little while. Bram kicked off his shoes and propped his feet on the table as he wrapped his arm around Kellie when she laid her head on his chest.

  Kellie said, “I’m sorry, Bram. Today must’ve been awful for you and the team. If you want to talk, I’m here to listen.”

  He kissed the top of her head. “Holding you is all I need … I’m not alone in this world.”

  She nodded and caressed Bram’s arm which held her close. She understood the things he witnessed on the job tugged at his extra-large teddy bear heart. He needed tender, loving care sometimes … something she excelled at doing and gave him without reservation.

  Bram rested his head on the cushion and closed his eyes. Days like these were hard. Parts of the call and what Linden said rolled through his mind. One reoccurring thought which wouldn’t leave him was Dan might’ve been able to connect with this kid. He wished Dan had been with them today. Perhaps Linden would still be alive.

  So much of what the teen said sounded like what Dan poured out to him in the Grand Citadel after the gang war. Things Bram never shared with anyone else … not Kellie, and not the team. He valued Dan’s trust and would never do anything to risk losing it. Dan didn’t trust easily, so what they had was hard won and cherished by Bram.

  What Bram knew, Dan grew up friendless and isolated from the time he was nine and moved to the Yukon base with his father. Dan experienced difficulty reconciling that a significant amount of his loneliness stemmed from self-inflicted thoughts as his child’s mind misconstrued events surrounding his sister’s death and his interpretation of his parent’s actions.

  Bram ached for the little boy and young man when Dan described his life and tried to accept the reality. It hurt Dan badly comprehending he caused his mother and father pain by rejecting them and misinterpreting their motives for almost twenty years. Dan’s reconciliation with his family, his father especially, made Bram happy because Dan no longer felt abandoned by them.

  Dan deserved happiness, and all appeared well until last week. Although Dan still harbored guilt for Lexa’s being shot last month, he seemed alright before Lexa’s birthday party, but ever since that night, his demeanor changed.

  With Dan becoming closed off again, Bram wondered if something more than the unjustified sense of blame for Lexa’s injury Dan carried might be in play. Jon’s actions yesterday didn’t help either. The unwarranted attacks further upset Bram in light of everything the team, and particularly Dan went through recently and what the twenty-sixth of this month would bring for Dan.

  What made Jon ride Dan’s ass so hard yesterday? What the hell is Jon thinking? Evidently, he isn’t, nor is he listening or using his eyes. Jon spent the entire day criticizing and second-guessing Dan. What is it about Dan that drives Jon to behave like a complete ass? He doesn’t do that with anyone else on the team.

  Bram’s mind shifted again. He had been around long enough to understand unexpected leaves tended to be a way to deal with performance and other issues off the books. Is there something going on in Dan’s life which warranted the action? The anniversary of Brody’s death is approaching, but we all know Dan being alone during this time is the worst possible scenario for him.

  Unable to pinpoint anything specific since Dan had not called him in the middle of the night for months now, Bram went to the only possible logical reason. Nick and Jon must be upset by Dan’s unwillingness to acknowledge Kinsey. We’ve all made excuses for his behavior toward her. Given his background, I don’t understand why Dan is so cold and unwelcoming. This isn’t like him. What is provoking this attitude? Does he view Kinsey as a threat to his position?

  Contemplating Lexa’s temporary coverage, he agreed with Jon assessment that Kinsey showed real promise and brought a wealth of skills to the table. She was like another Lexa, tough as nails and exceptionally qualified for TRF. They only differed in minor ways, physical appearances being the primary one. Though both women retained feminine builds, Lexa was petite at five-foot-two while Kinsey stood five-foot-eight. Lexa possessed more refined negotiation skills and beat out Kinsey hands down in long-distance marksmanship, but Kinsey’s tactical skills slightly edged out Lexa’s.

  Understanding hit Bram like a ton of bricks. How could I be so blind? Dan perceives Kinsey might threaten Lexa’s position … not his. Dan’s spent every off-shift moment helping Lexa with her rehab and is outspoken that his partner and teammate will make it back, better and stronger than before she was shot.

  Bram wondered if Dan crossed the line in some way with Kinsey. Though, the thought held no merit once he considered it further. Although giving her the cold shoulder, Dan would never threaten a fellow officer and on calls, Dan backed Kinsey up and protected her, in the same manner, he did the entire team.

  Unsure of the reason, but understanding Boss would require a significant one to place Dan on impromptu leave and wanting to be there for Dan, Bram shifted a bit, reaching into his front pocket to retrieve his phone. He dialed Dan, and after six rings the call went to voicemail.

  “Hey, Dan. As always, I’m here if you want to talk or only want me to be a mooring line in the storm. Whatever emotions you are dealing with now, I want you to remember you are not alone. You can lean on me whenever you need a friend to help you carry on. Call me when you receive this message, so I know you’re alright.”

  Kellie tilted her head to her husband. “Why did you contact Dan? Did he take a PapaGolf shot today?”

  Bram shook his head. “No. Love you, Kellie.”

  When he kissed her, Kellie understood he would not share whatever prompted his call to Dan. She was well aware the young man suffered a lot in his life and hoped whatever challenge he faced at the moment that Bram could help him. She sent up a silent prayer to give Dan strength.

  Fire Stick Grill – 10:45 p.m.

  Travone strode into his brother’s establishment, frustrated by his inability to reach Dan. As soon as he left Maplehurst, he contacted Jarmal for Dan’s number. Since then he placed six calls, each one until the last ringing six times.

  Going directly to the kitchen, Travone halted when he spied his brother. “Dan won’t answer any of my calls. Five times it rang and rang before going to voicemail, but the final attempt went straight there.”

  “Well, hi to you too,” Jarmal quipped as he turned. Noting his younger brother’s anxiousness caused his demeanor change. He didn’t have time to speak with Travone when he called earlier and asked Capria to send him Dan’s contact. “What’s got you all in a huff?”

  “Dan isn’t answering, and it is important.” Starving, Travone swiped a roll and bit into it. He missed dinner tonight, so busy prepping for a case going to trial tomorrow he didn’t have time to eat. “I tried multiple times.”

  “Well, I’m not sure what shift he is working now, they rotate oddly. He might be involved in a call or sleeping. What’s so important?”

  Travone explained the situation before asking, “Should I stop by his apartment?”

  “Did you leave him a message with those details?” Noticing Travone grabbing another roll, Jarmal prepared a burger for him.

  “Yes.” Travone’s mouth began to water as he eyed what was surely Jarmal’s dinner.

  “Then you’ve done all you can. Rem
ember, Dan’s ex-Special Forces. He can handle a couple of dirty cops. Besides, he has his whole team to protect him.” He pushed the plate to Travone. “Eat something. I can tell you skipped dinner again.”

  Travone took a huge bite, and spoke as he chewed, “Bt, he malway gs rt.”

  “Swallow before talking. Where are your manners?” Capria softly chided with a smile as she joined the brothers, slipped her arm around Jarmal’s waist, and tilted her head up to receive a kiss.

  “But he always seems to get hurt. Are you sure he can take care of himself? Never seen someone attract trouble like him.” Travone devoured another bite, savoring his brother’s cooking.

  Nodding in agreement, Capria suggested to Jarmal, “Perhaps if Dan isn’t answering you should call Lexa.”

  “Don’t want to wake her. Dan told me rehab wipes her out, and she is in bed by nine most nights. I’ll call Dan.” Jarmal picked up his cell and selected Dan from his contact list. When his call went straight to voicemail, he said, “Hey, buddy. Travone is bubbling like a stew because he hasn’t heard from you. Give me a call, so we know you are safe.”

  Then he teased, “Oh, and don’t be such a stranger. A week without you popping in for a meal is giving me a complex. I know Lexa can cook, but …” He chuckled. “Anyhow. Call me or stop by, I have a new chili for you to try.”

  Travone sighed. His brother’s positive attitude helped to dispel his worry. He enjoyed the rest of his meal before heading home.

  Maurita’s Apartment – 11:00 p.m.

  Ray lay on his back in Maurita’s bed, with her head settled in the crook of his arm. She slept soundly after their romantic exertions, but he remained too wired to sleep yet. Today had been strange and bad from start to finish. Linden’s suicide was difficult to view, and he wished they could’ve connected with him and saved the boy, but sadly they didn’t.

  Dan’s impromptu vacation still didn’t sit well with him no matter what he told Loki to help relax his friend. The more he thought about his absence, it was not like the ex-soldier to not make plans. Ray wracked his brain for a reason and could only come up with a couple of possibilities.

  First and most prominent was the motive he suggested to Loki in the coffee shop this morning. Dan truly needed a break after eight years of non-stop crap. The garbage Dan went through made Ray’s youth pale by comparison. Though he grasped the rookie possessed a deep well of resilience, every man had a breaking point. And Jon’s conduct yesterday might’ve pushed Dan to his. Ray didn’t envy Jon’s and Dan’s relationship. He wanted Jon to mellow out with Dan, but that would be like asking a leopard to change his spots.

  To quiet his thoughts, Ray reached for his phone and dialed Dan. “Hey, I realize it is late, and you might be asleep. Just wanted to tell you I disagreed with Jon’s behavior yesterday. He had no cause to read you the riot act. Enjoy your vacation. You deserve time to relax and slow down.

  “If any of the team has a problem with it, I’ll be standing in your corner. Sure, you take time off, but it is always when you are recouping from an injury or when you had to deal with those court martials. By any stretch of the imagination, those are not holidays. Anyway, take care, unwind, and enjoy the beach, mountains, or wherever you went. Come back recharged, because we all want you on this team.”

  Ray placed the phone back on the nightstand and stared at the ceiling. He grinned as an image of Dan lying on a beach surrounded by a gaggle of women entered his mind. “Yeah. Have fun, dude.”

  He shifted a little, rolling towards Maurita and pulling her close to him. With the threat of Alonzo and Diego now gone, Ray relaxed. As he closed his eyes, Ray turned his thoughts to Maurita and how happy her move here made him. He drifted to sleep imagining their lives, marrying, building a family, and growing old together.

  Lexa’s Home – 11:00 p.m.

  Unable to sleep, Lexa tossed and turned. She could not find a comfortable position. Though she didn’t do physical therapy today, she ached all over. She finally gave up, sat at the edge of her bed, and sighed.

  Her shoulder muscles hurt the most … as if her arms had been restrained behind her back for an extended period. She lifted her fingers to rub her temples wanting to relieve a dull throb which wouldn’t quit. Lexa stood and almost fell, her legs numb and tingling weirdly. Needing her painkillers, she shuffled out of her bedroom, wishing she had not sent the comfy slippers to Dan in a fit of anger.

  Passing her guest room, she sent a silent thanks to Amy for staying here for the past couple of days. Tomorrow she would make sure Amy went home to her family. Lexa could take care of herself now. She crossed a major psychological hurdle and no longer broke into tears at the drop of a hat or the slightest thought of Dan.

  Padding down the stairs to the kitchen, Lexa went to the cupboard to retrieve a glass and meds. She shook out one pill, hoping the dose would do the trick and allow her to rest. Lack of sleep would create a more unstable emotional state … something she comprehended after her crying jags today.

  After filling the cup with water from the tap, she popped the pill and drank the entire contents. For some reason, her mouth remained cottony, as if dehydrated, so she refilled her glass. Turning to lean against the sink, Lexa sipped the tepid liquid until a stinging sensation wrapped around both of her wrists causing her to glance down. The tumbler slipped from her grasp, shattering on the tile as she stared at thin cuts encircling both wrists.

  Perplexed, she blinked several times before the slices disappeared. Lexa doubled over as pain rippled through her right side, odd because it was on the opposite side of her wound. Sinking to the floor, she gasped for air as the sense of dread she experienced this morning overwhelmed her again.

  Her eyes riveted on the puddle of water, the fractured glass shimmering in the soft light. A vision of Dan swam in front of her, the state of his face shocking. His bloodied mouth moved, but he made no sound. Concentrating on his lips, Lexa attempted to make out his words.

  Amy rushed into Lexa’s kitchen, alerted by breaking glass when she left the guest bedroom to check on Lexa. Finding her on the ground surrounded by shards of glass and water worried Amy. “Lexa, sweetie, are you alright?”

  Concern spiked when Lexa failed to respond, but since Amy wore slippers, she moved to gather the dustpan, broom, and paper towels, needing to clean up the mess, so Lexa didn’t cut her bare feet. “Stay where you are. Let me sweep things up.” Lexa did not acknowledge her in any way as she worked.

  Once she finished, Amy knelt next to her. “Lexa? Earth to Lexa.”

  Lifting her head, with unfocused eyes she peered at Amy. “He’s hurt.”

  Amy sighed comprehending who he was and didn’t disagree after all Lexa shared with her earlier. “Yes, he is. Breaking up is never easy.”

  “No. You don’t understand. He’s in trouble and hurting.” Lexa returned her gaze to her floor, but his battered face disappeared.

  Confused, Amy shook her head. “What makes you think that?”

  Lexa’s shaking hand covered her heart and pressed as tears she thought she locked away threatened to fall. “I feel his pain here.”

  “Oh, honey, of course, you do. You are hurting too. You possess a tender heart. You’re empathic to people’s anguish which is one reason you excel at your job.”

  Shifting her eyes to her pristine wrists, Lexa’s fingers became numb, and she moved the hand from her chest to her aching side. “No. This isn’t about me. He tried to tell me something, but I couldn’t hear him. Something terrible happened to him.”

  Amy studied Lexa. Her words made no sense at all. She scanned the area for Lexa’s phone as she asked, “Did he call?”

  “What?” Lexa focused on Amy again. “Did who call?”

  “You said Dan wanted to talk, but you couldn’t make out what he said.”

  Wondering if Amy would think her daft and ready for the looney bin, she shook her head. “He didn’t call. I um, well, he sort-of appeared to me. I can’t explain it … but I’m certain … his
face is all bruised, and his lip is split.”

  Amy sat next to Lexa and clasped her hand. “Sweetie, you do realize how crazy that sounds, right? I think you are under a lot of stress and your mind projected an image of him.”

  “No. He came to me. He wanted help. I’m sure of it … his eyes pleaded, the bruising is terrible …”

  Squeezing Lexa’s hand, Amy tried to be the voice of reason. “Are you listening to yourself? I’m well aware you have seen him battered before. I think your subconscious mind is wreaking havoc by conjuring up this horrible image. You said yourself you regret the way you broke up with him and how your words slapped him in the face and punched his gut.

  “Besides, Loki said he went on vacation. Dan is likely drowning his sorrows like most men … at a bar, drinking, and eyeing anyone wearing a skirt with the intention of screwing them to prove he’s still a man.” Amy stopped, realizing her words stung Lexa. “Sorry, didn’t mean to be so blunt. Come on. Let’s get you back to bed. With some sleep, you will be able to reason properly.”

  Lexa stood when Amy dragged her up. She didn’t want to admit it, but perhaps Amy was right about both her vision and how Dan would react now that their relationship ended. With four brothers, she witnessed firsthand how guys handled breakups. Brayden, Keagan, and Finley usually indulged in a series of meaningless one-night stands. Aidan never had a steady boyfriend because he feared their brothers and father would discover his secret, but she suspected Aidan would do the same thing.

  Amy guided Lexa up the stairs and into her room, making sure she laid down and didn’t need anything else. At the doorway, she said, “If you are still worried about Dan tomorrow, call him.”

  “I wouldn’t know what to say. Perhaps I’ll call Bram instead. Dan talks to him about things. I doubt he would reveal much about us, but he might’ve called to tell him where he went on vacation.” Lexa pulled the covers up as Amy shut off her light.

  “Sounds like a rational plan. Night.” Amy turned to go to her bed as Lexa wished her goodnight too.


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