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OUTCAST: Trust, Friendship, And Injustice (Beauty 0f Life Book 9)

Page 23

by Laura Acton

  Bella quietly entered the room and went straight to the bed. Her fingers gently carded through his hair. “Ah, Danny, not again.” She leaned down and kissed his forehead. “I’m here now. We’re safe. Rest, my sweet boy.”

  Dan stirred as the familiar voice wafted to him in his semi-awake state. Bella? With concerted effort, Dan managed to pry open his left eyelid. The corners of Dan’s mouth upturned slightly, attempting to smile, but the effect produced more of a grimace given the swelling of his face. “Bella, are you here or am I hallucinating?”

  Marbella withdrew a penny from her purse and brought the coin into his limited vision before crooning in a motherly tone, “No illusion. I’m staying right here so don’t worry. You’re not alone. Sergeant Pastore told me your mom is on her way too. She is in France with Becca. We will take care of you. All you need to do is rest and heal.”

  “Need … warn. Snow, out. Alpha … protect.” Dan tried to communicate his team would safeguard her, but sleep dragged him back down.

  As his head lolled and his eye closed, Bella folded the penny into his hand and held on for a moment. She sighed and dabbed a tear away before caressing him with a soft touch, wishing to give him comfort. “I’m safe thanks to you. Wilson and your team will keep us both safe.”

  St. Michael’s Hospital – ICU Hallway

  After Bram exited, he glared at Jon and Nick. He brewed and stewed the entire time they were gone, and he wanted answers. In a lowered, but direct and harsh manner, Bram demanded, “What the hell is going on with you two? Why would Dan not trust you or Lexa?”

  Jon couldn’t tell his longtime friend the real reason. It would throw off team dynamics. Scrutinizing Bram’s countenance, Jon faced a difficult reality. He and Boss inadvertently created the imbalance they sought to avoid. Their actions caused a riff, and although the lack of an explanation threatened to enlarge the chasm between them, Jon still couldn’t reveal the whole truth.

  He must draw the line at only Nick and him having outright knowledge of Dan’s and Lexa’s transgression. Others may suspect, but that was different from knowing for sure. If their dating became known, there would be severe repercussions for Lexa and Dan, possibly Nick too. Things Jon didn’t want to happen.

  Choosing to use discretion, Jon took all the blame on himself, hoping Bram didn’t dig for more. “After work on the sixth, Dan and I got into it because I rode his ass so hard. He needed to screw his head on straight. I told Nick to put him on leave, and Boss agreed which pissed off Dan.

  “I regret some things I said to him. And I called him twenty-eight times to apologize, not realizing …” Guilt surged as Jon’s gaze landed on Dan. “Now isn’t the best time. He needs to heal first. Then we’ll work things out.”

  Having been best friends for years, Bram perceived Jon was not entirely honest with him. And given the hard edge of Jon’s eyes, he recognized the tactical lead mantle firmly in place, which meant Jon would refuse to explain further. Glancing at Nick, he caught a flash of what he read as guilt mixed with anger. He had no way of knowing what pieces were left out or altered.

  Bram unequivocally disagreed Dan’s head was not in the game. He decided to broach the subject with Dan, listen to his side, and consider the full story before taking any action. Though, he did agree now was not the time for talking to Dan. His injured teammate was in no condition to deal with the crap heaped at his feet.

  Jon had no basis for hounding Dan two days ago, and Bram would no longer allow Jon to be a jackass. He warned Jon once, and now he must follow through with ensuring this never happened again, even if that meant filing a formal complaint with Gambrill.

  His mind shifted to the inclusion of Lexa in Nick’s earlier statement, realizing Jon said nothing about her. Bram turned his eyes to Nick. “Why wouldn’t Dan trust Lexa? He often turns to her for help.”

  Unable to enlighten Bram, Nick pulled off his hat but resisted rubbing his face. “That is between them. They will work it out. At least I hope they do. For now, we must focus on other things.”

  “Like what? What could be more important than our family?” Bram challenged not ready to let go of his inquiry.

  Jon squared his shoulders, returning to full professional mode, though realizing Bram wouldn’t be satisfied and would badger him for an explanation later. “We need to gather the team. Dan’s initial agitation suggests he must’ve overheard something which made him concerned for Ridgewater. We will be setting a trap on the off chance the convicts plan to target her again.”

  Bram asked, “While we’re doing that who will be watching over Dan and Bella? Sorry, but I don’t trust having only the hospital security covering him. If those dirtbags get their hands on him again, Dan will be dead. I won’t be comfortable until they are behind bars again.”

  Wilson listened as the three constables discussed options. Once plans gelled, Pastore placed a call to Commander Gambrill. He gleaned from Nick’s one-sided conversation, news of Dan’s abduction spread like wildfire among the remaining TRF teams. Their outrage over the situation pleased Wilson. A one-eighty shift from Danny’s previous encounter with Snow and his pack of rat bastards. This is the respect Dan deserved and should expect from fellow officers in his brotherhood, not the contempt shown the first time.

  Nick hung up after speaking with Gambrill. “Echo is scheduled off-duty for the next three days. Trevor, Sean, Brett, and Carl all agreed to rotate watch and supervise several patrol officers assigned by Inspector Pope while we set the trap with the task force.”

  As Bram strode out beside Jon, he said under his breath, “We will talk later.”

  Jon only gave a slight nod, the prospect of discussing this further with Bram unsettled his gut. I screwed things up royally. I’m gonna need to work hard to restore not only Dan’s faith in me but Bram’s as well.

  Henry Cooke’s Home – 7:15 p.m.

  After gaining compliance from their mark, Al called Charley, and they drove to the abandoned barn where Robert and Charley ditched the van. Brogan then forced Henry to take them to his home. Upon arriving, Robert tied up the old man and locked him in the basement. Before settling in for the night, they ransacked the house searching for money and valuables to pawn for cash to pay for the fake passports they required.

  Al helped himself to a cold soda and grabbed a bag of salt and vinegar potato chips out of the cabinet. He flopped on the couch, ripped open the bag, not caring he spilled chips on the floor, and flipped on the TV. With a full mouth, he yelled, “Shit!”

  His loud exclamation brought the other three into the room. “What’s up, Al?” Robert asked.

  Al pointed to the newscast. “The gig is up. They figured out our release was a mistake. They put together a task force.”

  The reporter gave details of the hacker’s arrest and displayed pictures of fourteen convicts. Three photos had the word Recaptured across them. The police actively sought the remaining convicts and viewers were instructed not to approach them, but to call a special number if they spotted an escapee.

  “We’re gonna have to move fast if we want out of the country. Al, do you recall where she lives?” Brogan paced a moment but ran out of breath and dropped his hefty body into a chair.

  “Yeah. Hard to forget a mansion.”

  “Let’s go grab her now,” Robert said as he nervously paced, worried they would be recaptured. He didn’t want to return to prison. He was tired of continually checking over his shoulder for who would attack him next. He got beat up regularly, and his cellmate frequently used him as a bitch.

  “Robert, sit down and shut up. Let the people with brains work out a plan,” Brogan growled.

  Storming off, Robert headed down to the basement to take out his anger on the old man while the others made plans.

  Outside Ridgewater Home – 8:00 p.m.

  “Never saw you looking so gorgeous, Loki. White hair suits you.” Ray snickered and slapped his friend’s back.

  Loki glared at Ray and Jon. “This is payback for the prank,
right? I mean why else? Come on. Why me? Kinsey’s the girl why, not her?”

  Jon chuckled and tried to speak but couldn’t. He only laughed more at Loki in the old lady dress, heels, and white wig. He turned away when his chortling caused tears to form.

  Kinsey smiled. “Dress didn’t fit. Besides, my skin isn’t the right color, and you’re more svelte. You’re more Dame Ridgewater’s build.” She pursed her lips together trying hard not to laugh but her shoulders still shook, and merriment lit her eyes.

  Turning to peer at Kinsey, Loki conceded the fact he had never considered. He never paid any attention to a person’s skin color. Kinsey’s warm, russet brown skin would never pass for Bella’s light rose and would reveal the trap before the sewer dwellers ever ventured close enough to spring it. Ray’s bronze coloring of his Hispanic heritage was also more off than his lighter beige. Although Boss’, Bram’s, and Jon’s skin tones better matched Bella’s, their body compositions ruled them out as decoys.

  Bram’s mirth showed in a broad smile. “You’re all set to play dress up with Allie, Leslie, and Emilie. I should take a picture.” He tugged out his phone.

  Loki tottered unsteadily in the heels trying to reach Bram and grab the cell before he took a snapshot. “You do, and all my pranks will be focused solely on you for years.”

  Nick took pity on Loki, smiling but not laughing outright. He reached out and steadied him, so he didn’t tip over. “You’re taking one for the team here. You’re helping Dan. Almost eight, you ready to go?”

  At the mention of Dan, everyone settled down. Yes, they found Loki wearing a dress hilarious, but the reason for the necessity was not. Nick’s simple words caused the team to refocus.

  Loki nodded. “Yeah, Boss. I’m prepared to be the bait in our rat trap.” As much as Loki loathed wearing ladies’ clothing, he would do anything for Dantastic or any member of his family. No one hurt his brothers or sisters in uniform and got away with it.

  After final comms check with Arbor and Fulco, who would maintain the perimeter with members of the task force, Loki, Ray, Bram, Jon, Nick, and Kinsey, entered Bella’s home and took up their positions to wait.

  What the Heart Desires


  May 8

  Lexa’s Home – 8:30 p.m.

  Lexa dropped her purse on the counter and sank to one of her stools. She missed Loki’s calls while at the movies with Amy. She took her to the latest chick flick, which turned out to be the worst possible move. They should’ve read the summary of the film. The content blindsided both of them since neither rarely went to the theater.

  A true tear-jerker in which the female lead, Julia, a high school English teacher struggled to find love for years only to discover her soulmate and have him cruelly taken from her. Sam left the dangerous life of a soldier behind him, wanted a new life, and found one as a coach where Julia worked. Nothing could be safer, or so the characters believed.

  But when a former student came back, seeking vengeance for a perceived wrong, Sam bravely jumped in front of his true love as the shooter targeted Julia, sacrificing his life for hers. The scene with Julia holding the love of her life in her arms as he bled out and died opened the waterworks for Lexa. Luckily, in the darkened room no one noticed her tears. Well, one person did. Amy put her arm around her shoulders as she started another crying jag.

  When she exited the cinema about five, she discovered six voicemails from Loki begging her to call. Hitting speed dial, worried something happened to one of the team, the news Loki left hit her like a semi-truck, freezing her like a statue for almost five minutes. Amy offered to drive her straight to the hospital, but Lexa vacillated, unsure what to do.

  Part of her wanted to run to Dan’s side. To hold him. To be there for him. To comfort him. But another part screamed at her she would send the wrong signals and hurt him again. Only three days ago, she callously ripped out his heart, and she didn’t want to cause him more pain or confusion.

  Numb and unable to make the decision herself, Lexa agreed to go to Amy’s house for dinner when her friend suggested she shouldn’t be alone. Amy fed her a meal, though, if her life depended on listing the menu, it would’ve been forfeited, she couldn’t recall what she ate.

  Seeking more information, they caught the newscast. She learned the task force formed after the police ascertained the hacking incident led to the erroneous release of the Nores brothers and several BDC gang members, as well as fourteen others. The efforts to apprehend the remaining fugitives netted three captures, leaving eleven, including the dirty cops who assaulted Dan.

  After hanging out for several hours, trying to calm the emotional upheaval overwhelming her, Lexa declined Amy’s offer to stay the night, and Amy drove her home. Lexa didn’t stay because she needed quiet time alone to sort out her feelings. They took her on a wild rollercoaster ride, up, down, and around sickening turns. The damned movie didn’t help her mood either.

  Though the film’s situation didn’t mirror her life or Dan’s, for some reason, perhaps subconsciously recalling Dan’s meltdown as they learned of Brody’s death, Lexa overlaid their faces on the images of the actors as they played the poignant scene when the heroine cradled her lover’s dead body and wailed.

  The movie ended with Julia remaining true to her one love, dying as an old woman who never married or had children. The last scene, supposedly to drive home the soulmate connection, was Julia as a young woman opening her eyes in a beautiful, surreal place and finding an equally youthful, healthy, and smiling Sam holding out his hand to her, as he said, “I’ve been waiting patiently for you, my love,” before fading to the credits.

  Lexa’s gaze landed on the section of the counter where she sat when Dan kissed her right before her party. That location represented her own little piece of Hell. Every damned time she entered her kitchen, she would stare at that spot, and torturous recriminations screamed in her mind. You’re a coldhearted bitch. You are exactly like your father. You don’t deserve to be loved if you can drive a knife into someone else’s heart and viciously twist.

  She wiped away frustrated tears again. She analyzed her words to Dan in the coffee shop in every way possible. She still couldn’t decide if she tried to test Dan’s love for her when she told him if he transferred off their team they could continue dating. A grotesque part of her wanted him to prove he loved her by giving up the team. To demonstrate his love by sacrificing his life for hers. Sick and completely unfair.

  To both of them, the five guys were family. Dan couldn’t leave this team any more than she. Although she attempted to rationalize her point of view, Dan had his biological family and his unit brothers, whereas she had no one except the team and Amy to count on being there for her without question. She recognized her logic was skewed.

  Fixating on the last place they kissed, her resolve floundered as indecision reared again. Should I go or not? She wanted to scream in anger at the unfairness. Why do they have that damned rule? We’re both professionals. What we do in our off time should be our own damned business. But the regulation exists, and I must abide by the protocol or risk losing everything and everyone I value.

  I will lose my surrogate dad if I haven’t already. He did observe us kissing, though he has not talked to me about it yet. Will he disown me like my father? I did lie to him, and he may not be able to forgive me.

  Lexa imagined the hurt and condemnation in Jon’s, Bram’s, Loki’s, and Ray’s eyes would be identical to what she witnessed in Boss’ eyes if they ever found out she lied to them. They trusted me. Will their faith in me continue if they discover my betrayal? Will I also lose them?

  Why did I risk it all by falling for the blond sniper? Everything was terrific until he came along. Why couldn’t he choose me over the team? Why did his soul bleed through his sapphire eyes when I broke his heart? Why?

  She knew why. It was always the same damned answer. Fate treated her harshly. She continually had to fight twice as hard as any man to achieve an equal level of respect. He
r mother, the champion in her corner, died when she was only thirteen. Her father never understood her or accepted her dreams. He turned his back on her when she achieved them, shattering her heart. Her brothers abandoned her too, leaving her all alone in this world.

  Then fate put the one man, the only man who ever intrigued her, barely out of her reach. Fate taunted her. She must choose him or everything which gave her life purpose and meaning because protocols dictated, she couldn’t have both. Fate sucks!

  She couldn’t go to the hospital. She refused to be cruel to Dan again. Running to him would complicate matters. He needed a clean break to be able to move on and find someone new. Going to him now would only give him false hope, and she would never be so heartless again. Their romantic relationship must be over. Period. No discussion.

  To be honest, it would be painful for her too. She swiped the tears away. She needed to quell these feelings and make them go away. Requiring an outlet for her swirling emotions, Lexa decided to go to the twenty-four-hour gym where she did physical therapy and punch the daylights out of a heavy bag.

  Lexa grabbed her purse and workout bag which lay beside the door as she entered the garage. After tossing her things in the passenger seat, she hopped in the driver’s side and revved her Jeep to life.

  As she drove, tears began flowing when she recognized the familiar melody playing, the song she and Dan danced to while painting her living room. She flicked off the radio and chanted in her head. I need to hit something to make my pain go away.

  St. Michael’s Hospital – Parking Lot – 11:25 p.m.

  Lexa switched off the ignition and stared at the multi-storied building somewhat befuddled. How did I end up here? This isn’t my intended destination. She watched as an ambulance pulled up, and they disembarked a patient. She planned on going home and crashing in bed after a strenuous workout at the gym. The hospital was in the opposite direction of her house, and she couldn’t fathom how she ended up here instead.


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