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OUTCAST: Trust, Friendship, And Injustice (Beauty 0f Life Book 9)

Page 54

by Laura Acton

  William took a breath. “It is no secret I want Daniel back in the military, but I didn’t want to recall him involuntarily, and emphatically not for this reason. The timing couldn’t be worse with his health and emotional stability already in question. Dredging up the details of their demise will cause him immense anguish. Danny cared a great deal for them … they each held a special spot in his heart. Since he is pissed off at me and our relationship is rocky at best, I wanted you here so Daniel can lean on you.”

  Blaze stared, barely able to keep his mouth from gaping. “You didn’t have to order me … you could’ve asked. I would’ve been here in a heartbeat.”

  Confession benefitting his soul, William added, “Had to be an order. You needed to be part of the mission officially, or you would not be allowed to sit in when we interview Daniel. I’m counting on you to be the steadying force he requires to get through this.

  “If certain recent events had not occurred, I wouldn’t doubt Daniel’s ability to handle this on his own. But given the time of year and what his so-called team did to him. Well, he needs someone who has always covered his six.”

  Blaze blinked. He understood from Wilson what happened to Dan … how the ex-cops abducted and beat him to within an inch of his life, but the comment about Alpha Team left him perplexed. “Sir, what exactly do you mean? Keswick told me about Snow and his cronies … but Blondie’s team? They found him. They have his back, right?”

  Raking a hand through his hair, William leaned back in his chair again and blew out a breath. “I truly believed they did until Yvonne shared with me why our boy was not at work the morning he was taken.”

  Blaze peered at the man he once hated to the core. He now possessed profound respect for him, understanding the challenges Broderick faced being his son’s commanding officer. A time or two he walked in William’s shoes when he led Blondie on dangerous missions. “Care to share?”

  William glanced at the ceiling as he made another tough decision. Though technically not his place to disclose, Daniel would need Blaze, and him being fully briefed on all Daniel was dealing with at the moment would be in the best interest of his son. Returning his gaze to Blaze, he confided, “I’m sharing this with you in confidence. Daniel broke the TRF non-fraternization rules and began dating Lexa. Pastore and Hardy found out, and they laid into Daniel.

  “Hardy’s words were unconscionable and downright disgusting. He placed the entire thing at Daniel’s feet and told him point blank Lexa deserved better than him.” William divulged the content of Hardy’s rant, then said, “I swear, if I were a lesser man, I would grab my sniper rifle and …” William halted and sucked in a breath.

  “Pastore forced Danny to take two weeks off. If he hadn’t, Daniel would’ve been at work on the seventh instead of out running when the bastards ambushed him and proceeded to beat him for a full two days. If not for the Internal Affairs detectives arriving to talk to Daniel on the eighth, my son would’ve died before anyone on his team bothered to notice he was missing.

  “And McKenna, it takes two to tango. I’m not pleased with how she treated Daniel, but I understand her breaking things off after Pastore witnessed them kissing. I only hope she possesses the character and honor to step up and accept her part in this and doesn’t try to blame Daniel for the whole affair.”

  Shock and anger lit a fire in Blaze’ eyes. “How the hell can they do that to him? Dammit! I want to rip Hardy’s fucking head off.”

  William smirked. “Glad you are here and not in Canada. Wouldn’t want you brought up on murder charges.”

  Blaze halted mid-rise, needing to pace and burn off his rage, as the words hit him. Resuming his seat, he released a long, heavy exhale as his gaze connected with Broderick’s. “The kid’s life is never easy, is it?”

  “No.” William’s expression sobered. “Daniel chose to be a cop against my wishes which strained things between us. He gets assigned to a corrupt training officer fresh out of the academy. Snow and the others almost beat Daniel to death when they learned he reported them to IA. Afterward, the constables in the division treated him as an outcast, so he joined the service. Then everything with Plouffe. Daniel returns to the force and a gang with a vendetta against Palomo release the four bastards who try to kill my son again.”

  Closing his eyes, William moved his head back and forth slowly and sighed. Reopening, soul-deep aching shone in the blue orbs. “Daniel’s suffered much injustice. Some days, I wonder if my boy will live to be thirty.” And if Yvonne gets wind of what transpired here, I won’t make it to my fifty-eighth year.

  A knock and Weeks opening the door prevented Blaze from responding.

  “General, you said to notify you immediately if Mr. Keswick called.” Karla held up a phone. “He’s on the line now.”

  William rose and strode to the entrance. “Thanks.” He stepped outside the secure room which blocked cell phone signals. With strong concern in his tone, he asked, “Wilson, what’s wrong?”

  “Thanks for the vote of confidence, sir. Nothing. I’m calling to inform you Dan is starting to stir. Oh, and you better hurry, you do realize keeping him in this bed will be a challenge. He’s liable to sign out AMA regardless of whether he can walk.” Wilson gazed at Danny who disliked hospitals so much he may well crawl out if he couldn’t stand.

  “I’m on my way. If he wakes before we arrive, tell him if he values my life and yours, he must remain in that bed, or his mother will kill us. On second thought, only say yours … with his frame of mind, he might be willing to sacrifice mine.” William hung up and turned to Blaze with an odd expression which appeared to be fear. “He’s waking, and if he tries to leave, I’m pretty much a dead man if my wife ever finds out.”

  At the look on the general’s face, Blaze recalled the double funeral comment earlier and added it to the latest one. He couldn’t help a small chuckle. “You are so in trouble with the wife aren’t you, sir?”

  William drew in a sharp breath as he started to stride down the hall with Blaze beside him. “Oh, you have no idea how much, none what so ever. I wasn’t joking with Wilson. Even if she never learns of the renewed bleeding and infection, you still may be attending a funeral after she gets her hands on me for recalling him to active duty against his will.”

  Base Hospital – Dan’s Room – 1040 Hours

  When Blaze and William hurried into the room, Wilson hovered near the foot of Dan’s bed. “Not quite conscious yet. Danny’s eyes opened several times briefly but closed without focusing on anything. I called his name, and he didn’t respond. He appears to be …” Wilson left the rest unsaid, and all eyes turned to Danny when he moaned.

  Blaze moved in close, rested his hand on Blondie’s left bicep, and lightly squeezed. An act he had done way too many times in the years he was the kid’s CO. “I’m here, Blondie. You are safe.”

  Dan’s lids partially lifted but fell. His lashes fluttered up again, remaining open a fraction of a second longer before shutting. Awareness came in pieces. A piney antiseptic scent associated with a place he dreaded filled his olfactory receptors causing his brows to scrunch slightly and his muscles to tense.

  Pervasive aching throughout his entire body triggered a moan as his head lolled to the side, seeking the familiar voice which always meant protection and comfort. His eyelids not cooperating, too heavy to lift, Dan’s tongue darted out to lick at dry lips. The touch on his arm, well-known and appreciated, signified he was not alone wherever he might be. One word formed in his mind … hospital … as another came out in a whisper, “Blaze.”

  “I’m right here. Can you open your eyes for me?”

  Gaining ground on consciousness and with enormous effort, Dan complied with the request. Unfocused sapphire orbs sought the man he trusted without reservation.

  “Welcome back, Kid.” Blaze released a soft breath he had been holding.

  Lashes moving up and down in a slow cadence, Dan endeavored to cling to wakefulness as the pull to go back to where he had been … a
place of laughter, sunshine, cool breezes, and most alluringly pain-free … tempted him. “Blaze?”


  Attaining a smidgeon of alertness, his throat dry, Dan croaked, “Hurts.”

  William stepped to the open door and flagged down the closest nurse. “Daniel is awake and in pain. He needs meds now.” When the nurse hastened away, he returned to his boy’s side. “Relief will be here momentarily.”

  Rolling his head to the opposite side, Dan peered at his father, confused by his presence. “Dad?”

  Clasping his son’s hand, William drew in a shaky breath at Daniel’s use of dad instead of general or sir. His heart soared. Perhaps he will forgive me. “You gave us quite a scare, Son.”

  “Yes, you did,” Wilson said.

  Dan’s gaze shifted to the foot of his bed, confusion growing. “Wilson?” Recollection came back in a flash, and Dan groaned. “In Kandahar.”

  “You are,” Blaze confirmed. “Do you recall why?”

  Dan nodded in answer, wanting something to wet his throat. “Water?”

  Entering and catching the request, Hanna strolled to the bedside as she said, “I’ll bring you some ice chips in a moment. First, let’s get these pain meds on board.” She positioned herself to hide the syringe, having strict instructions to keep them from her patient’s view. “My name is Hanna, and I’m your nurse today. With you back among the living, we can remove the catheter, but we’ll wait and let this take effect. You’ll need to use the plastic urinal to pee until the doctor indicates it is safe for you to walk.”

  His eyes moved to his lower body, though covered by a sheet, now that she mentioned it, Dan detected the pressure of the flexible tubing and the chaffing of the tell-tale tape holding it in place on his leg. His perception of time spun as he shifted his eyes to Blaze. “How long have I been here?”

  Not realizing she shouldn’t answer, Hanna spoke before Blaze formed a diversion. “This is your third day. You arrived on the twenty-third and today is the twenty-sixth.” Hanna finished administering the painkiller and smiled at the blond soldier. “Sit tight, and I’ll grab the ice.” Hanna turned and left without realizing the bomb she dropped.

  Damn! So much for protecting him. As despair and guilt reflected in the kid’s eyes, Blaze held tight to Blondie’s left arm and voiced what he should’ve said almost two years ago, “You’re not alone. We’ll get through this together.”

  A little liquid leaked into the corners of Dan’s eyes as he squeezed them shut and pressed his head into the pillow. The loss of Brody … his remorse … his heartache … surged forth, swamping him and threatening to drown him. The hands of two others laid on him. One he attributed to his father held his right shoulder. The other belonging to Wilson settled on his shin. He drew strength from the offered comfort as he fought wave after wave of grief.

  He had no idea how long he remained still, though he heard his dad tell the nurse not now when she returned and asked them to leave so she could remove the catheter. Dan ignored the rest of their conversation which likely dealt with her asking if he was okay … which he was not.

  Wet, glistening eyelashes flickered open as Dan sought out Blaze. He sucked in a ragged breath and gradually exhaled as he pushed his emotions deep and attempted to don an impassive mask.

  “Don’t. You don’t have to hide your grief. Let it out.” A tear trickled down Blaze’s cheek as he spoke. “Told you once before … real men cry.”

  Unable to release tears in front of his father, too much history there to overcome ingrained habits, especially being in Kandahar, Dan wiped at his eyes removing all trace of wetness. He needed a distraction to make it through today. Wrapping himself in his soldier mantle, Dan turned to the general … easier to remain self-contained thinking in those terms.

  Though his throat remained dry, Dan said, “Sir, you needed information from me, days ago. I hope my screw up didn’t cost innocent lives and—”

  “This isn’t on you!” William barked, trying not to be angry with Daniel, but exasperated with him for taking blame for something out of his control, and furious with himself because he neglected to warn the hospital staff not to reveal the date to his son.

  “But, sir, I failed to convey whatever info you required promptly. I’m sorry. Do you still need the data? If so, what do you think I can provide?”

  Blaze blew up, emotions off-kilter and exhaustion playing a role. “Stop it, Blondie! You almost die, and you’re sorry for not providing information? How can you believe for one second you failed? You shouldn’t have been traveling in the first place! None of this is your fault. Is. That. Clear?”

  Dan glimpsed the inferno in Blaze’s eyes and swallowed hard. Rarely was he the target of the man’s ire. And in truth, he was not now either. “Crystal.”

  Noting the continued raspiness of Danny’s voice and understanding the topic of conversation would be beyond his current security clearance, Wilson decided to allow the three privacy to sort this out. “I’m going to round up some ice chips for Danny. Back in a few.”

  William raked both hands through his hair, taking a moment to calm. Daniel doesn’t need a general or anger. He needs a compassionate father willing to express his concern. Learning from the past, he spoke in a soft tone, “The responsibility lies with me. Old habits die hard, but I should’ve modified my behavior with you after all we discovered last year. You’re in the hospital now because I chose duty over family. I regret my decision and hope you can forgive me.”

  Regaining control and banking his fiery temper, Blaze came to the general’s defense. “Blondie, your father didn’t have another option. Data is missing and I strongly … we both suspect Plouffe altered the AAR. Sadly, you are the only member of the operation alive, and you might possess the knowledge which may avert mass casualties.”

  Putting his hand back on Danny’s shoulder, William continued, “We still need the details, but your health is my priority. You’ve been running a fever from an infection, and the doctor is concerned your liver might begin bleeding again if you step foot out of this bed. I refuse to risk your life again.”

  Making a command decision, this time in favor of his son, William gave his boy a wry smile. “And I believe you’ll be more comfortable if we let Nurse Hanna take care of business. Blaze and I will step out and round up something to eat. If I recall correctly, green jello is your favorite.” He eyed Blaze before inclining his head to the door. “Go find Hanna, please.”

  Blaze nodded. “Relax, and don’t go anywhere, Kid.”

  Resigned he possessed no control at the moment, not with Blaze, Wilson, and Dad in charge, Dan closed his eyes. “Not going anywhere.”

  Bargaining Chip


  May 26

  Base Hospital – Dan’s Room – 1230 Hours

  Semi-reclined on his hospital bed, Dan spooned in the last of the lime jello Blaze brought him. At the moment, only Wilson sat in the room with him after returning from getting a shower and shaving. Blaze and his father were off doing the same now, plus eating lunch out of his sight because the doctor had not allowed him more than clear liquids.

  He reached for his cup of ice chips and shook some into his mouth, letting them melt as his mind wandered. The past couple of hours had been a twisting roller coaster of emotions. Thoughts of Brody were never far from the surface, but he did his best to keep his stoic façade in place. Lexa came as a close second, followed by curiosity as to which mission was so dire it required recalling him to provide details.

  Lastly, he fought the urge to walk out of the hospital. Dan mostly blamed himself for this predicament. If he been more careful returning to his seat and exiting the plane, he wouldn’t be stuck in this dreaded place. Having spent too much time in hospitals, he hated the smell and everything to do with them.

  He endeavored to convince Dr. Chakram to release him, promising to remain in bed in the quarters assigned to him, but the man wouldn’t be swayed. And since the doc wouldn’t budge, neither did his t
hree watchdogs. The minute Wilson returned, he had not once taken his eyes off him and forbade him from shifting one foot off the bed.

  A smirk grew as Dan figured out a way to get out of here. I’m no dummy, and though I’m still unsure of my negotiation ability in life and death situations, I learned enough in my two years with TRF that I can use the skill to my advantage now. My bargaining chip … the general needs info I possess and most likely it can’t be communicated in an unsecured location.

  “What’s that whip-smart brain of yours formulating?” Wilson probed, noting Danny’s change in expression.

  “Huh?” Dan wiped the smirk off his face and stared at Wilson with innocent doe eyes.

  “You don’t fool me one bit.” Wilson tapped a finger to his forehead. “The hamster wheels are spinning and the outcome … well, that is to be seen, but if you’re planning on wheedling yourself out of here, think again. Not happening. You’re staying put until the doctor releases you.”

  The easy camaraderie he shared with Wilson had him grinning. “We’ll see.”

  “What will we see about?” Blaze queried as he strode in. A shower, burger, and coffee refreshed him, but it was Blondie’s grin which put the sunshine in his day. He set a strawberry shake on the rolling table in front of the kid.

  Dan glanced at the milkshake. “For me? Or are you being cruel?”

  “I won’t tell if you don’t, but I’m not bringing you coffee.” Blaze handed a fresh cup of coffee to Wilson and took a seat next to him. “The kid behaving?”

  “Outwardly, yes … but I believe he is plotting an escape.” Wilson took a sip, glad for the caffeine.

  Blaze chuckled. “He might be well-trained in escape and evasion, but he’s not getting past us.”

  “He is right here and doesn’t appreciate being talked about like he’s not.” Dan sucked on the straw, enjoying the sweet and tart flavor of the smuggled treat, recognizing he needed to consume it before Nurse Hanna discovered it and took it from him.


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