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OUTCAST: Trust, Friendship, And Injustice (Beauty 0f Life Book 9)

Page 30

by Laura Acton

  “Yes,” Ray replied, and Bram disconnected. As Ray lowered the cell, he struggled to come up with a way to recover from his outburst without revealing the real reason to Loki. His mind whirred, but he was so tired his brain refused to come up with an explanation, so he attempted avoidance. “Dan’s doing okay. Bleeding stopped. No surgery required.”

  Ray slipped the phone in his pocket, leaned back, and shut his eyes. Please, let Loki be tired enough to be satisfied with that much.

  Again, no such luck as Loki said, “And what do we gotta figure out?”

  A solution came to Ray as he yawned. “Sorry, only an overreaction. I’m so exhausted, I’m a bit out of it. Surprised me when Bram said Dan’s mother took him. She feared the dirty cops would come after him again, so she moved him to an undisclosed location. Don’t worry. She undoubtedly took him home to mend like last summer. Dan did great recuperating at home last time. Remember how all his family surrounded him? They took amazing care of him, and they will do so again.”

  Ray studied Loki as he spoke, relieved his explanation placated him and his friend nodded his head in agreement. When Loki’s eyes slid shut, Ray sat back, crossed his arms, leaned his head back and promptly fell asleep.

  Castlemore Tavern & Grill – 5:00 p.m.

  Niko Davies, a bartender in his mid-forties, studied Henry Cooke who sat alone at the end of the bar nursing the last of his warm beer and watching TV. He liked Henry a lot. The senior had been a fixture here three times a week for over forty years. For the past twenty, Niko enjoyed listening to the stories Henry wove for the locals and visitors alike.

  Upset by recent events, Niko had been worried about Henry and surprised he came in today after his ordeal. But like clockwork, Henry showed up at four for the early-bird dinner special, tonight poutine with pulled pork, a cup of lobster corn chowder, and a maple cinnamon roll. Niko drew him another mug and wandered over. “Here’s one on the house.”

  Henry smiled. “You didn’t have to do that, but thanks kindly, Niko.” His eye caught the current news story. “Will you turn the sound up, please?”

  Niko grabbed the remote and increased the volume.

  A perky newscaster said, “Four more of the hacker-released convicts were apprehended early this morning, the culmination of a task force sting initiated after receiving a tip. Rumors have the source being the constable instrumental in obtaining their initial convictions, who is now recovering after allegedly being abducted and severely beaten by the quartet as an act of revenge.”

  Video of four cuffed men entering a police station played as the newscast continued, “An anonymous source told this reporter Toronto’s best thwarted the felons’ attempt to kidnap a prominent and influential citizen, but unfortunately not before they assaulted an elderly man and stole his vehicle. However, no official confirmation substantiates this account. The four will be held in the local prison until they are brought before the Crown for arraignment on the newest charges.” Henry tuned out the TV, and his cold beer remained untouched as he left the bar. He walked the mile to his home because his car was still evidence.

  Henry Cooke’s Home – 6:00 p.m.

  Opening his front door, Henry shuffled in. Things were still a mess, but he had swept up the glass from all the broken frames. Now they sat bereft of glass on the shelves. He picked up one of his favorites. His eyes misted as he gazed at a sixty-year-old picture of a beautiful, eighteen-year-old woman in a wedding dress. Taking the photo, he sat in a threadbare, overstuffed chair.

  He stared at the image and a sad smile settled on his features as a thin finger traced the veil. “We’ll be together soon, Ellie, my kitten. When all is said and done, doctors only give me a month or so. I miss you so much, words cannot express how much I desire to be with you once again, Kitten. You are my whole heart and soul … without you, I’m lost.”

  Lake Louise, Alberta – Ridgewater Chalet – 6:00 p.m. (8:00 p.m. Toronto)

  In no pain whatsoever, loopy and out of it, Dan imagined he lay upon a vast, supple bed with tons of pillows tucked around him. The scent of fresh pine mixed with vanilla, cinnamon, and coffee. A cool, slight breeze caressed his face as he snuggled warm and comfortable under a fluffy blanket.

  His hallucinations seemed real, and Dan wanted to stay in the tranquil world of his creation but knew he was in a hospital. Unmistakable physical things clued him into reality … the IV in his hand, and the beep of the monitors. Floating, so strung out on the potent meds, he couldn’t recognize his real location and imagined one to escape his emotional turmoil.

  Gentle voices tickled his ears, and though he couldn’t distinguish a single syllable, the mumbled sounds left him with a sense of security. Fingers ghosted tenderly through his hair, massaging his scalp, causing him to sigh. Someone cares. I’ll always be safe with Sexy Lexie.

  Wanting to let her know he loved her still, Dan moaned longingly, “Lexa.” Drifting off into drug-induced nothingness again, Dan went willingly.

  Yvonne sat beside Dan on the king-size bed stroking his head. She lifted her gaze to Bella who chose to sit across the room in one of the plush chairs near the open windows which allowed a nippy, spring breeze into the master suite of Bella’s chalet. “It breaks my heart that Danny keeps calling out her name. Every word she said to him hurt him profoundly. I want to hate her, I really do, but I can’t. Nor can I truly hate Pastore. He is their boss and must enforce the rules regardless of the situation.

  “The only one I’m struggling with is Hardy. That man runs hot and cold with Danny from what I gleaned from our conversations last fall. Dan believes he is a decent man … hardheaded like him, a protector too, but he treats my son so poorly on occasion.

  “Other times, like the night he stayed in the room with Scott when Danny learned about his lungs, well, …” Yvonne sighed. “The man is an enigma. I’m uncertain if Danny can thrive in an environment with Hardy as his tactical leader, especially while his shattered heart is laid wide open and he is vulnerable. Although I do still believe they care for him, they searched for him once they learned he was missing and ensured he was safe at the hospital.”

  Bella set down her book. “Yes, they did, but they wouldn’t have had to if they treated him properly from the beginning. I’m still angry with the three of them. They said such hurtful things to him. I’m not letting them off easy.

  “I’m unsure how Danny will handle all this. The other three, De Haven, Palomo, and Baldovino are blessings in Danny’s life. I met the gigantic man, and I now understand what drew Danny to him. His blue-green eyes and his demeanor exude warmth and kindness.”

  Beholding her son’s battered face, Yvonne said, “From all William shared with me, Bram is a true blessing and friend to Danny. The way Dan talks about his teammates, tells me he will want to go back. He loves William and me, but there is something about the team which Danny’s soul needs. I’m not sure he can survive without them … they keep the light shining in his eyes.”

  “So, what are we going to do? How do we help him this time? Your suggestions when he was a teenager were spot on. He needed those six months of fun and spreading his wings away from Willie’s influence and everything he associated with Sara,” Bella said.

  “You can never tell Danny. Bella, without you, he would’ve never smiled again. I never would’ve heard his laughter,” Yvonne firmly stated.

  Bella arched a brow. “Pish posh. I don’t comprehend why you still insist our Danny boy can’t be told you orchestrated most of what occurred when he lived with me.”

  Yvonne gave her a disbelieving stare. “You know full well why. Those are some of his best memories. I don’t want them tainted. Those are tangible, real recollections he doesn’t carry any guilty feelings about, need to second guess, or reprocess. They’re pure and untainted, and they must stay that way.”

  Redirecting her gaze to Dan, Yvonne said, “And you darn well know Dan might’ve died that night in Toronto without your penny. I couldn’t believe he still carried the coin you gave
him three years before. I’m so glad he did. As weird as this sounds, I’m even happy I had pneumonia, and you had to go to him when he was thirteen. You caring for him was as significant an impact as Sara’s death, but in a positive way.”

  “Yes, living with me gave him some of his finest memories and some of his worst.” Bella rose and came near the bed.

  Shaking her head Yvonne’s hand moved to Danny’s chest. “No, not even close to the worst. Those come from his JTF2 years. Sometimes, I wish he never joined the army. That was always William’s dream for Danny. And although Dan became a superb soldier in every way imaginable, I always believed his heart and soul were meant for a different life.”

  Bella sat on the edge of the mattress and smiled. “I understand and believe the same. Danny possesses equal parts of you and Willie. I’m proud of him for having the gumption to challenge his father’s wishes at a young age and choose his own path. Sadly, the aftermath of the events with Snow and the others changed Danny’s course.”

  Yvonne smiled. “He made me proud too. And I’m not so sure if the change is all bad. His decision to join the military allowed him to meet Brody. My faith leads me to believe God guided Danny to Brody. Both young men needed one another, and they forged a bond I believe extends beyond this lifetime. Perhaps Brody is Danny’s special guardian angel.”

  Bella’s eyes twinkled. “Wouldn’t that be wonderful? With all our boy has been through, he surely must have a rather special, and overworked angel watching out for him.”

  Chuckling, Yvonne’s imagination bloomed. “I can see the angel now. Tattered robes, halo askew, wings drooping, feathers falling and bent, but wearing an expression of pure love for his trouble-magnet charge.” She sobered, drew in a breath, and her gaze lifted Heavenward. “Brody, I hope you are his angel, you were Danny’s best friend, the brother he always wanted, and you blessed his life. You can take a well-deserved break. Danny is safe with Bella, Wilson, and me. We won’t let any harm come to him.”

  Brody hovered nearby and grinned as a broken feather floated to the ground. Given his current disheveled state, Yvonne described him quite accurately. “Danny, you are a lucky man to be loved by so many. Your mothers’ protection of you would’ve given our unit a run for their money.” Content Dan would be safe, Brody faded to recharge.

  Emerald eyes lowered and met Bella’s eyes, returning to earthly matters. “After all that has been said and done, how do we help Danny now?”

  “I think we do the same as when he was a lost and lonely teenager. We listen. We offer input if he asks. We leave the decision up to him, ensuring he comprehends we support him whatever he chooses.” Bella leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on the only unbruised part of his face then peered at Yvonne. “Our boy’s physical wounds will heal much quicker than his psychological ones.”

  “Yes, but we will be here for him, and his heart will mend.”

  Entering the room, Wilson shivered as the breeze wafted over his skin. Too cold in this room. “Ladies, dinner is ready. Shall I close the window?”

  Yvonne scooted off the bed and pulled her sweater tight around her. “No, cool breezes on Dan’s face calms him. Leave it open for now. The nurse can close it once the sun sets.” She tucked the warm blanket snugly around Dan before she left the room with Bella.

  Wilson took a moment to gaze at Danny. He was glad Bella removed him from Toronto. Danny always enjoyed coming to the chalet as a teen. Nature helped soothe his troubled soul. He inclined his head in greeting to the night nurse as she entered the room. “Please shut the windows in a little while. Though he likes the air, it wouldn’t be good for him to become chilled.”

  Beth nodded. “Yes, sir.”

  “Just Wilson, please. Contact me when you are ready for your break tonight. I’ll be the one staying with him. The ladies both need rest.”

  Patting her phone, Beth said, “Got your number programmed.”

  “You or Danny need anything, you call me.”

  “Will do.” Beth moved to her patient and began to record his vitals.

  Safe Place for Dan


  May 10

  Ridgewater Chalet – 1:00 a.m.

  Shivering with cold, Dan woke, crawling up, bit by bit, from the depths of his abyss. One eye cracked open to find a darkened room, the only light coming from the night sky. Confused by his surroundings, his sluggish mind had trouble orienting to the changes in his environment. Clearly not in a hospital, but where am I?

  With only a single eye and the nonexistent lighting, Dan found it difficult to discern his location. However, he spotted the reason for his chilled state … a huge window with one side open. Though the thought of moving didn’t appeal to him in the least, the shivers drove him to act.

  Carefully and ever so slowly he shifted himself to the edge of the enormous bed. Being partially reclined, supported by many pillows made it possible for him to push to a seated position … although he let out several soft moans in the process. Rising would’ve been impossible if he had been lying flat, his abdominal and shoulder muscles did not possess the strength and screamed at the exertion.

  Attaining an upright position, he swung his bare feet to the floor, but the altitude change brought on waves of dizziness. Dan sat on the mattress for several moments to quell his wooziness and gain energy for the next step in his quest to shut out the cold wind.

  Grabbing hold of the IV pole, he managed to stand, though his thigh throbbed fiercely with the weight. Images of being beaten with a piece of the metal chair decimated by Snow’s bulk crept in. Moaning and groaning, his pain level shooting up, Dan shuffled towards the open window … his stamina waning with each laborious step. How he made across the room, Dan didn’t quite know.

  He worked the mechanism to close the window, but the effort zapped him of all remaining strength. Fortunately, a chair was close by, and he took two more steps before plopping down when his legs quivered and gave out. The jarring, albeit tempered by the plushness of the cushion, brought another surge of pain and he slumped backward as lightheadedness overtook him.

  With nothing left in his tank … not even in his reserve, Dan realized he would not be able to make it back to his bed now. He needed to recharge. Turning his head, he stared out the windowpane at the twinkling stars as he willed his body to relax and concentrated on his breathing to regain control over the gnawing pain.

  Wondering where Bella moved him because he definitely was no longer in the hospital, his only functioning eye scanned the furnishing in the dim light provided by the star-filled sky. The place seemed familiar, but his fuzzy mind prevented him from pinpointing his location. Wherever she took him, it was somewhere well away from the team for sure since no streetlights obscured the beauty of a star-lit night.

  I can always count on Bella, though this one surprises me. I wonder how the heck she managed to convince Dr. Fraser to release me. However she did it, I need to thank her because I can’t be around my team. I gotta think … this is so messed up. I screwed things up royally. What am I going to do?

  Dan registered a few things. The team found him. They cared enough to search. He needed them still, but the words Jon, Nick, and Lexa said hurt so deeply. Whispering to no one, Dan said to the stars, “Can I let their words go? Will things ever be the same or is the team destroyed because of me?”

  Brody became angry. “This is not all your fault. Lexa chose to break the rule too. And Jon … he unjustly ripped you a new one over this situation. You are not the only one responsible for this clusterfuck. Quit blaming yourself for everything that goes wrong. Lexa, Jon, and to some extent Nick all own a share.”

  Dan’s ear buzzed as he focused on one star … a bright one … as he wished Brody were here to talk to. “Brody, how do I fix this? God, I love Lexa … and she loves me … my beauty of life. How can I keep her in my life? Should I transfer teams? Do I risk everything for her? She rejected me … hurt me … do I walk away or fight for her?”

  Brody laid a hand on Danny�
�s left bicep. “Time. You need some time to sort this out. Don’t make any rash decisions. Lexa is your soulmate. You can never truly leave her … your heart and soul know who she is. So does hers. Time is all that is required, Brother. Time brings clarity. Time heals wounds.”

  Dan snorted. “Bet you would tell me I need time to think before acting. I guess I have time now. I’m on forced vacation, and I’m not dead. When my head isn’t so muddy … things might appear different.”

  Brody squeezed gently and smiled. “You did listen to me.”

  The only spot on Dan with any warmth was his upper left arm, and the sensation of someone applying pressure triggered him to glance down, half-expecting to find Brody’s or Jim’s hand. He sighed. “Wishful thinking … I hurt so bad. Jim would take away my physical pain. Brody, you would help me with all this emotional crap. I want one of my brothers with me. You guys never let me down.” Dan’s eye closed as he sucked in a shallow, ragged breath as the weight of everything crashed down on him.

  Dan shivered with cold wishing he were dressed more warmly as he lifted his eyelid and peered at the expanse between him and the bed. With enormous effort and many groans, his muscles protesting any movement, Dan hauled himself up, clinging to the rolling pole with both hands since both shoulders hurt like hell. Agony radiated throughout his entire body, but the most intense pain came on the right side of his torso and caused him to hunch over.

  Shit! This hurts so much. He eyed his destination, unsure he could reach it unaided, but since no one was around, he must do this under his own power. Taking a step, red-hot daggers shot through his hip and thigh, almost sending him to the floor. Dan clenched his jaw, causing himself more pain, and his grip loosened on the pole as his world tilted and spun crazily, kicking up nausea as his vision went in and out of focus.


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