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OUTCAST: Trust, Friendship, And Injustice (Beauty 0f Life Book 9)

Page 49

by Laura Acton

  The relief in Lexa’s eyes as she began to uncoil, pleased Nick. This is going better than expected, but that is most likely due to the fact Jon isn’t here reaming her like he did Dan. Nick shoved those thoughts away as he said, “However, I’ve given this situation a great deal of consideration, weighing everything. Although I cannot cite any specific change in either of yours or Dan’s performance, non-fraternization rules are in place to ensure we maintain the priority of life.”

  Lexa started to respond, and he put up a hand asking her to hold. He had to get through this and explain the reasoning behind his decision. She was intelligent and although it would be unpleasant for her to hear he had to say it to make her understand.

  Clearing his throat, Nick said, “I’m fairly certain you wanted to say you and Dan would follow those. I believe you both would try, but it puts the whole team at risk. The policy exists for a purpose.”

  Taking a sip of his tea, Nick was glad when Lexa remained quiet, ready to listen. “You care for Dan … it is obvious and what you shared confirms what I perceived. You also care about everyone on the team. I trust you would never knowingly put us in jeopardy, but it’s the unknown incident which could bring us all down and have a serious impact.”

  Wanting to retort that all their calls involved unknown perils, Lexa bit her lip to keep silent, allowing Boss to make his case.

  “Imagine what could’ve happened on the roof of the BDC hangout. If Dan had become overwrought upon finding you bleeding, he might’ve failed to notice Pablo Nores and Dan might be dead now.” His hand went up again when Lexa’s mouth opened. “Hear me out, please.”

  Lexa nodded and lifted her tea again, itching to speak but refrained.

  “As I said, I can’t point to a single time either of you behaved in anything but a professional capacity during the heat of a call. But neither of you have been put in a position where you had to choose between saving the life of a hostage or each other.

  “Can you sit there and tell me with absolute certainty that if you could only save Dan or a person you didn’t know that you would allow Dan to die? I understand this is somewhat of an unfair question given how we all care about one another, but that is the reason for the rule. Romantic relationships open up a gray area and create a slippery slope we must avoid if we are to retain the trust of the citizens.”

  Unable to stay quiet any longer, Lexa said, “It is unfair. I could ask the same. If you had to pick Loki or me, who would you save? Jon or Bram? Ray or Dan? Our job is full of gray. Bad guys who are not bad, only experiencing the worst day of their life. We try to save everyone … we don’t always succeed.”

  Nick nodded. “Point taken, but let me ask you another question.”


  “Let’s say Dan is the one who must choose and he follows protocol saving the hostage, and you die. What do you think will happen to him, especially knowing how the death of Brody affected him? You’re not blind, and between you and me, there were clear indicators he was suicidal afterward.

  “However, you didn’t witness the devastation on his face on the roof or the tears he shed when he visited you in the ICU when he believed he was alone. The guilt he carries for Brody’s death is enough to crush most men. Add the remorse he feels for not protecting you on the rooftop …” Nick trailed off and blew out a breath.

  “If your romance continued and Dan fell head over heels in love with you, and he was put in a circumstance where he must—”

  “Stop! I get it.” Lexa’s heart seized. She didn’t dare tell Boss Dan already reached that point and loved her because Dan might be dismissed.

  Imbuing more softness in his tone and his expression revealing his concern, Nick said, “I’m sorry to be so blunt, I only wanted you to understand the severity of this situation.”

  Lexa reached out for his hand, needing the connection as much as he did. She squeezed, as she said, “I do. Anybody on our team facing that dilemma would experience difficulty. Though I must say, I understand how Dan thinks better than any of you, and I know each of you very well too. Dan would follow protocol, and if it came down to it, everyone would be there to help him through the grief and pain, as we would for each one of us.”

  “Lexa, I’m being tough, but you need think this through. This is a decision of your heart and mind. It is not one I can advise you on. You must choose … either Dan or the team. It cannot be both.”

  Miserable, Lexa nodded. “If I understand what you are saying, we both will be allowed to remain only if we make a clean break. What happens if we don’t, or we are unable to work together without animosity?”

  Choosing his words judiciously so as not to reveal Bram and Ray were aware, he internally cringed comprehending he would be lying by misdirection, but he had no other option. “If each of you can convince me the relationship is over, you both may stay, so long as you maintain a professional demeanor with one another. We will keep this issue among us, and it will go no further. Life will go on as usual.” With those words, she would assume he meant to keep the issue between him, her, Dan and Jon.

  “However, if either of you cannot assure me you can remain platonic or get along …” Son of a bitch, I don’t want to tell her she will be transferred and Dan will stay. It will absolutely crush her. I can’t hurt the daughter of my heart like this. The silence dragged on at his unfinished sentence.

  Lexa peered at him when he stopped, comprehending by his doleful eyes he struggled to say the next words. Although Lexa was unsure whether it would be Dan or her who must leave the team, she didn’t want to know the answer. So she rescued him from having to voice the decision. “One of us will be removed from Alpha Team.”

  She watched as Nick’s eyes misted then closed as his lips pressed together firmly and he inclined his head once. She wouldn’t ask him to say which one. Trying to steady her voice she asked as calmly and evenly as she could, “How long do I have before I must give you an answer?”

  Nick understood he took the coward’s way out, but he would not hurt her unless necessary. Lexa had time to make a decision. He would only tell her if she chose to continue dating Dan, and when his words shattered her, Dan would be there to pick up the pieces. “We will talk again after you pass your requalification. Whatever you decide, I want you to know I am here for you. That will never change … ever.”

  Lexa appreciated the vote of confidence from him. Boss said when she requalified, not if. She still felt incredibly guilty for going behind his back and lying to him, since he was so supportive and kind to her now. Her tone full of remorse she said, “I’m sorry to disappoint you by sneaking around behind your back. I never intended for this to happen. It just did.”

  Compassion shone in Nick’s eyes. “I understand. I can see you both care about one another. That’s a good thing. And no, Lexa, you did not disappoint me. Surprised me a bit, but never disappointed me.” Nick stood and rounded the table. He pulled Lexa into a hug to comfort her.

  Allowing her tears flow without restraint, Lexa lost it completely. She let them wash away the pain, sorrow, and fear of losing her family. It was hard to come to terms with the facts she wanted Dan but needed the team more.

  Loving someone still frightened her so she would back away from Dan. She loved her father and brothers and thought they returned her love. But her choice resulted in them discarding her. What if that happens with Dan? Then I’ll be alone without the team. I must bury my romantic notions.

  As Lexa cried Nick guided her to his couch and sat her down. He held her for a long time, transitioning from sergeant to father, providing her the comfort and reassurance she required.

  Holding her, Nick recalled when she shared a profoundly personal tragic event with him. He was the only person she ever confided in and Nick’s heart cried for her, like now. Although Lexa never showed these emotions to others, he was grateful she felt safe enough to do it with him. Everyone needed at least one trustworthy person they could show their true self to.

  His mind w
andered, reliving the years with Lexa on his team. A selfish part of him wanted her to elect to stay with the team. Though he was also conflicted because no man had ever attracted Lexa before and he wished her to have someone special in her life.

  In the end, Nick hoped she followed her heart, whichever path it led her down. If she opted for Dan, it would be difficult transferring her to another team, but her happiness is what mattered most to him, and he would always care for and protect his chosen daughter to the best of his ability.

  Having lost track of time in his musings, Nick glanced at the clock and to his surprise, two hours passed since they sat down. His heart warmed by the undisputed fact Lexa felt comfortable enough with him to fall asleep in his arms after their stressful conversation.

  He considered waking her and moving her to his guest room, but she appeared so peaceful he didn’t have the heart. After deftly extracting himself, replacing his lap with a pillow, Nick retrieved a soft, warm blanket from the linen closet and covered her. Before heading to bed, Nick took one last glance at Lexa. Sleep well, sweet daughter of my heart.



  May 22

  Ridgewater Chalet – 3:15 p.m.

  Aching, lethargic, and overheated by his afternoon walk, all Dan wanted to do was lie down and sleep. But doing so would cause Mom and Bella to worry, and one or the other would call the doctor … not something he desired. They fussed over him at the slightest twinge or grimace for the past four days due to the persistent low-grade fever … well-meaning but more attention than he was comfortable receiving.

  He managed to talk them into allowing him to take a short outdoor stroll with Wilson as long as they remained within fifty yards of the chalet at all times. So instead of crawling into bed and burrowing under the covers which would set off all the mother hen warning bells and eliminate his one allotted trip outside tomorrow, Dan pulled the chair closer to the fireplace in his room.

  If he nodded off here, he could claim the warmth of the fire lulled him to sleep as he read one of the books Caspian left as a teenager. Though in truth, the novel sat unopened in his lap and he stared out at the trees as his mother’s advice sunk in and took root.

  His decision to be Lexa’s friend stayed firm, but he would always keep a tiny ember of hope in the corner of his heart. He equated it to taking up a sniper position … he could wait patiently and unmoving for the perfect time to act. Dan shifted in his seat and let out a moan, his hand going to his right side and pressing lightly on the spot he bumped several days ago which continued to cause him pain. Sedentary would be preferable right about now.

  Shortly after, the phone rang, and his mother’s voice drifted up the stairs. Her frosty tone possessed a scary quality he didn’t recall ever hearing. He couldn’t make out what she said, but a few moments later she entered his room and held out the handset to him. He peered up at her quizzically.

  “For me?” Her infuriated expression was also new to him. Who in the world would set off Mom this way? Is it Pastore or Hardy?

  Though Yvonne softened her tone when speaking to Danny, not angry with him, the lingering timbre reflected her displeasure. “It. Is. The. General.”

  “Dad?” he queried reaching for the cordless extension. At Mom’s curt nod, Dan added a third item on the list of strange and unique. She never referred to him as General to me before. Dread filled him as he came to attention while seated. “Yes, sir?”

  Lake Louise Hospital – 5:30 p.m.

  Dan sat on the exam table with his sock-covered feet dangling and his hands gripping the edge of the padding as he strove to contain his emotions. He hated hospitals of all shapes and sizes … from little urgent care centers to the massive multi-story building of St. Michaels. They all possessed the same artificial pine scent of industrial disinfectant and the possibility of glimpsing dreaded needles … two things which made his stomach turn.

  Although his current nausea didn’t have anything to do with either of those items, the thought of returning to the desert … to Kandahar … was enough to make him want to shake and puke. And that is where he was headed if the local doctor gave him the all clear to travel. He now understood the reason for Mom’s behavior. It only took nineteen words from the general. ‘Daniel, you have been reactivated for a special mission. Report to me in Kandahar on the next available flight.’

  His gaze focused on his two mothers … his most ferocious advocates. They primly sat in the plastic chairs an orderly hastily brought in for them after Bella arched a brow and pinned him with a glare when he told them to leave. Neither lady intended to exit the room and if they had been granted permission, would gladly accompany him all the way to Afghanistan.

  Though both mothers wanted to deny him going, they understood none of them had any say in the matter. He had been summoned … involuntarily reactivated … compelled by the terms of the early release contract he signed almost two years ago.

  When his father laid out the conditions under which he was duty-bound to return to active service for Guardian Unit assignments, Dan believed they were unjust, but signed because he needed out after killing Brody. Although he stormed out of the general’s office after creating his voluntary reactivation code, and giving the general a middle finger salute, on the flight back to Canada, Dan figured the ten-year period meant nothing since he had planned to be dead long before then. That didn’t come to pass … Alpha Team saved him from the edge of oblivion and gave him a new purpose and reason to live.

  Though after all Plouffe’s manipulations and all the crap he endured in six years of purgatory, he never once believed his dad would force him back against his will. But he did and provided him no details other than to haul his ass to Kandahar now, and he would be briefed after arriving.

  Yvonne recognized the kaleidoscope of emotions in her son’s expressive eyes. Fury, despair, frustration, disgust, hurt, fear, and confusion, swirled along with a form of acquiescence … all reminiscent of what she observed in him as a child after Sara died. She comprehended this had nothing to do with her daughter’s death, and everything to do with Brody’s demise and his current issues with Lexa and his team.

  Her honorable son, though suffering physical, spiritual, and psychological anguish would not shirk his duty and would comply with orders to go back to the godforsaken place where his best friend died. Rarely had she ever been enraged with William, but today he received a full measure of her ire.

  Understanding Danny didn’t need to deal with her negative emotions too, she shelved them and forced a smile as she rose. Going to his side, she carded her fingers through his messy hair. “If the CT scan of your liver comes back showing any problems … any bleeds, they cannot compel you to travel. There are rules even generals must follow.”

  Dan leaned into the comfort provided by Mom’s light touch. She didn’t understand he must go no matter what the scan revealed. He sighed. “When the general summons, you don’t say no.”

  “Do not doubt, generals can be told no if it puts life at unnecessary risk,” Yvonne smirked. “Though, I will say William’s not used to being denied. I would’ve enjoyed watching him spit fire when I informed him you will not go unless and until a doctor gives you clearance to fly.”

  Witnessing the mirth on Mom’s face caused the corners of his lips to turn a tad upward. “I think he is lucky he is halfway around the world. Otherwise, you and Bella would be serving his head on a platter for dinner.”

  Bella smiled, still livid, but pleased to see Danny’s tiny grin. The boy had vast coping skills, but returning to the army, albeit temporarily, would be tremendously difficult for him. And the current issues only compounded the problem. “I wish Dr. Braxton could’ve been here, but I understand his need to return to Toronto. His daughter’s broken ankle will prevent her from treating their regular patients, and he needs to cover for her.”

  Conversation halted as Dr. Granger entered wearing a scowl. “I do not recommend travel … confined to a hospital bed would be best.” />
  Dan took charge. “The liver scan … anything to prevent me from flying?”

  “It is not bleeding if that is your question, but again—”

  “Can I travel?” Dan demanded with authority, understanding he must go even if he felt like shit … which he did.

  May 23

  Kandahar – General Broderick’s Office – 0300 Hours

  William peered out his window at the starless night due to heavy cloud cover. The blackness matched his mood. This was not the way he wanted Daniel to resume his career. Yes, he believed his son belonged in the military, but he wished for him to come back of his own accord, not via orders.

  He loathed having to do this to Daniel, especially with his precarious health, but William could find no other solution and many lives hung in the balance. The information he required, only Daniel could provide, and it must be done here, so he made the hard call. And what a call … Yvonne’s words cut him to the core and still rang in his ears.

  ‘William Arthur Broderick, are you serious? How can you for one moment consider putting our son’s life at such risk again? He almost died only fourteen days ago. He is in no condition to be walking about, let alone traveling to a war-torn region with limited medical facilities.

  ‘And I told you what Pastore, Hardy, and Lexa did to him. His state of mind is as battered as his body … perhaps more. He requires tender loving care and time to heal his soul-deep wounds. Danny needs me, and you are pulling him away from me yet again. We finally got our boy back, and now you’re doing something which may push him away from you forever, or God forbid, cost him his life.

  ‘Bella and I are taking him to the local hospital. If the doctor says travel is out of the question, I will personally call Jerrell McFergus, and if your commander doesn’t put a stop to this madness, Bella will be contacting the Prime Minister. And if he can make the journey, I promise you now … if any harm comes to Danny, I will never forgive you, William.’


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