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OUTCAST: Trust, Friendship, And Injustice (Beauty 0f Life Book 9)

Page 20

by Laura Acton

  All four of them laughed then Al said, “You’re still so pathetic if you think people you work with care about you. It is only a job. You’re a sniper. Those are a dime a dozen. They’ll replace you without a second thought.”

  Charley crouched down in front of him. “Hell, they won’t even know you are missing for two whole weeks. Your boss ordered you not to contact any of them. Danny always follows orders. Don’t you, boy?”

  Dan stared at him trying not to be baited. The conversation with Boss and Jon was still too raw. He accepted their actions as reactionary. Boss because he discovered they broke the rule and lied to the team, whereas Jon misinterpreted what occurred outside Timmy’s. He would deal with the event and come to terms, but at the moment it still hurt. “Only follow lawful orders.”

  “Cut open his shirt.” Al handed his knife to Charley.

  After seizing Dan’s shirt, Charley sliced down, not caring the tip of the blade made a shallow slice along the entire path. He shoved the two pieces aside, and his eyes widened at the scaring. “Well, looky here boys, we’re not the first ones to have fun with Dickhead.” He rose and pointed to the chest.

  “We might need to invest in a whip.” Brogan’s grin grew.

  Dan fought the bile rising at the thought of being lashed again. He kept silent and swallowed hard.

  “Wonder who whipped him … maybe Daddy dearest?” Robert pondered.

  “Nah, they weren’t there the last time we kicked his ass,” Al stated as he clipped on the negative lead. “Perhaps he likes to be dominated. Huh, did Lexa like whipping you into submission?”

  Dan clenched his jaw, refusing to acknowledge the comment.

  A thought came to Brogan. He pulled out his phone. “Smile for the camera. We’re gonna be rich after all. The elderly are such easy targets, and the old bat will pay through the nose for your release.”

  “We’re gonna kill him, not release him,” Al whined.

  “Yeah, but Ridgewater won’t know. She’ll get his corpse back.” Brogan took several photos. “You would’ve been rich too. All you had to do was lure the battleax to the warehouse. But no, you wouldn’t make the call. Had to send Al to retrieve her. She believed him when he said you were hurt and needed her. We could’ve been so wealthy if you played along,” Brogan griped.

  Dan glared at him. “You broke your oath for what? A few dollars? There are things more important than money.”

  Al scoffed, “You mean like honor? What a load of shit. No, Dickhead, dough is what makes the world go ‘round. Without money you’re nothing.”

  “Then I guess you’re nothing,” Dan mocked.

  Absolutely the wrong thing to say. Wearing an insulated glove, Al pushed the positive lead to Broderick’s abdomen. Dan’s body jerked as the current flowed while screams and laughter filled the basement. When the battery ran out of juice, after the third round of shocking him, all four beat the holy living crap out of the man who dared break the blue wall of silence and rat out fellow officers to Internal Affairs.

  The number of blows which landed far outweighed the ones Dan received in one session of beatings by the terrorists. The hammerings back then were meant to cause him enough pain to make him wish he was dead without actually killing him. This attack had no such restraint. Each vicious strike came with full power with the intent of causing as much damage as possible.

  Unsure how much time passed, Dan lay unmoving in a semi-conscious state. Blood dribbled from his mouth, vaguely aware if Alpha Team didn’t find him soon, he would die.

  Brogan stared down at their handiwork. “Not dead yet. But I worked up an appetite. He won’t be going anywhere now. Let’s go to the local bar and grab some lunch.”

  Robert delivered one more steel-toed kick to Broderick’s back. “Might be dead when we return. I’m looking forward to beating Ridgewater too. She can join him in the grave.”

  “Not before we get the ransom for him, and her too. Then you can do whatever you want,” Brogan said as he started for the stairs.

  Bella … no not Bella … please, not her. I failed her again. Her life is at risk because of me. Dan slipped unconscious.

  Knew You Would Come


  May 8

  Farmhouse on the Outskirts of Toronto – 2:00 p.m.

  The past five hours tested Alpha Team’s resolve to remain professional as they worked to follow up on leads. They understood the first twenty-four hours following a kidnapping were critical and every hour beyond lowered the odds of finding the victim alive. Though trying not to focus on the clock, their worry increased as they realized thirty-one hours had passed since Dan’s abduction.

  Loki tracked the black van until there were no more cameras and lost the trail. However, they discovered the vehicle was stolen. An elderly man had been carjacked and severely beaten on the night of the sixth which fit the MO of Snow going after vulnerable seniors.

  With a little luck and a lot of effort, Ray got a hit off the casing and determined where the ammo had been purchased. When shown photos of the four escapees, the store’s owner confirmed the purchaser to be Alfred Riqueti. Nick spoke at length with Arbor and Fulco, obtaining more background on each of the ex-cops and discovered Brogan’s maternal grandfather, who recently passed away, owned a farm in the same vicinity as the hunting store which also coincided with the last known direction of the van.

  Unsure if Snow and his cohorts possessed more firepower, Nick arranged for Delta Team to join them. Jon, Bram, and Delta’s TL Bill analyzed an aerial photograph to devise an approach. With no blueprints available, the entry plan would be fluid.

  The SUVs stopped a fair distance away, and the constables exited. All Delta members except their techie Jared, hustled off to establish a perimeter and search the outbuilding. Loki sent the drone into the air to obtain a closer visual of the farmhouse’s exterior. They would make a silent approach, worried the abductors might kill Dan if they realized capture was imminent.

  “The black van is not here, Boss. No movement outside in any direction.” Loki handed the drone’s controls to Jared and picked up his MP5. “Let us know if anything changes.”

  “Copy.” Jared kept his gaze on the monitor as Alpha Team hurried towards the farmhouse. He hoped they found Dan … alive and well.

  As they approached the two-story building, Jon motioned for the team to break off into two. He, Bram, and Loki would enter from the rear while Nick, Kinsey, and Ray came in from the front. Everyone called in when they attained their position.

  Jon ordered, “Go.” Each team breached their assigned areas and began clearing rooms. Jon’s group checked the kitchen and family room while Ray and Nick searched the living room with Kinsey before heading upstairs.

  Sergeant Turpin, reported, “Barn clear. Empty. The van isn’t inside.”

  Disheartened the house was unoccupied, Loki headed back to the messy kitchen with Bram. “I thought for sure we would find Dan. If they did bring him here, they must’ve moved him.”

  Bram leaned on the portal staring at all the empty beer bottles and fast food wrappings strewn around. “Appearances indicate they stayed here for at least some period. Not sure why or where they would’ve gone.”

  Overhearing Bram on the comms, Nick withheld his thoughts. They either used this place before grabbing Dan and took him someplace else, or they already killed him and went to dump his body … both thoughts churned his stomach.

  On the front porch, Ray scanned for any indication Dan had been here. He spotted a small brown drop on one of the steps. Crouching he removed his glove and scratched with his nail.

  “What did you find?” Nick inquired.

  “Not sure. Perhaps blood.” Rising, Ray scoured the porch and found another drop and a third. “Got a trail.” Following the droplet’s path into the front room where it stopped, Ray conveyed his findings. “Someone bled. No way to tell for sure if it is Dan’s though. Stops in the living room.”

  Jon joined Loki and Bram in the kitchen, his anger, w
hich covered his concern, evident for all to witness. “My gut says he is here. Did anyone find an entrance to a basement?”

  Bram said, “No. And that’s strange. Most farms have at least a root cellar.”

  Loki ran outside. Bram and Jon followed based on Loki’s expression. They found him around the corner on the side of the house. “I spotted this window when we passed by.” Loki lay flat on his stomach to peer through the dusty glass. “He’s here! Boss, Dan’s here.” Loki looked up at Jon. “Must be a secret door to the basement. Window’s too small to go through.” All three raced back inside, meeting up with Boss and Ray.

  “With the location of the stairs the door is here or the family room,” Loki shared. Bram, Loki, Jon, and Nick began pounding on walls as Ray and Kinsey rushed to the other room to do the same.

  Entering a walk-in pantry, Jon flicked on the lightbulb. He spied a single, rust-colored drop and scuff marks on the aged-yellowed linoleum. His eyes searched the shelving unit, and he began pushing and pulling. “Found it!” He slid a false shelf, revealing a locked door.

  Jon rammed his shoulder into the door, splintering the wood and frame, nearly taking it completely off its hinges. Racing down the steps followed closely by Bram, Nick, and Loki, Jon found Dan laying on his side. He gasped upon first glimpse and swallowed hard staring at his motionless teammate, afraid to find out if he was dead.

  Nick knelt next to Dan, took off a glove, and with care and trepidation placed two fingers to his carotid to check for a pulse.

  Loki’s gaze first landed on Dan’s bared torso, noting the horrifying bruising and blisters. When his gaze moved to Dan’s bloodied face, he almost puked.

  Bram’s eyes lit on the battery and cables. “Dear God, those bastards electrocuted him.”

  Pounding down the stairs, Ray halted at Bram’s words, shaken by the sight of Dan. With his shirt cut-away, the extent of the damage done to Dan’s battered body was visible to all.

  Releasing a soft breath, Nick said, “He’s alive. I got a slow pulse.”

  The confirmation they had not arrived too late, set the team in action. Jon took a knee on the opposite side of Nick and pulled out his knife to cut the binding holding Dan’s wrists. Bram did the same at Dan’s feet. Both gentle with their motions so as not to move Dan.

  “Tia, send EMS now,” Nick called out.

  Motion and familiar, friendly voices around Dan drew him out of his semi-conscious state. He blinked open his left eye and spied Boss and Jon. Alpha Team found me … they care.

  “We’re here now, Dan. You’re safe,” Nick crooned.

  Fading fast and uncertain he could hang on any longer, Dan needed to communicate … his voice pained, he whispered, “Knew you would come for me. Thanks for caring.” Blood dribbled out with his words. Dan held Nick’s gaze until he slipped unconscious.

  Jon cautiously shifted Dan’s shirt to check him visually, noting extensive bruising and swelling. The distinctive signs of internal hemorrhaging appeared worse on his right side. Lightly probing, he found Dan’s abdomen becoming more rigid under his fingertips. Stillness pervaded the basement and Jon’s voice, although quiet, ricocheted off the walls. “Boss, we need air evac. He’s bleeding internally. Don’t think he’ll make it with ground transport.”

  Rescue Helicopter En Route to St. Michael’s

  Bram hunched his massive body into the corner, trying to be out of the way as paramedics stabilized Dan. While they waited in the farmhouse for the helicopter’s arrival, Jon insisted Bram be the one to go with Dan. The medics balked at first, but Nick explained to them if Dan woke and became combative, a possibility with his background, Bram would be the best one to calm him and the only one able to hold him down.

  Boss’ prediction came true mid-flight as Dan’s eye fluttered open, he became agitated and struggled to rise. Bram promptly leaned forward and put a hand on Dan’s shoulder. Over the roar of the engines, Bram shouted, “Relax, buddy. Let them take care of you. Settle. I’m here, and you’re safe.”

  Fear lanced through Dan as he strained to move his arms. Bella. Need to save Bella. His world didn’t make sense, sounds and movements confused him, and he fought against the hands which gripped his legs and arms. Bram’s voice cut through the chaos, and he endeavored to turn his head towards him, but couldn’t, something stopped him.

  “It’s okay. You’re wearing a neck brace.” Bram leaned over further, so he was in Dan’s line of sight for his left eye.

  Through the oxygen mask, Dan tried to speak, “Save her. Protect her.”

  Bram barely caught Dan words. Something about save and protect. “Dan, you are safe now. We will protect you.”

  Dan pulled deep for a burst of energy. With all he had left in him, he drilled his gaze into Bram’s eyes and said as loud as possible which was still only a cut above a whisper, “Gotta protect Bella.”

  Monitors went wild as his eye closed and one medic said, “He’s crashing. Blood pressure dropping again.”

  Moving back out of the way, Bram’s heartbeat increased as medical lingo flew between the two paramedics as they worked to save Dan’s life. Bella, Dan wants us to safeguard someone named Bella. Did we miss someone at the farmhouse?

  After pulling out his phone, Bran called Nick and yelled to be heard over the engine noise, “Boss, Dan came to for a moment. Recheck the premises. Not sure what he meant but he was agitated and wanted to protect a Bella. We need to make sure no one else is there.”

  In the command truck as the teams combed the house for clues as to where the men could’ve gone, Nick replied, “Copy. They’ve been through the house and grounds thoroughly, but we’ll search again.”

  Bram disconnected and stared at Dan. His battered face is worse than after the gang war. Fury grew, and he wanted Snow and the others to pay for what they did to his friend. To calm his rage, Bram switched his focus to Dan. He bent his head, closed his eyes, and prayed for Dan to pull through.

  St. Michael’s Hospital – Helo-pad

  Exiting the air-evac helicopter, Bram recognized ER information nurse Nancy and moved toward her as the emergency team transferred Dan to the gurney. The flight left him drained as Dan’s condition continued to deteriorate.

  Nancy took one glance at Bram, noting the extreme worry in his expression and discovered the patient was Dan. The only specific relayed in the ER notification indicated an injured constable was being air-lifted to their trauma center since it was the best equipped in the city. “Not again, I swear you guys keep us in business.” She gave Bram a quick hug. “Come with me. We will take excellent care of Dantastic. Dr. Fraser is on duty.”

  Bram couldn’t help the slight smile which formed. Dan had many people at this hospital calling him Dantastic. As they walked, Nancy gave him the standard paperwork to fill out. “You should photocopy the one from last time.”

  Nancy bobbed her head. “Wish we could, would save a lot of time. I’m sorry, but the private waiting room is occupied at the moment. Otherwise, I would take you there.”

  “No problem. Is Heather working today?”

  “Sorry, no. Heather and Jim left for their honeymoon in St. Thomas yesterday afternoon.”

  “Thought they were going to Hawaii.”

  “Things changed. They got a special deal on rent for a private residence and a discounted flight.” Arriving at her desk in the waiting area, Nancy said, “If you need anything you come to me. Anything at all. And once I have an update on Dan, I’ll inform you.”

  “Thanks.” Despite the situation bringing him here, Bram smiled thinking about Jim and Heather. They worked hard and deserved a break and a real honeymoon. Bram filled out the forms, handed them to Nancy, went to grab coffee, then took a seat in the uncomfortable, plastic chair.

  He bowed his head and stared at the speckles in the flooring, his mind wandering. So much for Dan’s vacation. I should probably call Lexa. She would want to be here too. Bram’s hand halted on the way to his phone as he recalled his observations and why he believe
d Dan had unscheduled time off.

  Two thoughts warred within. One, if he was right about them being more than teammates, calling her might cause further problems for one or both. Though if he were wrong and didn’t contact her, Lexa would severely bruise his bicep for not calling.

  Bram blew out a long breath. Family and team. Never easy juggling everything. Thank God, Kellie is my rock. Without her, I would be adrift in stormy waters. Both Dan and Lexa could use a port in the storm, someone who keeps them afloat when this job gets to be too much.

  He decided to hold off for now and wait until they found out the extent of Dan’s injuries. Then he would go pick up Lexa himself and drive her here. Exhaling heavily again, Bram’s thoughts returned to the cops Dan put away.

  A gutsy move for someone right out of the academy. I doubt I would’ve had the strength to go against my training officer and others. Takes a man of honor and fortitude to put himself in that situation. He couldn’t have been too popular afterward. Many aligning themselves with the warped values of the blue brotherhood would regard him as a snitch.

  St. Michael’s Hospital – Waiting Room

  Time plodded along agonizingly slow. Bram sat, drank coffee, stared at a magazine, then rose and walked towards the slit windows. Unable to observe anything, he gave up trying, turned, and went back to his seat grabbing more coffee as he passed the machine. Changing his mind, he paced more before stopping to gaze at the door to the treatment area, willing Dr. Fraser to come out and tell him Dan would be fine. Scratch that … alright and alive.

  In the middle of another sitting period, Bram noted Alpha Team striding towards him. He straightened up in his chair relieved they arrived because quite frankly, waiting alone sucked.

  “Any news?” Nick asked as he stopped in front of Bram.

  Bram shook his head. “Did you find anyone else at the farmhouse. Dan appeared extremely agitated before he crashed.”


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