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OUTCAST: Trust, Friendship, And Injustice (Beauty 0f Life Book 9)

Page 33

by Laura Acton

  “First one. Uncle Dan won the mostest. He said that’s ‘cause his grandpa raced, and it is in his blood. What does that mean?”

  “It is like how you have your father’s adventuresome spirit … one might say it’s in your blood.”

  Joey grinned. “Did Daddy Joe like to race?”

  “Absolutely. When you get a little older, I’ll teach you how to ride a motorcycle, just like I taught him. Once Joe learned, he would routinely win our races.”

  “Tell me about one.” Five-year-old Joey dropped the controller and crawled into his daddy’s lap, relishing any story about Daddy Joe and having his dad’s undivided attention.

  Jon thought for a moment, trying to recall one of the more exciting races he and his brother Joe had, and launched into the tale, embellishing parts to bring Joe to life in the eyes of his son. He wanted Joey to possess a strong connection not only to him but to his birth dad too … Joey would always have two dads.

  Tender Loving Care


  May 10

  Ridgewater Chalet – 11:15 a.m.

  Drifting up out of a deep sleep Dan’s world gradually changed as his senses awoke. Fresh pine and cedar mingled with a light hint of cinnamon and vanilla. The latter two he associated with his mother. Soft humming came to him next … his mom’s lilting voice quietly singing a song he recalled from his youth, one she sang when he was ill with Q-fever when he was six. The gentle caress of his scalp took him back to the days before Sara died … to when he never doubted Mom loved him.

  After a few false starts, his left eyelid rose, and Dan found Mom’s loving, emerald eyes peering down at him.

  “My sweet boy, you are safe and loved. I’m going to take care of you.” With a gentle touch, Yvonne thumbed his bruised cheek as she cupped his face.

  “Mom …” Dan’s only working eye began to well with liquid, overcome by her tender words and the affection reflected in her gaze.

  Witnessing her son’s anguish, understanding how difficult it was for him to shed tears in front of her, Yvonne leaned down so Dan could bury his face in her shoulder. “Let it out, my boy. Release your pain.” Yvonne held her son while he cried, still amazed at the trust he placed in her by fully letting down his guard. Her own eyes glistened with tears as Danny’s heartache spilled forth. If she could take his pain, she would, but Yvonne couldn’t so she crooned loving words to him, stroked his head which always comforted him, and allowed him to express his emotions without judgment.

  When he spent his tears and quieted, she sat up and used a tissue to dab his cheek dry. “I’m going to get Wilson to help you with the necessities, and once you are done, Dr. Braxton will be in to check on you. If he approves of solid foods, I can make you anything you want.”

  Gathering himself, grateful Mom didn’t ask him to talk about his situation with the team and Lexa, knowing full well Bella would’ve confided the details to her, Dan said, “Thanks, Mom.”

  Yvonne noted the wince as he spoke. “Jaw hurts to move, doesn’t it?”

  Dan acknowledged with a slight nod.

  “Well then, if you are cleared for food, how about a strawberry protein shake? No chewing required and you can drink from a long, fat straw, so you don’t need to keep lifting your arms … which I understand must hurt like the dickens too.”

  Dan gave his mom a partial lopsided smile, careful not to reopen his split lip. She thinks of everything … just like Lexa. His eye watered again with the thought of what he lost with Lexa … the future which would never be.

  Yvonne wiped his tears again before rising. “I’ll send Wilson in.”

  “Okay.” Dan shifted his gaze to the window. It would be agony, but he wished he was allowed to walk to the bathroom to pee. As much as he hated the idea of having Wilson help him take care of business, it would be better than having his mother or Bella do it.

  “Afternoon, Dan.” Wilson breezed in, refreshed after several hours of sleep, and went straight to the adjoining bathroom. Bella had come into the room around four this morning and sent him to bed. Returning to the bedroom with a urinal, Wilson efficiently repositioned the son of his heart before averting his eyes to afford Danny privacy while he finished with his basic needs.

  Resettling on the bed, Dan groaned. Although he only rolled to the side, moving hurt like hell. Every nerve and fiber in his body protested vehemently. His mother’s forethought of a straw would save him from refusing to eat because he would pick starving over lifting a utensil at this moment.

  Wilson didn’t miss Danny’s moans and called out from the restroom, “Want more meds?” as he washed his hands after placing the filled urinal by the toilet until he received approval to empty the vessel. Concerned by the bruising in the lumbar-sacral region and the possibility of renal impairment, the doctor wanted to measure Danny’s output and test for traces of blood to monitor his kidney functions.


  “You sure? Braxton is likely to poke and prod you. We can get it onboard now, and lessen your agony. No reason for you to be in pain.”

  Dan sighed. He was used to physical pain … it sucked, but he could usually find a way to cope, but his head was a mess and escaping into and staying in a happy place would be extremely difficult. “Half dose. Just take the edge off. Don’t want to be out. Want one of Mom’s strawberry shakes.”

  Wilson chuckled. “You sure do like strawberries. Do you recall the camping trip with Buzz and Dutch when you found the wild strawberry patch?”

  The bruising on Dan’s face hid his blush. Being caught in the act with Amy in the bushes while they were supposed to be gathering berries had been embarrassing. “Yeah.”

  “Those were some of the best strawberries I ever tasted.” Wilson grinned and out of Dan’s sight he prepared a partial dose. As administered the medication, he said, “Whatever you need, you can count on me. Now that you are awake, I thought you should know your team caught Snow and the others. Your concern about Bella was justified. They came to her home with the intent of abducting her. All four are now back in jail where they belong.”

  Dan noted a disquieting aspect to Wilson’s demeanor. “Is the team okay?”

  Wilson exhaled as he rubbed his neck. It was so like Danny to worry about others, even those who mistreated him. Though to be honest, only Pastore and Hardy had a hand in what happened to Dan. “Two of them were injured.”

  “Who? How bad?”

  “Don’t have any details other than names. Baldovino and Peltora are the injured ones.”

  “Loki and Kinsey?” A stab of guilt for the way he treated the temp hit Dan, but he focused on Loki. “Can you find out for me? I gotta know how bad Loki is hurt. He’s innocent in all this.”

  Wilson noted Dr. Braxton enter and move to the bathroom to analyze Dan’s most recent specimen. “I’ll step out to give you a bit of privacy while the doctor is examining you and use the opportunity to obtain the information you requested.” As Bella’s personal physician re-entered the room carrying his satchel, Wilson stood and said, “I gave him a small dose of pain meds. Everything is logged in the notebook.”

  Braxton pushed his oval, wire-rimmed glasses up. “Thank you, Wilson.” He turned to his patient. Memories of the first time he met Daniel flittered through his mind. The sixteen-year-old boy had been in terrible shape, beaten by other teens, but that didn’t come anywhere close to his current condition. The extensive scarring told him this young man lived a hard life and suffered horrendous injuries on numerous occasions. “Well, now, Mr. Broderick, Beth informs me you got out of bed in the wee hours of the morning.”

  “I prefer Dan. And yeah … was a little muddled and didn’t realize I only needed to pull the covers over me to warm up.”

  When the soft snick of the door closing indicated they were alone, Michael Braxton moved closer, set his bag on the nightstand, and opened it, pulling out his stethoscope.

  Dan’s stomach growled loudly.

  “Well, I certainly don’t need these to hear that yo
u’re hungry. An excellent sign.” Michael smiled.

  A tad embarrassed, Dan covered by asking, “Can I eat solids?”

  “I don’t see why not. I would stick with soft foods like scrambled eggs, pudding, mashed potatoes, and the like to reduce the amount of chewing required. The only thing you need to be careful of is to rinse with clear water after meals, so the cuts inside your mouth don’t become infected. Given your lack of a spleen, infection is what I worry about the most.”

  Dan nodded, and the doctor set about giving him the once over, speaking to him about his condition and what symptoms indicated potential complications and should be reported to Beth or himself. Dan silently thanked Wilson again for insisting on the painkillers because Braxton did indeed poke and prod him to the point Dan stifled many groans.

  “Well, your little trip appears not to have caused any harm.”

  “Speaking of trips, can I use the bathroom instead of the bedpan or urinal?”

  Braxton considered the request before answering. “I didn’t find any blood, either visible or by dipstick, in the specimen, and the volume seems adequate. However, I must monitor your output for several more days so you must still void in the urinal. I don’t want you overdoing, but you may go to the restroom if Wilson assists you in walking. Using the facilities is the only reason you are to be out of this bed for at least five days.”

  A small chuckle emitted from Michael as he witnessed the scowl form on Dan’s face who apparently didn’t like the idea of being confined to bed. “I don’t believe I need to stress the importance of following my directives. If you disobey and the bleeding restarts, you will be facing Bella’s wrath. Not something a sane man would want to incur.”

  “Agreed, sir.”

  “Now, regarding pain management. I’m considering attaching a pump to allow you to manage—”

  “No need. I’ll tell Wilson or Beth when I need something, but I’d like to switch to oral meds and ditch the IV too.” Dan didn’t like the notion of being attached to another piece of medical equipment, even though the pump had been useful after he had been shot in the chest.

  “I can arrange for the change. Tomorrow will be the soonest the meds can be delivered so the intravenous line will remain until then.” Braxton made several notations in the chart he created for Daniel. The extensive and precise patient information he received from Dr. Fraser included data on types of medication which caused issues for Dan. It also contained a description of how Daniel reacted if overwhelmed by pain … something he wished to avoid. At the light knock at the door, Michael said, “Enter.”

  Yvonne glided in with Bella behind her. “How is my boy?”

  Braxton reclarified in his mind … Mrs. Broderick is another woman I would avoid ticking off … she would give the Grand Dame a run for her money when protecting one of her cubs.

  “If he follows my advice, he should heal with no further complications. I will continue to watch for signs of infection, but mostly he needs rest and time to return to health. The facial swelling should lessen in a few days, but I think we can give it a little help. It’s been about forty-eight hours or so since the initial injury, so use cool compresses for another day and afterward switch to a warmed washcloth. Both should provide Dan with some relief as well as reduce the inflammation.”

  “Can he consume solid food?” Yvonne asked.

  “Strawberry shake is okay, Mom.” Dan’s stomach rumbled, punctuating his hunger.

  Yvonne smiled. “I’ll be right back with your shake.”

  Bella moved toward Danny as Yvonne exited. She took his hand and squeezed gently, her anxiety for Dan dropping a miniscule amount with the doctor’s assessment. “You will not get out of this bed for any reason.”

  Under the strict glare, Dan said, “Doc says I can walk to the bathroom with Wilson’s assistance.”

  “Is this true?” Bella peered at Braxton.

  “Yes, ma’am. Falling is my primary concern, but if aided, the likelihood is removed.” Braxton packed up his bag before addressing Dan. “I’ll check on you tomorrow unless you experience any of the symptoms we discussed.”

  “Thanks, Doc.” Dan’s heavy eyelid wanted to close, and he blinked several times. The little exertion of the exam and talking zapped his energy. Without meaning to, Dan drifted off as his eye shut.

  Bella caressed Danny’s head. “That’s right, my boy, rest is what you need.” She took a seat in the chair near the bed and turned to Michael. “Please tell me I didn’t cause any harm by moving him.”

  Michael snapped his case closed before answering. His keen eyes met Bella’s concerned gaze. “Honestly, he should still be in a hospital given his condition.” As Bella’s eyes misted, he continued, “But as I recall, this young man heals fast and being in a safe, supportive, and loving environment after the beating he endured is exactly what he needs. You and Mrs. Broderick are the best ones to provide that for him.”

  Another chuckle emitted. “Dr. Fraser notated Daniel’s propensity for leaving the hospital against medical advice. So again, his mother and you will ensure he follows all precautions and doesn’t do anything stupid which would hinder his progress. On the positive side, the liver is an amazing organ and does a spectacular job of repairing itself given time. Set your mind at ease, Bella. Should any complications arise, the local hospital is close by, and I still possess privileges to practice there. Your boy is in excellent hands and will recover.”

  “I’m certain I don’t say it often enough, but thank you, Michael. I appreciate you dropping everything to help me with Daniel.”

  Michael pushed up his glasses, which had the bad habit of always slipping down his nose. “Who could pass up the opportunity to spend an all-expenses-paid vacation in Lake Louise? My wife loves the little cottage you rented for us. And she has been bugging me for ages to take her on holiday. So, win-win all around, I say.”

  Bella smiled. “Well, I’m happy Millie will enjoy her time here.”

  “My phone will be on all the time. Call anytime if you have concerns.” Michael picked up his satchel. Receiving a nod from Bella, he left the room, anticipating spending an enjoyable afternoon with his lovely wife who put up with his long and odd hours for the past thirty-five years. It might be time to start reducing my practice, handing more patients off to my daughter, and keeping only my most special ones … like Bella.

  A few minutes later, Yvonne returned, strawberry shake in hand. She stopped at the bedside and sighed. “He is exhausted. Reminds me of how much he slept last summer.”

  Bella clasped her hands in her lap. “Thank the Lord this is not as severe as his previous injuries. A little TLC and he will be strong once again.”

  After setting the shake, which she had the foresight to put in an insulated bottle, on the nightstand, Yvonne turned to Bella. “This one is different. The physical damage will heal. His broken heart concerns me the most. Broderick men tend to love only one woman.”

  She moved to an overstuffed chair near the foot of the bed and sat. “I fear he will end up like Adam. After Adam’s fiancée died unexpectedly from an aneurysm, he closed off and became an angry man. We almost lost him … thank goodness Scott and Jeff located him and brought him home.”

  Leaning forward, Bella placed a hand on Yvonne’s knee. “Your family rallied around Adam when he needed you all the most, as you do for any member. Remember, I was best friends with both your mother and William’s. Rosemary Loving and Gwyneth Broderick raised their children right, instilling the value of family in each of their offspring.

  “Danny is in loving hands, and if needed, everyone will rally around him again as they did last summer. Adam may still believe he lost his soulmate, which put blinders on him. Someday, though, he will discover he has yet to find his true love. When he is willing to take another risk and open his heart again, she will come to him.

  “As for Danny, if Lexa is his one, time will sort things out. Until then, he will have our unconditional love and that of the entire Broderick cla
n. I trust you to help your son navigate this storm and guide him to a safe harbor where he can moor his wounded heart while making repairs.”

  Yvonne placed her hand over Bella’s, as her eyes glistened. “Thank you. I needed your words of wisdom. Speaking with you is like talking to my mom.”

  Bella smiled. “Rosemary would be proud of you … so proud. You possess the qualities which made her such a special friend … a tender heart and gentle strength.” She lightly giggled, “And the firepower to remove all obstacles from your path.” Bella stood and said, “I’ll let you have some time alone with Danny as he naps.”

  Yvonne glanced at Dan, and she rose too. “No. I’m going to go downstairs and whip up some of his favorite soft foods. You are right, he needs tender loving care, and when he wakes, he will be starving. I plan on feeding him before he slips off to sleep again.” She linked her arm in Bella’s, and the two women strolled out of the room.

  St. Michael’s Hospital – Loki’s Room – 1:15 p.m.

  Donata bustled into Loki’s hospital room carrying an extra-large, orange and green canvas bag. She went directly to the bed and set the bag on the foot as she said, “Mio caro ragazzo,” and drew Dante into an embrace, holding him for dear life. Tears welled in her brown eyes, and she couldn’t hold back the soft sob of relief that her only son still lived.

  “Ma. I’m okay. Really. Please don’t cry.” Loki hugged his ma and patted her back as he repeated himself in Italian, “Ma. Sto bene. Veramente. Per favore, non piangere.”

  After several minutes Donata pulled back, wiping her eyes with one hand as she cupped her son’s cheek with the other. “I was so worried even after Ray called me. I had to see you are all right for myself.”

  Loki pulled his mother to him and kissed one cheek then the other. “I’m well … they only want to keep me here for observation.” The aroma of fresh bread wafted to him and caused his mouth to water. Hoping to halt his ma’s concern, or more correctly redirect it because stopping it would be as impossible as swimming across Lake Ontario with anchors tied to his legs, Loki asked, “What did you bring me to eat?”


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