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OUTCAST: Trust, Friendship, And Injustice (Beauty 0f Life Book 9)

Page 73

by Laura Acton

  Nick sat back, his hat lying on the table as he stopped himself from scrubbing his face … a nervous tick he needed to quit. “Loki, call Dr. Cay’s office and check if he is still there.”

  Loki nodded and fished out his mobile phone, preparing to scroll through his contacts for his dentist, but halted when Dan appeared at the entrance of the conference room, thoroughly drenched in sweat.

  Dan headed straight for the briefing room to report instead of the lockers to change but abruptly halted as six sets of eyes pinned him. This morning didn’t go as planned … not at all. As he jogged upstairs, he realized he would be in so much trouble for being late without calling and prepared himself for Boss and Jon to read him the riot act. They might even write him up, especially for not communicating. Though, perhaps once he explained, they would change their minds.

  He found various expressions but each also displayed a massive dose of worry, even Lexa, which confused. If she still actually cared about him, she wouldn’t keep flaunting her new relationship with Duke in his face. Most of their countenances transformed to relief, but Jon’s changed to rage.

  “Just where the hell have you been, Broderick, and why didn’t you call?” Jon glared at Dan, unable to stop his initial reaction, but Dan’s slight grin made him ease back.

  Jon cares, he wouldn’t be this angry if he didn’t. Meeting Jon’s gaze, Dan erased the grin from his face. “I’m sorry. Would have if I could.” He pulled out a damaged phone and set the unusable device on the table before wiping dripping sweat from his brow.

  Loki reached out and picked up the cell phone. Eyes rounding, he stared at several puncture holes in the phone which was also suspiciously damp and slimy. In an incredulous tone, he asked, “Are those bite marks?”

  Ray stood and stepped closer to take a look. “Whoa!”

  A lopsided grin formed again as Dan said, “Yeah, long story. Sorry for worrying everyone. Not my intention. As I said, would’ve called if I could’ve, but …” he pointed to his busted phone.

  Jon’s temper dissipated with Dan standing here safe and well, but sternness still imbued his words, “Go shower and change. We’ll listen to your explanation when you return.”

  Dan nodded and hurried off to the locker room for a quick shower.

  Jon strode over to Loki and took the slimy phone. “Bite marks?” He started to chuckle. “This has got to be one hell of a story. Can’t wait to hear it.”

  Lexa exhaled her held breath. The lump which had been forming in her throat dissolved when Dan stepped into view unharmed. Turning to peer out the window, she endeavored to calm her racing pulse. Loving a man I can’t have is difficult, particularly when I must work with him every shift and pretend all I want is to be his teammate.

  She wished Duke would stop coming by HQ, she hinted to him several times not to but had not said so explicitly because him dropping by helped maintain the façade she moved on regardless of who her heart wanted. With enough time, she might one day love someone else … Duke perhaps … he was a decent guy minus his inability to read the meaning of her hints … like Dan always did.

  Squeezing her eyes shut, Lexa chanted in her head. Dan is only your friend and teammate … nothing more and nothing less. Let it go … release your turtle dove. You have no claim on him now … none. He is free to fly away and love another and so are you.

  Fifteen minutes later, Dan reentered the room, his hair still somewhat damp, but refreshed from his shower, and prepared for the day. About to take his seat to explain, the klaxon alarm sounded, and Tia’s voice came over the speaker. “Alpha Team, shots fired at Heart Sparks dating agency.”

  The team rose and trotted for the SUVs each turning on their headsets and assuming their roles … a well-oiled machine and Toronto’s finest TRF team.

  The Pond – 8:00 p.m.

  The team decided to go for a drink after work to take advantage of the rare time Boss, and Jon owed them a round. Dan and Loki strolled in last, having stopped by the tech room to grab Dan’s new phone to which Loki transferred all Dan’s contacts and photos. Approaching the group, Dan patted Loki’s back. “Thanks for the ride and saving my data. Didn’t want to lose all the snapshots of my new niece and nephew.”

  As they sat down, Loki smiled. “No problem, anytime for my friend. Okay, now time to spill it. How did your phone get chewed to bits?”

  About to launch into the tale, Dan stopped when the waitress came over and asked, “The usual guys?”

  They both nodded, and she started to walk away, but Dan twisted and called to her. “Hey, Casey, sorry, make mine a ginger ale instead.” She gave him a little salute before continuing to the bartender. Dan turned back to the table and found most everyone peering at him quizzically.

  Jon ventured, “Why?”

  Dan shrugged. Though he wanted a beer often in the last few months, more so after Lexa returned, he refrained. “Per doctor’s orders. No alcohol for a couple more weeks to protect my liver.”

  Nick patted Dan on the shoulder as he smiled, proud of his officer and friend for taking care of himself.

  “Glad you’re following his orders. We wouldn’t want to lose you again,” Bram declared.

  Dan glanced over in time to catch Jon nod in the affirmative, but he couldn’t quite read his expression. Damn, Jon is still an enigma, but he’ll always cover my six and be in my corner. Although his methods leave something to be desired at times when he loudly and angrily verbalizes when he believes I messed up. Dan possessed ample experience in dealing with loud, obnoxious superiors in the military, so handling Jon’s tirades would be old hat for him. But from now on, when Jon yelled, he would search for the meaning behind his tactical lead’s words instead of focusing on only the words.

  Loki shifted on his seat with an eager mien. “No more downers, time for laughs. Do tell, bite marks and a huge hole in the phone?”

  Grinning, Dan recounted, “Well I started out at the dentist.” He flashed his pearly WOW smile getting snickers from the team. “Turned out to be a cavity, my first. Tried to tell her to drill without novocaine but she insisted.”

  Dan chuckled. “Loki, you should’ve told me she’s a pediatric dentist. Man, I barely fit in the chair, and when they started the nitrous, one of the kids looked over at me and said, don’t be such a big baby, you don’t need the laughing stuff, it is only a little poke.”

  Loki snickered. “She’s the best though.”

  “Melissa, the assistant turned to the smart aleck and said, but this is his first cavity, not his tenth one like you, so be nice. After I was dosed up, Dr. Cay had an emergency come in, and by the time she got to me, I was not as numb, but I let her do her thing, not wanting to be later than nine. Afterward, I hurried back to my place to deliver food to Mr. Waggles.”

  Ray asked, “Who is Mr. Waggles?”

  Dan shared, “My neighbor’s puppy. Mrs. Stark is unable to lift the hefty bags, and I used to carry them for her all the time. The pup went hungry the day Snow abducted me because I was supposed to pick up his food that morning. When I returned from Kandahar, I arranged for deliveries, but the market’s runner quit, so I took care of it today.

  “After dropping the bag off, I headed back downstairs to the bike rack and found my front tire flat. I must have gotten a nail or something on the way back from the dentist. As I squatted to examine the tire, I pulled out my phone to inform Boss I might be a few minutes later because my truck is still in the shop for routine maintenance. That’s when one hundred and sixty pounds of solid muscle slammed into me.”

  Dan nodded thanks to Casey as she set down his soda, picking it up he took a sip. “Boo-Boo got away from his handler and decided he wanted to make friends. Unfortunately, his method involves knocking you over, standing on your chest and slobbering all over your face.”

  Attempting to behave naturally, Lexa asked, “What the heck is a boo boo?”

  “A small owie, kinda like what Jon and Boss got today,” Bram couldn’t resist saying, but turned his gaze b
ack to Dan after Lexa rolled her eyes at him.

  Chuckling, Dan said, “Boo-Boo is a full-grown Tibetan Mastiff who thinks he is still the size of a puppy. Anyways, over I went, the cell phone took flight, and the playful mastiff thought I threw him a toy.”

  Dan sighed. “Shelia and I chased after the dog trying to catch him. When we finally managed to corral him, and I retrieved the phone, well, you saw the results. We ended up catching him halfway to headquarters. So, I high-tailed it to work.”

  They started pelting Dan with questions, and by the end of his tale and explanation of a keystone cops’ version of the chase of Boo-Boo, everyone was laughing uproariously. Bram flagged down the barmaid for the next round and pointed to Nick when she asked whose tab to put it on.

  Relaxed, Bram peered at his extended family. Today could’ve been terrible. They might’ve lost both Nick and Jon if not for Dan’s and Lexa’s teamwork. If those two had not been so in sync with one another on the job, the subjects would’ve succeeded in blowing up Heart Sparks’ offices along with Jon and Nick who lay unconscious in the room rigged with explosives.

  To anyone who didn’t know both as well as he did, they would appear okay, and though they did an excellent job of covering their true feelings, Bram could tell each remained heartbroken and were F.I.N.E. outside of work. He decided to ensure he treated both with kindness as they navigated the minefield they must cross while their hearts healed.

  From what he observed in the past five weeks, the non-fraternization rule did not fit every situation and every individual. If any couple could work together and maintain the priority of life protocol, he would bet his life savings Lexa and Dan would be the one in a million who would be successful. But reality would keep them apart until one of them determined they would survive without the team … a bit of insight Kellie offered to him.

  Bram tuned back into the conversation as Nick raised his soda and said, “Here’s to Alpha Team … the best bunch of people I’ve ever worked with, Dan, Lexa, thank you for great work today.”

  Jon nodded. “I’m going home to my wife and kids tonight because of you two. Thanks.”

  And I get to go to an empty apartment which contains too many reminders of the woman I love but can never have. Dan quickly shelved the negative thoughts. They were not allowed while in the presence of the team. While alone and in the privacy of his place it was another story. He gave Jon a half-smile. “I’m glad we were able to take down the subjects and stop them from detonating the bomb.”

  The team stayed for a few hours, joking around, everyone in a happy mood with the result of their only call of the day. Bram and Jon, with wives waiting for them, headed home first. A short time later, Nick followed, leaving Lexa, Dan, Ray, and Loki at the table.

  Conversation lulled after the senior members exited until Loki innocently waggled his eyebrows at Dan. “So, this Shelia, she hot? You get her number?”

  Dan gave a strained chuckle and shook his head. “Wouldn’t tell you if she was or if I did.” Noting the flash of fire in Lexa’s eyes, recognizing it as hurt, he wanted to change the subject. He recalled his conversation with Scott last night when he revealed he and Lexa broke up and his cousin’s idea. “I spoke to Scott yesterday, and he suggested taking a weekend skiing trip after Blue Mountain opens for the season. Do either of you two ski?”

  Loki jumped at the opportunity. He had forgotten all about asking Dan. “I do, haven’t been for several years. Maybe we could make it a foursome?”

  “I’m out. Make it a threesome. I’m on a strict budget to save enough for my wedding. We settled on doing the Jamaican beach next summer.” Ray grinned thinking about how Maurita’s eyes lit up when he proposed, and strangely enough her answer was quite similar to Loki’s when she admitted she had been waiting for him to ask since before she agreed to move to Toronto.

  As Dan and Loki talked about skiing, although she shouldn’t care, Lexa felt like an outcast when Dan didn’t include her in his question. She lifted her water, having only one beer tonight because losing any control around the guys could be dangerous. She glanced at Ray, also recognizing she should not possess these feelings, but remained envious of Ray and Maurita. They could be with the person they loved, not forced to bury and ignore their hearts.

  Unable to take much more today, she set her glass down. Working with Dan to safeguard Boss and Jon felt so right, like old times, but after, when she realized she would be going home to an empty house which held too many memories of Dan, her happy mood deteriorated. “I’m out of here. Don’t stay out too late. You all need your beauty sleep. Catch you tomorrow, boys.”

  Dan jumped up. “I’ll walk you to your Jeep.”

  She stopped to glare at him. “I don’t need protection. I can handle myself.”

  Cocking his head to the side, Dan modulated his voice, careful not to show his real emotion. “I know. I was also gonna ask you for a ride home instead of calling a cab.”

  What can I say to his request, right here in front of Loki and Ray? If I decline, they will wonder why, but what will happen if I agree? Lexa plastered on a smile she hoped passed for normal. “Sure anytime. What are friends for? Let’s go, Broderick.” She turned on her heel and strode out believing she covered her emotions well enough.

  Dan grabbed his go-bag from the back of the chair. “See ya tomorrow and, Loki, we’ll talk more about a ski trip.” He rushed out after Lexa. He decided it was high time they had a little discussion, because frankly if they didn’t resolve some things, neither one of them would last much longer on Alpha Team.

  After Dan left, Loki sighed. “I planned on taking him home, but I’m glad he asked Lexa. They never spend time together anymore after work. Not once have I heard them talk about grabbing a beer and burger like they did before Lexa got shot.”

  Unwilling to reveal the real reason to Loki, Ray deflected, “Lexa has a boyfriend now, and that will put a crimp in a guy-girl friendship. Doubt Duke would appreciate Lexa going out to dinner with Dan.”

  Studying his beer bottle, Loki shook his head. “But she and I still hang out.”

  Ray decided humor would stop the inquiry. “Bro, if you were Duke, who would you regard the greater threat to your girl, you or Dan?”

  Loki tried to appear pouting but busted out laughing. “I get your point. I’m the geeky little brother, but Dan is the star athlete who gets all the girls.”

  Patting Loki’s shoulder, Ray said, “You’ll find the right woman someday, and she won’t ever once consider Dan over you. Come on. You can give me a ride. I drank four beers to your two tonight.”

  Lexa Jeep at Dan’s Apartment – 11:45 p.m.

  Arriving at Dan’s place, having ridden in silence the whole way, Lexa shut off the Jeep realizing they needed to talk and recognizing that to be the real reason Dan asked for a lift home. Both began to speak then stopped. After a moment of silence, Lexa said, “You first.”

  His eyes stared forward for another minute before he shifted in the seat and turned towards her. “Lexa, this is hard …” Dan halted, clenching his teeth, unsure how to continue.

  Having learned if she stayed quiet, he tended to open up, Lexa patiently waited for him to share his thoughts.

  Struggling to come up with words, his gaze returned to the windshield. How to make this happen? What to say? How to be open without laying my heart out there to be stomped on again? Loosening his jaw, he glanced back at her. With sincerity in his voice he started, “Lexa, I want to be friends not only work partners. I accept it won’t happen overnight but with time …”

  He exhaled deeply. “Something still connects us … without it, well, I think we both realize Boss and Jon would be dead. We communicated with one another without words today. That has only ever happened with two other people in my life … my sister Sara and Brody. So, it means something to me. Both of those relationships were platonic, and the link existed.”

  Dan took one of her hands into his, glad when she didn’t pull away. “I understand we must l
et go of the romantic piece between us … it isn’t what either of us needs now. I value your friendship and the trust we built, and I don’t want to lose that part too. I want you to be able to turn to me if you need anything and to know I’ll always cover your six, both on and off the job.

  “You will never be alone in the world. There is nothing you can do which would make me abandon you. I want you to be happy, and I’ll even learn to accept Duke if he is who your heart desires. Before we started dating, we were friends. Lexa, can we remain friends?” Crap, I said too much. So much for not wearing my bleeding heart on my sleeve. Please don’t rip me to shreds again, Lexa … don’t think I can survive if you do.

  Lexa’s mind whirled, and her heart cried. He said everything I wanted to tell him. Scary how in sync we are. Time to tell Duke not to come by HQ anymore. I’m not going to hurt Dan again … it would be an injustice to a wonderful man.

  Placing her other hand on top of his, the zing coursed through her, ebbing after a moment but didn’t stop entirely. “Your trust and friendship are valued by me. We can do this! Best friends can get through anything together.” She leaned over and gave him a light kiss on his cheek.

  The fire in Dan’s heart which he believed doused, never to be rekindled, sparked to life. My beauty gave me a kiss of hope.

  Keep reading for a sneak peek

  at Laura Acton’s tenth novel

  in the Beauty of Life series.

  Sneak Peek:


  Above and Beyond

  After several grueling months back on the job, attempting to find a life beyond Lexa, Constable Dan Broderick plans his first real vacation.

  Hoping to reconnect with his ‘twin’ cousin Scott, and further his friendship with his quirky teammate Loki, he invites both.


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